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~53 Protein Expression in Ulcerative

Colitis-Associated Colorectal Dysplasia

and Carcinoma

The frequency and timing of p53 inactivationin ulcerative colitis Most, if not all, colitis-associated carcinomas are derived
(UC)-associated tumorigenesiswere investigatedusing immunohis- from dysplastic colorectal epithelium. Thus dysplasia is
tochemistry((IHC)to detect p53 protein overexpressionin 56 carcino- used clmically as an end point of endoscopic surveil-
mas and 40 dysplastic epithelia derived from 58 patients with UC
lance programs aimed at identifying patients with UC
undergoing colectomy for neoplasia. p53 DNA in 25 of the carcino-
at imminent risk of carcinoma.”
mas also was evaluatedby single-strandconformation polymorphism
analysis(SSCP) to detect point mutationsin exons 5-8 and by loss of The molecular pathogenesis of UC-associated dys-
heterozygosityanalysii to detect allelic deletions. Point mutations plasia and its progression to carcinoma are not yet com-
were detected in 20 of the 25 carcinomas (80.0%) undergoing both pletely understood, but important insights have
IHC and DNA analysis.One carcinoma contained an allelic deletion emerged from the study of sporadic colorectal carci-
but no mutationsof the correspondingallele withinthe region tested. noma. The progression from adenomas to carcinomas
p53 overexpressionoccurred in 16 (76.2%) of the 21 carcinomaswith involves the accrual of successive mutations in specific
point mutationsand/or allelic deletions but not in any of those with genes,” including the ‘rasproto-oncogenes”.’ and several
wild type DNA. Of the 56 carcinomasevaluatedby IHC, p.53 overex-
tumor suppressor genes, including adenomatous polyp-
pression occurred in 34 carcinomas(60.7%). The proportion of posi-
osis coli (APC) ,6 mutated in colon cancer (MCC),’ de-
tive tumors was independent of stage, anatomiclocation, differentia-
tion, and histologicalsubtype. Overexpressionwas observed in nine
leted in colon cancer (DCC) ,8 and ~53.’ p53 mutations
of 20 dysplastic masses devoid of and situated remote from carci- in sporadic colon cancer are found mainly in severely
noma (45.0%) and correlated positivelywith increasinggrade of dys- dysplastic adenomas and invasive carcinomas and thus
plasia (P < .025). In contrast, overexpressionoccurred in 16 of 20 seem to be late events heralding the development of
dysplasticepitheliasituatedadjacentto carcinoma(80.0%) and corre- invasive cancer?
lated with overexpressionby the corresponding carcinomasbut not How closely the molecular events in UC-associ-
with the grade of dysplasiapresent (P = .013). It is concluded that ated tumorigenesis parallel those in sporadic colo-
p53 overexpression can be detected by IHC in most, although not
rectal cancer is unclear. Point mutations of rus proto-
all, UC-associatedcarcinomaswith p53 mutationsand/or allelic dele-
oncogenes are rarer in dysplastic lesions and cancers
tions. Based on this method, p53 overexpression occurs frequently
in UC-associated carcinomas regardless of stage and pathological
of UC than in sporadic adenomas and cancers.4,fl,‘“-‘2
characteristics,in noncancerous dysplastic masses with high grade Allelic deletions and/or point mutations of the APC,
dysplasia,and in dysplasiasof all grades situatedadjacentto carcino- MCC, DCC, and p53 tumor suppressor genes occur
mas. These findings implicate p53 inactivationin the progression frequently in both sporadic and colitis-associated can-
from dysplasiato carcinoma in UC and suggest that its occurrence cers’“.‘“; moreover, an unexplained tendency for al-
in dysplasticepitheliummay be an independent marker of malignant lelic losses to occur more frequently in cancers of
potential. HUM PATHOL 25:1069-1074. Copyright 0 1994 by W.B. the left colon and rectum than in right-sided cancers
Saunders Company
seems to be common to cancers of both types.“‘.‘”
Less is known regarding genetic alterations in UC-
I,ong-stmding ulcerative colitis (UC) is a risk factor associated dysplasia. Allelic deletions and point muta-
for the Iclevelopment of colorectal adenocarcinoma.’ tions of the p53 gene in UC have been implicated in
relatively early stages in the dysplasia to carcinoma
sequence 14,” in contrast with their late timing in spo-
From the Department of Pathology. The Mount Sinai Medical
radic colorectal carcinoma.
School of the City University of New York. New York. NY; and the
Department of Medicine, GdStrOenterOlOp Division, University of Mutationally inactivated forms of the p53 protein
Maryland School of Medicine and Veterans Affairs Hospital of Balti- product are frequently hyperstable. Detection of p53
mow. Baltimorr. MD. Accepted for publication April 4, 1994. overexpression by immunohistochemistry (IHC) may
Supported in part by a National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, afford a convenient marker of ~53 inactivation in rou-
.MD, grant no. DK47’717-01 and a grant from the Crohn’s and Colitis
Foundation of America, NY. NY.
tinely processed histological specimensI Using this
Kq w&s: ulcerative colitis, colorectal dysplasia. ~5.7 immunohis- technique 55% to 61% of sporadic colorectal carci-
tochemistry. ~53 mutation. nomas have shown p53 overexpression.“,” Recently,
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Noam HarpaT, Taylor et al”” observed p53 overexpression in 11 of 21
MD, PhD, Department of Pathology, Box 1194, The Mount Sinai
UC-associated carcinomas, in a similar proportion of
Medical Crntrr, One Gustave L. Levy Place, New York, NY 10029.
C:opyIight Q 1994 by W.B. Saunders Company sporadic colonic carcinomas, and in six of 20 specimens
0046-~~177i1)4/‘2510-0013$5.00/O with dysplasia.

