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With all that is going on in our world, these words are particularly
insightful to me. “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the
most intelligent, it is the one that is most adaptable to change.” So, what does
adaptability really mean and why is it important?

Adaptability in the context of human behavior is the ability to adjust or shift

our mindset and/or our behavior with changing conditions and situations. And
with so much going on in the world, it is easy to see how having the ability to
quickly adapt is even more important today.

From what I have seen, people who are holding on to the way things
used to be are the ones who are experiencing the most stress and anxiety.
That’s because they are frozen in the past and spend time lamenting the way
things used to be.

The first step in the journey of adaptation begins with the ability to
recognize when we are stuck in our old patterns of thinking. The second step
is to make a decision to take affirmative steps to become unstuck.
Understandably, stepping away from the familiar is scary, intimidating, and
uncomfortable. And often we give up before we even begin. That’s because
change or adaptation requires mental and emotional fortitude to not just face
uncertainty, but to also embrace it.
Project Title:
Social Inequality Problem:
Proposed Solutions:
Social inequality is a recurring problem throughout, not only the country,
but the world. There are all kinds of inequalities throughout the world, and without
any person or thing creating awarenesses this will induce more pandemonium.
With that being said, in order to terminate racial inequality, people that are capable
of bringing awareness to it need to start producing familiarity locally because it
will suddenly erupt onto a more global impact.

What can schools do to overcome exclusion, intolerance, racism and discrimination? How can
teachers and students advocate for mutual understanding and respect of human dignity?

In its recent resolution on eliminating racism, the United Nations General

Assembly reiterated that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and
rights and have the potential to contribute constructively to the development and
well-being of their societies.
Our schools are committed to ensuring students from all backgrounds feel safe
and connected at school and are able to achieve their best.

1. Social inequality is a recurring problem throughout, not only the country,

but the world. In many parts of the world, such racial and ethnic discriminatory
practices are still widespread. They take on many forms, at times dramatically
brutal and at others sly and underhand. It is detrimental to group and individual
identity and to living together peacefully.
There are all kinds of inequalities throughout the world, and without any
person or thing creating awareness, this will induce more pandemonium.
In order to terminate racial and ethnic inequality, people that are capable of
bringing awareness to it need to start producing familiarity locally because it will
suddenly erupt onto a more global impact.

Promoting mutual understanding and respect for diversity, along with

countering all forms of intolerance and discrimination, is today, more than ever, a
priority for (NAME OF THE PRIJECT). This project will promote culture of
living together and international understanding that cherishes diversity inside the
Our schools are committed to ensuring students from all backgrounds feel safe and connected
at school and are able to achieve their best. This program will help the school free from any
kind of discrimination and to promote knowledge about, and understanding of,
different cultures to its students.

2. End racial or ethnic discrimination in the community.
3. to build a harmonious society.

 Get rid of discriminatory laws and release anyone who is in prison

because of them.
 Protect everyone - whoever they are – from discrimination and
 Introduce laws and policies that promote inclusion and diversity in all
aspects of society..

1. One such project is the arts contest "Opening Hearts and Minds to Refugees",
which raised awareness among children and youth on the rights of, and respect for
Another is the development of a guidebook and trainings for teachers to
incorporate documentary heritage as a teaching and learning resource for primary,
secondary and tertiary schools.

The (name of program) represents an important reminder to increase efforts against

racism and and all forms of discrimination and to promote tolerance, inclusion,
unity and respect for diversity fostering peace and social cohesion.

 Celebrate the day in your school by conducting different activities.

 Design posters or an anti-racism badge.
 Research about women and men in the history of your country or in the world
which have stood up against racism and discrimination
 Set up a multi-cultural desk in the classroom where students bring in something
that reflects cultural diversity.


