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Other Historical Controversies

In addition to what have been discussed earlier, I, your reporter, Myrrh Joy Escalona, am going to tackle the
other historical features in the Philippine history. The other historical controversies that will be discussed will
1. The Bud Dajo Event
2. Trial and execution of Andres Bonifacio
3. Apolinario Mabini’s syphilis rumors
4. The Jabidah Massacre
5. Emilio Aguinaldo: Hero or Gangster?
6. The assassination of Antonio Luna
7. Gregorio del Pilar: Hero or traitor?
8. Artemio Ricarte: Hero or Traitor?
9. Jose P. Laurel: Hero or Traitor?
10. Plaza Miranda Bombing
11. Assassination of Ninoy Aquino
12. Aquino Cojuangco clans and…
13. Ferdinand Marcos: Does he deserve a hero’s burial?
Following the sequence of the topics, allow me to define the terms that will be used in this presentation.
□ Massacre- inhumane or violent killing of many people.
□ Execution- the act of killing someone as punishment.
□ Syphilis- a very serious disease that is spread through sexual intercourse.
□ Gangster- a violent criminal.
□ Assassination- .

Now let us start the discussion with the Bud Dajo Event…
1. The Bud Dajo Event: Battle or Massacre?
● The Bud Dajo fight took place during March 5-8, 1906 in Bud Dajo on Jolo Island.
⮚ Moro’s refused to allow the American troops to take control, resulting in almost a thousand
dead, including men, women, and children on the Moro’s side.
● It was when Philippines was placed under the military command of USA.
⮚ As a result this controversy raised a significant question in Philippine history: should the Bud
Dajo event be considered a battle or a massacre?
● There were 1,000 Moros died while the casualty on the side were only 21 deaths and 73
⮚ It was clear that the Moros only wanted to protect themselves and their families thus the
fortification on the dormant volcano however, they were no match against the number of US
troops and their weapons.
● The slaughtering of the people who wanted freedom and protected themselves was unjust and
inhumane. The Bud Dajo Fight was a massacre.
⮚ According to Dr. Rene Oliveros, a Moro History and Islamic Studies Professor, the event
was not justified as a battle for the Moros are civilians and were not considered as army.
They also fought with only their bolos and knives.

Next is…
2. The Trial and Execution of Bonifacio
● Andres Bonifacio was arrested at Indang, Cavite.
⮚ With around 1,000 men Bonifacio decided to camp at Indang, Cavite with Emilio Jacinto and
Julio Nakpil to draw plans for an offensive in Laguna.
● Aguinaldo exercised his power as President and arrested Bonifacio through allegations. Agapito
Bonzon and Ignacio Paua were dispatch to do it.
⮚ The allegations were that Bonifacio burned a village and church in Indang.
● Bonifacio received wounds from the dispatched individuals. Procopio, his brother, was beaten.
Gregoria de Jesus, his wife, was raped.
⮚ On their way to Naic to meet Aguinaldo, Bonifacio was carried in a hammock, hungry, and
● Bonifacio was assured of an unfavorable and unjust verdict. He was found guilty of treason.
● Aguinaldo signed the order of death sentence of Bonifacio.
● The execution party was led by Lazaro Macapagal.
● In any case, the brothers, Andres and Procopio were buried in shallow graves on Mt. Buntis in
Maragondon, Cavite at March 10, 1897.


In this juncture we’ll talk about…

3. The Apolinario Mabini’s Syphilis Rumors

● Apolinario Mabini was a Filipino revolutionary leader. He was known as the hero who was
⮚ He was often referred to as “ The Brain of the Revolution”
⮚ He was struck by Polio in 1895 and eventually lost the use both of his lower limbs.
● Mabini died of cholera in Manila on May 13, 1903 at the age of 38.
⮚ Controversial rumors spread about the cause of his paralysis as an effect due to acquiring
syphilis- a venereal disease- instead of Polio.
● Cause of his paralysis was debunked in 1890.
● It was not syphilis but indeed Poliomyelitis.
⮚ When Mabini’s bones were exhumed, the autopsy proved that it was not syphilis but polio as
the cause of his paralysis.


