English Language School Based Assessment Anabolic Steroids

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CENTRE NO: 100281
Table of Content

Plan of Investigation 1

Source 1 2-4

Source 2 5-6

Source 3 7-11

Reflection 1 12-13

Reflection 2 14-16

Reflection 3 17

Written Report 18-19

Plan of Oral Presentation 20

Reference 21
Plan of Investigation

I am completing this School Based Assessment as a partial fulfillment for the requirements of completing

the csec English Language Syllabus. In order to successfully complete this project, I joined a group and we

agreed on a theme which is Addiction, in which I further narrowed this topic down to my individual topic, ``the

effects of anabolic steroids on young adults ages 18-21”. I suddenly became interested in this topic when I

realize an average number of young adults, mainly male in and around my community are using anabolic

steroids to get bulky muscles. It would be of great necessity to know the effect that anabolic steroids have on


In order to complete, my School Based Assessment I will select my three pieces of data [poem, article and

journal article] In order to present my findings. I will use electronic sources to respond to my School Based

Assessment question. To analyze these articles I will employ techniques as finding the main idea and literacy


As a student of English this project may benefit me by improving my understanding of English skills,

improving my vocabulary and help with my presentation skills. I am also happy that my learning skills will also

Source 1

Anabolic Steroids and Young Adults 

Lisa Fish, Linn Goldberg, Daniel Spratt
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 89, Issue 8, 1 August 2004,
Page E1, https://doi.org/10.1210/jcem.89.8.9994

Issue Section:
 Patient Information Page from The Hormone Foundation

What is the role of testosterone in men’s health?

Anabolic steroids are drugs that are forms of the hormone testosterone. They are known for their
effects on muscle. However, they also have effects like growth of facial hair, deepening of the
voice, and changes in behavior.

Anabolic steroids are occasionally prescribed to help AIDS patients gain weight and to treat some
types of severe anemia. These drugs are also used illegally by some athletes to improve
performance, and by others to get a more muscular appearance.
Anabolic Steroids

 Anadrol (oxymetholone)
 Dianabol (methandrostenolone)
 Winstrol (stanozolol)
 Deca-Durabolin (nandrolone)
 Oxandrin (Oxandrolone)
 Depot-Testosterone

Anabolic steroids come in various forms including pills, creams, patches, tablet or drops placed
under the tongue, and injectables. Veterinary steroids often contain the same components as human
steroids, but are not as pure. People are sometimes using these as well.

Who is using anabolic steroids?

Both adults and children use anabolic steroids. Since 1996, use in children has increased 39%
among 8th graders, 67% among 10th graders and 84% among seniors in high school. A recent
survey reported that one of every 16 high school students has used anabolic steroids. Use among
girls as well as boys is rising.

Steroid use by college athletes has increased in recent years as well, and some professional athletes
continue to use these drugs. Anabolic steroids are also used by young people who are not athletes,
but who take them to get a more muscular appearance.

Why care about anabolic steroids?

Anabolic steroids have dangerous physical and psychological side effects. These may be more
dangerous in young adults because they can stop growth, and in females they can cause permanent
changes in the voice and genitals.

After stopping these drugs, people can experience severe depression and moodiness.

Side Effects of Anabolic Steroid Use

 For Girls:
o Facial hair
o Deep voice
o Increased body hair
o Irregular periods
o Increased appetite
o Enlarged clitoris
 For Boys:
o Breasts
o Shrunken testicles
 For Both:
o Severe acne
o Baldness
o Liver abnormalities and tumors
o Angry outbursts (“roid rage”) or aggressive behavior
o Paranoia
o Hallucinations
o Psychosis
o Blood clots

Injections of anabolic steroids carry the risk for infection with AIDS or hepatitis if needles are
shared. Anabolic steroids obtained without a prescription are unreliable and may contain additional
substances and may not even contain the steroids.

What can you do with this information?