Process Questions:
1. Multiple studies have shown that atleast 97 percent of scientists agree that global warming is
happening and that human activity is the primary cause.
Climate change caused by humans. The human activities just like burning fossil fuels,
cutting down rainforests and farming livestock adds enormous amounts of greenhouse gases to
those naturally occurring in the atmosphere increasing the greenhouse effect and global
2. Main threats
Increased heat, drought and insect outbreaks, all linked to climate change, have increased
wildfires. Declining water supplies, reduced agricultural yields, health impacts in cities due to
heat, and flooding and erosion in coastal areas are additional concerns.
3. Human health is vulnerable to climate change. The changing environment is expected to
cause more heat stress, an increase in waterborne diseases, poor air quality, and diseases
transmitted by insects and rodents. Extreme weather events can compound many of these
health threats.
Climate change affects human health and wellbeing through more extreme weather
events and wildfires, decreased air quality, and diseases transmitted by insects, food, and

I learned that
I enjoyed most on
I want to learn more on

1. Gender inequality- Welcome to the firm, Marjorie. Your skills and talents will be a great
addition to our project. We believe you will be a terrific asset to our team. We are so excited to
have you with us and look forward to working with you!”
2. Racial or ethnic inequality-
3. Health inequality- I will give you some medicines and don’t mind the bills.

 “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change
the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Reducing inequalities and ensuring no one is left behind are integral to achieving the
Sustainable Development Goals.
It is so nice that there are people who are doing an action to reduce inequalities and ensuring
no one is left behind in the world.

1. They received the same treatment from other people

Every health care professionals is expected to care for everyone that come through his or her
door and above all, do no harm
We tend to believe that we are all freeof biases when it is at the hand of treating people the
same as us or different from us. We like to take pride in being an open society where we treat
everyone equally.We need to be more aware of the racial discrimination that is happening
around us.
1. Each picture portray equality. The picture is all about ensuring that every individual has an
equal opportunity to make the most of their lives. The picture shows that they received an equal
opportunity and is not treated differently or discriminated against because of their
characteristics, gender or ethnicity.
2. Equality are present among in our community.
Officers are all open to any gender (boy, girl, gay or lesbian) They are qualified as long as they
meet the qualifications for a good leader. i
Everyone also received the same treatment when there are health related programs in the

1.To give women and men the same opportunities, rights and obligations in all spheres of life.
I learned that we must stop discriminating other people.
Reducing inequality is the most important step these countries can take to increase population
well-being. In the developing and emerging economies, both greater equality and improvements
in standards of living are needed for populations to flourish.
nequality is bad for society as it goes along with weaker social bonds between people, which
in turn makes health and social problems more likely. At the same time, richer countries have
less social ills.
I enjoyed most on making my own action plan combating social inequality in our community.
I want to learn more the different programs depicting social inequalities in the country.


1. is when Im in grade school. I came home early from school but my parents weren’t there. I
look for food, but I found nothing.
2. To satisfy my hunger, I went to my cousins house and we went to garden to pick some
3. Yes. I approach my close friend/ cousin to help me pick some oranges because I know that I
can not do that by myself. I asked for her assistance and luckily she help me to do the things I
want to do.
5. There are different programs implemented by the government to address the problem on
hunger here on our country. One is the The DOST PINOY strategy under the MRP. It is a
package of intervention which involves direct feeding of rice-mongo based complementary
foods for 6 months to below 3 years old children and nutrition education among mothers and
caregivers. The complementary food technology and the intervention strategy is being rolled-out
to the countryside as part of the solutions to the malnutrition problem among our Filipino young

Poverty is very widespread and rampant here in the Philippines. The people affected by this
problem are the families living in extreme poverty since they cannot provide for the immediate needs of
their family. There are many poor families who cannot provide for the education of their children and
some were discriminated of their educational status. To end this inequality facing by many Filipinos, the
government implemented a program that aims to reduce inequalities in the country.

ThePantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program is a program by the

Department of Social Welfare and Development that aims to
reduce poverty by providing qualified families conditional
The program is currently covering 255 municipalities and 15 key cities in 45
provinces, serving 700,000 households. There are an inter – agency council for the
implementation of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program composed of the
Department of Health ( DOH ), Department of Education ( DepEd ), Department of
Interior and Local Government ( DILG ), National Anti - Poverty Commission
( NAPC ), and the Landbank.
This program is really helpful in ending the inequalities in the society. The
government helps the fortuneless to meet all their needs and tI hope this program
will be the key to put an end to an inequality in our society.
Fortunately, there are conditional cash transfer programs which provide cash subsidies and help
poor families meet their needs.

In the long run, 4Ps sees the need to invest in children's survival and development by ensuring
greater access to universal education and health services

The program is currently covering 255 municipalities and 15 key

cities in 45 provinces, serving 700,000 households. There are an
inter – agency council for the implementation of the Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program composed of the Department of
Health ( DOH ), Department of Education ( DepEd ), Department
of Interior and Local Government ( DILG ), National Anti -
Poverty Commission ( NAPC ), and the Landbank. The program
was implemented during the term of former President Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo and now, is the continuous program of the
present administration. Since the program is slated to run for
five years, legislation has been proposed to formally
institutionalize the program. The Senate Bill 3412 or Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program Act of 2009, authorized by the
Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago. The bill aims to
institutionalize the program by formally making it the national
conditional fund transfer program.
Statement of the Problem: This study aims to answer the
following research questions about the

Social Inequalities We live in a world where not everyone has the freedom to do as they wish.
Many people live in fear of being who they are because of the consequences they might face.
Social inequality is a major issue in today’s world. It is the existence of unequal opportunities
and rewards for different social positions within a group/society. Some popular factors of social
inequalities are gender, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, age discrimination, immigration,
income and health, health and mental health and education.
I enjoyed most on sharing my own story of social class and inequality in our society.

Social inequality is described by the presence of unequal opportunities and rewards for various social
positions or statuses inside a society or group. It contains organized and repetitive examples of unequal
distributions of goods, riches, opportunities, prizes, and disciplines. There are currently a number of
various social inequalities that face our society as of today. These issues ranges rom social
control to social stratification, to radical/ gender inequality.
In today’s lesson, I have also learned the different programs of the government to
address coail inequality here in the country. Some of these are MASA-Masid, modifies
conditional cash transfer (mcct) program. Steepin gup the value program and etc.
Studying social inequality is very important for the students because
We find that cross-national patterns of social inequality differ significantly from patterns
derived from measures of income inequality. This is important since countries with less social
inequality have higher levels of economic performance and human development, and stronger
political institutions.

The lower class is typified by poverty, homelessness, and unemployment. People of this class,
few of whom have finished high school, suffer from lack of medical care, adequate housing and
food, decent clothing, safety, and vocational training.

MIDDLE- The middle class are the “sandwich” class. These white collar workers have more
money than those below them on the “social ladder,” but less than those above them.

The middle class may be said to include the middle and upper levels of

clerical workers, those engaged in technical and professional
occupations, supervisors and managers, and such self-employed
workers as small-scale shopkeepers, businesspersons, and farmers.
UPPER- The upper class in modern capitalist societies is often
distinguished by the possession of largely inherited wealth. The
ownership of large amounts of property and the income derived from
it confer many advantages upon the members of the upper class.

