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Axitonal Alignment

Feeling “Ungrounded”, “ Out of sorts” or “Not yourself lately”?

After car accident, a slip and almost fall, broken toes or limbs, whiplash, or any other physical or
emotional abuse we often need to be reconnected to the earth’s support for healing.

Axiatonal Alignment is a sweet and relaxing re-connection to the earth's ley lines and sacred
sites. A way of re-establishing grounding, and the ability to draw on the earth’s healing energy
matrix and expand your health and peace of mind. (Definitely one of my favorite ways to

Why is Assemblage point repair with Axiatonal Alignment important to you?

When we are healthy our thymus keeps the flow of life force energy strong and circulating
throughout the entire body.

The communication between all energy channels, organs, endocrines, nerve supply is open,
strong, and full of vitality.

The “Assemblage point” is centered in the thymus area radiating this healthy energy throughout
the entire body and auric fields. Unfortunately when we sustain an injury or shock the
positioning of the Assemblage point may shift causing disfunction that will cause further illness
and dispair unless corrected.

The location and entry angle of the Assemblage Point has a direct influence over the biological
activity of all of the organs and glands including the mind brain, heart brain, and enteric (gut
brain). It is this positioning that regulates the wholeness we feel and how we behave, and also
what dis-eases afflict us when we have sustained a trauma.

Unfortunately when we sustain any injury, like the following list, the Assemblage point may need
repair with Axiatonal Alignment . For instance:

   - car accidents, slip and fall, injury, broken bones, concussion, physical or mental
abuse, bereavement, disease, fever, tragedy, chronic stress or depression...

  - a distressed or oppressed childhood, rape or sexual assault, violent intimidation, kidnapping,

abduction, enslavement, mugging, robbery, a victim of fraud or identity theft, imprisonment ...

 -    Self laceration, mutilation, poisoning, attempted suicide, substance and drug

indulgence, drug overdose, mental institution.
 -      Genocide, war, terrorism, homicide, torture, post military combat trauma, physical
or psychological intimidation, interrogation..
 -    Betrayal, financial or legal intimidation, blackmail, malicious divorce, bankruptcy,
home repossession, arrest, prosecution.

Under any of these circumstances many people can undergo a serious or seemingly permanent
change of their mood or even a personality change. They often also develop physical symptoms
of illness, which eventually leads to more serious disease unless this involuntary shift of the
Assemblage Point to a dangerous location is corrected.

Testimonial from JHM: I couldn’t understand it , I literally woke up one morning feeling not
like myself. I was groggy, exhausted, and couldn’t think straight. Couldn’t even focus on my
cell phone or computer. I felt vacant, I was stumbling around disorientated. I took time off
work for a few days but wasn’t getting any better. The second week of this I went for blood
tests to check my thyroid, iron levels, etc. Something to explain what was happening to me.
But, the results were “Normal”. What I was feeling was NOT NORMAL FOR ME! My doctor
suggested Seasonal Affective Disorder and anti-depressants.

Had a few reiki sessions, a couple of massages, but they were not helping. Went to Jessy for a
Body Talk session, and Assemblage point came up, Jessy said it was shattered and had me
touch 8 shards (these spots were tender), after the Axiatonal Alignment I felt relaxed, sleepy
but not exhausted, and whole. I thought I would need a nap when I got home, but I felt
energized and like my old self, motivated, passionate, and ALIVE again. Thank you!

The symptoms you may feel link you to all sorts of other diagnoses that almost but don't quite fit.
This can go on for years as your body rejects or cannot tolerate other therapies.

You might find yourself suffering from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) yet you have never
had it before. Depression, anxiety...

You might find your thyroid compromised, tired, losing weight, listless, unmotivated. You might
find that you are too cold or too hot all the time...

Tired yet unable to sleep, or sleeping too much, labeled with Chronic Fatigue...

Inexplicably angry at everything and everyone, or suddenly super sensitive and sobbing
uncontrollably even though you don’t feel sad or unhappy...

Concussion like sensations like headache, feeling spacy, foggy thinking...

Or in constant pain that pain killers do not release ...

  You know this is not your NORMAL, yet your doctor says you are “FINE”. He tells you
that all your medical tests are within common, average range, and there is nothing wrong
with you; but you know  better, you do not feel as right as you did before.