If you are using anabolic steroids without a doctor’s prescription, stop. You could be causing
irreversible damage to your body. If you have used anabolic steroids and are experiencing health
problems, see your doctor. If you are a parent, teacher or coach and know of kids who are using
steroids, talk to them about the risks and counsel them on healthy nutrition and exercise
Source 2

© Brandon Levangie

Time is consuming.
I struggle removing
temptation and sorrow
for a better tomorrow.
Life is confusing.
I'm tired of losing
in hopes that I'll find
some peace in my mind.
Distorted perception,
thoughts of deception,
memories that are haunting
of the drug I'm still wanting.
Complex situations,
illogical insinuations.
Consumed by fear
from the voices I hear,
telling me to quit fighting.
I get tired of re-lighting
the flame of my soul,
relocating a goal,
for the strength to carry out,
and remove my self-doubt,
to beat my addiction,
and inner confliction.
Let go of my shame,
break free from this pain.
Chainless and free,
for the chance to see
life without depression,
feelings without suppression.
If it's over too easily,
that'll just tease me.
Plotting an attack
on getting you back
for all of this time
you controlled my mind.
Following through,
I'll say, then I'll do
to leave you behind
and never rewind
to suicidal denial,
'cause now I can smile
in knowing I'm free,
'cause I've finally found me.

Published by Family Friend Poems on 07/01/2016

Source: familyfriendpoems.com/poem/34350

Copyright © 2006 - 2020 FamilyFriendPoems.com
Source 3

Teens and Steroids: A Dangerous Combo

Ali Mohamadi, M.D., a medical officer at FDA, wants teens to know how dangerous it is to use steroids in

hopes of being better athletes or more attractive.

The abuse of anabolic steroids can cause both temporary and permanent injury to anyone using them.

Teenagers, whose bodies are still developing, are at heightened risk. An alarming number of them are trying

steroids in hopes of improving their athletic prowess or their appearance. Ali Mohamadi, M.D., a medical

officer in the Food and Drug Administration’s Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology Products, warns

teens and parents about the dangers of steroid use.

Q: What are anabolic steroids and how many teens use them?

A: They are drugs that mimic the actions of the male sex hormone testosterone. This includes promoting the

growth of cells, especially in muscle, and maintaining or increasing male physical characteristics. Various

studies have been conducted and generally reflect the findings of a Youth Risk and Behavior Surveillance

System study, which estimated that among U.S. high school students, 4.9% of males and 2.4% of females have

used anabolic steroids at least once in their lives. That is 375,000 young men and 175,000 young women.

Q. What are the side effects of taking anabolic steroids?

A: They are known to have a range of serious adverse effects on many organ systems, and in many cases, the

damage is not reversible. They include fertility problems, impotence, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and

heart and liver abnormalities. Boys may experience shrinkage of the testes or the development of breast tissue;

girls may experience menstrual irregularities and development of masculine qualities such as facial and body

hair. Both may experience acne. Both boys and girls may also experience mood swings and aggressive

behavior, which can impact the lives not only of those taking steroids, but of everyone around them.

Q: Are prescriptions needed to get steroids?

A: Yes, in fact anabolic steroids are classified as Schedule III Controlled Substances by the U.S. Drug

Enforcement Administration with strict regulations, meaning that not only is a prescription required, but there

are extra controls. For example, it is illegal to possess them without a prescription in the United States, and in

most circumstances, the prescription must be in written form and cannot be called in to a pharmacist. Labels on

some steroids recommend testing of hormone levels during use.

The number of FDA-approved uses is limited. Most are prescribed as a replacement for sub-normal levels of

steroids. They are also prescribed for conditions such as muscle wasting, poor wound healing, and very specific

pulmonary or bone marrow disorders.

A health care professional can prescribe steroids off-label, meaning for conditions other than those that are

FDA-approved. But children, particularly teens, are getting access to steroids and taking them for reasons far

outside of their intended use.

Q: So how are teens getting access?

A: Some get prescriptions from a licensed practitioner for such purposes as introducing puberty to boys who are

“late bloomers” or to stimulate growth among teens who are failing to grow. Some may be dealing with

unscrupulous clinics or street dealers on the black market. Unfortunately, a number of vendors sell anabolic

steroids online without a prescription. Individuals should also be aware that some dietary supplements

advertised for bodybuilding may unlawfully include steroids or steroid-like substances, and the ingredient

statement on the label may not include that information.

Q: What is the FDA doing to prevent those illegal sales?

A: FDA is taking a number of steps to discourage these practices. Action has been taken against illegal online

distributors who sell steroids without valid prescriptions, but an ongoing problem is that you can take one site

down and another pops up.

The challenge is intensified by the fact that many online providers do not accurately advertise the contents of

the products they sell, they may be operating outside the U.S., and a licensed practitioner who can help

individuals weigh the risks and benefits does not prescribe the drugs. In such cases, individuals may have no

idea what they are taking, what the appropriate dose should be, or what levels of control and safety went into

the manufacturing process. These facts make the risks of taking anabolic steroids bought without a prescription

even greater than they otherwise would be.

