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I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 4
1. THE ABSORBENT MIND ............................................................................................ 5
2. SENSITIVE PERIODS ................................................................................................... 5
3. THE ROLE OF THE DIRECTRESS ............................................................................. 7
4. THE SENSES ................................................................................................................. 7
6. THE THREE PERIOD LESSON ................................................................................... 8
7. CONTROL OF ERROR ................................................................................................. 9
II. LESSON PLAN FOR RELEVANT EXERCISE ........................................................ 11
III. LESSON PLAN CONTINUED ................................................................................. 13
IV. EVALUATION ........................................................................................................... 14
V. CHAPTER SUMMARY 1 ............................................................................................. 16
1. THE TRAINING OF THE SENSES ............................................................................ 16
VI. CHAPTER SUMMARY 2 .......................................................................................... 18
1. IS MOVEMENT CONNECTED TO DEVELOPMENT? ........................................... 18
VII. REFLECTIVE PRACTICE....................................................................................... 21
VIII. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................... 45
IX. REFERENCES............................................................................................................ 46




The objective of the project is present important aspects such as: The absorbent mind, sensitive
periods and the role of the Directrices in the Montessori Philosophy. Besides that, the project
includes the understanding and perception of the senses, the significant teaching points of
sensorial apparatus and the Three Period lesson.

The project contains important aspects, such as the way in which the Aistear standards are met
through the Montessori sensory curriculum, also a presentation of original materials, and
finally, covers the important summaries of: The training of the senses and The connected
movement development. As an extra work, a reflective practice journal to be register in for this

The first years of the child's life are the most important moment for development. For this, this
project is based on perceptions through their senses, which enables knowledge of sensory


According to Montessori, she created a theory about how education should adapt to the phases
of childhood. It arises from research where Montessori observed that, between 0 and 6 years
of age, children learn instantly, as if their mind were a sponge that unconsciously absorbs
information from external stimuli in response to the needs of each development stage.

In his book The Child's Absorbent Mind, María Montessori establishes differences between
the stage of 0 to 3 years and that between 3 and 6. When crossing that border, the child ceases
to be an "unconscious creator" to become a "conscious worker." His brain continues to be an
amazing sponge, but he is able to seek experiences to improve the skills he has acquired.
(Portobello notes 2012).

María Montessori discovers that children between 0 and 6 have a special mind; It is transitory
and universal. From 0 to 3 years old he is unconscious; we learn things like walking and we
don't remember it.

From 3 to 6 years old becomes conscious, such as when we learn to read. This special mind is
called the absorbing mind (the ability of children in this first stage to acquire everything that
sensitive periods mark). It is necessary to take advantage of this ability, and let the child

Montessori in “The Absorbent Mind” says:

“The child sees, recognises and learns, because of his special characteristic of sensitivity, a
power of such intense sensitivity that the things that surround him in the environment awaken
in him an intense interest and such a great enthusiasm that they seem to penetrate into his very
life.” (Portobello notes 2012, p. 49).


Each age has what we call sensitive period. We must educate taking into account those margins
of the sensitive period. They are windows of opportunity to learn something specific, hence the
importance they have to be worked on and not to let them escape.

The child shows an intense period of intellectual activity that does not cause fatigue and
produces enormous calm and renewal to continue working tirelessly.

That the role of the adult is essential during the appearance of these sensitive periods in the
child, since much of the response to that appearance, he will have through his educational
proposals. In this sense, you must be well trained in the arts of observation to be able to observe
the sensitive periods, when they are active, as the child manifests them.

Here I present the main features of the most important sensitive periods:

Sensitivity to Order: That there is a sensitive period to order. What it means is that you must
seize that moment to work the order. During this period the child is organizing a mental scheme
about the functioning of the world. Your reasoning and logical mind is being built. Playing an
order in your environment will help you organize your mind to extrapolate. (Portobello notes

Sensitivity to Language: During this time the child has a great sensitivity to vocal perception
and mouth movements. That is why children have an amazing facility to learn several
languages simultaneously.

Sensitivity to walk: During this period the child is moving from being helless into an active
being. (Portobello notes 2012).

Sensitivity to the Social Aspect of Life: Now he is also interested in building relationships. The
child who is deprived at this stage of social interaction may have more social distrust.

Sensitivity to Small Objects: It is very common for the child to detect a crumb of bread that for
the adult goes unnoticed or that stops to observe a small ant, the flight of a butterfly, etc.

Sensitivity to Learning through the Senses: As soon as he can move around, he needs plenty of
freedom to explore. The children need this sensory exploration in order to develop this
potential. (Portobello notes 2012).


Maria Montessori referred to a directress who was the dynamic link between the child and the
environment. In this way she emphasized the role of the directress, which was the preparation
of the environment, the observation and teaching the children the correct use of the materials,
giving them the corresponding lessons. In this way, it helps children to teach, build and perfect
themselves. (Portobello notes 2012).

A directress must acquire knowledge of human development and growth, as he must be well
informed about teaching and learning. A good guide throughout his profession never stops
learning and growing.

Every directress is an extremely important role for children's motivation, as it directs children
in the right way and stimulates their interest in activities and materials that can meet their needs
and sensitivities.


In Montessori education, we recognize 9 senses, not just the typical 4. Our senses are how we
experience and interpret the world. The better is that every one of these senses is easy to
incorporate into the real life.

