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Follow these updates in chronological order, starting with the earliest update and working forwards.

23 March 2020, 9am

• Due to the suspension of post-lecture tutorial/workshops last week, to allow for curriculum to proceed,
the teaching activities for Week 2 (16 - 20 Mar) have been extended by a week. Week 2 effectively runs
from 16 - 27 Mar to allow for completion of missing tutorial/workshops.
• BFF1001 is a good position, we did not miss out as the suspended workshops were delivered as
Interactive Workshop videos. We will use the extra teaching time this week to introduce the ZIW.
• ZIWs starting this Tues 24 Mar, are a combination of Topic 1 content review, consultation and Topic 2
introduction. Staff highly recommend these to all students so that they can familiarise themselves with
the Zoom platform. Note: Week 2 ZIWs are not assessed for participation. ZIWs starting in W3 from the
30 Mar onward are counted.
• See the Zoom Interactive Workshop Schedule in Moodle for the weekly timetable.

• Students can elect to do any one of the 8 scheduled workshops. There is no fixed allocation. You can
choose to do the same workshop each week or alternate between the ones of your choice.
• See the following extract of the Fri 20 Mar lecture:

• The updated unit guide and assessment structure is due for submission by Fri 27 Mar4; till that
is released, the updated unit assessment timeline is now available on Moodle with the new
due dates for assessment. TBP updated details should be released on Tues 24 March.
• Students are strongly encouraged to continue to form your teams, @ team representatives:
submit the Team Registration form asap.
18 March 2020, 11pm
• From W3 – W12, there will no longer be on-campus workshops. Students can either:
o Live-stream a ZOOM Interactive Workshop (ZIW)
o Complete an Interactive Workshop (IW) video
o Students can alternate between these two options in W3 – W12. You do not have to do only
the IW or ZIW for the remaining 10 weeks of semester. E.g. in W3 and W4, you do the IW and
for the rest of semester you do the ZIW. The choice and combination is yours.
o By completing either the ZIW or IW for each topic, you will earn the in-class Workshop
participation assessment of 0.375%. This combines with your Pre-load assessment of 0.375%1
for the topic, to a total of 0.75%. The best 8 out of 10 weeks of in-class participation will
aggregate to 6% of participation assessment.
o Further details will be forthcoming in the updated unit guide which is currently being prepared.
• The ZOOM Interactive Workshop is meant to replicate, as closely as possible, the experience of
attending on-campus workshops. Just watching videos for online study can be lonely and discouraging.
The objective of coming to class is to learn by interacting with your fellow students and with exciting,
talented educators to deepen your engagement with the unit. Using microphone or built in chat, you
can ask questions live and discuss the curriculum with classmates. We strongly recommend the ZIW for
BFF1001, as it helps provide structure and a schedule that disciplines your learning. Without any
regular routine of class, it is easy for students to become disengaged and not spend the required time
on curriculum.
o Like the on-campus workshops, ZIW is scheduled at specific times and is 2hrs long. The first
hour is an interactive study and the second hour applies the lessons learned in Problem Based
Learning. The schedule will be release in due course.
o Throughout the ZIW, online polling using LCS will engage all students and deliver the PBL
o You need to answer at least half of the LCS questions, throughout the 2hrs of the workshop, to
earn your 0.375% participation assessment. It is graded only on whether you have registered an
answer, not on correctness.
o You can login to ZIW from any location, it is very easy and information will be provided to guide
you through the login.
• You have experienced the IW already, by watching the Orientation Program 3 and the Topic 1 IWs. It
uses imbedded quizzing to help engage your learning rather than just passively watching a video.
o The IW usually consists of two parts, one which provides the learning for Interactive Study and
another which asks you to apply the learning in PBL quizzes.
o You need to answer at least half of the imbedded quiz questions, to earn your 0.375%
participation assessment. It is graded only on whether you have registered an answer, not on
o As you are conducting the learning solely on your own, you need to rely on your own self-
discipline; without the structure and social encouragement of classmates and staff, to spend
sufficient time on curriculum.
• On Thursday 19 Mar 1am – 11.59pm, all sections of BFF1001 Moodle will disabled and students are
required to complete a Moodle Poll to identify whether you prefer ZIW or IW format of workshops.

