CS-114 Fundamentals of Computer Programming: Control Statements - IV

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Fundamentals of Computer

Lecture 09
Control Statements – IV

Course Instructor: NUST Institute of Civil

Aisha Shabbir Institute of Geographical Information Systems
Engineering (NICE)
Road Map for Today
• Control Statements
 Selection
• if
• switch
 Iteration
• while
• do…while
• for
 Jump
“for” loop

A for loop is also a “pre test” loop - the condition

is tested before the loop body is executed

Executes a specified block of code a specified

number of times, and keeps track of the value of
the variable
“for” loop
Note absence
of semi-colon

for (initialization; test; update)


Semi-colons not to denote end of

executable statements But to
separate three parts inside for ( ….. )
Lets discuss each part separately
“for” loop – initialization
• Initialization expression Lets say we have a
• Control variable
• Declaration & definition variable counter
of the control variable
int counter = 1;

for (initialization;
(int counter = 1;test;
“for” loop – loop condition
Lets say we want to
execute the loop body 3 • Loop continuation condition
• Number of times the loop
body should execute
counter <= 3;

for (int
for (int counter
counter = 1; =counter
1; test; update)
<= 3;update)
“for” loop – update
• Instructions to execute at
end of every iteration
++counter; • Increment/decrement of
the control variable

for (int
(int counter
counter= =1;1;counter
<= <= 3; update)
The update is performed AFTER
} the body of the loop
“for” loop - Example
#include <iostream> Output
using namespace std;
int main () 1 2 4
{ 3
for (int counter = 1; counter <= 3; ++counter)
cout << counter << endl; 3

return 0;
“for” loop - Example

A program that displays the numbers 1

through 10 and their squares.
“for” loop - Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
cout << "Number\t\tNumber Squared\n";
cout << "-------------------------\n";

for (int num = 1; num <= 10; num++)

cout << num << "\t\t" << (num * num) << endl;

return 0;
“for” loop - Example
#include <iostream> Output
using namespace std;
Number Number Squared
int main() -------------------------------------------
1 1
{ 2 4
cout << "Number\t\tNumber Squared\n"; 3 9
1 2 4
cout << "-------------------------\n"; 4 16
5 25
for (int num = 1; num <= 5; num++)
cout << num << "\t\t" << (num * num) 3
<< endl;

return 0;
“for” loop - Examples
Vary the control variable from 100 down to 1 in
decrements of 1.
for ( int i = 100; i >= 1; --i )

Vary the control variable from 7 to 77 in steps of 7.

for ( int i = 7; i <= 77; i += 7 )

Vary the control variable from 20 down to 2 in steps

of -2.
for ( int i = 20; i >= 2; i -= 2 )
“for” loop - Variants

for (int num = 1; // initialization

num <= 5; // loop continuation condition
// loop body
“for” loop - Variants
int num;
for (num = 1; num <= 5; num++)
// loop body

int num = 1;
for (; num <= 5; num++)
// loop body
“for” loop - Variants

int num = 1;
for (; num <= 5;)
// loop body The update is performed
the body of the loop
“for” loop - Variants

int num = 1; Is this Correct or

for (;;) Incorrect?
// loop body

This is syntax wise correct but without any

condition it becomes an INFINITE loop
“for” loop - Variants

for (int num = 1; num <= 5; num++);

A semicolon here
represents that the body
of for loop is empty and is
a logical error
“for” loop - Variants

int i, j;
for (i = 5,j = 10;i+j<20;i++,j++)
cout << "i + j = " << (i + j)
<< "\n";
Using multiple variables in
a for loop is allowed
Nested “for” loop
for(int row = 0; row < 5; row++)
{ //begin outer loop
for(int col = 0; col < 20; col++)
{ //begin inner loop
// some statements
} //end inner loop
} //end outer loop
Deciding Which Loop to Use
The while Loop The do-while Loop
• A pre-test loop. • A post-test loop.
• Use when you do not want the loop • Use if you always want the loop to
to iterate if the condition is false from iterate at least once.
the beginning.

The for Loop

• A pre-test loop.
• Automatically executes an update expression at the end of
each iteration.
• Ideal for situations where a counter variable is needed.
• Used when the exact number of required iterations is

Write a program which prints ten asterisks (*) in

line (**********) first using while loop and
then using a for loop.

