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Get to know this plant with me!


Jana P. Legaspi
BSA - 2A
Brief Introduction
The wild species originated in the Andes Mountains of
South America, probably mainly in Peru and Ecuador, and is
thought to have been domesticated in pre-Columbian Mexico;
its name is derived from the Náhuatl (Aztec) word tomatl. The
tomato was introduced to Europe by the Spanish in the early
16th century, and the Spanish and Italians seem to have been
the first Europeans to adopt it as a food. In France and northern
Europe the tomato was initially grown as an ornamental plant
and was regarded with suspicion as a food because botanists
recognized it as a relative of the poisonous belladonna and
deadly nightshade. Indeed, the roots and leaves of the tomato
plant are poisonous and contain the neurotoxin solanine.
Date planted:

Informations September 18, 2021

about tomato
planting How many days it lasted:
12 weeks and counting
1st to 3rd week of planting..
what a wonderful day!

3rd Week
2nd Week
1st Week
The leaves of the plant
The plant started to grow a little
I planted tomato seeds. surprisingly grow more than I
4th to 6th week of planting..
let's see the progress!

4th Week 5thWeek 6th Week

Leaves are still growing and It looks lively as the leaves keep I had to transfer the plant to a
healthy. on growing. more spacious environment.
7th to 9th week of planting..
the outcome is eye catching!

7th Week 8th Week 9th Week

Luckily, the plant kept alive The plant continuously grow as it It became higher and the other
despite the new environment. is. leaves are falling.
10th to 12th week of planting..
tomatoes are love!

10th Week 11th Week 12th Week

I transferred the plant again to a I took a little extra care to the In the last week of monitoring, there's
pot because stray cats keeps on plant but leaves are falling down. still no fruit but I am hoping that as
looking at it. long as I am taking care of it, I will
harvest the fruit soonest.
1. Based on your experience, what are the advantages and
disadvantages of doing this project?
Based on my experience, there's a lot of advantages as soon as I have
planted the seeds. First is that I realized, planting can help clean the air we
are breathing and it helps me calm. Second it encourages healing of the
environment and lastly, we can do it as our own hobby. On thr other hand,
there is no ds]isadvantage in planting, for me.

2. Will there be a significant difference in our environment if Answer the

everyone will be encouraged to practice urban gardening?
Defend your answer.
I will definitely say yes. Urban Gardening has a lot benefits. We can learn a
unique skill, we can harvest fruits and vegetables from our own hard work
and because of that, we don't need to spend more money for food. Another
thing, it can also help the community to share the same livelihood.
3. Rate from 1-5 (1 lowest - 5 highest) your overall
experience of urban gardening (explain briefly your
I will rate this experience 4. The overall experience was awesome. It
made me love plants and took little extra care of them but it is kinda Answer the
hassle to go up and check the plant everyday since our house is
inside a tenement, I have to place the plant at my grandmother's following..
house upstairs.
Thank you for your time!
God bless you and have a great day!

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