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(Đề thi có 04 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. finished B. developed C. defeated D. looked
Question 2: A. hesitate B. reserve C. physics D. basic
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. bamboo B. forget C. deserve D. channel
Question 4: A. endanger B. furniture C. determine D. departure
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 5: The room needs ____________ for the Sip and see party.
A. to decorate B. be decorated C. decorate D. decorating
Question 6: They can hardly expect profits to double again this year, ?
A. can’t they B. do they C. don’t they D. can they
Question 7: In most ________ developed countries, up to 50% of ________ population enters
higher education at some time in their lives.
A. the – Ø B. Ø – the C. Ø – Ø D. the-a
Question 8: Jack has a collection of ________ .
A. old valuable Japanese postage stamps B. old Japanese valuable postage stamps
C. valuable Japanese old postage stamps D. valuable old Japanese postage stamps
Question 9: He wanted to know__________.
A. where can he change some money B. where he can change some money
C. where he could change some money D. where could he change some money
Question 10: Nobody took any _____ of the warning and they went swimming in the contaminated
A. sight B. attention C. information D. notice
Question 11: Reagan___an actor years ago.
A. was said having been B. is said to being C. is said to have been D. was said being
Question 12: _______ he hasn’t had any formal qualifications, he has managed to do very well.
A. Despite B. Although C. If D. Whereas
Question 13: But for his kind support, I _______.
A. would not have succeeded B. did not succeed C. had not succeeded D. would
Question 14: Vietnam has played _______ high spririts and had an impressive 2-0 victory over
A. at B. in C. on D. with
Question 15: She hasn’t read any technological books or articles on the subject for a long time.
She’s afraid that she may be________ with recent developments.
A. out of touch B. out of condition C. out of reach D. out of the question
Question 16: ________as the representative at the conference, she felt extremely proud of herself.
A. Be chosen B. Having been chosen C. On choosing D. Having
Question 17: Last year she earned _______ her brother.
A. twice as much as B. twice as many as C. twice as more as D. twice more than
Question 18: It turned out that we_____ to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours.
A. mustn't have rushed B. can't have rushed
C. needn't have rushed D. shouldn't have rushed
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 19: We can use either verbal or non-verbal forms of communication.
A. posture B. speech C. facial expressions D. gesture
Question 20: In my attempt to win a place at university, I am under a lot of pressure.
A. strong influence B. difficulties C. allowance D. force
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 21: Telomeres are the tiny caps on the ends of chromosomes that protect our DNA from
damage during cell division.
A. guard B. shape C. attack D. save
Question 22: If you say bad things about the person who give a job you bite the hand that feeds
A. be unfriendly B. be ungrateful C. be thankful D. be devoted
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges.
Question 23: Hung and Derek are classmates. They are talking about their sports hobby.
Hung: Don't you like watching football?
Derek: _________.
A. Yes, I don't B. No, I do. I like it a lot C. It's nice D. Yes, I love it
Question 24: Marta and Patrice is a couple. They are going to a friend's party.
Marta: Do I still have to change my clothes?
Patrice: __________.
A. Sure, take your time B. Let's discuss that some time
C. Don't change your mind, please D. The party begins at 2 p.m
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
"Parents today want their kids spending time on things that can bring them success, but
(25)_________, we've stopped doing one thing that's actually been a proven predictor of success and
that's household chores," says Richard Rende, a (26)_________ psychologist in Paradise Valley,
Ariz, and co-author of forthcoming book “Raising Can-Do Kids." Decades of studies show the
benefits of chores-academically, emotionally and even professionally. Giving children household
chores at an early age (27)_______ to build a lasting sense of mastery, responsibility and self-
reliance, according to research by Marty Rossmann, professor emeritus at the University of
Minnesota. In 2002, Dr. Rossmann analyzed data from a longitudinal study (28)_______ followed
84 children across four periods in their lives-in preschool, around ages 10 and 15, and in their mid-
20s. She found that young adults who began chores at ages 3 and 4 were more likely to have good
relationships with family and friends, to achieve academic and early career success and to be self-
sufficient, as (29)_______ with those who didn't have chores or who started them as teens. Chores
also teach children how to be empathetic and responsive to others' needs, notes psychologist Richard
Weissbourd of the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
(Adapted from
Question 25: A. ironically B. especially C. brutally D. bitterly
Question 26: A. develop B. developing C. developed D.