The Assemblage Point has a critical relationship with our embryonic life force. A good
stable physical location near the centre of the chest is essential for good mental and
physical health.

If, for whatever reason, the Assemblage Point shifts outside the average location,
distressing physical and mental symptoms can and do frequently occur.
An unstable and displaced Assemblage Point is likely if we live in a consistently negative
relationship with our parents or spouse,  a troubled background or having a displaced upbringing.
Genetic reasons or disease can similarly produce abnormal and unstable Assemblage Points.

Sufferers of an involuntary Assemblage Point shift, downwards, experience a feeling that

'something' deep inside them has changed. Although they can remember how they behaved
and felt before the incident, returning to their former energetic and happy self seems
impossible for them. That indescribable 'something' deep inside all of us that can suddenly
shift following an adversity, changing our whole perception of reality and our physical
health, is the location and entry angle of our Assemblage Point.

If the Assemblage Point drops beyond a certain distance for example, with chronic fatigue,
down to or below the liver area, despite what medications or therapies are employed, it is very
difficult for the individual to recover their former health and state of being. This is because,
without direct intervention, their Assemblage Point is most unlikely to return to its previous
healthy location.

Literally the biological energy levels are too low, which prevents recovery. Raising the
Assemblage Point location and angle upwards, closer to the centre of the chest, is an essential
consideration in such cases. (Unfortunately, accepted orthodox medical diagnostic and
management procedures do not take the patient's Assemblage Point location into consideration).

Gross misalignment of the Assemblage Point location is present in many diseases such as:
Depression, post natal depression, bipolar syndrome, paranoia, schizophrenia, drug and
alcohol addiction, epilepsy, senile dementia, coma, Parkinsonism, toxicity, leukaemia,
cancer, auto immune deficiency syndrome, myalgic encephalomyelitis, multiple sclerosis,
manic depression, and many others. Many of these conditions are accompanied by
compromised pathology of the patient's haematology and biochemistry.

Extreme locations to the right side of the chest with an acute angle are associated with extrovert
psychotic behaviour such as violence, bullying, rape, stalking, murder, terrorism or

The relief people feel after Axiatonal Alignment is palatable, having a tune-up of this kind
is often only necessary once, but I have found life continues to give us challenges, a stubbed
toe, a bump on the head, food poisoning, or a romantic break up... any of these can cause
us to momentarily say “if this is what life is like I’m done” and even that short-lived
spontaneous decision is enough to derail an already compromised Assemblage Point.
Personally I like to have a session once a month to keep me in-tune.

Concerning high blood pressure: the liver demands blood and if the spleen is congested or
diseased then to satisfy its needs, the liver may change the blood's chemistry in order to raise the
heart rate and force more blood through the spleen.

On the other hand, should the Assemblage Point shift to the right and upper part of the chest the
person will be feeling anxious and nervous and experience disturbed sleep. Here the liver and
adrenals will be overactive. Manic depression is a bipolar condition where the Assemblage Point
oscillates between a high location in the manic phase and a low liver location in the depressive
The Assemblage Point is the unknown factor that is absent in all current medical, psychological,
scientific, philosophical and spiritual models.

Come in and have yours checked. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Individual sessions $250+HST/ hour. Family Package of 5 sessions sold at a reduced rate of

Hara Line Chakras - page 5

Some of the Hara line chakras and their aspects

EARTH CHAKRA - Below the feet, within the surface of the earth
COLOUR: Black 

 The Earth Chakra anchors the incarnation/lifetime into the earth plane reality, makes
this planet one's home and places one's life purpose into an Earthly context.
 This aspect of the hara line is the grounding and ballast for one's lifetime and life

GROUNDING - At the Soles of the Feet

COLOUR : Brown 

 The Grounding Chakras center one's life purpose into physical direction and
manifestation. They keep you grounded and in touch with everyday reality.
 When they are not functioning, there is difficulty in dealing with the everyday world.
When stuck open, the person can be susceptible to adverse earth energies. On the
other hand standing on a positive earth energy point can benefit us because these
chakras will bring in that energy.
Thanks to Diane Stein for image
MOVEMENT- Behind both knees
COLOURS: Tan & Dark Green   

 The Movement Chakras direct one's movement forward on one's life path.
 People who have resistance or difficulty in fulfilling their life purpose may have pain
in their knees

PERINEUM (Root) - Between the openings of the vagina and the anus
COLOUR: Reddy brown

 The Perineum Chakra is the energy gate through which the Earth Ch'i life force is
brought into the body and held for distribution at the hara center.
 In Ch'i Kung it is called "the gateway of life and death."
 The Perineum is the place of activating and anchoring one's life intention and
purpose into the physical plane reality.