4. The Jabidah Massacre

● More than 23 Muslim trainees were shot to death at Corregidor Island on March 18, 1968 and
then what has been known as the Jabidah Massacre during the regime of Marcos.
● The object of the program that the trainees trained for was for the annexation of Sabah in
Malaysia to the Republic of the Philippines.
⮚ The trainees had been shot dead before they were tied and burned except for one survivor.
● Army Special Forces leaped out of a presidential helicopter to erase traces of the massacre.
⮚ From afternoon till sunset, they collected the charred flesh and bones, wrapped them in dark
ponchos, and dumped all the victims to the sea with heavy stones the next day.
● It took some time for the subjective truth of the massacre to come to light.
● Late former President Noynoy Aquino acknowledged that the massacre did took place contrary
to his late father’s statement, Benigno Aquino, during his speech in the senate that the alleged
massacre was a hoax.


Since we talked about Andres Bonfacio, we’ll discussed now Emilio Aguinaldo whether he is a hero or a gangster…

5. Emilio Aguinaldo: Hero or Gangster?

⮚ The argument about Emilio Aguinaldo, the first President of the Philippines, being a hero or
a gangster is still being talked uo to this day. Was Aguinaldo a real hero or a person
consumed by pride and ego?
5.1 Aguinaldo as a Hero
● Joined KKK and defeated Spaniards in the Battle of Zapote Bridge in Cavite
⮚ Aguinaldo devoted himself in defending and helping the Filipino people. Looking back at his
life, we can see that he is also an ideal hero in the Philippines.
5.2 Aguinaldo as a Gangster
● The Japanese used Aguinaldo as an Anti-American tool. He made his public appearances and
speeches on behalf of the enemy.
⮚ Aguinaldo took advantage of his power and authority for selfish interests. He betrayed his
companions and his country for his personal benefits.
5.3 Conclusion
● A flawed hero.
⮚ On balance, people regard Aguinaldo as a hero albeit a flawed one.
⮚ Whether a hero or a gangster, it still depends on how the people considers the actions of the
person and how they view the intention of the deeds of Aguinaldo.


Now, we’ll tackle about Gen. Luna and how he was assassinated…

6. The Assassination of Antonio Luna

● At the age of 31, General Antonio Luna was shot dead on June 5, 1899 in Cabanatuan City.
What happened was…
● Luna received a telegram from President Emilio Aguinaldo on June 4, 1899.
⮚ Before the day of Luna’s assassination, he received a telegram from Aguinaldo, summoning
him to a conference in Cabanatuan which was 120 kilometers away.
● At about 3 PM, Gen. Luna arrived at Casa Parroquial.
● Capt. Janolino and members of Kawit Battalion of Cavite Province mobbed Gen. Antonio Luna.
● Luna was stabbed with daggers and was shot.
⮚ Despite being wounded, Luna still managed to walk on the street, away from his assassins.
● The next day, Gen. Antonio Luna was buried with military honors but the killers went free.
⮚ The death of Gen Luna drew front- page reporting in American newspapers.

Furthermore to our discussion, we’ll talk about whether Gregorio del Pilar was indeed a hero or a traitor…
7. Gregorio del Pilar: Hero or Traitor?
● Gregorio del Pilar was known as “The Boy General”.
● He was considered as the hero of the Battle of Tirad Pass on 1899.
⮚ In addition to his many achievements in battles, del Pilar was also loyal to President
Aguinaldo. He was supposed to kill Gen. Antonio Luna but Luna had already been killed by
his killers in Cabanatuan.
● Del Pilar was appointed by Aguinaldo as Commandant General of Pangasinan.
● According to a blog by Joshua Agar, “The Battle of Tirad Pass and the Boy General were
romanticized by the American press which forced us to admire the heroism of del Pilar”


Now, do you even remember someone named Artemio Ricarte? If not, we’ll discuss how his presence and deeds in the
Philippine history…

8. Artemio Ricarte: Hero or Traitor?

● Was a General in the Philippine revolution and the Filipino-American War.
● Served under Andres Bonifacio.
● He sided with the Japanese who occupied and terrorized the Philippines and Filipinos during
World War II.


