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The Benefits of Living In A Multiracial Country

A multi-racial country is a country where we have people of different races, ethnics

living together. It is usually very pleasant to live in such type of countries if people know
how to live together, on the contrary this can become hellish as well.

A multi-racial country is a country , which is very rich in cultural heritage. People living

in such type of countries get the opportunity to learn about other cultures and to adopt
whatever they find beneficial for them. A multi-racial country is also a multi-linguist
country so people living in such countries benefit from the richness of languages and
are thus able to speak different languages. The fact that there are different races and
ethnics living together in a multi-racial country there is also a wide variety of traditions,
customs and festivals that are being carried out in such countries. So, in someway we
can say that these countries are usually more lively and colourful than others.

In a multi-racial country there is a fusion of cultures, it favourises people of different

communities to get married which will biologically very good for their children. Their
baby will be in good health. With the fusion of cultures food becomes national, people
are able to eat a wider variety of food, learning to prepare them in different ways; for
example farata, briani, Dhal puri. We would not have different types of music or foods if
there wasn't a multiracial country. Celebrations of festivals become national. Festivals
such as Christmas, Divali etc... are being celebrated by everyone in a multi-racial

A multi-racial country teaches people how to respect and understand the religion

and cultures of others. Therefore this leads to tolerance. It helps us to learn to become
a good human being. To be good or bad does not depend on religion. Each of the great
religion of the world speaks about love, peace and tolerance. In reality there
no barriers between human beings, these so-called barriers are being created
by human beings.
Multi-racial countries are usually very dynamic in cases in which there are no wars as
people of different categories lives in peace. So, there are no violence, no wars, which
is very good for the economical conditions of the country as when there are wars, the
infrastructures are being destroyed and therefore there is a loss in the economical
condition. It makes the country more dynamic because there are people who come from
different places and this can help to develop new ideas about how to make our lives
better. It is usually livelier as different festivals are being celebrated by different religion.

To conclude , I will say that peace remains very fragile, it can break at any time. So we
should not let anyone gamble with it. We should neither allow ourselves to be
manipulated by politicians and other people who are here to give birth to division.

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