Employer Branding

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Employer Branding
• Isthe foundation of an effective recruiting strategy that can make a
significant difference in winning the war of talent.

• Smart organizations always work for employer brand to attract top


• To attract the best candidates, the organization must be able to clearly

define how it differs from its competing employers.

• An employer brand communicates why the company is an attractive

place to work.
Elements of Employer Brand
• Culture
●A company’s culture includes its values, vision, mission
statement, working language, systems, beliefs and habits.
●Company culture affects the way that people and groups
interact with one another, with clients and with other
• Employee Opinions
●Employees’ opinions about the organization is an important
source of employer brand. Their opinions in the social media
and others influence the attraction of the potential candidates.
Elements of Employer Brand Cont’d
• Candidate Opinion
●Candidates share their impressions they develop
during selection process through word of mouth
and social media which affect other candidates.
• Corporate Brand
●Both corporate brand and employer brand affects
each other.
Benefits of a Strong Employment Brand
• Reduces recruitment costs

• Differentiates from the competitors

• Availability of right quantity and quality of candidates.

• Improves Employee Retention

• Positive response from the customers and the investors.

Pillars of Employer Brand
•Five Pillars of a successful Employer Brand
●Data Analysis
●Employee Engagement
●Visual Identity
●Adopt Updated Technology
Pillars of Employers Brand-Data Analysis

• Collect Data of
●Company’s reputation regarding
●Culture and Value
●Compensation and benefits
●Career Opportunities
●Candidates’ Impression, Activities and Preference
●Employee Retention
●Competitor’s Brand Performance
• Being Adaptable
● c
Pillars of Employers Brand-Transparency
• Transparencyimplies openness including being open to feedback
and sharing openly with employees and candidates the strengths
and weakness of the organization.

• Transparency requires openness, communication and

accountability at every level of the organization.
Pillars of Employers Brand-Transparency Cont’d
Ways to be Transparent
• As today’s candidates search more information about jobs the
organization should have information in the proper media.
• Shareinformation about the organization in the social and other media
and encourage the employees to do so regularly.
• Publicize Company’s success and endorsements.
• Respond to queries promptly.
Pillars of Employers Brand-Employee Engagement

• Refers to being psychologically involved in, connected to, and

committed to getting one’s job done.

• Engaged employees experience a high level of connectivity with their

work tasks and therefore work hard to accomplish their task-related
Actions that Foster Engagement
Make sure employees understand how their departments contribute to the company’s

employees should realize how their own efforts contribute to achieve organizational

Enough employee participation.

Employer should value the contribution of the employees and care about their

Conduct anonymous opinion survey and take necessary steps.

Promote the stories of the employees.
Recognize, support and reward employees.
Pillars of Employers Brand-Using Visuals

• Promoting Employer brand is also foster by illustrating with photos

and videos.
• Publicize
pictures and videos on each departments, company culture,
employees’ stories, teamwork, fun activities, CSR activities, leaders’
message and success stories, in-house celebrations etc.
Pillars of Employers Brand-Updated

• Organizations
should use updated and user friendly technology for
employee acquisition and other HR activities
Actions for successful employment branding
• Updated information
• Value employee opinions, reactions and participations.
• Make employer brand visual
• Benchmark (using metrics) Brand Awareness and Reputation
• Necessary steps on negative reviews
• Make Employees Brand Ambassadors
• Share positive stories in media
• Utilize candidates’ impression
• Ensure that HR practices supports branding

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