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This PEC consists of two parts:
- The first part is worth 5 marks. The answers must be written in full paragraphs in
correct English. Use no more than 250 words for each question.
- The second part is worth 5 marks too. Comment upon the excerpt proposed using
the questions that follow. Use critical vocabulary adequately and give examples from
the literary work to support your arguments.
For both parts: focus on the questions, make sure you develop your ideas well, and
proofread your work for English before submitting it.
Identify your work (name, surname and Centro Asociado:
González Suarez Julia_GregorioMarañón.doc
and upload it onto the Curso Virtual in Word format. Please note: the PEC deadline
time (23.55 of December 15th) is local time in mainland Spain.

Part I: Max. 250 words each question. (5 points)

1) Explain in your own words the concepts of comprehension and interpretation
and their importance in the context of literary studies.
2) Compare the concepts of “anxiety of influence” by Harold Bloom and “anxiety of
authorship” by Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar.

Part II. (5 points)

“Yes,” she said. “The years that are gone seem like dreams—if one might go on
sleeping and dreaming—but to wake up and find—oh! well! Perhaps it is better
to wake up after all, even to suffer, rather than to remain a dupe to illusion all
one’s life.”

“It seems to me, my dear child,” said the Doctor at parting, holding her hand,
“you seem to me to be in trouble. I am not going to ask for your confidence. I
will only say that if ever you feel moved to give it to me, perhaps I might help
you. I know I would understand, and I tell you there are not many who would—
not many, my dear.”

1) CONTEXT (Max 100 words) Identify and contextualize the literary work and
author. *Failing to contextualize the text correctly can seriously affect the evaluation of
this part of the exam*. (Up to 0.75 marks).
2) FORM AND CONTENT (Max. 100 words each question). Explain the following
aspects of the text: 1) Who are the characters involved in the fragment and what
moment in the plot does it reflect?; 2) Why does the Doctor say she is “in trouble (Up to
1.75 marks).
3) THEORY AND CRITICISM (Max. 200 words). Relate the title of the literary
work to the main theme suggested in the passage through the perspective of feminist
literary criticism (Up to 2.5 marks).

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