HARA CENTRE (Tan Tien)  - 2-1/2" below the navel just above the Sacral Chakra

 The Hara Chakra connects one's will to live with the life-sustaining energy of the
Earth at the Earth chakra.
 Strength, power, life force and regenerative ability also originate from this center
when the chakra is fully grounded to the Earth.

DIAPHRAGM - At the level of the physical diaphragm muscle, just above the Solar
COLOUR Olive Green

The Diaphragm Chakra provides for clearing and detoxification of any obstructions to the
fulfillment of one's life purpose.

 This is a cleansing of the entire hara line and can be quite intense, deep emotional
purging. Indeed it is sometimes referred to as the ‘vomit’ chakra!
 The process is ultimately positive, but may not seem so at the time. Go through it by
simply allowing it to happen. Watch the sensations and let them go, not fighting,
resisting, or trying to change them. Welcome the clearing and send love.

THYMUS - Between the Higher Heart and the Thymus


 The Thymus Chakra connects the Hara line and emotional body to the Kundalini line
and etheric subtle body.
 The center connects our emotions to our physical body.
 On the physical level, this chakra protects the immune system, which is clearly
effected by the emotions
 On an emotional level is our wish to live and maintain this incarnation is also held.
 This center holds our drive and passion to fulfill the task we incarnated to accomplish
in this lifetime.
 It is a vital center, central to most of today's healing issues and dis-ease.
 Aqua stones activate the Thymus Center and much healing happens along the way.
 You can find the Thymus Chakra. It is located on the chest, between and about three
inches above the nipples on the breastbone. When you find it, you will know
immediately, it is painful and sensitive to pressure. Gently pressing this point "brings
oneself wholeheartedly awake to the grief we have carried for so long and the
vastness which awaits as merciful awareness. Meditating on the sensations that
come while touching this point opens and releases grief (which may include anger,
resentment, fear or other feelings.)

CAUSAL BODY CHAKRA - At the base of the skull at the back where the neck meets
the head
COLOURS: Silver-Blue & Blue Violet    

 The Causal Body Chakra is described as all-potential within and the transformer of
nonphysical information/light into consciousness, as in channeling, automatic writing,
and working with spirit guides.
 This chakra must be activated and balanced to bring mental commitment to one's life
purpose, and this should be done only with all the hara line chakras together. Causal
body activation manifests one's spiritual life purpose, as embodied in the entire hara
line, into earth plane and physical reality.

VISION -  At the Pupils of both eyes

COLOURS: Gray & Silver  

 The Vision Chakras can be used as lasers in healing, as well as for visualization and
for manifesting our needs through visualization.
 They are considered minor centers but are important for psychic healers.

INDIVIDUATION POINT (sometimes called the Transpersonal point or the 9 th

Located centrally above the head, usually located where you can reach with your
outstretched arm and hand

COLOURS: Gold & White   

 The Individuation Point enables a connection with the universe and takes you into
enlightenment and ascension.
 This chakra also carries the individual's reason to incarnate into his/her body, mind,
emotions and spirit.
 The transpersonal point separates the soul from its Universe source, giving it a
personal reality and a life on Earth.

The Individuation Point (9th Chakra) 

Known as a trans-personal chakra.  Above here is Unity, below it we
perceive separateness.    This point looks like a very small funnel whose
larger end, one-third inch in diameter, points down over the head.
When there is dysfunction here we cannot seem to transcend our human
experience and access the Soul level of our being.  We struggle with our God
Image and issues around that concept.  We are cynical and never ask the
question "isn't there more to life than this?"  Atheists and Agnostics are
usually disconnected at this point

The Soul Seat {our Soul connection (silver cord) connects here [in
back]} Within the soul seat lies our passion for who we wish to be and what
we have come to accomplish in this life – you might say our Spiritual
longing.  This centre is also called the Higher Heart.
(The Thymus Chakra and the Higher Heart are different energy centres)
Shrouding is energetic and represents stuckness in processing the issues
around love.

