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(Past Year Question)

Prepare by:
Ain Nabilah Binti Jasni

Prepare for :
Dr Shatina Binti Saad
JULY 2017

a) You have been appointed as a project leader to organize a community service

program with a theme ‘Concern for the Needs’ on October 2017. Develop a detail
project baseline plan with three months’ timelines before carry out the program.
Justify the plan to ensure the successful implementation of the program.
(15 marks)

o Define project objective and project scope

o Define the specifications
o Form project team and project leader
o Establish WBS
o Define Responsibility Matrix, organization chart, job responsibilities
o Estimates time of activities and budget costs
o Use planning tools and techniques
o Do the project network
o Develop the Gant chart
o Implement the project

b) As a project manager, the key to ensure the successful project is to adopt an

effective project control. Describe the control process flow for a system development
project in an organization.
(10 marks)
Objectives - to ensure that all the work and items needed to achieved the project
objectives are included in the plan. To create various levelled structure that included
the key planning and control system.
Work description and instruction - to distinguish and structure the items expected
to accomplish the venture targets utilizing an item foundation structure. Characterize
the item s and indicate their motivation, quality prerequisite and acknowledgment

Network scheduling - to recognize the exercises expected to convey each work

package and sequence them as per their legitimate conditions. To gauge time and
assets expected to complete the exercises in the predefined successions.

Detailed schedule - recognize the exercises expected to convey each work bundle
just as finding a key occasions related with the conveyance items, significant choice,
or outer conditions.

Budgets - the agreed cost or quantification of resources needed to complete an

activity by a set time.

Time/performance tracking - Estimation time to complete the activity without any


System reports - to review the performance against the plan at regular interval, and
needed corrective actions to ensure that objectives are achieved.

Management decision making - to review the performance against the plan at

regular intervals and needed corrective action to ensure that objectives are achieved.

c) Discuss two (2) possible focus or concentration for the project manager to reduce the
negative slack of the preceding path of activities. (5 marks)

The reasons for Negative Slack are the standard suspects named as constraints,
deadlines, dependencies, duration increases, and any number of errors in schedule
assumptions. Unfortunately, these are additionally normal qualities found in many
activities. As a strong company, the project manager should know how to break long
task into shorter sorter task where possible. Project manager also need to request
more information to be relegated on undertakings where exertion drives term. This
could abbreviate task term, which could be powerful for critical and negative slack


a) Construct the project network using Activity on Node (AON) method. (3 marks)

b) Calculate the Earliest Start, Earliest Finish, Latest Start, Latest Finish and Slack for
each activity. (4

c) Compute the project completion time. (2


d) Determine the critical activities and critical path. (2


A 0 4 0 0 0 YES
B 4 7 5 5 1 NO
C 4 6 4 4 0 YES
D 7 12 9 9 2 NO
E 7 8 8 8 1 NO
F 6 9 6 6 0 YES
G 9 13 9 9 0 YES
H 12 17 14 14 2 NO
I 13 19 13 13 0 YES

e) Crash the project by three (3) weeks at the least possible cost and compute the final
total project cost. (4

JUNE 2018

a) Describe with examples any four (4) risks that could jeopardize a housing
construction project.
(10 marks)

Technical Risks
Technical risks include anything that restricted from creating the product according to
customer wants. This can include uncertainty of resources and availability of
materials, inadequate site investigation, or incomplete structure. These risks can
generally happen when there are changes in project scope and requirements, and if
there are design errors or oversights.

Logistical Risks
There are various logistical risks that should be tended before starting a project.
These risks include the availability of transportation facilities and availability of
equipment such as spare parts, fuel, and labour. Without tending to these logistical
issues, company will face huge risk of project delays and losses.

Environmental risks
Environmental risks include natural disasters, weather, and seasonal implications.
These risks are commonly overlooked when individual are not familiar with local
conditions. All contractor needed to be familiar and prepare for possible weather risks
to avoid potential delays and losses.

Management related risks

The most common management related risk is uncertain productivity of resources.
Before you begin a project company should make sure they have adequately
talented staff that characterized according their expertise and duties. Neglecting to
do this can prompt to disastrous losses.

Financial risks
Inflation, neighbourhood duties, and accessibility and vacillation in foreign trade are a
few of the possible financial risks that might incur during a construction project. For
international projects, it is important to understand how the foreign currency will be
exchanged because different countries have drastically different taxes as well, so
company should identify the risk before starting a project.

b) Develop a risk assessment matrix for any two (2) of the above risks. (10

Representative Management Steps

At the point when chance administration steps are required, relegate at least one
colleagues handle chance regulation endeavours. The more included the procedure
of regulation is, the more human capital you should allot to this procedure. Having a
go-to person responsible for hazard the board will improve responsibility and put forth
it simpler to arrange control attempts.

