Submitted Institute Data For Atal Ranking of Institutions On Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) - 2019-20

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Submitted Institute Data for Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) - 2019-20

Institute Name: National Institute of Technology Meghalaya [ARI-U-0619]

Program Conducted by Institute Related to IPR, Entrepreneurship / Start-ups & Innovation

Had institute
spent Total
expenses Expense
Organizing either from Amount
Name of Department / Program Internal Internal External External Total
Program Program Program Program Program Program own Incurred by
Program Centre / Duration(in Participants Participants Participants Participants Number of
Theme Type Category Start Date End Date Location resource/rec Institute to
(Full Name) Student Days) (Student) (Faculty) (Student) (Faculty) Participants eived fund to Organise the
Body Name organise the Program (In
program/acti Rupees)

Cognitia Innovation Workshops Student Student 02-11-2018 04-11-2018 3 Within 200 10 20 0 230 Yes 100000
Lead Activity Activity 00:00:00 00:00:00 Campus

Participation / Representation of Students and (or) Faculties in Events / Programs related to IPR, entrepreneurship / Start-ups & Innovation organized by repute external
institutions or agencies at national or international level
Had institute
either from
Title of own Total
Organizing Award / Innovation / resource/rec Expense
Name of Program Total Awards/Rec
Program Program Agency / Organizing Program Program Participants Participants Position / Start-up eived fund Amount
Program Duration(in Number of ognitions/Ac
Theme Type Institute Agency Type Start Date End Date (Students) (Faculty) Recognition Secured the towards Incurred by
(Full Name) Days) Participants hievements
Name Secured Award / sending Institute? (In
Recognition delegation to Rupees)
present the

Summer Innovation Summer IIT Guwahati Educational 16-05-2018 10-07-2018 56 1 0 1 No --- --- No ---
Internship Training Institute 00:00:00 00:00:00

Hands on Innovation Improve NITTTR Govt. 23-07-2018 27-07-2018 5 1 0 1 No --- --- No ---
practices on Students Chandigarh Agency 00:00:00 00:00:00
on Power Learning (Central)

Advanced Innovation Training NIT Silchar Educational 04-02-2019 08-02-2019 5 1 0 1 No --- --- No ---
Materials Programmm Institute 00:00:00 00:00:00
Fabrication e
Participation / Representation of Students and (or) Faculties in Events / Programs related to IPR, entrepreneurship / Start-ups & Innovation organized by repute external
institutions or agencies at national or international level
Joint UK- Innovation Innovation JUICE Govt. 23-01-2019 03-03-2019 40 1 0 1 No --- --- No ---
India Clean Training Agency 00:00:00 00:00:00
Energy (Central)

Courses on Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship Development Offered During the Academic Period 2018-19
Program Total Number of Total Numbers of
Title of Course/Subject Program Start Program End Total Enrolment
Program Theme Type of Course Level of Course Duration(in Mode of Delivery Students Contact Hours of
Offered Date Date Number
Days) Completed Course

B Tech Project Innovation Elective/Core Credit Bachelor 31-07-2018 31-05-2019 305 Offline 18 18 60
Course 00:00:00 00:00:00

Innovation, Pre-Incubation & Incubation Centre/Facilities exists in campus

Had institute spent expenses either
from own resource/received fund Had institute Generated Income either from
Year of Facility Facility Location /
Name of Centre Type of Facility Facility Incharge Carpet Area of Facility towards Establishment/Operation of Services Offered by Pre-Incubation &
Creation Address Pre-Incubation & Incubation Incubation Centre/Facilities?

Design Innovation Centre Research 2017 NIT Meghalaya 1000 Sq. Ft. No No
Park/Innovation Park Campus Facility Deba
Incharge Kumar
Name Sarma

Facility dksarma
Email .in

Facility 94851770
Incharge 41

Grants / Funds Received by Pre-Incubation & Incubation Centre / Facilities exists in Campus
Total Grants / Funds Received by
Had Received Grants / Funds by Pre- Pre-Incubation & Incubation Centre /
Name of Centre Source of Grant / Fund Agency Name Agency Type Incubation & Incubation Centre / Facilities exists in Campus (In
Facilities exists in Campus? Rupees)