1. The distinct vertical layers found in rock, called stratification, are a good way to
visualize social structure. Society's layers are made of people, and society's resources are
distributed unevenly throughout the layers.
Theory says that stratification is necessary/ important and inevitable because of the need to
induce people with the needed knowledge and skills to decide to pursue the careers that are
most important to society…
Regardless of the form it takes, social stratification can manifest as the ability to make rules,
decisions, and establish notions of right and wrong. Additionally, this power can be manifested
as the capacity to control the distribution of resources and determine the opportunities, rights,
and obligations of others. It is also important to make the peopleof upper strata to work hard and
to live up to their positions ans status.
Functionalist theory says that stratification is necessary and inevitable because of the need to
induce people with the needed knowledge and skills to decide to pursue the careers that are
most important to society.
The main function of social stratification is to make the people of upper strata to work hard
and to live up to their positions and status. Pearson argues that American society values the
achievements and efficiency of individual and puts emphasis on hard work and productive
activity within the economy.
2. The lower middle class is often made up of less educated people with lower incomes, such
as managers, small business owners, teachers, and secretaries. The upper middle class is
often made up of highly educated business and professional people with high incomes, such as
doctors, lawyers, stockbrokers, and CEOs.
The upper middle class is defined as consisting of white-collar professionals who have
above-average personal incomes, advanced educational degrees and a high degree of
autonomy in their work, leading to higher job satisfaction.
Upper class- It consists essentially of the capitalists in Marx’s system. This is the top of the
income and wealth distribution and control much of the country’s wealth. People in this class
may have jobs but usually they take on more honorary positions such as board members or
heading up philanthropic organizations.
2. The upper class essentially consists of the capitalists in Marx’s system and they are the top of
the income and wealth distribution. They also control much of the country’s wealth. People in
this class may have jobs but usually they take on more honorary positions such as board
members or heading up philanthropic organizations. On the other hand, middle class are also
white collar workers who have more money than those below on them on the social ladder but
less than those above them.

engaged in technical and professional occupations,

These are the people who
supervisors and managers, and such self-employed workers as small-
scale shopkeepers, businesspersons, and farmers. +Lastly, lower class
are blue collar workers at the bottom of the income distribution. The majority of these
families do not own their own homes and are more likely to live in neighborhoods with higher
rates of poverty, lower quality school districts and higher crime rates

250-500 words

All societies suffer from stratification alone, but nations are

also stratified in comparison to one another. Globalization
aggravates the issue of stratification and creates larger rifts in
race, class and gender statuses. Interdependence has led to
competition between nations, growing gaps of upper and lower
classes, negative race relations, and devaluation of women.
Globalization and stratification are concepts that connect
interactions among the people between and within nations.
Globalization is the global integration of people, businesses, and
governments. Sharing of economic, political and cultural
systems affects the stratification our world’s societies. Social
stratification is a system that our civilization uses to rank people
in a hierarchy of status. Factors taken into account when
creating this gradation include race, class and gender. Race is a
social construction based off of physical features, not a
biological fact. Classes refer to a certain group of people of
similar status in wealth and power. For example, the middle
class is usually know for living in suburbia and the working class
would typically have low paying manufacturing job. Similar to
race, gender isn’t biological. A person’s sex is biological; gender
on the other hand is sociological and pertains to the extent of
masculinity or femininity of someone. The similarities and
differences that people possess in regards to these factors
decide where they fall on the socially stratified ladder of

First of all, social stratification is defined as a system by which society ranks categories of people in
a hierarchy. It’s the division of society into classes that have unequal amounts of wealth, power, and
prestige. It’s made up from social classes. Social class is a general group in society having common
economic, cultural, resources, or political status and share values, norms and a certain lifestyle. Social
classes are generally having three broad classes: upper, middle, and lower, but in some countries there
might only be an upper class and a lower…show more content…
Discrimination takes many forms, including avoiding social contact with members of minority groups,
denying them positions that carry authority, and blocking their access to the more exclusive
neighborhoods. It can also involve such extremes as attacking or killing minority members.
I think many people learn discrimination when they are children. They see the way the adults around them
respond to those who are of a different race, religion, or sexual orientation, and they grow up never
questioning those judgments. Even if they do come to question those fixed beliefs, it is very hard to
overcome the worldview we learn as children.
Sometimes people start discriminating against a group of people after bad experiences with a few. For
instance, discrimination against Muslims rose drastically after the events of 9/11, even though the majority
of American Muslims are most definitely not terrorists and were as mortified as the rest of us by those


This lesson harnesses my knowledge about the social issues we are facing right now.
Stratification is a hierarchy of positions with regard to economic production which
influences the social rewards to those in the positions. The activity helps us to know the
different present social classes in our society and classified which level are we.

