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Sea ​currents

Made by:
Gulf stream

The Gulf Stream is an ocean current, which starts from the Gulf
of Mexico and heads into the ocean and as soon as it reaches
the Atlantic it takes the name of the North Atlantic Current,
starting its climate mitigating function.
It’s the most important sea current in the world.
Gulf stream and climate
Gulf stream is a warming tool. The heat is generated right in the
Gulf of Mexico which spreads into the ocean. This mechanism,
due to the increase in temperatures that interrupt the natural
flow, is about to stop. By transforming the earth into an almost
uninhabitable planet.
Gulf stream and climate
The warmer temperatures and the influx of fresh water from the
melting of the glaciers have made the water warmer and less
salty, the current is becoming less and less dense. This could
stop the entire flow of electricity and create devastating and
irreversible change in global climate systems.
How climate can change?

If the conveyor belt stopped we would have very cold winters in

Europe and North America while we would have severe
droughts in many parts of the southern hemisphere as there
would be no more monsoons caused by the warm currents
going up north. Analysis of prehistoric climate data has provided
some clues in this direction, but their interpretation is still
controversial. For example, it seems almost certain that, about
11,000 years ago, the melting of extensive glaciers on Labrador
caused the Gulf Stream to slow down.

Ultimately, we do not know for sure the consequences of a

possible interruption of the Gulf Stream, however we can define
catastrophic the consequences in the event of an interruption of
the most important hot water flow in the world.

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