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Learning Area TLE (Animal Production- Poultry) Grade Level 7/8

Quarter 4 Date
I. LESSON TITLE Perform Farm Housekeeping (Recordkeeping)
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING LO 4- Perform housekeeping. (TLE_AFAACP9-12PFW-IVh-j-12)
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) 4.6 Perform record keeping according to industry requirements
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT The learners demonstrate an understanding of the underlying theories in
processing farm wastes.
I. Introduction (Time Frame: ½ Day)

Let us determine your knowledge in the previous lesson.

Learning Task 1:
Directions: Identification. Identify the following warning signs and labels in the workplace.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

In this lesson, you will learn the basic record keeping system in a poultry farm.
To assess yourself, answer this pre-test to determine what you know and what you should know.
Learning Task 2:
Direction: True or False. Write true if the statement is correct and false if not.
1. A simple system of keeping records will not only help in the proper management of the project, it but will also serve as
future reference for the improvement of the business.
2. Without an accurate recording system, information concerning finances would be difficult to recall.
3. The feed record will show you a clear and specific picture of the quantity, value, and other information related to the
expenses incurred for the duration of your project.
4. Loss and mortality record will show the volume of products disposed.
5. Even if expenses are recorded, it is always wise to keep receipts for further reference.

D. Development (Time Frame: 2 ½ Day)

Definition of Term:
Recordkeeping is the method of recording transactions and events in an accounting system.

Record Keeping in Poultry Production

The training of people to follow good work habits and the strict observation of workplace rules. It means to cultivate a
disciplined work/farm place where everyone is doing something on their own to maintain a clean environment and to
correctly understand the 5S philosophy. With the many activities and details of managing a of poultry production enterprise,
keeping records should be carefully attended to. When accurate records are kept, the poultry raiser will be able to
determine whether the business is gaining or not. Without an accurate recording system, information concerning finances
would be difficult to recall. Besides straining your memory, you will not be able to pinpoint what needs to be improved in the
business. If records are kept accurately, your interest in the work is stimulated, your love for the business is strengthened, and
the profit that you want to achieve will be increased. The volume of records to be kept depends on the volume of
transactions and the kind of enterprise. A simple system of keeping records will not only help in the proper management of
the project, it but will also serve as future reference for the improvement of the business.

The following are the suggested formats of the records to be kept and maintained in a poultry production enterprise.
Keeping Record of Broilers
Feed Record- The feed record shows the amount of feeds consumed in a given duration by specific number of birds. It
likewise gives information about the amount, type and quality of the feed given.
Date Quantity Description of Feed Value Number of Chickens Remark
January 01- 8.5 kilograms Booster Php 231.20 100 Open Type Feeding
04, 2021

Total Php 231.20

The sample data entered in the feed record as shown in the table is based on the following assumptions:
The amount of feeds consumed during the first four days is 8.5 kilograms.
The cost of a 50 kg. bag of booster is 1,360 (27.20 per kilo).
There are 100 broiler chicks to raise.
The system of feeding used is open -type feeding.

Expense Record- The expense record will show you a clear and specific picture of the quantity, value, and other information
related to the expenses incurred for the duration of your project. The total expense in all the items is subtracted from the total
sales in order to determine profit. Even if expenses are recorded, it is always wise to keep receipts for further reference.

Date Item Quantity Value Source Remark

May 10, 2008 Booster Feed 2 sacks Php 1, 360.00 X Poultry Supply Delivered Free

May 11, 2008 Antiparasitic 3 Liters Php 875.00 Y Poultry Supply Delivered Free

Total Php 2, 235.00

Loss and Mortality Record- This record shows the number of dead fowls (chickens) in a given duration. It also shoes the cause
of loss and the corresponding value of the bird. It will be easy to determine the number of live birds at time if loss or mortality is
recorded. This information is necessary in computing feed and water requirements. Likewise, knowing the cause of loss or
mortality would make the poultry raiser more careful and avoid further losses.