1. Visual Discrimination: Learning to differentiate visually between form, color, and size.
2. Tactile: What things feel like when we touch them with our hands or bodies.
3. Stereognostic: When a child is able to figure out what something is without seeing,
smelling, or hearing it.
4. Baric: Learning to distinguish differences in weight.
5. Thermic: The sense of difference in temperature.
6. Olfactory: Developing the sense of smell through matching.
7. Gustatory: Developing the sense of taste by trying, testing, matching, and identifying
various tastes.
8. Chromatic: The sense of perceiving variations in colour.
9. Auditory: The sense of perceiving variations by hearing.


Sensorial experiences begin right when a child is born. Children use their senses in order to
study their environment. By participating in sensory activities, children can consciously obtain
clear information that helps them classify their surroundings. These classifications serve as
stepping stones to organized intelligence, which gives children the ability to adapt to their
environment. (Portobello notes 2012).

The purpose and aim of Sensorial work are for the child to acquire clear, conscious, information
and to be able to then make classifications in his environment. Montessori believed that
sensorial experiences began at birth. Through his senses, the child studies his environment.
Through this study, the child then begins to understand his environment. The child, to
Montessori, is a “sensorial explorer”.


The three-period lesson is a hallmark of Montessori education that helps young children learn
vocabulary and concepts. In simple terms, the three steps, or periods, are:

1. 1st period: Naming (Introduction) "This is blue."

2. 2nd period: Recognizing (Identification) "Can you show me blue."

3.3rd period: Remembering (Cognition) "What is this?"

It is important to understand that the knowledge gained during these lessons becomes the
starting point for the child’s next quest for knowledge. Every time a child masters a skill or
idea, he or she becomes stronger, more competent and more independent and wants to learn
more. (Portobello Institute 2012).


Control of error lets us know if we are on the right path or the wrong path. This is why it’s such
an important concept in Montessori philosophy. Most Montessori materials have a built-in
control of error. That is, the materials help children to identify their mistakes and correct them
without the help of an adult.

When a child realizes he’s done something incorrectly and he realizes he is able to correct the
issue himself, it builds his confidence in his own capabilities. The child become more self-
aware and the reward for correcting the error is an intrinsic reward for him. That is, nobody
has to tell him he did a good job, he knows it already.


Below is a table where it illustrates how the Standard of Aistear is met through the Montessori
Sensorial curriculum.

Comparative Analysis of the framework Aistear and the Montessori Sensorial

Aistear Aim / Montessori Sensorial

Learning goals
Well- being Aim 1: 1,3 Sensorial activities are used
Aim 2: 1 in Montessori learning to
Aim 3: 2,3 help children in
discrimination and order.
They also help broaden and
refine a child’s senses.
Identity and Belonging Aim 1: 1,2,5 Dr. Montessori developed
Aim 3: 2,3,6 the concept of sensorial
Aim 4: 6 work long before sensory
play was put into practice. In
Montessori philosophy, the
child is considered the
“sensorial explorer” and
learns to perceive qualities
through sensorial

Communicating Aim 1: 1, Sensorial works are
Aim 2: 1,2,3,4 completed left to right and
Aim 3: 3 top to bottom in preparation
for these later skills to
develop. Furthermore, new
language such as “largest,
smallest, heavier, rough,
smooth….” is introduced
throughout the presentations
of work.
Exploring and thinking Aim 1: 1,5,6 The environment should be a
Aim 2: 1,2 place that “nourishes the
Aim 4: 1,2 child” by not only meeting
the needs for auto-education,
required for a child to be able
to develop at his own pace,
but by also allowing the
child’s unique personality
and developmental path to
reveal itself.


The Stereognostic Sense

Name of the Material:

Mystery Bag

Description of the Material:

Two cloth bags as attractive as possible with six objects that are very different form each other
such as: feather, peg, screw, thread, sock, and shell.

Direct Aims:
To refine the stereognostic sense
To develop the child’s language
To develop the child’s fine motor control

Indirect Aims:
Material visualization and recognize objects

Control of Error:
Control of error is visual, the paired objects should all look the same.

The appropriate name of the objects is introduced: feather, peg, screw, thread, sock, and shell.

The teacher introduces the child to the work cycle

1. At the table the teacher takes out all the objects from the bag and lets the child feel them
and name them.
2. She then replaces them.
3. The teacher asks the child to place his hand into the bag on the left and places one object
in his hand and tries to recognise by touch.

4. The child then places his other hand into the second bag and tries to find the matching
5. Then both objects are placed together on the table.
6. The exercise continues in this way until all the objects have been paired.
7. Complete the work cycle.

The teacher can use another object into the mystery bag such as a key, pine cone, button, small
spoon, etc.

The child can close his eyes to do this exercise.

From 3 years onwards.


Below is illustrating how the standards of Aistear is met through the sensorial material, using
a material of the area steregnostic sense: Mystery bag

Sensorial Material
Mystery Bag
AIMS Well-being Identity and Communicating Exploring and
belonging thinking
1 -- -- -- Aim1: 1

2 Aim2: 1,3 -- Aim 2: 1,2 Aim2: 1

3 -- Aim3: 3 Aim3: 1 --

4 Aim4: 1,2 Aim4: 6 -- Aim: 1


The design of the exercise was appropriate for the child's age. It was an easy material to show.
The child was able to perceive and recognize the shape of each of the objects, through the use
of touch. The child had no difficulty in matching the objects and recognizing them, so the
material was well designed. Being a new material and the mystery of the bag, it was a positive
aspect to attract the child's motivation.

During the exercise, the child paid attention to the instructions and remained focused. It was
for several days the child's favourite activity. In addition, the child performed the same activity
for the rest of the week. At first it was difficult for the child to place the objects inside the bag,
as he wanted to continue using. It was an attractive material for other children too.