HUMAN PATHOLOGY Volume 25, No. 10 (October 1994)

In the present study we compared the prevalence masses containing substantial foci of both low and high grade
of altered ~53 in a series of UC-associated carcinomas dysplasia. Classification of dysplastic masses based on their
as detected by IHC, single-strand conformation poly- dimensions was precluded by the indistinct borders and irreg-
morphism analysis (SSCP), and loss of heterozygosity ular contours that frequently characterize such lesions. Dys-
plasia was considered to be adjacent to carcinoma when pres-
(LOH). We then used IHC to investigate the prevalence
ent in the same histological sections as, but not directly
and timing of p53 inactivation in the progression of
mdying. a carcinoma. Staging of carcinomas was based on
dysplasia to carcinoma. the Astler-Caller modification of the Dukes system. Mutinous
carcinomas were defined as tumors in which mucin pools
occupied 50% or more of the tumor area as determined from
MATERIALS AND METHODS the available histological sections.
Differences between populations based on positive or
Tumor samples were obtained from the colectomy speci- negative IHC results were analyzed by the x’ test or, for data
mens of 58 patients with UC who had undergone surgery for with low expected values, Fisher’s two-sided exact test. Differ-
colorectal adenocarcinoma, high grade dysplasia, or a dyspla- ences between ordered populations were analyzed by the $
sia-associated lesion or mass. Normal control tissue was ob- test for trend or, for variables with three or four ranklngs. b!
tained from uninvolved lymph nodes, connective tissue, or Bartholomew’s test.”
ileal mucosa. Tissues were fixed in 10% neutral-buffered for-
malin and were embedded in paraffin.
Loss of heterozygosity’s and SSCP analysisI (exons 5-8)
were performed on epithelial tissues microdissected from 10.
pm par&n sections as previously described.‘” Loss of hetero- Immunohistochemistry was performed on 76 colo-
zygosity was detected using polymerase chain reaction-based rectal tumors from 58 UC colectomy specimens, com-
methods.” Once a mutation was found in any exon by SSCP, posed of 55 primary adenocarcinomas (20 of which
analysis of the remaining exons was not performed. Because were accompanied by adjacent dysplastic mucosa), one
of limited amounts of tissue, complete analyses of all exons metastatic adenocarcinoma, and 20 benign dysplastic
were not performed in all patients; however, only lesions in masses. The staining was nuclear in all cases (Fig 1)
which all four exons were analyzed and found to be negative except for one carcinoma that stained cytoplasmically.
are reported as SSCP negative. Of the 56 adenocarcinomas
Twenty-five of the carcinomas were selected at ran-
reported here, the SSCP and LOH results of 13 have been
dom and were evaluated for p53 mutations by molecu-
reported previously.15
lar assays. As shown in Table 1, nonsilent p53 point
Immunohistochemistry was performed on serial 4pm
paraffin sections of the same tissue blocks used for SSCP and mutations were detected in 20 carcinomas (80.0%) b)
LOH. The primary antibody, murine monoclonal antibody SSCP and allelic deletions were detected in I2 carcino-
BP5312-1 (Biogenex Laboratories, San Ramon, CA), was used mas (48.0%) by LOH; seven tumors were from uninfor-
at the dilution supplied (1:80). It recognizes a fixation-resis- mative patients and could not be evaluated by LOH.
tant epitope on the N-terminal domain of both mutant and One carcinoma was LOH positive despite being SSCP
wild type p53 protein. Parallel controls were performed with negative, suggesting the presence of a mutation outside
