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HOT WATER FOR ALL Manual José Alcino Alano



Roberto Requião

Department of Environment and Water Resources - SEMA

Lindsley da Silva RASCA RODRIGUES
Made from potentially recyclable paper.

State Secretary

Solid Waste Coordination - CRES

Laerty Dudas


Cinthia Raquel Ayres Chico - CRES Technical Advisor

Renata Augusta L. Seleme Kehrig - Environmental Engineer, Technical Advisor CRES
Alejandro Lins Cochamanidis - Visual Design Intern - PUCPR

Project and Patent - INPI

José Alcino Alano and family - Tubarão - SC


State Secretariat for the Environment and Water Resources of Paraná -SEMA
R. Desembargador Motta, 3384 - CEP 80430-200 - Curitiba - PR - e-mail:
tel: (41) 3304-7712 or 3304-7798
THE SEMA by Solid Waste
Coordination - CRES, has a
This Manual contains the main steps for making the solar heater using hundred partner institutions,
some recyclable materials. The solar heater was developed by retired which form the Sectoral
José Alcino Alano, a resident of the Santa Catarina city of Tubarão. This Forums by type of waste.
invention earned him the 2004 Super Ecology Award, offered by the These forums establish
proposals and actions for the
Super-Interessante Magazine, with national circulation.
different waste generated in
the municipalities.
In addition to saving electricity and directly benefiting the
environment, the project aims to raise awareness in people that all
these post-consumer packaging made available in the environment
(PET bottles and long-life carton packs) can be transformed into
Solid Waste Coordination Team - SEMA
something useful.

The registration of the solar heater with the National Institute of Industrial
Property INPI, by Mr. José Alano, (photo) was necessary to guarantee the
social purpose, preventing anyone from trying to use this invention for
commercial interests. In this way, they provide
of life to many people, since the purpose is not to
extract dividends in marketing, but income and
employment for waste picker cooperatives and
institutions, neighborhood associations, among others

O Government of Paraná, by SEMA and your

traps, IAP, SUDERHSA and ITCG in partnership
withAlano, have as one of their main objectives
the multiplier agents, through O Practices,
forming a veritable network of divu for the 399
municipalities of the State, so that a number of
people can enjoy the benefits of technology.

The biggest change you can be

of nature is yours.

Lindsley da Silva RASCA RODRI

Secretary of State for the
Environment and Water Resources.


Total or partial reproduction, by any means, is allowed, provided that the source and the name of the patent holder. This material can also be found on the website:
adopting as a philosophy the preservation of the
To save electricity, benefit the environment with environment. This fragile ecosystem that must not be
direct recycling without any industrial process in harmed. It is not possible for us to be so short-sighted
disposables, the project of the solar heater with and irresponsible to the extreme of compromising the
recyclables aims to make everyone aware that destinies not only of this one, but especially of future
all post-consumer packaging can have a useful generations.
application on the social side. Registration with
Circulation by siphon term
the INPI (National Institute of Industrial
Property) was necessary to ensure the social SPECIAL CARES
The thermal siphon operating principle is the one
When handling different residues such as that best adapts to simple systems such as this
and, to provide a better quality of life for
post-consumer PET bottles and post- project. As long as we have the possibility
as many people as possible. for the
consumer long-life packaging, we must be If the solar collector is always below the
careful to wash the packaging well. bottom of the box or reservoir, as indicated
to avoid bad smells and the spread of on the side, this difference in height cannot
clubs of
diseases such as leptospirosis and proliferation be three meters away and at least
of microorganisms. centimeters.
unevenness is necessary to guarantee the
circulation of water in the collector, due to the
difference in dene between hot and cold water.

when the water heats up, it goes up through

the heater/collector, following the tube.
returning to the upper part of the box or
rheorium. Cold water, being heavier, flows
to and from the collector keeping the heater
full of water and closing the heating cycle.
Similar effect to conventional heaters.
market with the thermo siphon
system, differing only in the materials
used in their manufacture.