The child learned to use his sense of tactile to identify objects. As the child touches the object,
it forms an image of him in his mind, this image develops as the information increases until it
reaches the point where he can identify the object, without the sense of sight. It was observed
how the child felt each object and how he smiled when he matched the objects in both bags.

The presentation of the exercise was done in the classroom, with good lighting and a quiet
place. The Work Cycle was introduced and then the exercise began. Finally, the child learned
a lot during this activity by using the mystery bag he could develop his stereognostic sense, so
the final result was gratifying.


The discovery of the child:

The training of the senses

The absorbent mind:

Is movement connected to development?



• The sensitive period of 3 to 6 years, is in which the child will develop their senses. One
thing that is very important is that we are not born with developed senses, but that they
develop according to the experiences and the surrounding environment.
• Nowadays, education has not been taken so seriously to develop a method that promotes
the child's sensory development, a weight that there is research that affirms the importance
of sensory stimulation.
• As mentioned, Montessori: “we have a two-fold aim in education. One is biological and
the other social.” (Montessori 1942, p.144).
• The biological objective is to assist the natural development of the children. Between the
ages of 3-6, the children experience rapid physical growth.
• The social objective consists of preparing children for their all-around awareness of the
• Is important to assist the development of the senses to access the also the cognitive
formation in the children.
• The child is waiting for different experiences to be offered, which is why it is very
important and necessary to offer them experiences to develop each of their senses.
• As is mentioned in the book, “It is therefore a child’s physiological education that directly
prepares the way for his psychic development by perfecting his sense organs and his habits
of projection and association.” (Montessori 1942, p.145).
• A fundamental pillar in the training of the senses is, therefore, observation. This
observation has to be objective and scientific.
• Another important clarification is that everyone should acquire skills through repetition of
exercises. Therefore, the training of the senses should be stimulated over the years.
• As is mentioned in the chapter, “The secret of preparing one for a particular skill consists
in utilizing that period of life between 3-6, when there is a natural inclination to perfect
one’s senses and movements.” (Montessori 1942, p.147).
• It is important to note that today's professionals are endowed with knowledge but lack
sensory skills. In the real life, we need to be able to acquire exact knowledge from the
stimuli furnished by the environment.

• It is difficult to stimulate the senses of adults. For that reason, the training of the senses
must begin in the sensitive period to make use of them throughout their lives.
• This is why is very important to encourages children to indulge fully in sensorial., and then
be continued during the time when and individual is preparing for the p real life.
• Based on these observations: “the senses are organs for the apprehension of images of the
external world necessary for the mind.” (Montessori 1942, p.149).
• The senses, being explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge. It is for this reason
that education makes no sense if attention is not paid to the development of the child and
stimulate the necessary areas like the senses, so that it can be integrated into real life.



As part of the child's development, the movement is important, it allows connecting to explore,
but unfortunately in traditional education the movement is denied. It is incredible that
movement is allowed at specific times. Traditional education overlooks the importance of the
child's movement.

To better understand how to connect our brain with movement, we must first understand that:
“There are the various sense organs, which collect impressions and pass them on to the brain.
Thirdly, there are the muscles. There are like cables for transmitting nervous energy to the
muscles.” (Montessori 1942, p.125). Then, the movement is the end result of this complex
process, through the movement our personality can be expressed.

Let's think about it this way, in the animal world, they can only express themselves or
communicate through movement. Humans ignore this important part, contact with the world is
through our moving senses.

The nervous system gives us the beauty of our impressions, the body movement is responsible
for the complex cellular network of the nervous system: thousands of nerve fibres and sensory
endings in relation to each other. “The vegetative system provides for a man’s physical well-
being and enables him to enjoy the best of health. But we have to think differently about the
nervous system.” (Montessori 1942, p.126).

Another important aspect that makes up the human being is the human spirit or psyche. They
must go into circulation so that others can enjoy them. Also, they must be expressed to complete
the cycle of human relations. As humans, we are mind and body, nature has endowed us with
skills and those skills must be developed and used.

We cannot ignore that the spirit can only be achieved through action. Letting the movement
flow is to stimulate the mind. The child knows and develops thanks to the experiences he gets
by moving in the environment.

This relationship between movement and thought makes sense according to what we now know
about how the brain works. We can recognize that thought is not disembodied since movement
and cognition are closely intertwined. This current understanding of how the brain works is
important for educators. It is vital that educational theory and practice should become informed
by this idea.

Montessori said: “watching a child makes it obvious that the development of his mind comes
about through his movements.” (Montessori 1942, p.131). Movement helps the development
of mind, because mind and movement are parts of the same entity. After, when the child has
an autonomous movement, the environment offers him the possibility of continuing to discover
his motor possibilities for himself. Along the same lines it is essential not to put barriers to your
activity as long as the environment is safe.

So, in conclusion the movement is so essential to the life of any individual and forming
relationships with other people, that it must be developed on this plane. We cannot prevent
movement in the child, the world would be chaotic, what we must do is work inseparably from
the movement. Children have a special way of learning and it is through movement.





Module: Early Learning Environment

Topic of module: Sensorial

Entry number: 1

Date: 26th November – 30th November, 2019

Time: 7:30 pm

General Reflection on relevant new learning to date considering competencies and


What did I learn that was new to me?

I learned in class that sensorial materials offer experience for the senses through hands on
activities. The most important is that, this a process that goes step by step throughout childhood.

What awareness did this new knowledge give me?