nonimmune mouse serum in phosphate-buffered saline. The the regions analyzed by SSCP. Thus, the combined re-
sections were prepared for IHC by fixation to glass slides at
sults of these assays yielded 21 of 25 carcinomas (84.0%)
37”C, deparafKnization in Microclear (Micron Diagnostics,
containing mutations and/or deletions. Of these 2 1 tu-
Fairfax, VA) or fresh xylene, and pretreatment with 3% hydro-
mors, 16 were IHC positive (76.2%), corresponding to
gen peroxide in methanol for 10 minutes at room tempera-
ture. A known immunopositive control section of adenocarci- 15 of the 20 SSCP-positive tumors and to the single
noma was included. Incubation with the primary antibody LOH-positive/SSCP-negative tumor. No IHC-positive
and control serum was performed for 30 minutes at room tumors were identified among the four carcinomas that
temperature and followed by sequential incubations at room were negative by the molecular assays.
temperature with Super Sensitive Multilink reagents (Bio- Of the 56 carcinomas evaluated by IHC, 34
genex Laboratories) supplied in kit form, including second- (60.7%) were IHC positive. As shown in Table 2. the
ary antibody (20 minutes), horseradish peroxidase-conju- prevalence of IHC positivity was independent of the
gated streptavidin (20 minutes), and 3,3’-diaminobenzidine
tumors’ pathological characteristics, including Dukes’
with enhancer (10 to 15 minutes). Counterstaining was per-
stage, anatomic location, differentiation, and mutinous
formed with methyl green or hematoxylin. To assure repro-
or signet ring cell histological subtype.
ducibility at least two serial sections of each tumor were evalu-
ated by IHC in separate runs. Of the 20 dysplastic epithelia situated adjacent to
Staining intensity was graded semiquantitatively as 0 carcinomas, eight lesions were exophytic and 12 were
(negative) to 3+ (intensely positive) and the percentage of flat. The immunohistochemical staining of the dysplas-
positive cells was assessed subjectively. A positive result was tic epithelia was more intense than that of the corre-
recorded when more than 10% of epithelial cells were stained. sponding carcinomas in 10 cases (50.0%) and of similar
Grading of dysplasias was performed in an unblinded intensity in the other IO (50.0%) (Fig 1). There was a
fashion by one pathologist (N.H.) according to the criteria tendency for the staining intensity to diminish gradually
of the standardized classification system for dysplasia in in-
from the crypt bases to the surface epithelium, but at
flammatory bowel disease.? Dysplastic masses were defined as
least a few positively stained nuclei could be identified
sessile, exophytic neoplasms composed of benign but dysplas-
in the superficial epithelial layer.
tic epithelium of at least 1.0 cm diameter, occurring within
colorectal mucosa affected by UC, and separated from carci- The IHC results for these dysplastic epithelia were
noma by at least 3 cm. Although the recommended two-tier concordant with the IHC results for the corresponding
classification of low and high grade dysplasia was used, a cate- adjoining carcinomas, regardless of the grade of dyspla-
gory of “mixed dysplasia’* was established to accommodate sia present (Table 3). Thus. the dysplastic epithelia aclja-


FIGURE 1. p53 immunostaining of UC-associated neoplastic lesions. (A) Invasive, well-differentiated adenocarcinoma. (Original
magnification x160.) (B) Signet ring cell adenocarcinoma. (Original magnification x160.) (C) Low grade dysplasia. (Original
magnification x100.) (D) Villiform high grade dysplasia. (Original magnification x80.) (All of the figures show the streptavidin-
biotin peroxidase method with hematoxylin counterstain.)

HUMAN PATHOLOGY Volume 25, No. 10 (October 1994)