Design Innovation Centre Funding Agency Ministry of Human Resource Govt. Agency (Central) Yes 10000000
Idea / Prototype / Innovation have received Grant / funding from Pre-Incubation / Incubation Centre / Facilities
Had the Incubation
Had Centre/institute Had the Centre/institute
provided any Idea/Prototype/Inno received any
Financial support vations raised any income/revenue
(either own Seed fund/Angel from
resource or fund Investment/VC Idea/Prototype/Inno
Name of Idea / POC / Current Status Pre- Current Status of received from during the period of vations for the pre-
Innovation / Prototype Stage of Innovation Innovation Year of Innovation / Incubation/Incubati Innovation, Stage agencies) in terms receiving pre-
Name of Centre Type of Innovation incubation/incubatio
Received Funding / Grant (TRL Stage) Developed by Project Started on Support of TRL it has of Seed Grant/Fund incubation/incubatio n support and the
from Centre Received reached Support to Idea / n support at your services offered by
Prototype / Pre- Pre-
Innovations incubation/incubatio incubation/incubatio
Development n or institute during n or institute during
during the financial the financial period the financial period
period 2018-19 2018-19 2018-19?

Design and Development Design Innovation TRL 6 : Prototype Faculty and 2017 Completed but No TRL 3 : Applied No No
of the Small Wind Turbine Centre system tested in Student IP / Patented Further Action research. First Yes
Combined with Solar intended Technology Taken laboratory tests
system for Household environment close completed; proof of Total Seed
Application to expected Applie No concept. Grant/Fund
performance. d for Amount
Patent Disbursed to
Patent Idea/Prototype/I
Applica nnovations
tion No Development by
Centre (In
Year of
Applica 398400

Principal Innovator
Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr Bikash Kumar Sarkar Faculty Male 9485177038

Design and Design Innovation TRL 7 : Faculty and 2017 Receiving TRL 6 : Prototype No
Fabrication of Centre Demonstration Student IP / Patented Incubation Support system tested in Yes
Pineapple slicer system operating in Technology at Incubation intended
operational Centre environment close Total Seed
environment at pre- Applie No to expected Grant/Fund
commercial scale. d for performance. Amount
Patent Disbursed to
Patent Idea/Prototype/I
Applica nnovations
tion No Development by
Centre (In
Year of
Applica 75000

Principal Innovator
Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr Tanmoy Bose Faculty Male 9485177010

Idea / Prototype / Innovation have received Grant / funding from Pre-Incubation / Incubation Centre / Facilities
Had the Incubation
Had Centre/institute Had the Centre/institute
provided any Idea/Prototype/Inno received any
Financial support vations raised any income/revenue
(either own Seed fund/Angel from
resource or fund Investment/VC Idea/Prototype/Inno
Name of Idea / POC / Current Status Pre- Current Status of received from during the period of vations for the pre-
Innovation / Prototype Stage of Innovation Innovation Year of Innovation / Incubation/Incubati Innovation, Stage agencies) in terms receiving pre-
Name of Centre Type of Innovation incubation/incubatio
Received Funding / Grant (TRL Stage) Developed by Project Started on Support of TRL it has of Seed Grant/Fund incubation/incubatio n support and the
from Centre Received reached Support to Idea / n support at your services offered by
Prototype / Pre- Pre-
Innovations incubation/incubatio incubation/incubatio
Development n or institute during n or institute during
during the financial the financial period the financial period
period 2018-19 2018-19 2018-19?

Design and Fabrication of Design Innovation TRL 3 : Applied Faculty 2017 Completed and TRL 4 : Small scale No
Corn (Maize) Shelling Centre research. First IP / Patented Ready for prototype built in a Yes
Machine to Promote laboratory tests Technology Commercialization/I laboratory
Productivity of Corn in completed; proof of ncubati environment ("ugly" Total Seed
Meghalaya concept. Applie No prototype). Grant/Fund
d for Amount
Patent Disbursed to
Patent Idea/Prototype/I
Applica nnovations
tion No Development by
Centre (In
Year of
Applica 294400

Principal Innovator
Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr Koushik Das Faculty Male 9485177054

Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr D K Sarma Faculty Male 9485177041