Through the senses we discover the world that is why the stimulation of the senses is

How do I think this might be useful in practice, in my studies, in my life?

Having knowledge of the importance of sensory stimulation, it can be put into practice at work,
helping to develop and refine children's senses. The importance in my life is to connect more
with my senses in daily life, identify more sensitivity and connection with myself.

Personal Reflection on specific situations to date that impacted you considering the
questions below:

Brief description of the situation:

By being in touch with the Montessori philosophy, I have been able to further develop the
observation of my work environment. I have seen that children enjoy the sensations. It gives
you wealth to feel, smell, hear. Everything is new to them and they enjoy learning new things.

What did I like or enjoy and why?

What I enjoy most is to observe the child's happiness when discovering new sensations. They
appreciate the little stimuli, the beauty of the world around them. And for that you need to
follow precisely to sensory fineness.

What did I dislike and why?

What I don't like is that sometimes the importance of sensory development is not important. It
does not help the development of language or the senses.

What did I find easy to do or understand and why?

What I found easy to do or understand that we can help the development of children, the
development of the senses, graduating and adapting the stimuli.

What did I find difficult or challenging to do and why?

What I found difficult to do was the presentation of sensory material to children. After each
lesson in class, I am able to introduce something new to my work.
Reflection on learning in terms of Child Development and Theories noting all aspects of
the child that you have learned about to date:

Area of discussion: Visual Discrimination – The pink tower

I chose this material because the pink tower is a foundational material from the sensorial area,
also because the pink tower visually appealing and engaging.

Physical: Balance in his hand, walking to carry the wooden cubes, pick up the cubes with his

Intellectual: Concentration, attention, observation.

Language: Words to describe the activity: large, small, cubes.

Emotional: Independence, confidence, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-discipline and


Social: Getting in a conversation, wait for his turn.

Reflection on Siolta’s principles and standards:

How does the Montessori method or philosophy that you have learned to date comply
with Siolta’s standards and relevant components?

The area I have recently studied and intend to relate to Siolta’s standards and components is:
Sensorial materials. Comes from the words sense or senses. The child is able to concentrate on
the refinement of all his senses, from visual to stereognostic. This knowledge complies with

Siolta’s standard 2: Environment. The environment including equipment and materials is
adaptable for the child and accessible to, all children and adults within the setting.

Reflection on Aistear’s themes and principles:

How does the Montessori Method and materials that you have learned about to date
comply with Aistear’s themes and principles?

Example 1:
Name of Material: Knobbed Cylonders
Direct Aim: To develop the child’s visual perception of dimension, visual discrimination, co-
ordination of movements and provide controlled experiences or serration.
Indirect Aims: The child is introduced to the basic language and important in mathematics. To
prepare the child for reading and writing
Aistear Theme: Exploring and thinking
Aistear Aim: Aim 1: Children will learn about and make sense of the world around them.
Aim 2: Children will develop and use skills and strategies for observing, questioning,
investigating, understanding, negotiating, and problem-solving, and come to see themselves as
explores and thinkers.
Aistear Goal: Children will engage, explore and experiment in their environment and use new
physical skills including skills to manipulate objects and materials.

Reflection on any other relevant policies and procedures that you can relate to, in your
learning to date:

Health and safety: This policy is important in childcare protection. It is to ensure that children
are protected and kept safe from harm while they are with staff.


Module: Early Learning Environment

Topic of module: Sensorial
Entry number: 2
Date: 30th November – 3rd December, 2019
Time: 7:30 pm

General Reflection on relevant new learning to date considering competencies and


What did I learn that was new to me?

I learned how to present a Montessori material. In class the teacher presented the materials of
the sensorial area.
What awareness did this new knowledge give me?
The ability to recognize shapes by the movement of muscles, such as following the senses. The
special sensitivity of the child from three to six years.
How do I think this might be useful in practice, in my studies, in my life?
This could be useful in helping the child's normal development at a social and biological level.

Personal Reflection on specific situations to date that impacted you considering the
questions below:
Brief description of the situation:
Children in my workplace are not used to working sensory education.
What did I like or enjoy and why?
What I liked most was to educate using the stimulation of the senses through sensorial activities
What did I dislike and why?
What I did not like is the lack of materials in my workplace.
What did I find easy to do or understand and why?
What I found easy to do was achieve greater independence and autonomy in children because
it is something that they ask to do, work by themselves.
What did I find difficult or challenging to do and why?
What I found difficult is as many toys as real materials, Montessori materials.
Reflection on learning in terms of Child Development and Theories noting all aspects of
the child that you have learned about to date:

Area of discussion: Visual discrimination – Long rods

I chose this material because the read rods are visually appealing material from the sensorial
area. Also, because the child is in charge of his own learning by using this.

Physical: fine motor control, hand coordination.

Intellectual: Concentration, observation, focusing in the activity, preparation for math.

Language: Words to describe the activity like: short, shorter, shortest, long, longer, longest.

Emotional: Independence, confidence, autonomy, self-sufficiency, self-confidence.

Social: Co-operation, wait for turn.

Reflection on Siolta’s principles and standards:

How does the Montessori method or philosophy that you have learned to date comply
with Siolta’s standards and relevant components?

The area I have recently studied and intend to relate to Siolta’s standards and components is:
How to present the sensorial material to the child. This complies with Siolta’s standards 2:
environments, all materials are available, accessible and offer a variety of challenging and
stimulating experiences.
Standard 5: interaction, strong interaction between child and adult, based on mutual respect and
equal partnership and sensitivity.
And standard 7: curriculum, by encouraging child’s development and learning, using materials.

