Science Homework Rohma

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Mystery Cell Model

Structure-Function Organizer

Part 1: Parts that most cells have

By: Rohma

Which Mystery Cell model are you using? Mystery Cell model A

Find parts 1–9 on your model. Fill in their names and describe what they do:

Structure: Funct
What is it called? ion:
it do?

1 Cell membrane Helps to control what molecules get in and out.

2 Nucleus This is where genes are copied to make messages.

3 Ribosomes Read messages from the nucleus to help to build proteins.

4 Endoplasmic reticulum This model has a rough ER which has ribosomes on it that help
to build it’s proteins.

5 Golgi Apparatus Adds tags to proteins based on where they need to go to in

the cell.

6 Mitochondria Helps to break down molecules to get energy from the cell.

7 Cytoskeleton Helps to keep orgenells in place.

8 Breaks down undeeded proteins and damaged cell parts for

Carries materials between cell compartments and

9 Vesicle out of the cell
Part 2: Specialized cell parts
Multicellular organisms have multiple types of cells. Each cell type has a specialized job within the
organism. And cells have specialized parts that help them do specific jobs. Fill in the table for your
Mystery Cell using the Specialized Cell Part list on the left-hand side of your model:

Structure: Function:
What is it called? How does it help the
cell do its job?

10 Cilia Push away mucus and trapped debris.

11 Cell junctions Help to connect neighboring cells together to form a stong


Models C & E only

1. What type of cell is your Mystery Model?

My model’s cell type is a eukaryotic animal cell. This is because it has a nucleus and an endoplasmic

2. How do the proteins the cell makes help it do its job? (Hint: look on the left-hand side of your

There are 4 proteins in my cell model and they all help the cell. The first protein is an surface
protein, which helps the cell to interact with the environment around it. The second protein is the
defense protein which helps to send signals when bacteria and viruses are noticable. The third
protein is the cell junction protein which helps to make up the structure of the cell junctions. And the
final protein is the tubulin protein which helps to create microtubles which play a very important part
in cell support and cell movement.

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