Everyone cares about status whether they're aware of it or not... People also say

that status is considered universally important because it influences how people think
and behave. "Establishing that desire for status is a fundamental human motive matters
because status differences can be demoralizing but for me,  class is just one of the ways
that we can divide society, alongside ethnicity, gender, religion or social outlook. Class is just
one among many ways to categorise people and not a way to discriminate or treat people
I enjoyed most on distinguishing the similarities and differences of te different social classes in
the society.

What is class?
I learned that

I enjoyed most on

I want to learn more on

In what regard is some stratification inevitable?

a) Social stratification is universal:

There is no society on this world which is free from stratification.
Modern stratification differs from stratification of primitive societies.
It is a worldwide phenomenon. According to Sorokin “all permanently
organized groups are stratified.”

(b) Stratification is social:

It is true that biological qualities do not determine one’s superiority
and inferiority. Factors like age, sex, intelligence as well as strength
often contribute as the basis on which statues are distinguished. But
one’s education, property, power, experience, character, personality
etc. are found to be more important than biological qualities. Hence,
stratification is social by nature.

(c) It is ancient:
Stratification system is very old. It was present even in the small
wondering bonds. In almost all the ancient civilizations, the
differences between the rich and poor, humble andpowerful existed.
During the period of Plato and Kautilya even emphasis was given to
political, social and economic inequalities.


(d) It is in diverse forms:

The forms of stratification is not uniform in all the societies. In the
modern world class, caste and estate are the general forms of
stratification. In India a special type of stratification in the form of
caste is found. The ancient Aryas were divided into four varnas: the
Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Sudras. The ancient Greeks were
divided into freemen and slaves and the ancient Romans were divided
into the particians and the plebians. So every society, past or present,
big or small is characterized by diversed forms of social stratification.

Education brings affinity and kills differences in the society.
Education is a key to success and freedom from all the forces.

Education is a key to the door of all the dreams.
Background of the Problem

Nutrition is a significant factor in individual’s life from the time of

conception up to the time of death. It plays a vital role in human and economic
development for it is essential in producing well-nourished populations that can
lead productive lives. However, hunger has long been a serious problem among
children today especially in Quezon, Nueva Vizcaya. The town is at a paradox
where people especially 5-10 years old suffer from hunger. Records show that
while the average number of underweight children in the province has decreased at
2.97 percent in 2020 compared with 2017, the figure is still above the national
average of 1.78 percent.That is why, the Action Against Hunger program will help
children, who are future pillars of the society to give adequate nutrition to
guarantee healthy growth, proper body organs’ formation and function, strong
immune system, and neurological and cognitive development. Through this
program we also aim to decrease the number of underweight children in Quezon,
Nueva Vizcaya.

There have been efforts on the part of the local government units (LGUs)
and the non-government organizations to curb hunger, the nutrition gaps in the
region have yet to be fully addressed. one of these is the The Malnutrition Reduction
Program (MRP) of the DOST-FNRI. They address the undernutrition problem among
young children. The DOST PINOY strategy under the MRP is a package of intervention
which involves direct feeding of rice-mongo based complementary foods for 6 months to
below 3 years old children and nutrition education among mothers and caregivers. The
complementary food technology and the intervention strategy is being rolled-out to the
countryside as part of the solutions to the malnutrition problem among our Filipino
young children.

Breaking the cycle of poverty is almost impossible. But poverty does not
have to be permanent specially for children. Project PEARLS is also a campaign

Every day, around 150 to 300 children gather in their courtyard to have a hearty and
healthy breakfast. After the feeding program, they conduct learning activities for the children.
From Monday to Friday, they have the Toy Library and Time2Learn  program that hone their
cognitive and social skills through creative play and basic literacy tutorials. On Saturdays,
they do Brain Booster  activities, such as art and crafts, to develop their creativity and artistic
skills. And on Sundays, they have the After School Program  to provide free tutorials to inspire
kids to excel academically.