Reflection on Aistear’s themes and principles:

How does the Montessori Method and materials that you have learned about to date
comply with Aistear’s themes and principles?

Example 2:
Name of Material: Pink Tower
Direct Aim: To develop the child’s visual and muscular perception of dimension and height,
visual discrimination and co-ordination of movements and fine motor control.

Indirect Aims: The child is introduced to the basic language. To prepare the child for
mathematics by giving him experiences in comparison, grading and serration with cube.
Aistear Theme: Exploring and thinking
Aistear Aim: Aim 1: children will learn about and make sense of the world around them.
Aistear Goal: Engage, explore and experiment in their environment and use new physical skills
including skills to manipulate objects and materials. And we can observe this in the exercise of
opening and closing.

Reflection on any other relevant policies and procedures that you can relate to, in your
learning to date:
Health Policy: This policy is very important for the life of the child. It is to promote a healthy
lifestyle through prevention of illness and establishing healthy eating patterns.


Module: Early Learning Environment

Topic of module: Sensorial
Entry number: 3
Date: 03rd - 10th December, 2019
Time: 7:30 pm

General Reflection on relevant new learning to date considering competencies and


What did I learn that was new to me?

This week reading the book provided at the Institute, I learned The Three Period Leson. In
Montessori class uses the Three Period Lesson to teach language and recognition of objects,
and it is divided intro three stages or periods
What awareness did this new knowledge give me?
The purpose of the three periods lesson is for the child to learn a new concept or vocabulary,
associating it with another one already known.
How do I think this might be useful in practice, in my studies, in my life?
This new knowledge I can include in my work by becoming aware of the support for the
child's language development.

Personal Reflection on specific situations to date that impacted you considering the
questions below:
Brief description of the situation:
This week I applied in my workplace The Three Period Lesson.
What did I like or enjoy and why?
What I enjoyed the most was to apply what I learned in class. Each period is very clear and
simple for the child to understand.
What did I dislike and why?
What I did not like was that after applying The Three Period Lesson, in my workplace the other
teachers do not reinforce or present it.
What did I find easy to do or understand and why?
What I found easy to do was follow the principles of The Three Period Lesson, the experience
was very positive, the children were very motivated.

What did I find difficult or challenging to do and why?
What I found difficult to do was to carry out this principle in class. Materials are limited.
Reflection on learning in terms of Child Development and Theories noting all aspects of
the child that you have learned about to date:

Area of discussion: Visual Discrimination – Broad stair

I chose this material because I was interesting to do it in in my classroom. Is enjoyed by the

children practicing their carrying and placement on the mat

Physical: To develop better sense of muscular control, to develop fine motor control,
refinement of voluntary movement.

Intellectual: To develop concentration, attention, observation, preparation for mathematics.

Language: Using the vocabulary such as: broad, broader, broadest, narrow, narrower,
narrowest, wide, thin.

Emotional: To develop independence, confidence, autonomy.

Social: To learn the order, co-operation.

Reflection on Siolta’s principles and standards:

How does the Montessori method or philosophy that you have learned to date comply
with Siolta’s standards and relevant components?

The area I have recently studied and intend to relate to Siolta’s standards and components is:
The three-period lesson, is a Montessori method to teach vocabulary and recognition of objects.
This complies with Siolta’s standard 2: Environment, the indoor environment by using the
sensorial material to apply The three period lesson provides a range of developmentally
appropriate, challenging,, diverse and creative for all children.

Reflection on Aistear’s themes and principles:

How does the Montessori Method and materials that you have learned about to date
comply with Aistear’s themes and principles?

Example 3:
Name of Material: The Broad Stair
Direct Aim: To develop the child’s visual and muscular perception of breath, visual
discrimination and co-ordination of movement and fine motor control.
Indirect Aims: To prepare the child for mathematics by giving hi, experiences in comparison
and serration with prisms.
Aistear Theme: Exploring and thinking
Aistear Aim: Aim 2: Children will develop and use skills and strategies for observing,
understanding, problem-solving and come to see themselves as explores and thinkers.
Aistear Goal: Gather and use information from different sources using their increasing
cognitive, physical and social skills.

Reflection on any other relevant policies and procedures that you can relate to, in your
learning to date:
Another of the important and mandatory Policies is Healthy Eating. I am familiarly with this
policy. It is to provide a balanced diet, with fresh and nutritious food. And adult always sits
with the children at meal times to encourage good eating habits, simulate conversation and
enhance the quality of the interaction.


Module: Early Learning Environment

Topic of module: Sensorial
Entry number: 4
Date: 10-17th December, 2019
Time: 7:30 pm

General Reflection on relevant new learning to date considering competencies and


What did I learn that was new to me?

During this week in classes I learned about Geometric solids. Basically, geometric is about
What awareness did this new knowledge give me?
Learning through Montessori education is learning through the senses, and one of the parts that
works a lot is the sterognostic sense that gives us information about the shape of the object we
are touching.
How do I think this might be useful in practice, in my studies, in my life?
Geometry is an essential part of the history of mankind, as it is part of daily life. Geometry
develops the senses and gives new knowledge.

Personal Reflection on specific situations to date that impacted you considering the
questions below:

Brief description of the situation:

This week I applied the new knowledge in my workplace, for this material I used a mat and
included the lesson of the three periods.
What did I like or enjoy and why?
What I enjoyed most was how children can realize these same shapes that occur in geometric
solids we can see in our day to day.
What did I dislike and why?
What I did not like was the limited time to apply the new knowledge because you should follow
the schedule that the Creche has.
What did I find easy to do or understand and why?