Dysfunction here enables us to stop feeling the deep pain of our human
experience.  We have deep heart/emotional issues (like sadness or grief -
and don't know how to mourn) but we are unable to access them.  We feel
numb and walk through life as if we are sleepwalking or under anesthesia.
We can experience wounding around the loss of the ability to experience
pleasure in our physical bodies.

Only by mourning the losses in our lives are we able to transform the
numbness and then truly access the power of our own hearts, our immense
ability to love.

Dysfunction here means that we have no sense of purpose or what we want

to do with our lives. Drifting along, sometimes depressed, having given up
because of not caring. 

The Hara Centre (also know as the Tan Tien)

(the original spark of ki energy we were born with)
Hara centre colour frequency

Literally translated, tan tien means “the field of the elixir of long life and
wisdom.” It stores energy and acts as a pump to move the energy through
the body. It is located 5 cms below the navel and resembles a ball
approximately one and a half inches in diameter.

The Hara centre is the reservoir of original ki energy we were born with.  If
we have dysfunction here it means we feel driven to CONTROL.  We feel
insecure and unsafe. We perceive unfairness everywhere.  We react by
becoming aggressive (bullying) or submissive (victim).  We often feel under
attack so feel a need to defend against others and the world in general.  We
rely too much on 'Egoic will' instead of trusting our own Inner Authority.  We
lack grounding into our own 'sense of power' so cannot assert ourselves
through 'Standing in Our Own Power'. We lack direction in life.  We have no
sense of spiritual longing or connectedness with our Spiritual Self /Soul.  We
are unaware of our Life Purpose and therefore do nothing to attempt to
accomplish it.  
The Hara Centre holds a unique Vibrational note that holds our body in the
physical manifestation.  When this note vibrates at the same frequency as
the core of the Earth, we are grounded.  When this note stops vibrating, our
body dies.  As we change its vibration, our life circumstances change.

On the left centred and self empowered - on the right ego driven, aggressive 
foolishly attempting to separate self from the rest of creation.

Assertion and empowerment can naturally replace aggression and

victimization when the Hara Centre is functioning at optimum levels.  The
connection to one’s inner authority is restored and we resume our
connection with the Earth’s power.  It gives us access to true power and

The Earth Chakra 

(known as a sub personal chakra) 

There are three aspects to this one chakra because the earth links connect
under each foot and the hara line through the perineum near the root

The Earth Chakra is located approximately 15 cm below the feet.  It is

through this chakra that we receive the terrestrial/telluric energy, rising
through the chakras of the feet. This chakra is responsible to root the
personal and transpersonal parts of one’s soul to the Earth’s molten core of
iron through the Earth’s electro-magnetic field.  The Earth Chakra builds the
necessary energic bridge which connects the incarnational purpose of a soul
with the roots of the planet; essential to anchor into a plane of existence. 

Earth Star Chakra

The story of our lives is recorded inside of the matrix of our Earth Star
Chakra.  Following the same path as Kundalini, with birth and childhood
being the lower spine and our future at the top, as the energy irradiates to
the neck, the Earth Star Chakra becomes responsible for personal
development and the paths we take forward in life.

Some yoga tantric specialists describe a total of five sub-personal chakras

being located below the Muladhara, or Root, Chakra, and the Earth Star
These five sub-personal chakras are numbered from the nearest one to the
body, a few cms below the feet, to the fifth one, two arms lengths below the

1. Incarnation Point Chakra (a few cms below the feet) – practical

implementation of the soul journey for the current life
2. Incarnation Chakra (about 40 cm below the feet) – connection to
ancestry, tribe, clan
3. Sub-personal Leadership Chakra (below the feet at an arm’s length) –
Anima, in contact with the female archetype
4. Earth Centering Chakra (below the feet at an arm’s length) – links to the
archaic earth energy
5. Earth Star Chakra (below the feet at two arms’ lengths) – exchange and
relationship to the Earth goddess.