TABLE 1. Carcinomas Evaluated by IHC, SSCP, and TABLE 2. lmmunohistochemistry Results and
LOH Analyses Pathological Characteristics of
Colorectal Carcinomas
NO. IHC LOH SSCP Ex0n IHC Positive
Pathological Characteristic N (%)
HlTl-2 + + + 5
HZT + + + 7 Stage
H3Tl-2 + + + 7 A 2 0 (0)
H7T + + + 6 Bl 19 11 (57.9)
H8T2 _ - _ B2 5 3 (60.0)
HlOTl + + + 5 Cl 2 2 (100)
HlOT2 + + + .5 C? 23 15 (65.2)
HllTl - - _ D 4 2 (50.0)
104T - - + 7 Unknown 1 1 (100)
115T + + + 8 Location
12lT + ho + 6 Right colon 26 18 (69.2)
126T _ ho sil 7 Left colon 30 16 (53.3)
653T + + + 6 Differentiation
656T _ + + 5 Well 21 13 (61.9)
665/8T + + + 8 Well/moderate 3 1 (33.3)
6891 _ + + 7 Moderate 15 10 (66.7)
691T + ho + 8 Moderate/poor 3 2 (66.7)
727T + + _ Poor 14 8 (57.1)
733T _ ho + 8 Histological subtype
775T + ho + 8 Mutinous 14 7 (50)
81 IT + _ + 8 Signet ring 9 7 (77.8)
815T - ho + 8 Total 56 34 (60.7)
817T + ho + 8
862T + _ + 8 NOTE. P > .2 for all differences among populations.
880-3 _ - _ Abbreviation: IHC, immunohistochemistry.

NOTE. AI1 tumors contained missense mutations. Mutations in

13 cases were reported in a previous study.”
Abbreviations: IHC, immunohistochemistry, SSCP. single-strand suggested that p53 inactivation may participate in the
conformation polymorphism analysis: LOH, loss of heterozygosity: progression from dysplasia to carcinoma in UC. To fur-
ho, homozygous (uninformative for LOH); sil. silent mutation. ther investigate the frequency and timing of p53 inacti-
vation in UC, we used IHC to detect the overexpression
of p53 protein in histological sections of carcinomas
cent to 15 of the 16 IHC-positive carcinomas (93.8%) and dysplastic epithelia.
were IHC positive, including nine of 10 cases of low Immunohistochemical overexpression is an indi-
grade dysplasia (90.0%), whereas those adjacent to rect manifestation of p53 inactivation. Thus, we com-
three of the four IHC-negative carcinomas (75.0%) pared our IHC results with those of two molecular DNA
were IHC-positive (P = .013). assays-SSSCP, which detects point mutations, and
Of the 20 isolated dysplastic masses evaluated, nine LOH, which detects allelic deletions-performed on
(45.0%) were IHC positive (Table 4). In contrast with epithelia microdissected from the same tissue blocks.
dysplastic mucosae situated adjacent to cancer a sig- Based on 25 carcinomas examined it was determined
nificant positive correlation was noted between IHC that positive immunostaining correlated with the pres-
positivity and high grade dysplasia (P < .025). The dis- ence of p53 point mutations and/or allelic deletions in
parity between dysplasias remote from and adjacent to 16 of 21 tumors (76.2%)) whereas no staining occurred
carcinoma was greatest among low grade dysplasias, the in any of the neoplasms in which they were absent.
prevalence of IHC positivity in each group being 20.0% The failure of IHC to detect some tumors containing
and 75.0%, respectively (P = .03). However, among mutations by SSCP has been noted previously,” and
high grade dysplasias, equally high proportions were
IHC positive, regardless of any association with carci-
noma. TABLE 3. lmmunohistochemistry of Carcinomas and
With the exception of occasional foci of faint (I+) Adjacent Dysplastic Mucosa
nuclear staining within the basal portions of benign Dysplasia
colonic crypts, we did not observe any IHC positivity
in mucosae that were unequivocally free of dysplasia. IHC Positive IHC Negative
However, there were a few instances of intense staining
of mucosa that were considered indefinite for dysplasia. Low grade 9 1.0~ grade I
IHC Positive 15 Mixed 2 1 Mixed 0
High grade 4 High grade 0
DISCUSSION Low grade 0 Low grade 2
IHC Negative 1 Mixed 0 3 Mixed 0
High grade 1 High grade 1
Recent results demonstrating mutations’” and al-
lelic deletions”‘.‘” of the p53 tumor suppressor gene in NOTE. P = .013.
UC-associated dysplastic epithelia and carcinomas have Abbreviation: IHC, irnmunohistochwnistq.