Q: What would you say to a teen you knew was tempted by steroids?

A: I would emphasize both the short and long-term potential for serious harm to their health. Rather than

making you look or perform better, steroids will more likely cause unfavorable results that could affect you for

life. I would also remind them that there are a number of ways to increase muscle mass and athletic

performance, including a sensible regimen of exercise and diet, without resorting to extreme and dangerous


Q: What would you like to say to parents?

A: Parents tend not to believe their teens would consider taking anabolic steroids, but the truth is that the

frequency of steroid use in this age group is far greater than many would guess.

During this time of year, when children are in school and getting back into their athletic routines, parents should

watch for potential signs of abuse. Mood swings are among the first side effects to show up, and steroid use
may lead to mania or depression. Acne is also an early side effect and can be followed by breast development in

boys or increased body hair in girls. A surprising gain of muscle mass should also raise questions. It is a

problem that is as real as it is surprising.

REFLECTION 1 – How each piece of material shaped my thinking on the topic “the effects of anabolic

steroids on young adults.

Before conducting, any research I had no idea what anabolic steroids is. I thought it was an energy booster

that could do little or no harm. However after learning that it is a drug, I wanted to find out how this substance

can affect young adults if they habitually intake this substance.

My first article by Fish, Goldberg, and Spratt [2004] explains that the over consumption of anabolic steroids

may damage the health and mental well-being of young adults. This may also lead them to become violently

towards themselves and others as well as it may lead to death. Since 1996, the use of anabolic steroids in

children has increased 39% among 8th graders, 67% among 10th graders and 84% among seniors in high school.

Anabolic Steroids have dangerous physical and psychological side effects. These may be more

dangerous in young adults because they can stop growth and in females, they can cause permanent changes in

the voice and genitals. After stopping these drugs, people can experience severe depression and moodiness

My second article is a poem “METH” by Levangie [2016] has created an image in my mind of how

dangerous anabolic steroid has on young adults. It causes illusinations, self-doubt, depression and suicidal

thoughts. It causes the writer to struggle in removing from anabolic steroids. He struggles to have a peace of

mind, distorted perceptions and thoughts of deception. The writer is disturbingly consumed by fear from the

many voices in his head. He wanted to be free from a life of depression and memories that are haunting.

My final article is by Mohamadi 2017 high-trigulates the dangers of using anabolic steroids especially in

young adults. He points out that steroids in teens can cause both temporary and permanent injuries. Anabolic
steroids has a higher risk on young adults because their bodies are still developing. He emphasize both short and

long-term potential for serious harm to health causing shrinkage of the testes in boys and the development of

breast tissues in girls.

After thorough research, I’ve come to the conclusion that anabolic steroids is a serious and dangerous

drug that affects your mental and physical well-ness. The drug have a range of serious adverse effects on many

organs system and in many cases the damage is reversible. The drug causes many health problems, which can

impact the lives not only of those taking steroids but also to everyone around them.
REFLECTION 2 – Use of language presented in the materials selected on the topic “the effects of anabolic

steroids on young adults.

Literacy devices are techniques that writers used to create a special and pointed effect in their writing, to

convey information or to help readers understand their writing on a deeper level. Literacy devices were used in

all three articles. In my first article Fish, Goldberg, and Spratt (2004), the languages used were Statistics and

Headings. Statistics are numbers or facts that are used to provide information.

Writer’s uses statistics as a tool to convince the reader and that statistics will prove what the writer is saying.

Examples of statistics the writer uses are “39% among 8th graders, 67% among 10th graders and 84% among

seniors in high school”. This statistical data helps me to understand the article by giving a clear understanding

of how to properly orient myself towards method to collect data, employ the correct analyses and to effectively

present my results in my everyday life.

The other piece of device used in article one is Headings. Headings are a short phrase or title describing

what the succeeding section is all about and visually conveys levels of importance Writers use headings to help

readers identify the main points of a section in a book. An example the writer uses of heading is “Why care

about Anabolic Steroids”? This heading data help me to understand the informational text that was clearly

shown and with the writing skills that will help me with my critical reading skills.

In my second article, Levangie (2016) employed Rhymes and Emotive Language. Rhymes are

correspondence of sound between words, especially when these are used at the ends of a line of poetry.
Writers use rhymes to make a poem musical. It aids the memory for recitation and gives predictable

pleasure. Examples of rhymes the writer uses are “Consuming-Removing, Sorrow-Tomorrow, Find-Mind”.