Each time the water leaves the reservoir

and travels through the heater, it is
heated by an average of 10ºC, which
allows the water to reach 52ºC in summer
and 38ºC in winter. This position time starts
to be computed from in the morning until
16:00 in the afternoon.
Our solar collector differs from the others in
terms of the materials used in its construction and temperature fluctuations, giving rise to its Tools and parts necessary for the
and thermal efficiency. In order to reduce costs, own environment. manufacture that do not depend on the
we use PVC tubes and connections in thermal number of people using the heater:
absorption columns, less efficient than copper or In spite of being simple, the project contains
aluminum tubes applied in conventional details that are not necessary in its confection and Self-fusion tape or inner tube
collectors. Post-consumer PET bottles and post- in its nament. The sizing of the collector in rubber;
consumer long-life packaging replace the relation to the water tank or accumulator is Liter of matte black ink;
metallic box, the thermal absorption panel and extremely good. In order to limit the temperature
the glass used in conventional collectors. The Paint roller or brush;
at which they maintain the rigidity of the PVC
heat absorbed by the post-consumer long-life (maximum temperature of 55ºC), without causing
Gloves to protect your hands when
packaging, painted in matte black, is retained them to soften, and consequently, buy the
painting so you don't get dirty;
inside the bottles and transferred to the water structure of the solar collector in the part
through the PVC columns, also painted in black. Stylet;
supervising leaks.
The metal box with glass or post-consumer PET 100mm PVC pipe with 70cm
bottles has the function of protecting the inside NOTE: Also be careful with the length for PET Bottle cutting
of the collector from external interference, reservoir box, if they are with mold;
mainly from the wind temperature limits. Rubber hammer;
100 sandpaper;
Glue for PVC pipes with brush in pot;
To facilitate the calculation of the amount of material needed for the Wooden board with at least
production of the heater, we will list below the amount of material for 1 120mm in length
person. If there are 4 people in your house, just multiply the values by 4. nails
Small slat (+-) 15 cm long Masking
tape 19mm wide
Qty Post-consumer 2 liter crystal PET bottles
(transparent) give preference to the Coca-
Cola and Pepsi Cola brands, due to their
60 conical shape, PETs of other colors are Connection L (Sleeve) in 20 mm ½”
not recommended.
PVC Plug in 20 mm ½” PVC
50 Long Life Packaging of 1 liter

11 Meters of 20 mm ½" PVC Pipes Remember that PET bottles

and long-life packaging
To heat the water for a bath for one person, you need a 1 m solar heater.two, that is, in a
consumption must be WASHED
20 20 mm ½" PVC T connection house with 4 people you will need a solar heater with a 4 m paneltwo. As we have seen
to prevent the proliferation of micror-
before, 60 post-consumer PET bottles and 50 post-consumer long-life packages are needed
greed and stench
for one person, if we multiply this by 4 we will have the amount needed for four people,
that is, 240 PET bottles and 200 post-consumer long-life packages. -consumption.
If there are only a few bottles, including some
crushed ones, there is a very simple method to
return their original shape.

There are two types of post-consumer PET bottles that we Add 100 ml of cold water, cover and heat in
use in the construction of the solar heater, giving microwave for 45 seconds.
preference to clear (crystal) smooth (straight) bottles, with
waistbands from the Coca Cola brand and the Pepsi Cola When removing it from the oven, rotate it
brand. To facilitate the cutting of the bottles, we suggest horizontally for about 10 seconds, wetting all the
the construction of a very simple template using two 100 internal walls with the water that has been heated.
mm PVC tubes in the following dimensions: Leave it upright and then carefully unscrew the cap
slowly to release the steam. Discard the water and
let the bottle cool without the cap.
Coca Cola brand bottles: 31 cm
Pepsi Cola brand bottles: 29 cm It is not recommended to use hot water directly
because the bottle without steam pressure as a
With the tubes in the correct dimensions, proceed with support, when receiving hot water, it deforms
a longitudinal (vertical) cut in the tube, which will allow even more.
the introduction of the bottle in it, serving as a ruler for
cutting the bottles as illustrated in the drawings on the Note: Because it is handling water at high
side. temperature, use some type of protection such
as goggles, gloves, apron, and in a place far
Suggestion: from other people, especially children, to avoid
In this cut, use a stylus. any type of accident.