I understood was that the child learns as he has done, seen and felt. Because I may be able to
name and recognize the forms.
What did I find difficult or challenging to do and why?
What I found difficult to do was find my own material to work.
Reflection on learning in terms of Child Development and Theories noting all aspects of
the child that you have learned about to date:

Area of discussion: Chromatic Sense – Colour box 1

I chose this material because introduces the primary colours and refine the chromatic sense.

Physical: To develop hand coordination, to develop fine motor skills, to develops fine motor

Intellectual: To develop concentration, attention, observation, chromatic sense, experience in


Language: The child names the primary colours: blue, red, yellow.

Emotional: Autonomy, independence, confidence.

Social: To encourage the child to be conscious about the world and the colours.

Reflection on Siolta’s principles and standards:

How does the Montessori method or philosophy that you have learned to date comply
with Siolta’s standards and relevant components?

The area I have recently studied and intend to relate to Siolta’s standards and components is:
Control of error, is another concept of the Montessori theory. By being placed in direct contact
with the materials of learning. This complies with Siolta’s standard 2: Environment, component
2.7: there is an appropriate amount of equipment and materials within the setting for use by the
Component 2.6 by provide the material necessary, appropriate and challenging for all children.

Reflection on Aistear’s themes and principles:

How does the Montessori Method and materials that you have learned about to date
comply with Aistear’s themes and principles?

Example 4:
Name of Material: Knobless cylinders
Direct Aim: To develop the child’s visual perception of dimension, to develop the child’s co-
ordination of movement and fine motor control.
Indirect Aims: to prepare the child for writing, working from left to right and using grip to
hold the cylinders.
Aistear Theme: Exploring and thinking
Aistear Aim: Aim 1: Children will learn about and make sense of the world around them.
Aistear Goal: Engage, explore and experiment in their environment and use new physical
skills including skills to manipulate objects and materials.

Reflection on any other relevant policies and procedures that you can relate to, in your
learning to date:
Illness Policy for children: children or adults who are sick or who may be a source of infection
should not attend the service.


Module: Early Learning Environment

Topic of module: Sensorial

Entry number: 5

Date: 17th December, 2019 – 07th January 2020

Time: 7:30 pm

General Reflection on relevant new learning to date considering competencies and


What did I learn that was new to me?

During this week I learned about algebra in Montessori education.

What awareness did this new knowledge give me?

The algebraic materials help the child to have a preparation for mathematics.

How do I think this might be useful in practice, in my studies, in my life?

This new knowledge can be applied in my studies, through contact with materials, and in my
practice, since I may be able to teach children such an important subject as algebra.

Personal Reflection on specific situations to date that impacted you considering the
questions below:

Brief description of the situation:

During this week I worked in my workplace the sensory box, also known as small world. The
objective was to stimulate sensory learning in children.

What did I like or enjoy and why?

What I enjoyed most was seeing the imagination and fine motor skills in children, for which
they turned to different sensations.

What did I dislike and why?

What I didn't like was the lack of material at school, so I had to resort to looking for my own

What did I find easy to do or understand and why?

What I found easy to do was create the sensory box. Arena, pearls, were the options I chose.

What did I find difficult or challenging to do and why?

What I found difficult to do was that the material was for a long time, it is finally part of the
material at school.
Reflection on learning in terms of Child Development and Theories noting all aspects of
the child that you have learned about to date:

Area of discussion: The tactile sense: The touch fabrics

I chose this material because the child is able to explore different senses. They are great way
for children to refine the tactile sense and be ready to name them.

Physical: Balance in his hand, pick up the fabrics with his dominant had, development and
refinement of the tactile sense.

Intellectual: Concentration, attention, observation.

Language: The name of the fabrics.

Emotional: Independence, confidence, self-esteem, self-confidence.

Social: Follow instructions, wait for turn.

Reflection on Siolta’s principles and standards:

How does the Montessori method or philosophy that you have learned to date comply
with Siolta’s standards and relevant components?

The area I have recently studied and intend to relate to Siolta’s standards and components is:
Algebra Montessori education. Is another material for sensorial area. This complies with
Siolta’s standard 2: environment, where all materials and equipment are well maintained,
accessible and adaptable for the children.
Standard 5: Interaction, fostering constructive interaction between the child and the adult.

Reflection on Aistear’s themes and principles:

How does the Montessori Method and materials that you have learned about to date
comply with Aistear’s themes and principles?

Example 5:
Name of Material: Colour Box 1
Direct Aim: To develop the child’s visual perception of colour, experience in matching, names
the primary colours and develop fine motor control
Indirect Aims: To prepare the child for controlling a pincer, using the prince grip to hold the
Aistear Theme: Exploring and thinking
Aistear Aim: Aim 1: Children will learn about and make sense of the world around them.
Aim 2: Children will develop and use skills and strategies for observing, questioning,
investigating, understanding, negotiating, and problem-solving, and come to see themselves as
explores and thinkers.
Aistear Goal: Children will engage, explore and experiment in their environment and use new
physical skills including skills to manipulate objects and materials.

Reflection on any other relevant policies and procedures that you can relate to, in your
learning to date:

A Safe Sleep Policy: In my work we should know this policy, as there are children who have
sleep routines. It is to a safe place with this service, which facilitates each child’s individual
need for sleep or rest.