Design and Fabrication of Design Innovation TRL 6 : Prototype Faculty 2017 Completed and TRL 3 : Applied No No
Coconut Deshelling Centre system tested in IP / Patented Commercialize as research. First Yes
Machine for Domestic and intended Technology Satrap/Company laboratory tests
Small-Scale Industry environment close completed; proof of Total Seed
Applications to expected Applie No concept. Grant/Fund
performance. d for Amount
Patent Disbursed to
Patent Idea/Prototype/I
Applica nnovations
tion No Development by
Centre (In
Year of
Applica 324400
Idea / Prototype / Innovation have received Grant / funding from Pre-Incubation / Incubation Centre / Facilities
Had the Incubation
Had Centre/institute Had the Centre/institute
provided any Idea/Prototype/Inno received any
Financial support vations raised any income/revenue
(either own Seed fund/Angel from
resource or fund Investment/VC Idea/Prototype/Inno
Name of Idea / POC / Current Status Pre- Current Status of received from during the period of vations for the pre-
Innovation / Prototype Stage of Innovation Innovation Year of Innovation / Incubation/Incubati Innovation, Stage agencies) in terms receiving pre-
Name of Centre Type of Innovation incubation/incubatio
Received Funding / Grant (TRL Stage) Developed by Project Started on Support of TRL it has of Seed Grant/Fund incubation/incubatio n support and the
from Centre Received reached Support to Idea / n support at your services offered by
Prototype / Pre- Pre-
Innovations incubation/incubatio incubation/incubatio
Development n or institute during n or institute during
during the financial the financial period the financial period
period 2018-19 2018-19 2018-19?

Principal Innovator
Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr Maneswar Rahang Faculty Male 9402102355

A low cost Design Innovation TRL 7 : Faculty and 2017 Completed and TRL 6 : Prototype No
Thermoelectric Centre Demonstration Student IP / Patented Ready for system tested in Yes
Generator based system operating in Technology Commercialization/I intended
energy generating operational ncubati environment close Total Seed
probe that can be environment at pre- Applie No to expected Grant/Fund
used with existing commercial scale. d for performance. Amount
stoves in rural Patent Disbursed to
villages in North- above
East India Idea/Prototype/I
Applica nnovations
tion No Development by
Centre (In
Year of
Applica 110000

Principal Innovator
Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Deba Kumar Sarma Faculty Male 9485177041

Bioremediation of Waste Design Innovation TRL 3 : Applied Faculty 2017 Non-IP / Non- Completed and TRL 6 : Prototype No
Water-Employing a low Centre research. First Patented Commercialize as system tested in Yes
cost waste water cell. laboratory tests Technology Satrap/Company intended
completed; proof of environment close Total Seed
concept. to expected Grant/Fund
performance. Amount
Disbursed to
Development by
Centre (In

Idea / Prototype / Innovation have received Grant / funding from Pre-Incubation / Incubation Centre / Facilities
Had the Incubation
Had Centre/institute Had the Centre/institute
provided any Idea/Prototype/Inno received any
Financial support vations raised any income/revenue
(either own Seed fund/Angel from
resource or fund Investment/VC Idea/Prototype/Inno
Name of Idea / POC / Current Status Pre- Current Status of received from during the period of vations for the pre-
Innovation / Prototype Stage of Innovation Innovation Year of Innovation / Incubation/Incubati Innovation, Stage agencies) in terms receiving pre-
Name of Centre Type of Innovation incubation/incubatio
Received Funding / Grant (TRL Stage) Developed by Project Started on Support of TRL it has of Seed Grant/Fund incubation/incubatio n support and the
from Centre Received reached Support to Idea / n support at your services offered by
Prototype / Pre- Pre-
Innovations incubation/incubatio incubation/incubatio
Development n or institute during n or institute during
during the financial the financial period the financial period
period 2018-19 2018-19 2018-19?

Principal Innovator
Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr Susmita Sharma Faculty Female 9402102414

Design of a shallow Design Innovation TRL 4 : Small scale Faculty 2017 Completed and TRL 4 : Small scale No
water turbine for Centre prototype built in a IP / Patented Ready for prototype built in a Yes
energy harvesting, laboratory Technology Commercialization/I laboratory
utilizing stream environment ("ugly" ncubati environment ("ugly" Total Seed
water in hilly places prototype). Applie No prototype). Grant/Fund
d for Amount
Patent Disbursed to
Patent Idea/Prototype/I
Applica nnovations
tion No Development by
Centre (In
Year of
Applica 1366800

Principal Innovator
Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Deba Kumar Sarma Faculty Male 9485177041