Project PEARLS still aims to distribute holiday food packs to hundreds of

families; and gifts to thousands of children.An adopted family will receive the
1. Grocery Pack for their Holiday meals good for a family of 6-8
2. Holiday Snack Packs
3. Gifts for all the children
4. A more meaningful and joyful holiday because of YOU!

The Nutrition Center of the Philippines (NCP) is also a non-profit organization

established in 1974 to help address malnutrition in the Philippines.  They work
with both government and non-government sectors to achieve Nutrition Security
for all Filipinos, especially for those who are disadvantaged, through: 

 Social and Biomedical Research

 Nutrition Program Design and Implementation
 Monitoring and Evaluation
 Public Health Policy
 Product Development

For the past 4 decades, they have played a critical role in developing and
implementing policy-shaping nutrition interventions, through their core partners
and the community.
Provincial Nutrition Office (PNO) led the implementation of the regular nutrition
activities and instituted innovative strategies and projects such as  adopting depressed
barangays with high numbers of underweight children, livelihood assistance program
through Search for Idol kong Pamilya and Idol Kong Entrepreneur,  healthy lifestyle
program,   weighing scale program, Batang Radyo sa Nutrisyon, Ten Kumainments
campaign, Barangay  Nutrition Scholars’  Congress,  children’s month
celebration,  population congress and nutrition month celebration. Innovative projects
were also implemented to further enhance and facilitate the delivery of nutrition and
health services in the province such as the Barangay Nutrition Scholars Livelihood
Program, Healthy Lifestyle Program, Feeding Program for Lolo and Lola, Centenarian
Program and Project Commissioning Our Youth (COY).

The Malnutrition Reduction Program (MRP) of the DOST-FNRI addresses the

undernutrition problem among young children. The DOST PINOY strategy under the
MRP is a package of intervention which involves direct feeding of rice-mongo based
complementary foods for 6 months to below 3 years old children and nutrition education
among mothers and caregivers. The complementary food technology and the
intervention strategy is being rolled-out to the countryside as part of the solutions to the
malnutrition problem among our Filipino young children.

And for some NGOs, the work continues.

Gawad Kalinga Community Development Foundation Inc. (GK) has implemented

the Kusina ng Kalinga (KNK), an anti-poverty campaign, in some parts of the country.
This program aimed at helping end hunger among young Filipinos by cooking delicious
meals for children in public schools. They put up one “central kitchen” in the region.
Every day, the volunteers will cook meals and prepare lunch boxes not for their own
families but for the empty stomachs of marginalized students. Under the central kitchen
model, food for public elementary students is prepared in one place and then distributed
to different schools. Unlike many feeding programs, Kusina ng Kalinga is a sustainable
initiative. With the help of the project, all grade school students who are part of the
program will be able to receive a meal regardless of their weight or nutritional status.
The meals are prepared according to the recommended dietary allowance for children
and are approved by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute and the recipes are also
arranged and planned monthly to make sure kids enjoy a variety of dishes.

Florendo said the program can feed up to 1,500 children daily.

In depressed communities, poor families end up not sending their children to school to
save on money.

But with feeding programs, Florendo said the students have been given a motivation to
attend school.
"In fact, one of the principals noted a zero drop-out rate in their school. There's
improvement not only in the attendance, not only in the physical improvement but also
in the overall well-being of the children," he said.

Florendo said the food in each box is their commitment to care for the young ones until
no child is left hungry.

“Hunger ends where caring begins,” he said. — Jahara E. Monares and Rosemarie P.
Tordillo (FREEMAN)

While there have been efforts on the part of the local government units (LGUs) and
the non-government organizations to curb hunger, the nutrition gaps in the region
have yet to be fully addressed and this program (name of the program) will help to
lower down the number of malnourished in the said place.


