Basic Japanese Phrases

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Basic Japanese Phrases

Here is some basic Japanese Phrases that is used by

the Japanese people in their daily life.

1. はじめまして hajimemaste : How do you do, I am

glad to meet you ( specially used when we meet
someone for the first time ) .

2. おはようございます ohayou gozaimas : Good

morning (formally used ) おはよう ohayou : good
morning (casually used).

3. こんにちは konnichiwa : Hello, good day, good


4. こんばんは konbanwa : Good evening.

5. おやすみなさい oyasumi nasai : Good night

(formal), おやすみ oyasumi : good night (casual)
6. ありがとうございます arigatou gozaimas :
Thank you (formal), ありがとう arigatou : Thank
you (casual)

7. どういたしまして douitashimashite : You are

welcome, don't mention it , not at all, my pleasure.

8. おねがいします onegaishimas : Please (formal) ,

ください kudasai : Please (casual) , どうぞ douzo
: Please, kindly, feel free

9. ごめんなさい gomen nasai : I am truly sorry from

the bottom of my heart, pardon me [(more polite
than すみません sumimasen) used it like if you
knocked something over and broke it or
interrupted someone’s business ]

10. しつれいします shitsureishimas : Excuse me,

I am sorry to disturb you

11. すみません sumimasen : Used for both to

apologise and to get someone’s attention [you can
use it for anything from apologising for stumbling
into someone on the train or to asking for help or
asking for people to move out from your way]

12. いただきます itadakimas : Expression of

gratitude before taking any meal.

13. ごちそうさまでした gochisousama deshita :

Thank you for the meal, it was a delicious meal,
what a wonderful meal ( used after taking any
meal ) .

14. おげんきですか o genki deska : How are you


15. はい、げんきです。ありがとうございま
す hai, genki des. Arigatou gozaimas : I am
fine, Thank you.

16. おそくなってしつれいします osokunatte

shitsureishimas : Sorry for being late.
17. おさきにしつれいします osakini
shitsureishimas : Pardon me for leaving first (used
when leaving the workplace while other remains).

18. ごくろうさまでした gokurousama desta :

Thank you for your hard work, I appreciate your
efforts (cannot be used while speaking with
superior. you must say おつかれさま )

19. おつかれさまでした otsukaresama desta :

thank you, that’s enough for today. you must be

20. おさきにどうぞ osakini douzo : Please go

ahead first, after you.

21. おめでとうございます omedetou gozaimas

: congratulations (formal), おめでとう omedetou
: congratulations (casual)

22. おひさしぶりです o hisashiburi des : It's

been a long time, long time no see (used while
meeting someone after a long time)
23. じゃまた jamata or またね matane : Good
bye (casual, mostly used)

24. またあいましょう mataaimashou : Meet

you again (formal good bye)

25. さよなら sayonara : Good bye (mainly used

for long time separation)

26. おだいじに odaijini : Take care of yourself,

get well soon (generally used to the person who is
sick or ill)

27. いってきます ittekimas : I am living

(expression used while leaving home)

28. ただいま tadaima : I am back, I am

home(expression used while entering home)

29. おかえりなさい okaeri nasai : Welcome

30. いってらっしゃい itterasshai : Have a nice

31. きをつけてください ki wo tsukete kudasai :

Take care, be careful

32. こちらこそ kochira koso : Same here, same

to you

33. どうぞよろしくおねがいします douzo

yoroshiku onegaishimas : Please treat me well,
remember me (formal), どうぞよろしく douzo
yoroshiku : Please treat me well (casual) .

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