After consuming the soda, wash the bottle and let the
water drain. Refrigerate for 2 min without the lid and
when removing from the refrigerator, cover it quickly.
The cold air inside the bottle will return to room
temperature, expanding inside the bottle, making it
impossible for it to crumple when stored in a cold
place, until its application in the solar collector.

As the green color absorbs heat, it is supposed

to degrade the bottle more quickly,
compromising the heater's efficiency, which is
why we don't recommend it.
On the same side of the package we will
make a new cut of 7 cm on the bottom of the
box, after the cut, it will be as if the package
gained two legs. This cut will serve to fit the
Post-consumer long-life packages contain 5% neck of the next PET bottle.
aluminum, 20% polyethylene and 75% paper in
their composition, which makes it difficult to The other folds that need to be made in the
collect them as just paper, thus requiring special packaging can use the mold found on the
equipment to separate these three materials. next page, following the instructions below:
There are few companies specialized in such
processing, which discourages collectors.
Make sure that during folding the smooth
surface is upwards and the one with the glue
The application of packaging in this project offers seam on the packaging is facing downwards.
excellent results, as the combination of the three
materials prevents them from deforming at the Fold the sides of the long life package, as if you
temperature to which they will be subjected, inside were going to reassemble the original box, taking
the PET bottles, unlike common paper. Remember advantage of the creases that already exist in it,
that, when empty, the boxes must be opened at the and the flaps you just folded, take the ends and
top, washed and left draining the water, otherwise, fold again diagonally, as if to assemble a small
we will have the formation of microorganisms and a plane of paper. These folds will mold the upper
strong bad smell. internal curvature of the PET bottle, also
supporting the box, keeping it straight and
To store them, you must proceed with their leaning when it is fitted together with the PVC
planning, that is, flatten them, to do so, just take pipe.
off the side ears at their four corners and press
them into the body of the package, in order to Return to the area where you made the 7cm cut, as
remove the air contained within its body, leaving you will need to make two folds, so that the base
-ready for cutting and folding, thus reducing assumes the shape of a triangle, so fold the loose
volume and taking up less space in storage. ends diagonally. At the end of the process, the
packaging will have assumed an arrow-like shape.
Pointing upwards, and with a "hole" in the base in
a triangle shape.
In order to simplify the cuts in long-life packages,
we adopted a single size for the different types of
Before painting do all
bottles, that is, 22.5 cm in height. The cut to
the cuts and folds
reduce the height of the package must be made at
the top where the milk or liquid comes out of its
interior, so that the package can be completely
straight and without cuts on its walls.
1.7 cm

Once all the necessary folding has been carried out,

we will now be able to start the process of painting
post-consumer long-life packages.

We should paint them with a quick drying matte

black synthetic enamel paint for interiors and
exteriors, used for iron, wood, among others.
Avoid spray paint as it is a more expensive product
and the end result is the same as conventional
The template contained paint. 1 liter cans should be preferred.
on this page is found
in full size. Use a roller or brush when applying paint. For a
take a photocopy better use of the paint, you can spread all the
from this page or packages planned on a table, which in this case
decal the design- should be protected by a canvas or cloth to
I build and build prevent it from suffering any damage during
your mold the painting process.
in material
hard as With this process it will be possible to paint
a sign of several packages at once.
PVC or matte- 9.2 cm
similar material. NOTE: Do not use glossy paint, as this will
compromise the collector's performance, as

22.5 cm
the sun's rays will be partially reflected.


The side to be painted is the side with

the smooth surface, the side containing
the packaging seam must face down.
7.0 cm
pipe and will serve as a ruler for the saw bow.
Remember that if you are working with
The tubes of the columns of the solar collector different sizes of bottle you must cut all tubes
must be cut according to the types of post- to the size of the Coca Cola brand, otherwise
consumer PET bottles we have. See below the there will be no way to fit the tubes as the
measure that best fits: columns will have different sizes.