1 For details, see the 17 March update.

o This is to gauge the demand for ZIW, so that staff have guidance on how many to schedule.
o BFF1001 Moodle will return to normal at 12am Fri 20 Mar.
o The poll is 1 question long and students will have the whole of Thursday to register their
interest for either ZIW or IW workshop format.
17 March 2020, 7pm
• Lectures will be delivered at the scheduled time and venue. Lectures will be live-streamed and
recorded. The lecture recording is available to all students. ILVs2 will continue to be delivered.
o Participation assessment does not apply to Week 2 classes, which includes the Fri 20 Mar.
o Participation assessment will apply to W3 – 12 classes (both Pre-load & Workshop). The same
assessment structure as the current unit guide applies. Each week, the Pre-load is worth
0.375% and the Workshop is worth 0.375%, for a total of 0.75%. There are 10 weeks remaining
from W3 – 12, and the best 8 out of 10 weeks of in-class participation will aggregate to 6% of
participation assessment.
o The cohort partition into Lecture, Live-streaming and Learning capture students is removed.
The partition meant that L students can earn Pre-load participation assessment, only by
attending and answering at least half of the LCS questions delivered in the lecture. The same
applied to LS students. LC students earned Pre-load participation, only by completing the ILV
before Mon 8pm.
o With the cohort partition removed, any student can earn the Pre-load participation assessment
in W3 – 12 by either one of three options:
▪ Attending the lecture and answering at least half of the LCS questions delivered in the
lecture. Lecture attendance is allowed subject to social distancing3.
▪ Live-streaming the lecture and answering at least half of the LCS questions delivered in
the lecture.
▪ Completing the ILV by 8pm on the Monday following the Friday lecture.
• Students can alternate between these three options in W3 – W12.
• E.g. Mabel is a L student; she chooses to complete the ILV before 8pm on the
Monday following the Friday lecture. She earns the Pre-load participation mark
for that topic.
• E.g. Daniel is a LC student and chooses to live-stream the lecture but does not
participate in the LCS online-polling during the lecture. He earns 0 Pre-load
participation mark for that topic.
• E.g. Xiaoting is a LS student and choose to attend the lecture but answers only
1 out of 6 LCS questions. She earns 0 Pre-load participation mark for that topic.
o An update to the unit guide is being prepared and will detail these changes. Delivery of the
updated unit guide will be announced at a later date.
• Interactive Workshop (IW) videos have been provided in the Topic 1 Moodle section as a substitute for
on-campus Week 2 workshops. While not assessed for participation, all students need to complete
these IWs to keep up with curriculum. The Week 2 IWs will be part of curriculum assessed in the Test
and Exam.
• The Topic 1 Homework quiz is now available for study and completion in the Topic 1 Moodle section.
While not assessed for participation, all students need to complete this quiz to keep up with
curriculum. This quiz will be part of curriculum assessed in the Test and Exam.

Interactive Lecture Video which LC students complete to earn Pre-load participation marks. If you are unfamiliar with the acronyms used in this
document, refer back to the Unit Guide
Persons on-campus are required to maintain a distance of 1.5m from each other. Classroom (including lecture) sitting space will be modified to
accommodate. This will severely limit the capacity of K309 to approximately 50 students. Seating is first come first serve and if capacity is reached,
students will not be allowed to enter the venue and will either live-steam or ILV the Pre-load.
• PASS will still run and PASS 1 is being postponed till next week in an online format. Details will be
forthcoming by the end of the week.
• SFN will still run with the next shoot being postponed. Details will be forthcoming when available.

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