Question 27: A. help B. helps C. helped D. has helped
Question 28: A. whom B. that C. what D. when
Question 29: A. compared B. compare C. comparing D. to
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Whales are the largest animals in the world, and the gentlest creatures we know. Although the
whale is very huge, it is not hindered at all by its size when it is in the water. Whales have tails that
end like flippers. With just a gentle flick, it can propel itself forward. The skin of a whale is so
smooth that it does not create any friction that can slow the whale down. A whale’s breathing hole is
located on the top of its head, so it can breathe without having to completely push its head out of the
water. Whales are protected from the cold seawater by body fat that is called blubber.
Whales live in the ocean but, in terms of behaviours, they are more similar to humans than fish.
They live in family groups and they even travel in groups when they have to migrate from cooler to
warmer waters. The young stay with their parents for as long as fifteen years. Whales are known not
to desert the ill or injured members; instead, they cradle them.
When whales are in danger, there are people who go to great lengths to help them. One such
case occurred in 1988, when three young whales were trapped in the sea. It was close to winter and
the sea had begun to freeze over. Whales are mammals that require oxygen from the air, so the
frozen ice was a great danger to them. All they had then was a tiny hole in the ice for them to
breathe through. Volunteers from all over soon turned up to help these creatures. They cut holes in
the ice to provide more breathing holes for the whales. These holes would also serve as guides for
the whales so that they could swim to warmer waters.
(Adapted from
Question 30: Which of the following best describes the main idea of this passage?
A. Successful attempts to rescue whales all over the world
B. Some remarkable similarities of whales to humans
C. Whales as the largest, gentlest but vulnerable creatures
D. Whales as the only animals to live in warm water
Question 31: Whales can move easily in water thanks to their ________.
A. tail and blubber B. size and head C. tail and skin D. skin and head
Question 32: Where is the whale’s breathing hole located?
A. On its head B. On its back C. On its face D. On its tail
Question 33: According to paragraph 2, the author mentions all of the following to show that
whales “are more similar to humans” EXCEPT_______ .
A. they do not desert the ill or injured members
B. they do not migrate from cooler to warmer waters
C. they live in family groups and travel in groups
D. the young stay with their parents for almost fifteen years
Question 34: The word “tiny” in paragraph 3 probably means_______.
A. very small B. very deep C. very fat D. very ugly
Reading the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions
The ocean bottom - a region nearly 2.5 times greater than the total land area of Earth - is a vast
frontier that even today is largely unexplored and uncharted. Until about a century ago, the deep-
ocean floor was completely inaccessible, hidden beneath waters averaging over 3,600 meters deep.
Totally without light and subjected to intense pressures hundreds of times greater than at the Earth's
surface, the deep-ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humans, in some ways as forbidding and
remote as the void of outer space.
Although researchers have taken samples of deep-ocean rocks and sediments for over a century,
the first detailed global investigation of the ocean bottom did not actually start until 1968, with the
beginning ofthe National Science Foundation's Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). Using techniques
first developed for the offshore oil and gas industry, the DSDP's drill ship, the Glomar Challenger,
was able to maintain a steady position on the ocean's surface and drill in very deep waters,
extracting samples of sediments and rock from the ocean floor.
The Glomar Challenger completed 96 voyages in a 15-year research program that ended in
November 1983. During this time, the vessel logged 600,000 kilometers and took almost 20,000
core samples of seabed sediments and rocks at 624 drilling sites around the world. The Glomar
Challenger's core samples have allowed geologists to reconstruct what the planet looked like
hundreds of millions of years ago and to calculate what it will probably look like millions of years in
the future. Today, largely on the strength of evidence gathered during the Glomar Challenger's
voyages, nearly all earth scientists agree on the theories of plate tectonics and continental drift that
explain many of the geological processes that shape the Earth.