Pepsi Cola brand bottles: 100 cm After cutting, file the ends of the tube to
Coca Cola brand bottles: 105 cm remove any remaining burr.

To ensure uniformity in the size of the tubes, Before painting the column tubes with the same
we will use a template to proceed with this paint applied to the boxes, we must insulate the
cut. This footage is very important because two ends with common masking tape, where later
tube size variation can result in water leaks the 'T' connections will be fitted. For this fitting, it
or poor fit of connections between columns. will be necessary to remove this insulation later.

The jig is nothing more than a wooden board To heat water for one person, ten tubes of the same
and some nails. On the top of the wood, nail 3 size will be needed, so if there are four people, it will
nails in a triangle shape, the distance between be forty tubes to be cut and painted. After each tube
them is the diameter of the pvc pipe, so on each has been properly cut and painted, we can proceed
side of the pipe there will be a nail, while the nail with the cutting of the tubes that will be at the top
on the top will support the tube does not walk and bottom, connecting one column to another in the
on the jig, always allowing an even and solar heater.
homogeneous cut of the PVC tubes.

Mark the measurement to be cut from the nail that

is in the highest position and place another two
nails aligned on the side of the tube. These two
new nails will mark the distance that will be cut.

epsi Cola brand

bottles ALL you
m. There should be
no s there will be no
final odule.
These tubes also of 20 mm ½” will promote the
connection from one column to another, which will
be the “distance tubes”, and must be cut with 8.5
cm and do not need to be painted. This measure is
standard for all collectors, regardless of the types
of bottles used. But, if you want to improve the
water flow and build more reinforced upper and
lower bars of the solar collector, you can apply 'T'
type connections with a reduction from 25 mm 3/4"
to 20 mm ½", and the spacers between columns
with 25mm 3/4” tubes cut to 8 cm.

The assembly is very simple, if we follow the order

in the placement of the components, and taking
care to use the glue for PVC pipes, only on the
pipes and connections at the top of the collector
where the hot water circulates. At the bottom, we
only need to fit them with the help of a rubber
mallet, which will facilitate maintenance, if
necessary, simply by unhooking the bottom bar. If
they were glued, they would have to be cut, with
the loss of all connections and distance tubes.

To avoid problems, the quality of all materials

used in the project is fundamental. Be aware
that some forms of savings can be costly.
To form the lower busbar proceed in the same
way as the upper busbar, simply not using PVC
To form the upper busbar, we will use 5 'T' glue, and instead use a rubber hammer to just
connections and 5 8.5cm tubes. Glue one of the fit the tubes into their proper connections. It is
tubes to a 'T` fitting and this fitting to another interesting to use a piece of wood/clapboard as
piece of tube. In this process, the alignment of support so as not to hit the connections and
the tubes is very important. Use a flat surface to tubes with the hammer directly to avoid cracks,
help with this task, poorly aligned pipe will result fissures or even breaking the parts. Remember
in leakage during solar heater operation. that the alignment of the connections with the
Remember to use PVC glue in pots with a brush, pipes is very important to avoid leaks.
because glue in tubes wastes a lot and is not
practical to use.
9.1. Pre-assembling the Material 10.1. Column fitting
Quality Control Columns
In this step, we will glue the tubes that were
In this step, we will check if the PET bottles painted previously, on the 'Ts', which make up
are suitable for the use and assembly of the upper busbar.
the heater, for that we will fit each other
every five, simulating the assembly of the Be sure to remove the masking tape before
heater columns. attaching the tube to the top of the module.

This first assembly serves to identify Once this is done, proceed with the fitting of the
problems, such as poor fit, bottles that first PET bottles, each one in its respective column.
are crushed and therefore do not fit There will be bottles where it was not possible to
right; finally, be able to find possible remove the entire label, or there is still a little glue
defects that compromise the final left, to remedy this problem, just rotate the bottle
functioning of the device. Bottles with leaving the label or glue on the bottom that will be
any defect should be left aside at this hidden and will not receive direct sunlight and thus
time. will not compromise the heater operation.