In addition to question, hero or traitor, we’ll debunk which of the two does Jose Laurel belongs…
9. Jose P. Laurel: Hero or Traitor?
● Because of his seeming loyalty to Japan, and criticism of America, he was eventually chosen as
President in 1943 during Japanese colonialization.
● He was pro-Japanese and not pro-Filipino.
● “The mere fact that he could not offer his life to defend our country during the war disqualifies
him to be considered as a hero”
● He did not make any retaliation against the Japanese Government.


Another controversy that we’ll be discussing is the…

10. Plaza Miranda Bombing

● Happened during the proclamation rally of the Liberal Party for Senatorial and Manila local
candidates in August 21, 1971.
● Two powerful grenades hit the rally causing 8 lives and injured 120 people.
⮚ It was the time when conflict between Marcos and Ninoy intensified.
● Marcos accused the Communist Party of the Philippines as the perpretator of the massacre.
● It is considered as one of the country’s biggest crimes that remains unsolved.


I’m sure we all know something about Ninoy Aquino. Now we’ll add up our knowledge about him with this
11. Assassination of Ninoy Aquino
● On August 21, 1983, Benigno Simeon Aquino Jr. returned to the Philippines after being exiled
for 3 years in the USA.
● Leaving his plane at Manila International Airport, he was shot dead.
⮚ This event culminated Marcos’ downfall and gave rise to Corazon Aquino in power in 1986
through People Power Revolution in the same year.
● Many personalities were accused of the crime and conspiracy theories made but up until this day,
the real mastermind of the assassination is still not identified.


IN relation to Ninoy Aquino, we’ll be tackling about one of the well-known clans in our history…

12. Aquino- Cojuangco

● Aquino and Cojuangco are one of the Philippines’ most wealthy and powerful families.
⮚ They are also known as families that were placed on a pedestal by the Filipinos ever since the
Martial Law era.
⮚ When Cory Cojuangco married Ninoy Aquino, they became the most powerful family who
ever lived in the country during their time.
● However, despite the lack of capabilities and potential in ruling the country, the public still
rooted for Cory in running for presidency.
● The Youtube video entitled “Aquino- Cojuangco Facts They Don’t Want You To Know” made
many Filipino open their eyes and change their perspective of the clan Aquino-Cojuangco


Lastly, we’ll be asking ourselves after this topic whether Former President Marcos deserve a hero’s burial…
13. Ferdinand E. Marcos: Does He Deserve a Hero’s Burial?
● Late Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, who ruled from 1965-1986, was known as a
dictator reigned terror during his regime with the Martial Law.
⮚ The argument as to the deservedness of Marcos for a burial sparked criticisms from the
● According to Duterte in his proclamation rally, Marcos was the best president if not for the
⮚ But the petitioners against Marcos’ for a hero’s burial, said that it is a battle between Marcos
and history.
● During Marcos’ regime, he was alleged of 3, 257 victims of extra-judicial killings, 35,000
tortured, and 70,000 incarcerated.
● Despite the clamor of protests and harsh criticisms, the Supreme Court allowed the burial of
Marcos at Heros’s Cemetery with 9-5 votes.
● On the day of November 18, 2016, Ferdinand E. Marcos’ remains were buried finally at the
Libingan ng mga Bayani.


In conclusion, the historical events and controversies made big impact to the Philippine history. It is relevant
for us students to dig deeper of these happenings for us to be enlightened and be more knowledgeable about the
history of our country. I hope that through this discussion, you’re learnings about our Philippine history and its
controversies have enhanced. Thank you for listening!

• -refers to the script for the ppt.
-refers to the reporter’s script.

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