Write a program which repeatedly prints the

value of the variable x, decreasing it by 1 each
time, as long as xValue remains positive.

Write a program which repeatedly prints the

value of the variable x, decreasing it by 0.5 each
time, as long as xValue remains positive.
Jump Statements
(break & continue)
break & continue

In C++, there are two statements

break; and continue;
to alter the normal flow of a program.
When to use break & continue?

• Sometimes, it is desirable
– to skip the execution of a loop for a certain test
condition or
– terminate it immediately without checking the
break Statement

The break statement

terminates a loop (for, while
and do…while loop) and
a switch statement immediately
when it appears.
break Statement - syntax

How break statement works?
1 2

break Statement – Example

C++ program to add all numbers entered

by user
until user enters 0.
break Statement – Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
float number, sum = 0.0;

// test expression is always true

while (true) {
cout << "Enter a number: ";
cin >> number;

if (number != 0.0) {
sum += number;
counter=sum/ number;
else {
// terminates the loop if number equals 0.0
cout << "Sum = " << sum;
return 0;
break Statement – Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
float number, sum = 0.0;

// test expression is always true

while (true) {
cout << "Enter a number: ";
cin >> number;

if (number != 0.0) {
sum += number;
counter=sum/ number;

else {
// terminates the loop if number equals 0.0
cout << "Sum = " << sum;
return 0;
break Statement – Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
float number, sum = 0.0;

// test expression is always true

while (true) {
cout << "Enter a number: ";
cin >> number;

if (number != 0.0) {
sum += number;
counter=sum/ number;

else {
// terminates the loop if number equals 0.0
cout << "Sum = " << sum;
return 0;
break Statement – Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
float number, sum = 0.0;

// test expression is always true

while (true) {
cout << "Enter a number: ";
cin >> number;

if (number != 0.0) {
sum += number;
counter=sum/ number;

else {
// terminates the loop if number equals 0.0
cout << "Sum = " << sum;
return 0;
break Statement – Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
float number, sum = 0.0;

// test expression is always true

while (true) {
cout << "Enter a number: ";
cin >> number;

if (number != 0.0) {
sum += number;
counter=sum/ number;

else {
// terminates the loop if number equals 0.0
cout << "Sum = " << sum;
return 0;
break Statement – Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
float number, sum = 0.0;

// test expression is always true

while (true) {
cout << "Enter a number: ";
cin >> number;

if (number != 0.0) {
sum += number;
counter=sum/ number;

else {
// terminates the loop if number equals 0.0
cout << "Sum = " << sum;
return 0;
break Statement – Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
float number, sum = 0.0;

// test expression is always true

while (true) {
cout << "Enter a number: ";
cin >> number;

if (number != 0.0) {
sum += number;
counter=sum/ number;

else {
// terminates the loop if number equals 0.0
cout << "Sum = " << sum;
return 0;
break Statement – Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
float number, sum = 0.0;

// test expression is always true

while (true) {
cout << "Enter a number: ";
cin >> number;

if (number != 0.0) {
sum += number;
counter=sum/ number;

else {
// terminates the loop if number equals 0.0
cout << "Sum = " << sum;
return 0;
continue Statement

It is sometimes necessary to skip a certain test

condition within a loop.

In such case, continue statement is used

continue Statement - syntax

How continue statement works?
1 2

continue Statement – Example
C++ program to display integer from 1 to 10
except 6 and 9.
continue Statement – Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()

for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)

if ( i == 6 || i == 9)
cout << i << "\t";

return 0;
continue Statement – Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()

for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)

if ( i == 6 || i == 9)
cout << i << "\t";

return 0;
continue Statement – Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()

for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)

if ( i == 6 || i == 9)
cout << i << "\t";

return 0;
continue Statement – Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()

for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)

if ( i == 6 || i == 9)
cout << i << "\t";

return 0;
continue Statement – Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()

for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)

if ( i == 6 || i == 9)
cout << i << "\t";

return 0;
continue Statement – Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()

for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)

if ( i == 6 || i == 9)
cout << i << "\t";

return 0;
Project Titles
The application you are going to develop as your
project – give it a name/title

Project Abstract – one page summary of your project

 Introduction/ Background
 The problem that your application addresses –
 Your approach to solving that problem/ How your
project is going to solve the problem

Deadline: To be submitted on LMS by 27th Jan, 2022 2355

hrs. Only the Team Lead should upload the abstract on LMS.

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