The reason we apply a maximum of 5 bottles per

column, is to not hinder the installation of the
solar collector in relation to the height of the
water tank or reservoir, as previously discussed in
circulation by term siphon, as in the south of the
country a greater slope due to local latitude. In
Paraná, the latitude is around 25º S, while in the
Northeast, the latitude is around 3º S, that is, the
heater in the south needs to be much more
inclined than in the northeast. This will be much
more complicated if the heater is too big.
10.2. Fitting the Long Life after consumption You will notice that even with the 5 PET bottles, there
package is a space left where only the neck of a 6th bottle is
needed to seal the bottom of the 5th bottle. Hence
With the five columns properly filled with a the difference between the number of PET and the
PET bottle, we now need to position the long- number of long-life packages.
life package, which has already been painted
and folded before. As in each region the bottles are manufactured in
different sizes, there is no standard value for their
When fitting the post-consumer long-life cut. You will need to measure the remaining space
packaging, take care to leave the PVC pipe on top and cut the bottle with this measure.
of the packaging, ie, the post-consumer long-life
packaging must be behind the tube, with the side
that was painted black facing up. And folds back. This cut can be made using scissors and cutting
Repeat the process until you reach the number of the bottle from the bottom up following a spiral
five bottles. path. Taking advantage of the fact that the PET
bottle is already without the bottom because it
Whenever you are going to fit a new bottle, was cut earlier.
hold the module from the top and fit the new
bottle, so that those that were pre-fitted We recommend that for very cold regions, filling
previously do not slip out of alignment, nor do the bottom, between the PET bottle and the post-
there remain gaps between the bottles, which consumer long-life packaging, with some type of
can affect the heater performance later. isothermal that does not absorb moisture
(examples: plastic labels, plastic bags).

Remember that each column must have five Properly assembled each column, now all it takes
bottles of the same shape and size. If you have is to finish the module by adding the lower busbar,
different bottle formats, make each column with a which should only be fitted to the columns with
type and alternate in the assembly of the modules. the aid of a rubber hammer and a small batten to
absorb most of the impact and not crack or break
the tubes and connections at the time of fitting.

Do not use glue to fit the busbar to the

bottom of the module, it should only be
fitted to facilitate the maintenance of
the device if necessary later.

To heat water for one person, 2

modules like the one we just built are
A more practical way to promote this snap is to
10.3. Self Fusing Tape
position the module upside down and tap the
module vertically. For this, remember to put on the
Now that the modules are ready, make sure that
part that will be in direct contact with the floor to
all long-life packages are aligned and facing up,
avoid breaking the pipes or dismantling the columns.
and that there is no piece of label or glue on the
PET bottles that is not facing down, if everything
is properly aligned, apply to the mouth of the
first bottle that is leaning against the 'T'
connection a piece of self-melting tape. This tape
will insulate and glue the mouthpiece to the 'T'
connection not allowing the entire column to

You can also replace the self-melting tape with rubber

strips (eg air chambers), without losing efficiency. This
material prevents the leakage of heat from the interior
of the column and prevents the wind from turning the
bottles, taking the post-consumer long-life packages
from the position facing the sun, compromising the
efficiency of the solar collector.

When using the hammer to fit the bottom of the

module just hit the middle of the 'T'
connectionwhich is the toughest part of the
system, if you hit any other region, it's very likely
that ends up breaking the tubes or the connection.
Now that the modules The reason we opted for 5-column modules, because
they are all ready and sealed of the handling, makes it extremely easy to carry it to
they must be transported to the the installation site. We must assemble each solar
roof or area where they will be panel with a maximum of 25 columns, that is, 5
exposed to sunlight. At that modules. This precaution is to avoid tensions in the
moment we will be able to make busbars, cracking some connection and the possible
the fitting of the modules to accumulation of air bubbles in the upper busbar,
compose the solar heater as a which compromises the circulation of the
whole. water in the solar collector. You can build
multiple solar panels and connect them.
Remember that the top tar in series in the water/reservoir
must be glued together thorium.

and the bottom must only

be fitted with the help of a
cracks. at the junction
of the modules if
makes it interesting
the use of a 11.1. Assembly of modules to form
small clapboard the Heater
for love-
weave the im- The Solar Heater must be placed on the roof of
pact of hammer the residence, or in an area that receives the
strike on PVC sun directly, and without incidence of
pipes. shade from trees, or from buildings,
houses, etc.