Date Number of Fowls Age Cause of Loss Fowl’s Value Total Number of
Lost Live Fowls
May 08, 2008 1 2 days Weakness Php 79.00 99

May 13, 2008 5 7 days Dehydration Php 500.00 94

Total 6 Php 579.00

Cost of Production Record- This particular record will show the volume of products disposed. There are two products which
can be sold in poultry production, namely: the meat which could either be sold in live weight and dressed weight the eggs
and manure. The total sales less expenses are your profit.

Date Quantity Unit Description Unit Cost Amount Remark

July 11, 2008 450 kilos Dressed Chicken Php 80.00 Php 36, 000.00 Fully Paid

July 12, 2008 250 kilos Live Chicken Php 50.00 Php 12, 500.00 Partially Paid-
Half of the

July 14, 2008 35 dozens Large Egg Php 96.00 Php 3, 360.00 Fully Paid

Total Php 51, 860.00

Keeping Records of Layers

Keeping records is a vital tool for future planning in a poultry project. It serves as guide in determining management
problems, diseases and parasites which have affected the flock and other activities undertaken for the duration of the
Records are also useful because they show the future and past status of the project. Its direction and viability as a
project, and the performance of layers.
Performance of layers generally relate to egg production efficiency which serves as the barometer of feeding and other
management practices.
Egg production efficiency is measured by:
 Percentage of eggs laid on” hen per day basis”. In this method, egg production of live birds on a given day is divided by
the number of layers in the same day and multiplied by 100. This will show the percent of the layers that have laid eggs for the
 Percentage of eggs laid on a hens per house basis. This method is used when egg production is related to the number of
hens per house at the start of the laying period. It is computed by determining the number of eggs collected on a particular
day divided by the number of hens placed in a house at the start of the laying period and multiplied by 100. This reflects also
the cumulative decrease or depletion of layers due to culling and mortality.
Important records to keep in a poultry project include feed expenses, loss and mortality, cost of production, and sales
The importance of these records and a sample of each record are already presented in the broiler production record.
Since more time is needed to raise layers than broilers; it is essential that laying and vaccination records also be kept.
E. Engagement (Time Frame: ½ Day)
Learning Task 3: Directions: Situational Analysis. Read the word problem below and answer the task that follows.
“Excellent Poultry Farm” has sold the following products in May 2021; specifically, 550 kilos of dressed chicken at 80.00 per
kilo, 480 kilos of live chicken at 50.00 per kilo, 25 dozen of large egg at 96.00 per dozen. All products were paid. Mr. X, the farm
owner wants to know the total cost of production of his farm for the whole month. Let us help him by filling in the table below.

Date Quantity Unit Specification Unit Cost Amount Remarks

A. Assimilation (Time Frame: ½ Day)

Learning Task 4: Directions: Situational Analysis. Read the situation below and answer the task that follows.
Mr. V, the farm manager is doing a record keeping at the end of the second quarter of the year. He makes a request to
Ms. D, his farm secretary to provide him with the necessary records. The lady secretary provides him the following records: the
record showing the amount of feeds consumed per bird every month; a record showing a clear and specific picture of the
quantity, value, and other information related to the expenses incurred for the duration of your project; and a record showing
the volume of products disposed. What are the 3 farm records provided by the secretary to the farm manager?

1. ________________________

2. ________________________

3. ________________________

V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: ½ Day)

Learning Task 5: Directions: Identification. Identify the following statements by choosing the correct answer inside the box.
Loss and Mortality Record Expense Record Recordkeeping Feed Record Cost of Production Record

1. A record showing the volume of products disposed.

2. A record showing the number of dead fowls (chickens) in a given duration.
3. The record showing the amount of feeds consumed per bird in a given time.
4. A record showing a clear and specific picture of the quantity, value, and other information related to the expenses
incurred for the duration of your project
5. The method of recording transactions and events in an accounting system.

VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: ½ Day)

• Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column
for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson.
 - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP
Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7
Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 Number 8
VII. REFERENCES http://lrmds.depedldn.com/DETAIL/7944.HTM CBLM TLE-AFA LG GR. 7-8 Animal Production
Prepared by: ALVIN B. BILANGEL Checked by: SDO Reviewer
Jenna Joy Dela Rosa
Florendo S. Galang
August M. Jamora
RO Reviewer
Arnel C. Anonical

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