Action Against Hunger Program (AMP) of the Chanselon Foundation addresses

the undernutrition problem among young children and our mission is to end poverty for
5 million families by 2027. Our program involves direct feeding of

I will implement an anti -poverty campaign program named Action Against

Program in Quezon. This program aimed at helping end hunger among young Filipinos
by cooking delicious meals for children in public schools.

I will put up one “central kitchen” in the region. Every day, the volunteers will
cook meals and prepare lunch boxes not for their own families but for the empty
stomachs of marginalized students. Under the central kitchen moel, food for public
elementary students is prepared in one place and then distributed to different schools in
Quezon. Unlike many feeding programs, this program, is a sustainable initiative. With
the help of the project, all grade school students who are part of the program will be
able to receive a meal regardless of their weight or nutritional status. The meals are
prepared according to the recommended dietary allowance for children and are
approved by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute and the recipes are also
arranged and planned monthly to make sure kids enjoy a variety of dishes. This
program can feed up to 1,500 children daily and the food in each box is our commitment
t cc are for the young ones until no child is left hungry. This will be a successful program
because of the contribution of the ncp( nutrition center of the Philippines) and Provincial
Nutrition Office (PNO) is with us.

“Hunger ends where caring begins,” he said. — Jahara E. Monares and Rosemarie P.
Tordillo (FREEMAN)
Gawad Kalinga Community Development Foundation Inc. (GK) has implemented
the Kusina ng Kalinga (KNK), an anti-poverty campaign, in some parts of the country.
This program aimed at helping end hunger among young Filipinos by cooking delicious
meals for children in public schools. They put up one “central kitchen” in the region.
Every day, the volunteers will cook meals and prepare lunch boxes not for their own
families but for the empty stomachs of marginalized students. Under the central kitchen
model, food for public elementary students is prepared in one place and then distributed
to different schools. Unlike many feeding programs, Kusina ng Kalinga is a sustainable
initiative. With the help of the project, all grade school students who are part of the
program will be able to receive a meal regardless of their weight or nutritional status.
The meals are prepared according to the recommended dietary allowance for children
and are approved by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute and the recipes are also
arranged and planned monthly to make sure kids enjoy a variety of dishes.

The DOST PINOY strategy under the MRP is a package of intervention which
involves direct feeding of rice-mongo based complementary foods for 6 months to below
3 years old children and nutrition education among mothers and caregivers. The
complementary food technology and the intervention strategy is being rolled-out to the
countryside as part of the solutions to the malnutrition problem among our Filipino
young children.

If we are to combat malnutrition, we need to think in terms of ecosystems. We need to

bring together efforts from government, from NGOs and multilateral agencies, and
from individuals. What kinds of practices can we share and to which communities?
How do we go beyond feeding programs into equipping families with the knowledge
and skills that they need in order to make healthier decisions?

Institutions also have an important redistributive role to play in the economy – they

make sure that resources are properly allocated, and ensure that the poor or those with fewer
economic resources are protected. They also encourage trust by providing policing and justice
systems which adhere to a common set of laws.

I learned the forms and functions of state and nonstate institution. Institution is a society
or organization founded for a religious, educational, social, or similar purpose. There are also
state and nonstate institutions. State is the institution whose functions are carried out by the
government and majore scope of this are the political and economic institution. It is also
mentioned in the textbook the major functions of economic instutions which are the reciprocity,
redistribution and market transactions. On the other hand, nonstate institutions are groups and
organizations which operate outside the support of any state or government. Some examples
are baks, corporation, cooperative,s trade unions, transnational advocacy. Development
agencies and international organization.

I enjoyed most on the main functions od economic institutions. I enjoyed in identifying the
different scenarios whether they belong to reciprocity, redistribution or market. This lesson is
very fun and interesting.
I want to learn more on who do people turn to for human sevurity? State or nonstate institutions.
the different NGOs here in the Philippines.


