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Give more details about Microcomputer, Minicomputer and Main frame

1. Microcomputer

The smallest among them are micro computers. They are small in physical size (most
of them are desktop system; however, notebook micro computers that can fit into a
briefcase are also available). They are economical in terms of costs and are friendly in
use. Personal computers (PCs) fall into this category.
These computers can be used for small data processing jobs of bigger companies or
serve as complete computer systems for small firms. PC can also be connected with
bigger computers and be used as an intelligent terminal to a bigger computer. The
details regarding their applications in business are included in the last section of this

Types of Micro computer

- Desktop computer
- Laptop
- Smartphones
- Tablet
- PDA ( Personal Digital Assistant )
- Server microcomputer
- Workstation

2. Minicomputer

Mini computers are very popular among medium sized companies. Mini computers
offer facilities for faster processing of voluminous information. Mini computers, of
course, are bigger than microcomputers but smaller than most of their elders called
They cost somewhere between Rs. 5 to 15 lac depending upon the configuration.
However, these prices are only indicative and are subject to substantial changes over
time. The mini computers like VAX 8000 series from Digital Equipment Corporation
(DEC) and AS/400 series from IBM have been quite popular in computer aided manu-
facturing, as well as departmental computers.

Types of Minicomputer

- Netbook
- Touch screen pads
- iPods

3. Main frame

Mainframes are bigger computers, capable of handling data processing needs of, say,
head office of a bank, or a big multinational company or may be a public utility office.
Mainframe computer systems have larger storage and the speed of processing is also
very high.
They also offer the advantage of wider choice with regard to up-gradation of the
system in future. They offer features such as parallel processing. The parallel
processing involves combining a large number of processors that break down an
application into many separate parts in order to enhance processing speed.
The speed of processing is expressed in terms of 10 to 100 millions of instructions per
second (MIPS), and cost somewhere between 1 to 5 million dollars depending upon
the configuration. IBM still holds almost 80 per cent of mainframe market with its
popular mainframe series IBM System 390.

Types of Main frame

- ENIAC ( Electric Numerical Integrator Calculator )

- ASCC ( Automatic Sequence Control Computer )

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