This device rhymes help me to break words into smaller parts, improves my reading skills, spelling, and writing


The other piece of literacy the writer employed was emotive language. Emotive language is the term used

when certain word choices are made to evoke an emotional response. Writers use emotive language to persuade

the reader or listeners to share their reactions in order to have an emotional impact on their audience. Examples

of emotive language the writer uses are “consumed by fear and the flame of my soul”. The emotive literacy

used in this article helps me to understand how to communicate a message or idea and feelings of the writer or


In my final article, Mohamadi (2017) employed Examples and Authority Figure. Examples are somethings,

someone that shows what others of the same kind are like, or how they work. A writer uses examples to back up

statements of fact to add value to their writing. It gives readers more information and decrease the chances that

the fact or idea to be wrongly applied to real-life situations. Example of the example the writer use is “For

example, it is illegal to possess them without a prescription”. This example data helps me to know when and

how examples should be used and gives clarification.

The other literacy device used is Authority Figure. Authority figure is a person who has or represents

authority. Writers uses authority figure to communicate with passion and power. Example the writer use of

authority figure is “U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration”. The authority figure used helps me to provide

readers with clear understanding of whom the writers uses to identify a place. This data will help me to be a

better reader, with excellent writing skills.

REFLECTION 3 – How the process of the SBA has helped me to become a better person.

The whole School Based Assessment process has helped me become a better person in various ways I

am inspired. The topic anabolic steroid has helped reshaped my thoughts and intentions about using the drug.

Upon starting this topic, I had no knowledge of anabolic steroids but with thorough research and the knowledge

I gained I have a better understanding of anabolic steroids and the effects it has on young adults. I am now able

to educate other young people about this substance and how dangerous it is for their health.

I am also more knowledgeable about language techniques. I had to read through each article and examine

how each author used various techniques to enhance their writing. This process allowed me to have a better

understanding of the uses of the techniques. I know that I can used this to enhance my own writing for both

English and other subject areas.

Working in a group was not easy at all. The students were not forth coming. Questions were posted with

little or no response from group members. Another benefit of doing this project is that it prepares me for the

world by presenting myself better in a group with persons with different personalities. I am happy with this

topic and the knowledge I gain.

Written report

In order to complete this project, we formed a group with similar interest, “Addiction” we will used the

Divide and Conquer and Choose the Best Strategy. For Divide and Conquer Strategy, each group member had a

different but important task to do. We all came up with different questions and brought it back to the group and

then we select the best ones to used. The Divide and Conquer Strategy was used in selecting the pieces to

include. Finally, we decided to choose a video, a poem an article that answered our group’s questions.

1. To what extent addiction affects young people’s self-esteem.

2. The effects of addiction on the family.

For all three pieces, we used the SOAPSTONES procedure to analyze each document and used the text analysis

matrix to allow for easier compassion of the three pieces. SOAPSTONES required us to identify the speaker,

occasion, audience, purpose, subject, tone and style for each selected piece. This was done in matrix.

According to The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM) August 2004, addiction is a

serious threat in the life of young adults. The poem by Levangie January 2016 addresses the emotions of how

the writer expresses his feelings about the drugs and how he wanted to stop but he went back to the drug

because of the state of confusion. From the thoughts of deceptions and haunting memories brought fear and

shame in the writer’s life.

Analyzing of the information was not difficult; instead, it was quite easy to grasp the concept of the articles

by just reading it once. Out comers of the research were very positive as grammar, writing, reading, and

comprehension skills were stress and improved with the help of our teacher.
Our knowledge on the topic Addiction was also widened and improved which led us to be aware of our drug

addiction. Our outcome was to examine the negative impact of anabolic steroids on young adults. Our

objectives were met and we were able to complete the SBA in the time that was allotted to us.
Plan of Oral Presentation

Individual Topic: Effect of Anabolic Steroids on Young Adults

Sources: Journal Article

Anabolic Steroids and Young Adults

Lisa Fish, Linn Goldberg, Daniel Spratt (2004)

Poem (Meth)

Brandon Levangie (2016)

Update Article

Teens and Steroids: A Dangerous Combo

Ali Mohamadi (2017)

Genre: A skit

The journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Volume 89, Issue 8,1 August 2004, Retrieved from


Family Friend Poems on 07/01/2016 Retrieved from https://familyfriendpoems.com/poem/34350

Teens and Steroids: A Dangerous Combo Retrieved from https://fda.gov/consumer-updates

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