TABLE 4. lmmunohistochemistry of Dysplastic among low grade dyplasias, few of which were positive
Mucosa Adjacent To and Remote From Carcinoma in the remote group (20.0%) but most of which were
positive in the adjacent group (‘75.0%).
Remote From
The implications of these observations are twofold.
Adjacent to Carcinoma
IH(: Positive/Total (%) IHC Positive/Total (770) First, the concordance in p53 expression between carci-
Dvsplasia N = 20 N = 20 nomas and the dysplastic epithelia adjoining them is
consistent with the existence of clonal relationships be-
1,ow grade 9,‘12 (75)* 2/10 (20)
tween UC-associated carcinomas and the dysplastic sur-
Mixed 2,‘2 (100) 2/4 (50)
High grade .!,I6 (83) <i/6 (83)t roundings in which they arise. Direct evidence for such
Total 16,/20 (80)tt 9/20 (45) relationships has recently emerged from flow cytomet-
ric studies of aneuploid populations within dysplastic
Abbreviation: IHC. immunohistochemistry. and cancerous mucosae.‘” Second, the disproportion-
* Significant difference between low grade dysplasias adjacent to
ately high prevalence of p53 overexpression in dyspla-
and remote from carcinoma; P = .03.
t Significant trend toward IHC+ with increasing grade of dyspla- sias that had progressed to carcinoma and the indepen-
sia: P < ,025 (Bartholomew’s test”). dence of p53 overexpression of the grade of dysplasia
tt Significant difference between total dysplasias adjacent to and suggest that p53 inactivation in dysplastic epithelia in
remote from carcinoma, P = 0.05.
UC may be an independent marker of malignant poten-
A conceptual basis for this hypothesis is afforded
indicates that some mutations do not result in detect- by recognition that one of the key functions of the
able overexpression of the p53 protein. It should be p53 protein product is to prevent the emergence of
noted that although we did not observe p53 expression transformed clones from populations of replicating
in the absence of mutation and/or deletion in our cells.2Y When functional, the p53 protein arrests the
cases, therse have been several reports of immunohisto- entry of cells sustaining DNA damage into S phase,
chemical positivity in noncolorectal tissues without p53 thereby providing an opportunity for DNA repair to
mutations.“‘-‘” Nevertheless, the high prevalence of al- proceed through normal repair mechanisms, whereas
tered p53 in our cases based on the DNA assays (84.0%) it triggers apoptosis in cells in which DNA damage is
supports t:he notion that p53 inactivation plays an im- irreversible. Loss of these protective mechanisms
portant role in UC-associated tumorigenesis. through mutation or other means might thereby predis-
Immumostaining has the capacity to reveal small pose abnormal epithelia to malignancy, especially un-
populations of cells that overexpress ~53. Although not der conditions of persistent epithelial injury and turn-
as exquisiltely sensitive, SSCP easily detects mutations over, such as those prevailing in UC.“”
present in less than 10% of total DNA.27 Thus because Assessment of the value of p53 determination as
we used 10% positive cells as our IHC cutoff, the evalua- an adjunct to conventional histopathological evaluation
tions by these two methods were comparable in sensitiv- in the management of high-risk UC patients awaits fur-
ity. On the other hand, LOH assays require tumor cell ther investigation, including longitudinal studies of pa-
purities in excess of 50%“,‘” and thus are not as sensitive tients enrolled in endoscopic surveillance programs.
as IHC or SSCP. Nevertheless, in this relatively small Such studies might ascertain, for example, whether p53
series good agreement was observed. status influences the prognostic significance of biopsy
Based on 56 UC-associated carcinomas examined specimens with low grade dysplasia, a possibility implied
bv IHC, 1~53 overexpression was observed frequently by our findings.
(34 cases) and independently of such pathological char- Despite the fact that some p53 point mutations
acteristics as Dukes’ stage, anatomic location, differenti- escape detection by IHC, this technique has advantages
ation, and histological subtype. Although it had been over molecular DNA assays that make it more suitable
reported that p53 immunostaining is infrequent among for clinical use, including technical accessibility, inex-
sporadic mutinous colorectal carcinomas,‘R no such pensiveness, accommodation of small tissue samples,
negative correlation was evident in our series. and capability of detecting alterations in small clones.
In addition to cancers p53 protein also was fre- The efficacy of IHC may perhaps be further enhanced
quently overexpressed in both groups of dysplastic epi- by the development of other antibodies or antibody
thelia eva.luated, those adjacent to and those remote combinations directed against different p53 epitopes.“’
from carcinomas. Thus, p53 inactivation occurs during Nevertheless, the potential for p53 overexpression to
the intraepithelial phase of tumor development that occur despite the absence of p53 mutations, as recently
precedes invasive malignancy. Nevertheless, the preva- reported in certain noncolorectal tissues. mandates cau-
lence of overexpression in the adjacent group was tion in interpreting results based solely on this tech-
higher than the remote group (80.0% ZI45.0%, respec- nique.
tively). In addition, overexpression in the adjacent
group correlated closely with overexpression in the cor-
responding carcinomas but not with the grade of dys- REFERENCES
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