MACRO PERSPECTIVE WEEK 1, - Andrie Luis Salinas BSHM 1.2

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Name: Andrie Luis R.


BSHM 1.2 week 1

Synthesize your learnings from the reading materials by answering the

questions below on a piece of paper or the notes application on your
phone or computer.

How did tourism evolve and develop over the years?

 Based on google that I searched since the beginning of people traveled.

Food, water, safety or acquisition of resources (trade) were the early travel
motivations. ... As roads were improved and governments
stabilized, interest in travel increased for education, sightseeing, and
religious purposes. Travel has become easier and cheaper. More people
have cars and our roads and motorways are better quality, making it easier to
travel further in less time. Also, flights are cheaper and the internet makes it
easy to plan and book a holiday.

What are the different forms of tourism? Provide examples.

 There are three basic forms of tourism: domestic tourism, inbound

tourism, and outbound tourism.
Various purposes have been categorized and these have led to different forms of
tourism. The popular and most basic form of tourism is leisure tourism, under
which family tourism, cultural tourism, religious tourism, sports tourism are
included. Business tourism is also getting momentum
1. Domestic tourism is tourism involving residents of one country traveling
only within that country. A domestic holiday is a vacation spent in the
same country; in British English this may also be called a staycation.
2. What is inbound tourism example?
Inbound Tourism – Visitors from overseas coming into the country. ... For
example, you are an outbound tourist from the UK if you go to Spain on

3. Outbound tourism comprises the activities of residents of a given country

travelling to and staying in places outside their country of residence and
outside their usual environment for not more than 12 consecutive months for
leisure, business and other purposes.

Recall 2-3 travels you have done in the past even before pandemic.
Create a short presentation that answers the following questions:

● Where did you travel to and for how long?

I traveled from tarlac to iloilo and it took a day to travel by ship

● Was it a domestic or international trip? What prompted you to travel?

yes it was domestic cause tourism involving residents of one country traveling
only within that country. A domestic holiday is a vacation spent in the same
country , my cousin invited us to their wedding

● What challenges or constraints did you encounter? How were these

challenges resolved?

nothing happened, everything was normal, I was just bored with the trip because it
took too long so I just slept but we arrived, Just kidding, maybe we didn't bring
anything to eat so we just bought it on the ship, it's really expensive, that's all

● How would you relate your reasons for traveling with Maslow’s hierarchy
of needs?

similar to physiological (food and clothing), safety (job security), love and
belonging needs (friendship), esteem, and self-actualization.
nothing, that's what we need to arrive safely and there will be no problem

● How would you relate your learnings with what your future customers
from the hotel and tourism industry will expect?

so far I can't answer it but it's just based on how I understand the question, maybe
being careful and enjoying all the trips, and being prepared because we don't know
what's going to happen, that's all maybe I don't have the skills yet or experience so
that's all I can say first, but when I have it I can answer this question. I'm confused
but I'm interested in the expectations of the hotel industry, which is probably
similar to my experience, what they will expect

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