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QI] Do as directed:
1. Fill in the box:
25 16 80
a] = b] =
7 35 19

2. Use the cross multiplication method and find if the fractions are equivalent:
5 40
21 168

3. Reduce to the lowest term: 5 =
𝟐 𝟓
4. Add the 9th equivalent fraction of to the 3rd equivalent fraction of
𝟗 𝟐𝟕
5. Solve:
3 24 1 125 50
a. 5 + + 3 b. x
5 20 2 175 200

1 16 1 20 9
c. of d. 4 x x
8 20 2 81 10

1 2
e. of one year. [In months] f. of a day. [In hours]
6 3

84 42 1 17
𝑔. ÷ h. 7 ÷
25 125 12 18

QII] Read the word stories and solve:

𝟑 𝟓
1. Dave exercised for 𝟒 of 60 min and Tom exercised for 𝟔
of an hour. Who exercised for a longer

2. Emily scored 456 marks in the first term examination. In the second term, she scored 𝟑
of the
marks in the first term. Find the marks obtained by her in the second term.

3. A car runs 18 km using 1 litre of petrol. How much distance will it cover using 3 𝟒 litres of petrol?

4. In a charity show, Rs 6604 were collected by selling tickets. If the price of each ticket was Rs 31 𝟒 ,
how many tickets were sold?

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