Now we have a complete solar heater,

with the columns all interconnected, and
at the 4 ends of the heater we have the
open PVC pipe to be connected to the
water tank.

Check in which position the heater will be in

relation to the water box, if the heater is to the
right of the box, you must cover the lower left
pipe of the heater with a PVC plug, so that
when the water enters the heater, it will not
escape from the other side. Do the same on the
upper right tube for the same reason. That is, if
the solar heater is on the left, you must cap the
lower right and upper left tube. If the box is on
Now that the solar panels are assembled, leave them out of the sun in a shade or cover
the right side, you should close the lower right
them with a tarp, as without the water inside the tubes to cool the heater, it can happen
and upper left corners.
a softening of them by the action of the sun. In this case you will have to change the tubes and
restart building the heater all over again.
12. Water box
a measure to be followed for the holes to be drilled,
so we established the heights in relation to the
percentage of the box size, for example: a 1 m
(100%) box, then the hole for the return of hot
Adjustments to the water tank
water, No. 5 in the illustration on the side, it will be
80 cm from the bottom of the box (80%).
Some modifications will be needed inside the water
box. The photo on the side illustrates the original
components of the box and the new ones and their Solar Heater Components:
proper functions:
4 Output to Heater
Common Components:
Through this hole, the water will leave the water box
1 Buoy and Water Inlet and circulate through the solar heater to be heated.

It controls the water level of the water tank,

when completely horizontal it prevents the entry 5 Hot water return
of water so as not to overflow the tank, when it
starts to tilt down it allows more water to enter After being heated in the solar heater, the hot
the tank to level the water. water returns to the reservoir and is stored in the
highest part of the reservoir. Cold water does not
two Thief mix with hot water.

As the name says, it is used to steal water when it 6 mixer

exceeds the limit of the buoy, this is to prevent
the water tank from overflowing due to Serves to regulate the water temperature. When
malfunction of the buoy or any other reason. vertical, it will collect hot and cold water, mixing
the two and leaving the temperature lower, and
3 water outlet We suggest as simple references of the holes, the following when horizontal, it will collect only hot water,
percentage of height in relation to the water tank: leaving the water temperature higher.
This is where the water that supplies the rooms of the
house with cold water flows.

All these items that are in green already

exist and work in your home. You won't
This system, in which the water box supplies hot
need to move or install any of them.
and cold water, should only be used in places
where the replacement supply is reliable.Reason:
note that the mixer 6 is connected above the hot
water return 5, therefore, if the water consumed
is not replaced, there will be a lack of water for
consumption, but not in the solar collector.
As there are boxes of all sizes and volumetric However, cold water consumption is not affected
capacity, there is no way for us to standardize at all. We advise for this case to add a box only for
the hot water.
This is where the cold water will leave the water Basically it does the same thing as the fisherman
box and go through the solar heater to be heated. and cold water, however instead of the water going
The fisherman can be mounted with a PVC curve to the solar heater to be heated, this weigher will
with a piece of pipe, attached to the flange. take the water into the house. It is he who distributes
the hot water to the rooms in the residence.

