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BOOKLET NO: 1278 1 Defense Language Institute English Language Center Lack land Air Force Base, Texas AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE PLACEMENT TEST ALCPT FORM 128 LISTENING: 20 MINUTES READING: 20 MINUTES FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE PLACEMENT TEST FORM 128. PART I LISTENING Direct.ions for i-tems 1-66. You will hear statements or questions. Select the best answer and mark your answer sheet, at b, c, or d. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET. How was the theater? crowded seated empty half filled peron How would you describe her? meek strong lazy disloyal povon What kind of road were they? rough comfortable long hot. porow Where does it grow? underwater on a tree underground pores How many days does he work? forty-eight eight seven perau What would he prefer? both neither a hot dog a hamburger peraa Povo poees poeaH Bare ©e Boeee pore povoe What did he eat? chicken noodle soup rare roast beef apple pie boiled rice How does the military feel about him? indifferent interested upset wonderful How does he work? with the cooperation of others with no assistance without stopping with consideration of others . When should you study your lesson? one day after class two days after class before class during class what is it I hear an aircraft. I listen to a tape. I hear a plane. I hear a car I see a train. + Take your time. Don’t hurry. Take ten cents. Take your tin cup. Take yours and mind. In other words? I’m buying it. I'm sharing it. I'm preparing it. I'm comparing it. ua. pores poOeee poeoH poTeH Boron Booe aoran My friend felt sick yesterday. He feels sick. He felt sick. He was sick when he fell. He found me sick. How was he feel? He was in training. He was becoming sick. He was bored. He was becoming tired. . This pencil is like that one. one pencil is better. one pencil is smaller. The pencils are alike. The pencils are different What does he mean? I have influenza. I have something new. Iwas told what to do. I need to fly more “Yes, it is my favorite sport.” Jack enjoys fishing. Tom enjoys fishing. Tom doesn’t fish for pleasure Jack doesn’t fish. He thought about buying the book. He bought the book. He taught the book. He looked for the book. He was thinking about buying it. + This metal is 2 It is flexible. It is rigid. It can’t be twisted. It can be soldered. 21.. What does he mean? a. Air can be spent. b. Air can be heated. c. Its volume will be decreased. d. Its volume may be increased. 22. The student is confused by all the names. a. He is very alert. b. He is used to them. c. He does not remember them. d. He knows all the names. 23. In this case? a. You shouldn’t miss class. b. You shouldn’t be in class today. c. You shouldn’t attend class. d. You should never go to class 24. What is happening with him? a. He is touching something. b. He is feeling a color. c. He is feeling sad. d. He is wearing blue clothing 25. Joe always obeyed his father. a. Joe remembered his father. b. Joe did what his father said. c. doe disobeyed his father d. Joe's father was always gone. 26. John was too late to catch the bus.? a. John caught the bus. b. John made the bus too. c. John missed the bus. d. John usually rode the bus. 27.1 ‘11 have a party this weekend, I expect Joe will go to the party.? a. Joe will not go. b. Joe doesn’t think he’11 go. c. I think Joe will go. d. Everyone bet Joe will go. 28. Day Phillip has just a little bit of money.? He has only money. He has only a small amount of money. He usually has a little money. He never has a little money. pom 9.. What does it mean? The motor cools off too fast. The motor becomes too hot The motor runs too slow. poran The motor uses too much oil. 0.. You must make your students study.? You must study. You must have the students study. You must study with the students. Your students may study. porew 1. What does he doing? He is letting the students speak. He is lecturing. He is talking to the students He is talking too much pero 2.. What does Joe need? Joe could not go to the dentist. The dentist might visit Joe. Joe needs a new tooth. Joe should go to the dentist. pore 3. In other words? have a business appointment. have a social appointment. have a medical appointment. don’t know the date today. paorew 4. What does it mean? He had mostly paper money. He had mostly coins. He had lots of money with him. He had very little money with him. poraw 35. Po7oe poreY poreY peree poreew pore poroe What does he mean? He will write twice on his trip. He would write twice a day. He would not write the second week. He promised to write two times each week. + Why did Joe go to the barbershop? at twelve sharp in the shopping center to get a haircut to do some shopping . Where will Sergeant Brown eat? the commissary the non-commissioned officer's club the officer’s club the Px How will the friends get to Chicago? They will fly. this morning first-class They’ 11 make reservations. + When does the captain have to be there? 1615 1450 1350 1515 + What does the woman see? star rectangle circle wall . What did the man say about the hat? It's warm It's red It's small. It's wool. 42, Bove he BOees POeoe AoTHe BOFoe Booe pores Who was Don’s parents glad to meet? Don’s son the wife of Don Don's daughter the girl Don will marry + What are the woman and man talking about? good supply of fresh fish good supply of copper and iron good supply of wheat and vegetables good supply of beef cattle and sheep . What did the woman hear about her friend? He caused the accident. He survived the accident. He avoided the accident. He died because of the accident . What did the woman mean? She would not pay any attention. She would argue with him. She would follow his advice She would wash her hair. . What does the pump do? It mixes fuel. It measures fuel. It checks fuel It delivers fuel. . What are brakes used for? stopping cars breaking stones turning wheels draining water + What was clean? the lamp shade the lowest part the light bulb the cord 9. Where do you take your dirty clothes? to the kitchen to the laundry to the bookstore to the skating rink pores 0. Where are the books? in the kitchen at the cash