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Name : Nur Emylin Binti Zainuddin

Class : MLG1204A

Matrix Number : 2018290148

Short story Outline

Title : Life Of Magi

Setting :
 Place : In the Magi’s house, In the old gentleman’s house
 Time : Magi’s past, In the future

Main characters : A young girl named Magi

Supporting characters : Magi’s mother (Samantha), Magi’s father (Andrew), Magi’s step
mother (Alice), Magi’s step brother (Jacob) and An old gentleman

Theme : The struggle of a young girl, named Magi to survive from her step family.

Moral of the story : In this life, things keep happen to us. The bad thing and the good thing.
However, the only things that truly matters is how we react to it and how we figure the way
out from the problems that we have.

Plot :

 Exposition :
- Magi is a fifteen years old girl that lives with her very gracious and loving family
in a mock Elizabethan house.
- Her mother has passed away a year ago due to heart attack when her father was
going out for work.
- Magi’s life was full of beautiful and cheerful moments back then when she lives
with her own family but right after her mother has passed away, her life turns out
to be miserable when she lives with her step family.

 Rising Action :
- A year after Samantha was dead, Magi’s father decided to remarried again to his
own best friend, named Alice.
- Alice really hates Magi because Andrew always prioritise Magi rather than her
self and her own son, Jacob.
- She threaten Magi by saying that if she told his father what she was doing to her,
she would make her even more suffer and kill her.
- She, being a really cruel step mother, she asked Jacob to hit Magi on her head
with a pile of books right after Magi failed to cook a breakfast for them because of
- Alice also chase Magi out from the house.

 Falling Acton :
- An old gentleman helps Magi by taking her to his home and treat the wound on
Magi’s head and after that they had their dinner.
- During dinner, Magi shared her problem and complained to the old gentleman
about her life which is miserable, and she was tired of fighting and struggling all
the time.

 Resolution :
- The old gentleman give some advices to Magi
- She decided to borrow the old gentleman’s phone and call her father to tell the
- Finally, Andrew regret and realised that he have neglected his own responsibility
towards his beloved daughter.
- Andrew picked Magi from the old gentleman house and brings her back. He
divorced Alice and chased her out from his house.

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