Mark Scheme PeKA Chem 1.2 - F5

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Mark Scheme

Chemistry PEKA Form 5

Topic :Rate of Reaction Experiment No : ........1.2........

Aim To investigate the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction.

Problem statement How does the concentration of a reactant affect the rate of reaction?

[ K1PP1(i) - Able to write the aim or problem statement correctly]

Hypothesis The more concentrated the sodium thiosulphate solution, the higher the rate of reaction.

Variables Manipulated variable : Concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution

Responding variable : Time taken for the cross `X` to disappear from the sight.
Controlled variable : Concentration and volume of dilute sulphuric acid , temperature
of the solution

[ K1PP1(ii) - Able to write the hypothesis or variables correctly]

Materials 0.2 mol dm-3 145 cm3 sodium thiosulphate solution, 1.0 mol dm-3 25 cm3 sulphuric acid,
distilled water 80 cm3, white paper marked `X` at the centre

Apparatus 50 cm3 measuring cylinder, 10 cm3 measuring cylinder, 150 cm3 conical flask, and stop

[ K1PP1(iii) - Able to list all the materials and apparatus correctly]

Procedure 1. 50 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm-3 sodium thiosulphate is measured using measuring cylinder and
poured into a conical flask.
2. A piece of paper marked `X` is placed under the conical flask.
3. 5 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid is measured and poured into the conical flask.
4. Stopwatch is started immediately.
5. The mixture in the conical flask is swirled and placed it on the paper marked `X` .
6. Mark `X` is observed vertically from the top through the solution.
7. Time,t is recorded for the mark `X` to disappear from sight.
8. The experiment is repeated four more times using different volumes of 0.2 mol dm-3 sodium
thiosulphate solution to be diluted with different volumes of distilled water as shown in
Table 1.
Set Volume of 0.2 Volume of Volume of Total volume
mol dm-3 sodium distilled 1.0 mol dm-3 of reacting
thiosulphate water/ cm3 sulphuric mixture/ cm3
solution/ cm3 acid/ cm3
I 50 0 5 55
II 40 10 5 55
II 30 20 5 55
IV 20 30 5 55
V 10 40 5 55

[ K1PP1(iv) - Able to write the procedure correctly]

Data Sample Answer:

Set Volume of Volume of Volume of Time 1 /

0.2 mol dm-3 distilled 1.0 mol dm-3 taken/s Time
sodium water/ cm3 sulphuric 1/s
thiosulphate acid/ cm3
solution/ cm3
I 50 0 5 16 0.063
II 40 10 5 20 0.050
II 30 20 5 27 0.037
IV 20 30 5 41 0.024
V 10 40 5 83 0.012

[ K1PP1(v) – Able to tabulate the data ]

[ K3PP1 – Able to construct a table with row consists of headings and units correctly ]

[ K3PP2 - Able to write a reading of the Time and 1/Time with correct and
consistent decimal places]

[ K3PP3 - Able to write all the reading of the Time and 1/Time with correct and
consistent decimal places]
Communication Sample Answer: Concentration against time

Concentration/mol dm-3


Concentration against 1/time

Concentration/mol dm-3

[K4PP1- Able to draw 2 graphs; concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution against
time,t and concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution against 1/t correctly]

Interpreting data 1. Concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution in the reacting mixture.

Set Concentration of sodium
thiosulphate/ mol dm-3
0.2X50 = 0.18

0.2X40 = 0.15

0.2X30 = 0.11

0.2X20 = 0.07

0.2X10 = 0.04

2. Based on the graphs,when the concentration of sodium thiosulphate is higher,the time

taken for the mark `X` to disappear from sight is shorter.
3. The rate of reaction directly proportional to the concentration of sodium thiosulphate
solution used.

[K4PP2 – Able to
1. calculate the concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution in the
reacting mixture in each sets using the formula M1V1=M2V2
2. determine the values of the reciprocal of time for sets I to V
3. deduce from the graphs
4. state the relationship between the rate of reaction and the
concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution correctly]

Conclusion The hypothesis is accepted.

[K4PP3- Able to state the hypothesis is accepted or rejected]


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