Environment: Do Hong Ngoc Diep - Bien Hoa Gifted High-School 1

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1. The best way to resolve the international environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2. Some people think international car-free days are an effective way of reducing air pollution, others
think there are some other ways. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
3. We have entered a throw-away society and fill the environment with rubbish. What are the causes
and what are your solutions?
4. Some people think the main benefit of international cooperation is in protection of the
environment, while others think that the main benefit is in the world business. Discuss both views
and give your opinion?
5. Some countries and individuals try to deal with the problem of animal extinction. Others think it is
more important to deal with problems of human beings. Discuss both views and give your own
6. Some people think pollution and damage of environment are resulted from a country developing
and becoming richer, which this is hard to be avoided. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
7. Environmental problems are too big for individual countries and individual people to address. We
have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is to address it at an
international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
8. Some people think that nuclear energy is better than other source of power for meeting ever-
increasing global needs. To what extent do you agree?
9. Some people say that too much attention and too many resources are given in the protection of
wild animals and birds. Do you agree or disagree about this opinion?
10. Developments in technology has brought various environmental problems. Some believe that
people need to live simpler lives to solve environmental problems. Others, however, believe
technology is the way to solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
11. The world natural resources are consumed at an ever-increased rate. What are the dangers of
this situation? What should we do?
12. Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others believe
individuals can also do some things to solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your
own opinion.
13. Human activity has had a negative impact on plants and animals around the world. Some people
think that this cannot be changed, while others believe actions can be taken to bring about a
change. Discuss both and give your opinion.
14. It is often said that governments spend too much money on projects to protect wildlife, while there
are other problems that are more important? Do you agree or disagree?
15. While some people consider global warming to be the most pressing environmental problem
which we have at the moment, others believe that deforestation has a more devastating impact on
our world. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
16. With increasing populations and ever growing urban centers, many countries are losing their
natural beauty spots. What benefits are there to protecting places of natural beauty? How can this
be solved?
17. With deforestation, urban development and illegal hunting, many animal species are becoming
endangered as they lose their habitat and some are even threatened to the point of extinction. Do
you think it is important to protect animals? What measures can be taken to deal with this
Do Hong Ngoc Diep - Bien Hoa Gifted High-school 1
18. Both governments and individuals are spending vast amounts of money protecting animals and
their habitat. This money could be better spent dealing with fundamental issues in society such as
poverty and health care. To what extent do you agree?
19. Some people think that current environmental issues are global problems and should therefore be
dealt with by the government while others believe that these problems can only be tackled by
individuals. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
20. Many animals are being hunted to the brink of extinction in order to fulfill the demand and greed of
mankind for decorative purposes as well as for other reasons, such as traditional medicine. How
can this issue be tackled?
21. Planting trees is very important for the environment. Some people says trees should be planted in
the vacant areas of cities and towns, while other says housing facilities should be build instead.
Do you agree or disagree ?
22. As a result of tourism and the increasing number of people traveling, there is an growing demand
for more flights. What problems does this have on the environment? What measures could be
taken to solve the problems?
23. The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean
energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. Do you agree or
disagree? Give reasons for your answer.
Group 1 Animal protection

Group 1: Fuel
1. Fossil fuels:
 Pros:
+ Easy storing and transport
+ Cheap
+ Reliability
+ Employment
+ Versatility
 Cons:
+ Unsustainable
+ Pollution

Do Hong Ngoc Diep - Bien Hoa Gifted High-school 2

+ Dangerous (flammable, oil spill)
 Solution:
+ Technology
2. Nuclear energy:
 Pros:
+ Low maintenance cost
+ Reliability
+ Efficiency
 Cons:
+ High initial cost
+ Risk of catastrophe
+ Limited supply
+ Pollution
Group 2: Existing problems
1. Overconsumption:
 Cause:
+ Economic growth
+ Consumerism
+ Tourism
 Effects:
+ Resource depletion
+ Pollution
+ Damage biodiversity
 Solution:
+ Technology
+ Saving
2. Habitat loss:
 Cause:
+ Natural causes: natural catastrophe, earth’s volcanic activity
+ Human causes: Resource exploitation, deforestation, global warming, pollution…
 Effect:
+ Diversity loss, broken food chain, extinction
+ Threats of natural disaster
+ Exacerbate greenhouse effect
+ Desertification
 Solution:
+ Policy
+ Technology
+ Preservation
3. Aviation pollution:
 Effect:
+ Air pollution
+ Noise pollution
 Solution:
+ Technology (fuels, aircrafts…)
+ Alternative vehicles

Group 3: Solutions:
1. Climate engineering:
 Pros:
+ Reverse climate change

Do Hong Ngoc Diep - Bien Hoa Gifted High-school 3

+ Rapid results
 Cons:
+ Unknown climate risks
+ Prohibitive price
2. Reforestation:
 Pros:
+ Cheap
+ Community involvement
+ Long-term investment
 Cons:
+ Time consuming
+ Space occupation
+ Diversity loss
Group 4: Animal protection
1. Animal extinction:
 Cause:
+ Habitat destruction, natural calamities
+ Climate change
+ Human activities (poaching, slaughtering, captivity…)
 Effect:
+ threat to food chain
+ biodiversity
+ cultivation (pollination)
 Solution:
+ conversation parks
+ eco-tourism
+ education
+ policies
+ technology
+ charity
+ boycott

Do Hong Ngoc Diep - Bien Hoa Gifted High-school 4

3. Pros:
 protect the environment
 food production
 medicinal purposes
 enjoyment of future generations
 maintain balance of nature (food chain)
4. Cons:
5. Cause:
 Habitat destruction, natural calamities
 Climate change
 Human activities (poaching, slaughtering…)
6. Measures:
 Conservation parks
 Policy
 Education

Group 5: Responsibility:
1. International:
 Reason:
+ Shared resources
+ Global impacts
+ Timely intervention
+ Lack of budget and technology
2. Domestic:
 Reason:
+ Difference in governance
+ Regional approaches (geography, climate…)

Do Hong Ngoc Diep - Bien Hoa Gifted High-school 5

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