Module: Early Learning Environment

Topic of module: Sensorial

Entry number: 6

Date: 07h – 14th January 2020

Time: 7:30 pm

General Reflection on relevant new learning to date considering competencies and


What did I learn that was new to me?

During classes this week we learned how to present the work experience. The guidelines and
guidelines that we must follow to present it in June.

What awareness did this new knowledge give me?

The importance of having knowledge within the Montessori curriculum to develop a work
experience satisfactorily using all the senses.

How do I think this might be useful in practice, in my studies, in my life?

When carrying out the work experience the proposal of the Montessori methodology about
education, is maintained throughout life. That is why concrete experiences that support this new
knowledge are important.

Personal Reflection on specific situations to date that impacted you considering the
questions below:

Brief description of the situation:

In the classroom I have observed that using the right materials to exercise the senses, children
have developed more awareness about their senses and also more autonomy.

What did I like or enjoy and why?

What I have enjoyed doing the most is to stop watching the child and support him if
necessary, I trust the child's ability.

What did I dislike and why?

disagree that some teachers do not respect children's periods. Because each child is different
and grows and matures at their own pace.

What did I find easy to do or understand and why?

What I understood is that it must be taken into account that each intelligence develop
differently and according to a particular rhythm, so that all stages do not develop at the same

What did I find difficult or challenging to do and why?

What I find difficult is to work in an environment prepared for Montessori philosophy. There
is no adaptable means to meet the needs of children.
Reflection on learning in terms of Child Development and Theories noting all aspects of
the child that you have learned about to date:

Area of discussion: The tactile sense: The touch tablets

I chose this material because it is very important to know how to classify items within their
environment using the senses.

Physical: Coordination in the hands, pick up the tablets with his dominant had, tactile

Intellectual: Concentration, attention, observation, preparation for writing

Language: Words such as smooth, smoother, smoothest, rough, rougher and roughest.

Emotional: Independence, confidence, autonomy.

Social: Follow instructions, wait for turn.

Reflection on Siolta’s principles and standards:

How does the Montessori method or philosophy that you have learned to date comply
with Siolta’s standards and relevant components?

The area I have recently studied and intend to relate to Siolta’s standards and components is:
The pink tower a material from the sensorial area in Montessori philosophy. This complies
with Siolta’s standard 2: Environment, the environment including the materials and
equipment are well maintained, safe, available and adaptable for all children.
Component 2.6, the material that we use in Montessori class room provides a range od
developmentally appropriate, challenging, diverse and creative for all children.

Reflection on Aistear’s themes and principles:

How does the Montessori Method and materials that you have learned about to date
comply with Aistear’s themes and principles?

Example 6:
Name of Material: Touch Boards
Direct Aim: To isolate the child’s sense of touch and make him more aware and sensitive to
different textures in his environment.
Indirect Aims: To prepare the child for working with the sandpaper letters and numerals
Aistear Theme: Exploring and thinking
Aistear Aim: Aim 1: Children will learn about and make sense of the world around them.
Aim 2: Children will develop and use skills and strategies for observing, questioning,
investigating, understanding, negotiating, and problem-solving, and come to see themselves as
explores and thinkers.
Aistear Goal: Children will engage, explore and experiment in their environment and use new
physical skills including skills to manipulate objects and materials.

Reflection on any other relevant policies and procedures that you can relate to, in your
learning to date:

Hygiene Policy: The service is committed to promoting a healthy environment and a high
standard of personal hygiene for children and adults.


Module: Early Learning Environment

Topic of module: Sensorial

Entry number: 7

Date: 14h – 21th January 2020

Time: 7:30 pm

General Reflection on relevant new learning to date considering competencies and


What did I learn that was new to me?

During this week by reading the chapter “Generalization on the training of the senses” I
learned that during the early childhood years a child is growing and adapting to his
environment around them.

What awareness did this new knowledge give me?

The senses are the impression organs of the outside world, it is necessary to develop and
stimulate them. Everything goes through our senses and is processed in the mind.

How do I think this might be useful in practice, in my studies, in my life?

The Montessori environment gives the child the possibility to explore through his senses and
traces the path to recognize, graduate, adapt and organize the stimuli that are received from the

Personal Reflection on specific situations to date that impacted you considering the
questions below:

Brief description of the situation:

This week I had the opportunity to work Visual discrimination using the knobbed cylinders.
After having taught him the material, the boy was excited to do so. He had an excellent co-
ordination of movements.

What did I like or enjoy and why?

I like to know that I am learning something new, that I am able to observe the child's learning
and see the happiness in it by making it right.

What did I dislike and why?

I did not like the deconcentrating that was around. The environment is important, and despite
having the material, the environment was not adequate.

What did I find easy to do or understand and why?

I understood that the child develops his visual perception of dimension, his visual
discrimination, his coordination of movements and this exercise provide controlled
experiences or serration.

What did I find difficult or challenging to do and why?

What I found difficult was to connect with the child, since there were many distractors. His
attention was diverted.
Reflection on learning in terms of Child Development and Theories noting all aspects of
the child that you have learned about to date:

Area of discussion: Geometry: Geometric Solids

I chose this material because this material is important for the child’s stereognostic sense, which
is their ability to perceive and understand the form and nature of objects through touch.

Physical: Balance in his hand, walking to carry the material, refine the stereognostic sense.

Intellectual: Concentration, attention, observation, preparation for geometry.

Language: Words such as cube, sphere, ovoid, cylinder, cone, square.

Emotional: Independence, confidence, self-esteem.

Social: Getting in a conversation, wait for turn.