1. good life
 financially stable in your life
 get a good job

 have more opportunities presented in your life.
 Can tavel rhe world
 fulfill the basic needs in life and ssatisfy the wants

2. Course’
 Higher education
 Knowledge growth

3. build character

 learn to set goals and to feel proud when they accomplish set goals which
will play a key role in a successful adult life.
helps you learn about other values and morals to have a well-balanced, open
Develop your skills and talent.
4. betterment or improvement of the country
1. To govern the country wisely and fairly.

Learn different language

have a solid education, you’re more apt to have more opportunities
presented in your life.
2.  are educated you are provided with skills to work with other people.
Whether they are peers or of a variety of ages education should teach
interpersonal skills. Some of those skills are how to act towards others
in society, how to hold conversations with others and how to work
together on different tasks.
3. Education helps to build character as you learn about different cultures,
languages and how other people think as well as live.
4. Learn different language
5. education you are able to fulfill the basic needs in life
6. satisfy all your wants
7.  it can provide knowledge in other areas such as art, history, and music
8. Learn on how to read and write
9. Education helps children learn to set goals and to feel proud when they
accomplish set goals which will play a key role in a successful adult
10. To govern the country wisely and fairly.

 Makes you self dependent

Education is very important if you want to be a self dependent person. It helps you become
financially independent but that is not all.  Education also makes you wiser so that you can make
your own decisions

11. For economic growth of the nation

12. Saves you from being fooled or cheated.
13. For a happy and stable life
14. You can visit different foreign countries.


If we want to see the world as a just and fair place where everyone is given equal opportunities,
education is what we require. Education is a must if we want to do away with the existing
differences between different social classes and genders.  It opens a whole world of opportunities
for the poor so that they may have an equal shot at well paying jobs. Education also plays a
major role in women empowerment
15. Turn your dreams into reality

 Makes the world a safer and more peaceful place

Education majorly affects our understanding of the difference between right and wrong. An
educated person is well aware of the consequences of wrong/illegal actions and he is less likely
to get influenced and do something which is not legally/morally right. Also, a  number of
uneducated people who live a poverty stricken life owning to lack of opportunities often turn to
illegal ways such as theft and robbery to solve their problems. If you are educated, you are well
aware of your rights, the law and your responsibilities towards the society. Hence, education is
an important factor which contributes in social harmony and peace.

 Makes you confident

Your educational degree is considered as a proof of your knowledge by many. If you are
educated you have more chances of being heard and taken seriously. Generally, an uneducated
man will find it harder to express his views and opinions owning to lack of confidence. Even if
he does so, people may not take him seriously. Education gives you the confidence to express
your views and opinions.

16. Live independently and give freedom

17. Develop our skills and knowledge
18. Is reall worth investment

Education is an essential ingredient for all ages and stages of the life of an individual, society
as well as the nation. This institution helps the people through giving basic academic knowledge,
learning skills, and teaching cultural norms. Education also helps to reconstruct the experience
and adjust with the environment, teaches us moral values and give us equal opportunities in all
aspects irrespective of case, creed and color. Lastly, educational institutions have a big
contribution in the economic growth of the nation therefore, educational institutions are
important as it acts as an establishment that help to change the world. 

I learned the function

Education is an important medium of acquiring essential knowledge and

skills. It is more than just learning from books. It is an effort of the older
generation to transfer their life wisdom to their offspring. In this lesson, I have
learned about the importance of educational institutions in the society.
Educational institutions are defined as entities that provide instructional services to
individuals or education-related services to individuals and other educational institutions.
It is very important in the society because it shapes the future of the society.
It offers and provide a large variety of learning environments and learning spaces
of different ages. This will help us to develop our skills and personalities, helps the individual
to reconstruct the experience and adjust with the new environment, learn moral values and
tgives us equal opportunities in all aspects irrespective of case, creed, color, sex and religion.

Education is definitely important in one`s life. As a student, I want to learn

more on how does education change the perception and life of a one person.

want to learn more on what are the biggest educational institutions in the
country and what are their differences to other small educational institutions

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