This item will be fully submerged in the base of

the water tank To build it we will use a 'T' connection and
two pieces of PVC pipe, a small one about
The operation of this fisherman is quite simple, 10 cm and a larger one about 50 cm long.
when it is vertical it will only collect water from This fisherman will also have the function
the highest part of the water tank, so the of water mixer.
reservoir will be divided into two parts: the
upper one with hot water and the lower one When in use, this fisherman captures
with cold water. As we will be heating only half water at both ends, so it must be fully
of the water tank, the water temperature will submerged.
rise more quickly.
When upright, it captures the hot water at
If we rotate the fisherman horizontally, he will collect the top and the cold water at the bottom,
water from the lowest part of the water tank, that is, mixing them up. It would be the equivalent of the
the whole water tank will be heated. As the volume of “Summer” option of an electric shower.
water will be greater, the temperature of the water
will be lower. But in this case we will not have cold When in the horizontal position, it only captures the
water in the water tank. hot water on the top of the box, as if it were the
“winter” position of an electric shower.
heater city exceeds the amount of water in
the water tank. May cause the softening of
PVC pipes.

The reducer has the function of directing the replacement cold

water directly to the bottom of the water tank, without
causing turbulence, preventing the cold water from mixing
with the hot water, which will prevent the reduction of the
water temperature in the upper compartment of the water
tank. Water.

The construction of this apparatus requires a piece of

tube about 50 mm in diameter in addition to a 100
mm tube.

The thinnest tube should be closed at its base

and about 20 holes of 10 mm each should be
made around its body, respecting a margin of 3
cm at the top end and 5 cm at the bottom.

The 100 mm tube does not need to be

capped at either end, but at the lower end it
is convenient to cut several teeth of about
Now we have the entire hot water outlet 20 mm.
system built and properly installed in their
respective places inside the water box. We The water jet released by the float is directed to
must, however, take some precautions the bottom of the 50 mm tube, through a tube
when heating the water. that was connected to the water inlet, forming a
'T' causing a vortex. As the tube is cap-
We take as an example a family with four of, the level of
people, where the average daily consumption water will rise fast
is around 250 liters of hot water. properly being li-
yell for the holes
It is recommended that the box be 500 liters, the length of the bo's
as we will use as a reservoir and hot water body.
supply, the top half of the box in the solar
heating system, and the bottom half the cold water, already attenuated,
water supply. In this case, the solar heater from the bottom
should have no more than 250 PET bottles, as of the cutout tube
each bottle is capable of heating one liter of of 100s pipe
water. If more modules are added to the of sawtooth,
heater, the amount of heated water will be bottom of the box
greater, which can cause problems if the and bottom of the
How to find the correct inclination of the solar collector, in relation to the latitude of the place Solar collector fixing bracket

The material to be used as a support for fixing the

solar collector is at the discretion of each one, but
It now remains to fix the heater on the roof and we indicate that at least the two busbars are tied
position it in such a way that it absorbs as much to ¾ galvanized pipe bars, or to something that
solar radiation as possible. To do so, you will ensures the alignment of the collector. To prevent
need to position the heater according to the NORTH SOUTH air bubbles from compromising water circulation
Latitude of your city. THE in the collector. A gap of 2 cm is required for each
meter run, without bends in the busbars.

What is latitude for?

B If you want to fix it directly on the roof without
taking into account the local latitude, much less
the fixing support, just tie a sewer pipe.
The latitude will define the degree of inclination that 40 mm in both the upper and lower
your heater must have to capture as much solar busbars. This will ensure greater stability
radiation as possible. This inclination is fundamental for fixing, since the bars will touch the tiles.
for the continuous heating of the water and the best Without this wedge, the PET bottles would
use of the system. To calculate this inclination just be crushed against the tiles.
have a protractor at hand.
A - height of the solar collector = 110 cm with 5 bottles Now just tie it through the upper and lower
B - slope according to local latitude, plus 10º bars and passing the rope or other material
Ex: under the tiles to secure it to the frame on the
roof. Even so, at least a 10º inclination is
City Latitude
required and the heater should face
geographic north as close as possible.
Arapongas 23rd 25' 10"S Efficiency will not be the same as what is
Campo Mourao 24º 02´ 44" S positioned in terms of the city's latitude, but
Rattlesnake 24º 57´ 21" S this can be offset by adding more modules to
Cornelius Procopio 23rd 10' 52" S absorb solar radiation.
Western Cruise 23º 47´ 06"S
Curitiba 25º 25' 40"S FUNCTIONS OF THE 40mm WHITE TUBES (PVC):
Foz do Iguaçu 24º 32' 52" S
1- Tied to the upper and lower busbars of the
Francisco Beltrão 26º 04´ 52" S solar collector, in addition to reinforcing them,
Guarapuava 25º 23' 43" S ensure their alignment.
irati 25º 28' 02"S 2- As a spacer, they allow fixing the collector
solar against the roof, without denting the claws. 3- The
Ivaipora 24º 14' 52" S
upper tube will serve as support for the tube
little alligator 23º 09´ 38" S 25mm.
Londoner 23º 18' 37" S
Maringá 23º 25' 31" S
Paranagua 25º 31' 12" S
Paranavaí 23º 04´ 23" S
White duck 26th 13' 43" S