Reflection on Siolta’s principles and standards:

How does the Montessori method or philosophy that you have learned to date comply
with Siolta’s standards and relevant components?

The area I have recently studied and intend to relate to Siolta’s standards and components is:
The importance of movement development. All children need to develop their skills of senses
and have the propriety environment. This complies with Siolta’s standards 2: Environment,

the environment in Montessori class room are well maintained, safe, available, accessible,
adaptable and appropriate for develop the movement of the children.

Reflection on Aistear’s themes and principles:

How does the Montessori Method and materials that you have learned about to date
comply with Aistear’s themes and principles?

Example 7:
Name of Material: Touch Fabrics
Direct Aim: To further stimulate the child interest in texture in the environment
Indirect Aims: To develop the child’s language and tactile senses.
Aistear Theme: Communicating
Aistear Aim: Aim 2: Children will use language. Aim 3: Children will broaden their
understanding of the world by making sense of experiences through language.
Aistear Goal: Use an expanding vocabulary of words and phrases, and show a growing
understanding of syntax and meaning.

Reflection on any other relevant policies and procedures that you can relate to, in your
learning to date:

Nappy Changing Policy: It is an important policy. It is to service and in the inter3st of the
children’s health and safety, that all staff follow the nappy changing procedures correctly and
that a high standard of hygiene.


Module: Early Learning Environment

Topic of module: Sensorial

Entry number: 8

Date: 21h – 28th January 2020

Time: 7:30 pm

General Reflection on relevant new learning to date considering competencies and


What did I learn that was new to me?

During this week by reading the chapter “The importance of movement in general
development” I learned that through movement, children develop their ability to think and
communicate by interacting with the world. Children use their body to communicate and
solve problems.

What awareness did this new knowledge give me?

The movement is of great importance in healthy growth and is a key factor for children's
development. And the most important thing is that through the movement you will have a
closer bond with the world.

How do I think this might be useful in practice, in my studies, in my life?

This knowledge allows as an educator to have a good way to stimulate the child's confidence,
with each new achievement increases self-confidence.

Personal Reflection on specific situations to date that impacted you considering the
questions below:

Brief description of the situation:

During this week in classes, I practice the sensorial material. I used the chromatic sense,
colour box 1.

What did I like or enjoy and why?

I like to know that I am learning something new, that I am able to observe the child's learning
and see the happiness in it by making it right.

What did I dislike and why?

What I did not like is that in my work we have to follow a schedule, and although the child is
concentrated, we must interrupt the activity to move on to the following.

What did I find easy to do or understand and why?

I understood that the child develops his visual perception of color, experience matching and
the names of the primary colors.

What did I find difficult or challenging to do and why?

What was harder was getting the time to spend the exercise. Because they don't follow
Montessori philosophy in school.
Reflection on learning in terms of Child Development and Theories noting all aspects of
the child that you have learned about to date:

Area of discussion: Algebra – The binomial cube

I chose this material because is an excellent material to be presented a child over three years
old, it appeals to their innate curiosity.

Physical: Balance in his hand, fine motor control.

Intellectual: Concentration, attention, observation, preparation for algebra.

Language: Words to describe the activity: A height, B height.

Emotional: Independence, confidence, self-esteem.

Social: Follow instruction, wait for turn.

Reflection on Siolta’s principles and standards:

How does the Montessori method or philosophy that you have learned to date comply
with Siolta’s standards and relevant components?

The area I have recently studied and intend to relate to Siolta’s standards and components is:
The geometric solids, another material from sensorial area in Montessori Philosophy. This
complies with Siolta’s standards 2: Environment, all the environment including the materials
are well maintained, safe, available, accessible, adaptable, and appropriate for all children.

Standard 5: the interaction between child and adult are based on mutual respect, equal
partnership and sensitivity.
Reflection on Aistear’s themes and principles:

How does the Montessori Method and materials that you have learned about to date
comply with Aistear’s themes and principles?

Example 8:
Name of Material: Geometric Solids
Direct Aim: To provide experience of solid shapes in the environment, to develop an
understanding of the relationship between shapes, to develop the child’s language.
Indirect Aims: To develop the child’s muscular and tactile senses.
Aistear Theme: Exploring and thinking
Aistear Aim: Aim 1: Children will learn about and make sense of the world around them.
Aim 2: Children will develop and use skills and strategies for observing, questioning,
investigating, understanding, negotiating, and problem-solving, and come to see themselves as
explores and thinkers.
Aistear Goal: Children will engage, explore and experiment in their environment and use new
physical skills including skills to manipulate objects and materials.

Reflection on any other relevant policies and procedures that you can relate to, in your
learning to date:

Accident and Safety Policy: It is to promote the health, well-being and personal safety of all
children and adults involved in the service. All safety statement has been prepared ad is
reviewed on a regular basis.


The Montessori philosophy is based on supporting the complete development of the child as
they progress from birth to adulthood. It takes the broad vision of education as an aid for life.
Montessori offers the view that knowledge isn’t passively gained by listening to words. Rather,
it is gained through experiences in the surrounding environment.

For the realization of this project, it has been studied methodological principles of Montessori
due to the relevance it gives in its method to sensory education, as well as to learning from
autonomous exploration and experimentation by the children.

The experience by doing this project has been very positive. The significant learning has been
present throughout the entire project.


Institute, P., 2012. Early Learning Environment. Dublin : s.n.

Montessori, M., n.d. The Importance of Movement. In: The Absorved Mind . s.l.:s.n.

Montessori, M., n.d. The Training of the senses. In: The Discovery of the Child. s.l.:s.n.


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