register on the counter in the seating area porog 1. Aren’t those two students alike? Yes, I like them. Yes, they are friends. Yes, they look the same. Yes, they will go on a trip poeraa 2. What does she want to do in the hospital? buy some medicine see a doctor get a private room give some help pera + What will he do? go to a race b. report to the commander c, watch a parade d. read a newspaper 54, What is a blinking light? a light that burns steadily very bright light a dim light a light that turns on and off 55. What did he want to know? a. the size of the box b. the form of the box c. the color of the box d. the make of the box 6. Where does he live? in a shopping center in an area of private homes in a large motel povea in a small apartment house 57. How do you check the performance of a new car? a. by looking at it b. by driving it paying for it d. by repairing it 58. Will this plane be delayed? Yes, it will be early. No, it won/t be late. Yes, it came yesterday. No, it is a private plane pore 9. How much change do you have? I have several coins. I weigh 150 pounds. I have eaten 4 times today. I have changed rooms many times pevaa 0. Would you like to revise this paper? Yes, I would like to correct it. Yes, I would like to destroy it. Yes, I like the size of the paper. Yes, I bought the paper to use here. pore 1. Didn’t he used to smoke? No, he won’t be smoking soon. No, he isn’t getting used to smoking. Yes, he uses cigarettes when he smokes. Yes, but he doesn’t smoke now. aorea 2. Edward, take charge of the class. Control the class. Leave the class. Study the class. Dismiss the class. pore 63. Today is cold. Tt seems to be snowing. It looks like it is snowing. It is snowing outside. It will be snowing. Sit might snow. pom 4, I will attempt to call you tonight. I won't call you. I’m sure that 1/11 call. I will call tomorrow night. I'll try to call. poraa 5. In other words? I want you to go. I don't want you to go. I believe you will go. I think you can’t dance. poraa 6. What does it mean? They are reliable. They work by themselves. ‘They are popular ‘They are very large. pe ram THIS IS THE END OF THE LISTENING PART OF THE TEST. PART II - READING Directions for items 67-100. Select the best answer and mark your answer sheet, a, b, c, or d. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET. 67 Hot air from the ground. rising rise rises pero @.The Indians hunted buffalo, _ spears for weapons. use using used were using pero 9.1 took my clothes off and put my pajamas on with poroa 0.This new book has some interesting times stairs stories prices pores 1.Frank enjoyed at the new catalog. to look looked look looking pores 72."Will we have class tomorrow?” “No, we will may wouldn’ t won't pox pores pore. peeves pores pores pore peres ."Listen! I think the telephone “Yes, they were in the room when the teacher left spoken entered called -The owner of the restaurant was well known. He was sad fat poor famous -This plane does not travel that one. more faster than fast faster as fast as «John went to Dallas by plane. He went with a plane by the plane on a plane to the plane :The post office is straight ahead. The post office to your left behind you very close in front of you would ring rung was ringing is ringing -Did you enjoy all over the world? travel to travel traveling traveled Were the students in the classroom when teacher came in?” is 80.1£ I had the money, I some new clothes now buy will buy would buy had been buying pom 1.I£ something is wrong with your recorder. It is O.K. in good shape in bad condition not expensive pozae 2.When you inflate an automobile tire, you remove the tire put air in it stop the leak change the tire pores 83.Robert told Mark to meet him at the drugstore at seven-fifteen. They will meet at a. a quarter after seven b. a quarter to eight c. half past seven d. seven sharp 84.Mary said, “Hold the phone.” The person she was talking to waited a minute took the telephone line put in another dime pressed down the receiver aome 5.1£ you get a bargain, you buy an item at a reduced price pay too much money for something buy poor merchandise buy better merchandise eorae 6.Sometimes I go shopping. Usually Occasionally Seldom often perae Bore Se BOeee BOTBS BATeeS BoeHe Boree porns ."Have John and Mary gone to New York «Harry performed his mission satisfactorily. pleasure situation assignment message :The mechanic fixed Joe’s car in one hour. He repaired the car. He looked over the car He painted the car. He registered the car. .Can we arrange to be at her house by nine o’clock? can we plan to be there by nine? can we cancel his appointment? can your friend be there by nine? Can you get a range at her house? sWhich word best describes the sun at 1200 hours on a clear day? dull bright cold hazy ."Will Alice have a vacation?” Yes, she has. Yes, she did. Yes, she can Yes, she will. ."When does Charles study?” Yes, he does. In his room. At night. With his friend. Yes, they have. Yes, they go. Yes, they do. Yes, they must. 94."Where can I get some medicine?” At the drug store. Your can if you're sick. No, I don’t want any. I buy a lot of medicine. aomm 5.What should you do if you have a serious illness? go to town go on sick call try to cure yourself go to a movie pores 96."Why did he call you?” Yes, he did. Last night at 9:00 He calls me by my first name. Because he wanted me to study with him. nome 97.You would like to borrow a pencil. which of the following is the correct request? a. Would I borrow your pencil? Must I borrow your pencil? . May I borrow your pencil? Should I borrow your pencil? aoe 98.Which one of the following sentences is correct? a. My car is as old as yours. b. My car is yours old as. c. My car old is as yours. d. My car old as is yours. “What places do you want to visit in the 0.8.2” a. Yes, I want to visit the U.S. c. Yes, I want to visit the U.S. next year. d. I want to learn English there. d. I want to visit New York and Chicago. 100.”Do we get on the bus at this corner?” No, you can get on the bus at this corner. Yes, you get on the bus at the corner. Yes, I can’t get a bus at this corner. Yes, he gets on the bus at the next corner. pore

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