The Earth Star Chakra embraces all of our ancestral and racial history, all of
our current incarnation’s family mysteries and cycles as well as all
generational issues. It is also the record keeper of all past life incarnations
and holographic karmic lessons learned. 

At the end of earthly existence we disconnect from the Earth Star and climb
through the tube of Light, the Hara Line, passing through all the chakras.
When we arrive at the Crown and see ahead of us the Light from the Soul
Star, we are perceiving the ‘tunnel’ and the light mentioned by those who
have had ‘near death experiences’. In the process of this ascension, we
perceive our whole existence, ordered from the beginning to the end (the life
review experience many talk about).

The Earth’s Core Star  connection – all earth links and the central hara
line connect into the centre of the earth

It is very important to develop the both the Individuation Point (9th

transpersonal chakra) and the Earth Star simultaneously rather than
separately.  Working on aligning the whole haric energy system assures this.
 The Microcosmic Orbit Chakras (13 in number) see page 5
 The Governing Meridian (runs up the back of the body from
perineum to top lip)
 The Conception Vessel (runs up the front of the body -
perineum to bottom lip)
 The Earth Links (see page 6)
The Hara Line enters the earth in 7 different ways. Just like a tree's physical
roots push deep into the earth for stability, we have metaphysical roots that
do that too.

If we are connected through the five roots or links and our main Hara line
(which has two aspects) is connected to the Earth and the Unity Grid then
we are always empowered and supported no matter what changes happen
on earth.

The Earth Links have different frequencies and each of these channel fulfils a
special purpose and supports us in unique ways. It is our responsibility to
strengthen and reconnect these links where necessary. 

These links and their strength are very dependent upon one's emotional
experiences. Traumatic or shocking experiences often break or weaken the

Hara Line 1 & 2 - the main hara line is comprised of two parts and I call it
the Balance Connection, (aka as the Pranic Tube, Galactic Cord,
Sushumna) and it's level of function dictates our general level of health and
our connection to 'now'.
Hara Line 3 - Navigation
Hara Line 4 - Receiving
Hara Line 5 - Life Purpose
Hara Line 6 & 7 - are two halves of one line and relate to Sexuality
Re-connecting and/or repairing these links gets us unstuck, propels us
forward and gets us firmly on our spiritual path once again.

Core Star & Hara - page 7

Core Star

Your Divine self resides in an area of the body called the Core Star, situated
just above the Solar Plexus Chakra(4thD) and Diaphragm Chakra
(5thD)  and under the Heart Chakra (4thD) and Thymus Chakra or Higher
Heart (5thD).  Whilst the Core Star is connected to the Hara Line and is fed
by the divine energy flowing through the Hara line it is located in the
6th dimensional energy field.

The Core Star radiates Divine Light into your aura and environment.

At this level we are pure energy consciousness. We observe life unfold. We

'know' and can 'just be'.  We exist here outside of time, space and physical
incarnation. We even exist here outside of the concept of the soul.  We
embody wisdom, serenity, courage, power and love.  

The Core Stare is a point of Light located approx 7cms  above the navel,
deep within the solar plexus area.  The light expands into infinity.  It is both
the individual god and the Universal God within.  It is the life force that is
moving through us on all levels of our being.  

It enables us, when fully being expressed, to be in harmony with the

world/ourselves/others.  We neither grasp at, or resist, our life experiences.
There are no obstacles or problems.  

If we open here to Spirit it will change our lives. Our whole perception
changes.  We become undivided vessels for the creative force to move
through us, touch others and speak to others through us.  We feel rich, full
and lack nothing.

People disconnected from their Core have no connection to their creativity

and spirituality.  They cannot perceive themselves as spiritual beings having
a physical experience.  They have forgotten who they really are.  They
cannot connect to a higher realm of consciousness.   They have no clue as to
the immensity of their resources.

Power of Intention is Quantum Physics

he Bagua is divided into 8 Trigrams with each of them consisting of three broken (Yin) or
unbroken (Yang) lines. These trigrams represent the fundamental principles of reality:

 Fame and Reputation

 Abundance and Prosperity
 Family and Community
 Love and Relationship
 Helpful People and Travel
 Creativity and Children
 Career and Life Mission
 Wisdom and Knowledge

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