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Resource Teacher: Ramos, Fredie P.

Teacher's Signature Grader/Year Level: Grade 9&10

School: San Cristobal National High School Subject Area: Mathematics Date: Nov. 28, 2021

Physical and Personal Aspects of Classroom Management

Activity 7.1 Identifying Personal and Physical Aspects of Classroom Management

Observe a class and interview the Resource Teacher. Ask how the personal and physical aspects of
classroom management ensure proper classroom management and discipline.
Check if these aspects were observed in the classroom.
Aspects of Classroom Management YES NO
1. Personal Classroom Management
1.1. Is the teacher well-groomed that he/she demands respect from the learners? /
1.2 Is the teacher’s voice modulated and can be heard by the entire class? /
1.3 Was the teacher present in class? /
1.4 Did the teacher arrive on time in class?
1.5 Does the teacher exude the positive attitude towards teaching?
2. Physical Classroom Management
2.1. Is the classroom well-ventilated? /
2.2. Is the lighting good enough? /
2.3. Is the classroom free from noise? /
2.4. Does the seating arrangement provide better interaction?
2.5. Is the design/structure of the room inviting to classroom activities?
2.6. Is the physical space/ learning station clear from obstruction?
(This was module retrieval and distribution)
Analyze the different elements of personal/ physical classroom management and answer the following
1. How does the voice of the teacher affect classroom instruction?
 Modulated voice has a favorable impact on student learning since it allows them to hear all
of the addressed topics and communicate messages more effectively.
2. How does the punctuality of the teacher affect classroom discipline?
 Punctuality of the teacher has an impact on classroom discipline because a teacher should
always be a role model for the students; they are the ones who are looked up to by the
Resource Teacher: Ramos, Fredie P. Teacher's Signature Grader/Year Level: Grade 9&10
School: San Cristobal National High School Subject Area: Mathematics Date: Nov. 28, 2021

students and by doing so, the pupils may develop the belief that it is OK to be late all of the
3. Why do we need to check on the physical aspects of classroom management?
 For the sake of the students' welfare, physical aspects of classroom management must be
examined. Things in the classroom should always be in good working order for smoother
learning transitions.

Reflect on the aspects of personal and classroom management.
1. What does this statement mean to you as a future teacher? Explain. “No amount of good instruction will
come out without effective classroom management”.
 A good learning environment is always associated with competent classroom management;
nevertheless, because there are so many distractions in the environment, an unpleasant
classroom does not cater to learning at all.
2. What are your plans in ensuring effective classroom management?
 Effective classroom management begins with the person in charge of enforcing rules in the
classroom. To ensure this, you must be a good role model for others and virtuous in all
Resource Teacher: Ramos, Fredie P. Teacher's Signature Grader/Year Level: Grade 9&10
School: San Cristobal National High School Subject Area: Mathematics Date: Nov. 28, 2021

Activity 7.2 Demonstrating Knowledge of Positive and Non-Violent Discipline in the Management of
Learner Behaviour

Observe the classroom management strategies that your Resource Teacher employs in the classroom.
You may also conduct an interview to substantiate your observation.
Check the management strategies employed by the Resource Teacher. Check observed, put an (x) if not
observed and O for no opportunity to observe.

Effective Classroom Management Strategies

Observed Not Observed No Opportunity to
1. Model to the students how to act in different /
2. Establish classroom guidelines. /
3. Document the rules. /
4. Refrain from punishing the entire class.
5. Encourage initiative from class.
6. Offer praise and rewards. /
7. Use non-verbal communication. /
8. Take time to celebrate group effort.
9. Let students work in group.
10. Interview students to assess their needs. /
11. Address bad behavior quickly.
12. Consider peer teaching.
13. Continuously engage their students. /
14. Assign open-ended project.
15. Write group contracts.
(Note: The scenario was retrieval and giving of modules)

Analyze the checklist you have accomplished and answer the given questions:
1. How many strategies were employed by the Resource Teacher? Did these contribute to better classroom
management? Explain your answer.
 Based table, 7 strategies were employ. and this really contribute to better classroom
management because it instructs students on how to behave in the classroom They will also
be sharpened in becoming a responsible person in the future as a result of this.
Resource Teacher: Ramos, Fredie P. Teacher's Signature Grader/Year Level: Grade 9&10
School: San Cristobal National High School Subject Area: Mathematics Date: Nov. 28, 2021

2. What did the Resource Teacher not use? Were these important? What should have been used instead?
 Refrain from punishing the entire class, encourage initiative from class, take time to
celebrate group effort, let students work in groups, address bad behavior quickly, consider
peer teaching, assign open-ended project, and write group contracts. These following
strategies were important but I can’t be initiated due to modular way of learning.

As a future teacher, reflect on the observations then answer the given question.
1. What classroom management strategies do I need to employ to respond to diverse types of learners?
 Allowing pupils to work in groups and considering peer teaching are the most effective ways
for dealing with a variety of learners. They can discuss their opinions on a particular topic
and, as a result, gradually emerge from their shell of shyness and whatever else.

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