Take action
In the event that company have hazard the executives strategies set up, the
procedure ought to be genuinely clear. Money colleagues allotted to hazard
regulation ought to execute those techniques and give reports on the procedure. On
the off chance that the hazard is identified with future liquidity, for instance, your
colleagues may begin by observing income to guarantee another monetary
endeavour isn't on target to make a liquidity issue. On the off chance that the
potential for this issue creates, your group should make a move to relieve this hazard
by modifying income the executives before the hazard brings about material

Monitor or maintain progress

As hazard the executives techniques play out, allocated colleagues should watch out
for the circumstance to screen for any improvements that require further activity.
Considerably after the hazard is accepted to be contained, intermittent surveys will
guarantee that new intricacies or factors aren't raising the degree of hazard coming
about because of the first circumstance. This checking can likewise assist you with
recognizing new dangers before they form into earnest dangers to your business.


a) Describe any two (2) actions that could be taken to get a delayed project back on
(5 marks)
 Identify the problem
The first step toward fixing a problem is understanding the problem and try to
figure out why the project is delayed. For example, lagging behind schedule,
overspending on resource budgets, or not producing desired outcomes. All of
this example might be the reason why the project is delayed.
 Identify the reasons
These reasons may include key people left the team, key drivers lost interest,
the business environment changed, new technology emerged, or
organizational priorities shifted.
 Develop a risk-management plan.
Identify, analyse, and plan to minimize the negative impact of those risks. For
example, try to minimize the chances that they’ll occur and develop
contingency plans, in case they do occur. Lastly, continually update the risk-
management plan as they proceed through the remainder of the project.

b) Discuss four (4) impact of changes that could impact a project. (10

Change the management is a wide control that includes guaranteeing that change
is actualized easily and with enduring advantages, by thinking about its more
extensive effect on the association and individuals inside it. Each change activity
you oversee or experience will have its own one of a kind arrangement of goals
and exercises, which must all be composed. Change management are includes:

Sponsorship: ensuring there is active sponsorship for the change at a senior

executive level within the organization, and engaging this sponsorship to achieve
the desired results.
Buy-in: gaining buy-in for the changes from those involved and affected, directly
or indirectly.

Involvement: involving the right people in the design and implementation of

changes, to make sure the right changes are made.

Impact: assessing and addressing how the changes will affect people.

Communication: telling everyone who's affected about the changes.

Readiness: getting people ready to adapt to the changes, by ensuring they have
the right information, training and help.


a) Construct a project network using the Activity on Arrow (AOA) method. (4


b) Construct a project network using the Activity on Network (AON) method. (4


c) Develop a table to show the early start, early finish, late start, late finish and slack for
each activity. (4
A 0 3 2 5 2 NO
B 0 5 0 5 0 YES
C 5 7 8 10 3 NO
D 5 12 5 12 0 YES
E 7 9 10 12 3 NO
F 12 16 12 16 0 YES
G 7 10 11 14 4 NO
H 10 12 14 16 4 NO

d) Identify the critical activities and the critical path. (2

Critical activities: A, C, E, G, H
Critical path: B, D, F
e) Calculate the project completion time. (1

f) Identify two (2) activities that have free slack and calculate their free slack. (3

g) Calculate the project completion time if activity C is delayed by 6 days. (2


JUNE 2019


a) Statement of work (SOW) defines the major tasks that will need to be performed to
accomplish the work that needs to be done and produce all the project deliverables.
Describes four (4) major tasks that might be included in a community festival project.
(10 marks)
Statement of Work (or SOW) is a formal document that captures and defines the
work activities, deliverables, and timeline a vendor must execute in performance of
specified work for a client. It is usually including detailed requirements and pricing,
with standard regulatory and governance terms and conditions.
The statement of work should include:
•All deliverables and due dates.
•The individual tasks that lead to the deliverable, and who these tasks are assigned
•The resources needed for the project including facilities, equipment, and QA
•The governance process for the project.
•Costs and deadlines for payment.

b) Work breakdown structure (WBS) establishes the framework for project execution
plans and the project deliverable. Elaborate four (4) guidelines in the deciding the
details and levels to be included in the WBS. (10 marks)

The advancement of Work Breakdown Structure includes partitioning the significant

undertaking exercises or sub-exercises into littler, increasingly sensible exercises
until the exercises are characterized in adequate detail to help the administration and
improvement of venture works. The things at the least degree of a branch are known
as work bundles. Here are a few hints in building up a Work Breakdown Structure
that can communicate works adequately:
 Continuously express Work Breakdown Structure exercises at the most
reduced degrees of granularity in action word structure.
 Audit the Work Breakdown Structure. Ensure the sum total of what
expectations have been completely secured by the works characterized in the
Work Breakdown Structure.
 Guarantee that testing and preparing have been considered.
 Guarantee that non-IT work bundles are likewise included, for example,
documentation and audit exercises are remembered for the structure.
 Guarantee that other supporting exercises, for example, item/administration
dispatch and usage exercises are arranged.
 Guarantee that conveyance endorsement cycles are considered.
 Incorporate task the board expectations on the venture also (for example
creation of Project Plan). Incorporate any expectations that must be met or
conveyed by the client or any outer gatherings. Check the Work Breakdown
Structure against the undertaking approach determined in Project Charter for
any exercises that should be remembered for the Work Breakdown Structure.
 Work breakdown structure is a product oriented family tree composed of
hardware, software, services, data and facilities.