Search the latitude of your city on the website:
It is worth noting that almost all thermal efficiency
problems of any solar heater cease to exist as we
This isolation can be
done in different ways, such as: filling several 1 - Sequenced link water tank
approach the north and northeast. When giving post-consumer long-life packages with
preference for the circulation system by term sawdust, wheat husks, rice husks, dry grass, hot water
siphon, it is mandatory that the bottom of the box among others.
or thermal reservoir is always above the top of the cold water
solar collector, which is up to each one to choose
the best alternative for the location, without forget
that when talking about box or reservoir, we are
talking about weight, so once again, don't
improvise in doubtful places that could collapse
and cause serious problems. (Remember that each
liter of water weighs 1 kilo).

Properly positioned on the support or fixed to the

roof, all that remains is to connect the heater to the
water tank to complete the system and thus the water
will be heated.

The tube to be fitted to the bottom of the heater

and which will carry cold water to the base of the
system can be as large as necessary, however the
return from the heater to the water box must be
as short as possible for the hot water do not lose
heat through long piping and/or prolonged
contact with the air and/or the environment
outside the heater.

If possible, install the consumption points close to

the box or reservoir, which will reduce the waste
of hot water in the piping. Until reaching the place

two - Parallel connection

of consumption. As the box or reservoir is
responsible for accumulating hot water, a good
thermal insulation is necessary.

To further enhance the water heating, you can

4 - Collectors below the roof
paint the top rail and the tubes that return to
the water tank with the same black paint you
used to paint the post-consumer long-life
packages and the tubes of each column of the

If necessary, you can insulate the water tank

so that it doesn't lose the heat inside to the

3 - When the roof is too low

Special thanks from the Government of the State of Paraná to Mr. José Alcino Alano
1- Cold water box and to the friends of CELESC - Centrais Elétricas de Santa Catarina,
2- Hot water box
3- Cold water drop to collector 5 for the support received in the assembly of the 1st prototype of the Solar Heater in Paraná.

4- Hot water return from the collector two

4 6
5- Spillway (overflow) 30cm
6- Replacement
7- Hot water for consumption 98- 3 7 8
Cold water for consumption 9- Solar 1

guide José A. Alano Pedro P. Souza

If there are facilities for hot Hot water supplies the

and cold water in the place shower with just a hole in
where the solar heating the ceiling, without the
system is to be installed, need to break the wall.
connect the box or reservoir
to the hot water installation. The controller with electronic
temperature adjustment,
But where the property's connected in series to the
water distribution is only shower's electrical power input,
with cold water, we suggest common on the market,
a very simple and efficient facilitates the regulation of the
mixer, built with PVC pipes ideal bath temperature, without
and connections. (indicated the need to vary the water flow in
for the shower), but with the valve.
some modifications, and 1. Hot water inlet
can be adapted to other 2. Cold water inlet
consumption points in the 3. Unions
house, such as kitchen, 4. Records
tank, toilet, among others. 5. Clamps
6. Electronic adjustment
7. Shower
8. Connection 'T'
Practical workshops held in various municipalities

75% paper;

5% aluminum.
2nd edition


Renata alejandro


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