The cores of sediment drilled by the Glomar Challenger have also yielded information critical
to understanding the world's past climates. Deep-ocean sediments provide a climatic record
stretching back hundreds of millions of years, because they are largely isolated from the mechanical
erosion and the intense chemical and biological activity that rapidly destroy much land-based
evidence of past climates. This record has already provided insights into the patterns and causes of
past climatic change - information that may be used to predict future climates.
Question 35. The author refers to the ocean bottom as a “frontier” because it _______
A. is not a popular area for scientific research B. contains a wide variety of life forms
C. attracts courageous explorers D. is an unknown territory
Question 36. The word “inaccessible” is closest in meaning to _______.
A. unrecognizable B. unreachable C. unusable D. unsafe
Question 37. The author mentions “outer space” because _______.
A. the Earth's climate millions of years ago was similar to conditions in outer space.
B. it is similar to the ocean floor in being alien to the human environment.
C. rock formations in outer space are similar to those found on the ocean floor.
D. techniques used by scientists to explore outer space were similar to those used in ocean
Question 38. Which of the following is true of the Glomar Challenger?
A. It is a type of submarine. B. It is an ongoing project.
C. It has gone on over 100 voyages. D. It made its first DSDP voyage in 1968.
Question 39. The Deep Sea Drilling Project was significant because it was ______.
A. an attempt to find new sources of oil and gas
B. the first extensive exploration of the ocean bottom
C. composed of geologists from all over the world
D. funded entirely by the gas and oil industry
Question 40. The word “they” refers _______.
A. years B. climates C. sediments D. cores
Question 41. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as being a result of the Deep
Sea Drilling Project?
A. Geologists were able to determine the Earth's appearance hundreds of millions of years ago.
B. Two geological theories became more widely accepted by scientists.
C. Information was revealed about the Earth's past climatic changes.
D. Geologists observed forms of marine life never before seen.
Question 42. How long did the Glomar Challenger conduct its research?
A. 3 years B. 5 years C. 15 years D. 16 years
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 43: The tongue is the principle organ of taste, and is crucial for chewing, swallowed, and
Question 44: The man, together with his family, were invited to the Clambake last night.
Question 45: Hardly he had graduated from Vietnam Naval Academy when he joined Vietnam
Coast Guard.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 46: “Why don’t you talk to her face-to-face?” asked Bill.
A. Bill suggested that I should talk to her face-to-face.
B. Bill advised that I could talk to her face-to-face.
C. Bill asked me why I hadn’t talked to her face-to-face.
D. Bill wondered why I don’t talk to her face-to-face.
Question 47: People believed that Jane failed the test because of her laziness.
A. It is believed that Jane failed the test because of her laziness.
B. Jane was believed to fail the test on account of her laziness.
C. Jane is believed to fail the test owing to her laziness.
D. It was believed that Jane had failed the test due to laziness.
Question 48: The problem was so complicated that the students couldn’t understand it.
A. It was such complicated problem that the students couldn’t understand.
B. The problem wasn’t simple enough for the students to understand it.
C. The problem was too complicated for the students to understand.
D. It was so complicated problems that the students couldn’t understand.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 49. She was the first woman in the Philippines. She was elected as the president of the
A. She was the first woman who is elected as the president of the Philippines.
B. She was the first woman elected as the president of the Philippines.
C. She was the first woman being elected as the president of the Philippines.
D. She was the first woman to be elected as the president of the Philippines.
Question 50. We arrived at the conference. Then we realized that our reports were still at home.
A. No sooner had we realized that our reports were at home than we arrived at the conference.
B. Only after we arrived at the conference did we realize that our reports were still at home.
C. Not until we arrived at the conference that we realized that our reports were still at home.
D. Hardly had we arrived at the conference when we realized that our reports were still at home.

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