Design and
Co-Innovator development of the
Turbine for
Name Type Gender Email Contact Standalone
Household Power
Dr. Koushik Das Faculty Male 9485177054 Generation
Idea / Prototype / Innovation have received Grant / funding from Pre-Incubation / Incubation Centre / Facilities
Had the Incubation
Had Centre/institute Had the Centre/institute
provided any Idea/Prototype/Inno received any
Financial support vations raised any income/revenue
(either own Seed fund/Angel from
resource or fund Investment/VC Idea/Prototype/Inno
Name of Idea / POC / Current Status Pre- Current Status of received from during the period of vations for the pre-
Innovation / Prototype Stage of Innovation Innovation Year of Innovation / Incubation/Incubati Innovation, Stage agencies) in terms receiving pre-
Name of Centre Type of Innovation incubation/incubatio
Received Funding / Grant (TRL Stage) Developed by Project Started on Support of TRL it has of Seed Grant/Fund incubation/incubatio n support and the
from Centre Received reached Support to Idea / n support at your services offered by
Prototype / Pre- Pre-
Innovations incubation/incubatio incubation/incubatio
Development n or institute during n or institute during
during the financial the financial period the financial period
period 2018-19 2018-19 2018-19?

Design Innovation Centre TRL 4 : Small scale Faculty 2017 Non-IP / Non- Completed and TRL 5 : Large scale No No
prototype built in a Patented Ready for prototype tested in Yes
laboratory Technology Commercialization/I intended
environment ("ugly" ncubati environment. Total Seed
prototype). Grant/Fund
Disbursed to
Development by
Centre (In


Principal Innovator
Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr Bikash Kumar Sarkar Faculty Male 9485177038

Standalone solar
Co-Innovator tea or coffee maker
cum multipurpose
water heating
Name Type Gender Email Contact system

Dr. Hriday Mani Kalita Faculty Male 9485177064

Design Innovation Centre TRL 6 : Prototype Faculty 2017 Completed and TRL 4 : Small scale No No
system tested in IP / Patented Ready for prototype built in a Yes
intended Technology Commercialization/I laboratory
environment close ncubati environment ("ugly" Total Seed
to expected Applie No prototype). Grant/Fund
performance. d for Amount
Patent Disbursed to
Patent Idea/Prototype/I
Applica nnovations
tion No Development by
Centre (In
Year of
Applica 857200
Idea / Prototype / Innovation have received Grant / funding from Pre-Incubation / Incubation Centre / Facilities
Had the Incubation
Had Centre/institute Had the Centre/institute
provided any Idea/Prototype/Inno received any
Financial support vations raised any income/revenue
(either own Seed fund/Angel from
resource or fund Investment/VC Idea/Prototype/Inno
Name of Idea / POC / Current Status Pre- Current Status of received from during the period of vations for the pre-
Innovation / Prototype Stage of Innovation Innovation Year of Innovation / Incubation/Incubati Innovation, Stage agencies) in terms receiving pre-
Name of Centre Type of Innovation incubation/incubatio
Received Funding / Grant (TRL Stage) Developed by Project Started on Support of TRL it has of Seed Grant/Fund incubation/incubatio n support and the
from Centre Received reached Support to Idea / n support at your services offered by
Prototype / Pre- Pre-
Innovations incubation/incubatio incubation/incubatio
Development n or institute during n or institute during
during the financial the financial period the financial period
period 2018-19 2018-19 2018-19?

Principal Innovator
Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Rajat Subhra Das Faculty Male 9402102380

Shoebox Science
Co-Innovator laboratory for class
X students of
Meghalaya Board
Name Type Gender Email Contact (MBOSE).

Dr.Sanjoy Debbarma Faculty Male 9485177007

Design Innovation Centre TRL 6 : Prototype Faculty 2017 Completed and TRL 5 : Large scale No No
system tested in IP / Patented Ready for prototype tested in Yes
intended Technology Commercialization/I intended
environment close ncubati environment. Total Seed
to expected Applie No Grant/Fund
performance. d for Amount
Patent Disbursed to
Patent Idea/Prototype/I
Applica nnovations
tion No Development by
Centre (In
Year of
Applica 110000

Principal Innovator
Name Type Gender Email Contact

Dr. Ayon Bhattacharjee Faculty Male 9485177033

Start-ups have received Grant / funding from Pre-Incubation / Incubation Centre / Facilities
No Data Flled!

Co-Incubation Partnership
No Data Flled!
Technology Commercialization / Transfer
No Data Flled!

Responsibility for accuracy and authenticity of data lies with the concerned institution.

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