a) Draw the Activity on Network (AON) project network. (3.5


b) Compute by constructing a table with the early start, early finish, late start, late finish
and slack time for each activity. (8.5
A 0 3 5 8 5 NO
B 0 5 3 8 3 NO
C 0 2 6 8 6 NO
D 5 9 8 12 3 NO
E 5 8 12 15 7 NO
F 9 15 12 18 3 NO
G 8 13 15 20 7 NO
H 15 21 18 24 3 NO
I 13 17 20 24 7 NO
J 21 28 24 31 3 NO
K 28 32 31 35 3 NO
L 32 35 32 35 0 YES
M 35 39 36 40 1 NO
N 35 40 35 40 0 YES
O 40 43 40 43 0 YES
P 43 45 45 47 2 NO
Q 43 47 43 47 0 YES

c) Identify the critical activities and the critical path. (2

CRTITICAL PATH: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, M, P

d) State the overall project completion time. (1

e) Identify two (2) activities with free slack. (2
f) If the project is to be crashed by 5 days,describe the ways to de the crashing. (3

a) The planning process is based on the project objective, which establishes what is to
be accomplished. Describe four (4) elements that should be include in a project
objective. (10

Smart project objective

From the stakeholders’ needs, create project objectives. The objectives need to be
specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.

Define role and responsibility

Beyond specifying who's liable for every particular assignment organization likewise
need to characterize all jobs. These incorporate demonstrating who's answerable for
the whole task, every deliverable, what customer jobs are and who reports to who.
For instance, a substance essayist might be liable for delivering blog entries and
report to the substance proof-reader who deals with a group of scholars and the
substance plan. The substance executive, thusly and reports to the task chief.
Characterizing jobs, duties and announcing structures guarantees everybody
comprehends what's expected of them and stays responsible all through the task.

Project costing
Any arrangement ought to indicate forthright expenses with the goal that you can
apportion spending plans and distinguish shortages. Organization can manage these
shortages by utilizing demonstrated approaches to get all the more working capital.
Furthermore, organization ought to likewise have an arrangement for observing and
controlling expenses. This will permit organization to stay on financial plan and may
incorporate standard group gatherings and gatherings with the customer. These
gatherings are significant on the grounds that going over spending plan is at times

Detail project schedule

The schedules should include the deliverables, tasks for each deliverable, due dates
for each task and deliverable, and who will complete them. By breaking up each
deliverable into manageable tasks, it’ll be easier to meet the project objectives.
Organization also need to make sure specify the due dates for those tasks and who
will be completing them. By clarifying who’s responsible and avoid
misunderstandings later on.
b) Elaborate on four (4) guidelines in deciding how detailed the number of objectives a
network diagram for a project should be. (10

Recognize the general project objective and list down the individual
Start by characterizing what organization need to complete the project, differentiating
between the short- and long-term goals if necessary. At that point make a list down of
the considerable number of errands important to finish the objective. This will give
organization an away from of the undertaking all in all and a breakdown of the
considerable number of steps you will take to arrive at the ultimate objective. The
organizer can grow each progression with significant subtleties, for example, the
anticipated grouping and course of events of each errand.

Decide the arrangement of steps expected to arrive at venture objectives

Setting aside the effort to decide the request wherein the undertaking assignments
ought to be finished may require a more critical glance at the subtleties of each
errand. A few errands will be simpler than others to put in the general grouping, but
keep in mind that the plan may shift along the way as the project evolves.

Create a network diagram connecting each step toward project completion

The system graph is an outline of streams and chains of command. It contains

named objects, as boxes, circles or ovals, associated by slight lines. The lines show
the connections between two items, the request they ought to be finished and
whether two things can be taken a shot at simultaneously. In the same way as other
stream diagrams, the lines signify the connections between at least two exercises.
For this situation, all exercises serve to finish the objective of undertaking the

Estimate the timeline of each step and complete the diagram

PERT makes allowances for a certain amount of guesswork in activity completion
time. The time estimates this model typically uses are:

Optimistic time: the time to complete an activity if everything goes perfectly well.
Most likely time: this completion time is probably the most accurate
Pessimistic time: the longest amount of time that can be allowed for each step


a) Draw the Activity on Network (AON) project network. (3

b) Construct a table illustrating the early start, early finish, late start, late finish and slack
time for each activity. (7

A 0 5 0 5 0 YES
B 5 15 5 15 0 YES
C 5 13 6 14 1 NO
D 15 21 15 21 0 YES
E 13 20 14 21 1 NO
F 13 17 23 21 10 NO
G 21 25 21 25 0 YES

c) Identify the critical activities and the critical path. (2




d) Reduce the project completion time by three weeks and calculate the new project
(1 marks)

e) Describe three (3) reasons to do project crashing. (3 marks)

 The amount by which an activity is crashed is, in fact, permissible.
 Taken together, the shorted activity durations will enable us to finish the project
by the due date.
 The total cost of crashing is as small as possible.

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