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Thanks to a radioactive spider bite, teenager Peter Parker received some superpowers. Instead

of using them for himself, he decided to help others. Orphan and living at New York with his

aunt, May Parker, Peter has chosen to wear a mask while fighting crime in order not to be t

To me, Spiderman's alter ego is Super Man because they both want to save the world and to

punish bad guys. Despite this common point, Super Man even has more powers than Peter.

Peter is younger than Super Man. But that doesn't matter much, because they always do a

great job, whether they are older or younger. In their town, Spiderman is as popular as Super


Spiderman was created by screenwriter Stan Lee and designer Steve Ditko. The fictional

character appeared for the first time in the comic book Amazing Fantasy in ninety sixty


Peter Parker alias Spiderman is one seventy eight 1.78meters tall, he has blue eyes, his hair

color is brown and he is neither fat nor thin. He is muscular. He is more agile and flexible

than common people.

He is daring and really benevolent with people. His highest quality is that he is very brave.

His uniform is with blue on the arms and pectorals. He has a spider drawing between his two

pectorals. His mask is red everywhere with black spider web on his face. His legs are covered

with blue at the level of the tibia, and it seems he wears some red boots. He wears blue gloves

and his body is filled with black stripes like cobwebs.

His uniform is the most iconic I know.

Spider-Man has the ability to climb to walls. He is able to fly through his cobwebs. He has

superhuman strength, a sixth sense ("spider sense") that alerts him to danger. Before his

“transformation” he was really introverted, but when he became Spiderman he was self -

confident. In addition to his powers, Peter Parker is a brilliant student in the field of applied

sciences. With his talents, he has been able to design his Spider-Man costumes himself, and

made many devices that complement his powers, including his mechanical canvas launchers.

In general he is unable to stay in front of a danger without fighting evil.

In my opinion, Spider-Man doesn't really have a goal, his goal is just to punish the bad guys

and keep the rule going.

Spider-Man does not have only one enemy, he has several such as: the Green Goblin, Doctor

Octopus and Venom…

I have chosen Spider-Man because he is my favorite superhero. Spider-Man is one of the

superhero who didn’t receive his superpower until he was teenager. He managed to pass

himself as a normal teenager while using his superpowers to do good. I find him really great.

I like his costume because it shows that he was designed for him. I believe that it is the most

practical superhero costume. The spiderman costume, sticks to his skin as if it were his

second skin. In the new version of spiderman his costume is much more high tech thanks to

tony stark. There is a big choice of different canvas but it always chooses the basic. that's

why I would choose to wear this costume and not another.

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