Compulsory (Non-Economics) ISE-ll: Courses

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Compulsory Courses (Non-Economics)

Code: ISE-ll I
Tider Islemiyat
Credit Eours: 02
This course is aimed:
. To provide basic infortration about Islamic Studies
. To enhance understanding of the studenls regarding Islamic Civilization
o To improve Students skill to perform prayers and other worships
. To enhance the sk.ill of the students for understanding the issues related to faittr and
religious life
Course Contents
Introduction to Quran Studies
o Basic Concepts of Quran
. History of Quran
. lIloom-ul -Quran
Study of Selected Text of Eolly Quran I
. Verses of Surah Al-Baqra related to Faith (Verse No. 284-286)
. Verses of Surah Al-Hujrat related to Adab Al-Nabi (Verse No. l - 18)
. Venes of Surah Al-Mominoon related to Characteristics of faith (Verse No. l -l I )
. Verses of Surah al-Furqan r€lated to Social Ethics (Verse No. 63-77)
. Verses of Surah Al-anarn related to Ahkam(Verse No.152- 154)
Study of Selected Tert of Holy Quren II
. Verses of Surah Al-Ahzab related to Adab al-Nabi (Verse No. 6, 21, 40, 56, 57, 58.)
. Verses of Surah Al-Hashar (18, 19,20) related to thinking, Day ofJudgnrent
o Verses of Surah Al-Saf relatpd to Tafakar,Tadabar (Verse No. I,l4)
Seerat of HoIy Prophet (S.A.W) I
. Life of Muhammad Bin Abdullah (before hophet hood)
. Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Makkah
. Important l.essons derived frorn the life of Holy Prophet in Makkah
Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) n
o Pmphet (S.A.W) in Madina
, Life of Holy
. Important Events of Lifc of Holy Prophet in Madina
. Lnportant Lessons derived from the life ofHoly Prophet in Madina
Introducdon to$unnrh
o Basic concepts of lladith
. History of Hadith
e Kinds of }ladith
o Uloom-ul-Iladith
'. $unrah & Haditlt
. Legisl Position of Sunnah

Selec'ted Study from Text of Hadith Introduction to Ishdic Law & Jurisprudence
. Basic Concepts of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
o History & Importance of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
. Sources of Islamic I:w & Jurisprudance
o Nature of Differences in Islamic law
o Islarn and Sectarianism
Islamic Culture & Civilization
. Basic concept5 qf [slemis Culnre & Civilization
o Historical development oflslamic Culture & Civilization
o Characteristics oflslamic Culture & Civilization
o Islamic Culture & Civilization and Conternporary Issues
Islem & Science
o Basic concepts of Islam& Scierce
. Contributions of Muslfnq in the Development of Sciace
o Qurau & Science
Islamic Ecooomic Syst€m
o Basic Concepts of Islamic Economic System
o Means of Distribution of wealth in Islamic Economics
. Islamic concept of Riba
o Islarqic Wa).s of Trade & Commerce
Polltlcd System of klim
; . Basic concess of Islamic Political System
o Islamic concept of Sovereigmy
. Basic lnstitutions ofcovt. in Islam
Islemic Eistory
. PeriodofKhlafat-e-Rashida
o Poiod of Ummayyads
o Period ofAbbasids
Sochl System of Ietem
. Basic concepts ofsocial System oflslam
. Elernents of Family


. Ethical Values of Islam

Recommended Books:
. Hameed ullah Muhammad. Emergence of Islam. IRI, Islamabad
. Hameed ullah Muhammad. MuslimConduct of State.
. Hameed ullah Muhammad. lntroduction to lslam.
. Hussain Hamid Hassan. An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law. Leaf Publication
Islamabad Pakistan.
. Ahmad Hasan. (1993). Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence. Islargic Research Institute,
Intemational Islamic University, Islamabad.
o Mir Waliullah. (1932). Muslim Jurisprudence and the Quranic L,aw of Crimes. Islamic
Book Service.
. H.S. Bhatia. (1989). Studies in Islamic Law, Religion and Society. Deep & Deep
Publications New Delhi.
o ps. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq. (2001). Introduction to Al Sharia Al Islamia. Allama lqbal
Ope,n University, Islamabad

Code: ISE-lll
Title: Ethics (For Non-Muslims)
Credit llours: 02
This course is designed for Non-Muslims and it introduces them various concepts in the daily
Course Contents
Definition of Ethics, Different Concepts of Ethics (Ancient and Contemporary), Types of
Ethics, Good Ethics, Bad Efiics
Importance of Ethics in Humen Life
Individual Life, Family Lifq Sociat Life,Importance of Ethics in Economic Life, Importance
of Ethics in Politics
Ethicel Teachings and Values in Different Religions
o Hinduism
o Buddhism
. Zoroastrianism
o Christianity
o Judaism
o Silhism
. 'Irlam
Ethicel Values of the above Religions
o Truthfulness
o Trustworthiness
. Service to Humanity
o Tolerance, Eqdurance
. Respect for Others
. Cooperation, Mraual Help, Selflessness
. Justice (Social Justicg Economic Justice)
r Equality
Concept of Virtue end Evll ln Dlfferent Religlonc
Concept of'Flah" in Dilfenent Religions
Attitude Towerds Other Religions
Recommended Books:
. Jobn S. Mackenzig A Manual of Ethics, 4th edition. Hinds, Hayden & Eldredge, Inc.
o Harold H. Tittrs. (1976). Ethics for Today, 5th edition Van Nostrand Reirhold Co.
. B. A. Dar: (1970). Quranic Ethics, Orientalia Art Ltd.
r Muhammad Hamidullah, Introduction to Islam, Darul Ishaat Pakistan.
. Syed Ameq AIi, The Spirit of Islam

Code: ENG,lll
fide: Lenguage ln Use
Credit Houri: 03
Enhance language skills and develop critical thinking.
Course Contents
Basics of Grammar
P4ru of speech and use ofarticles
Sentence strucEre, active and passive voice

Practice in unified sentcnce

Analysis ofphrase, clause and sentence structure
Transitive and intar:sitive verbs
Punctuation and spelling
Answers to questions on a giver text
General topics and every-day conversation (topics for discugsion to be at the discraion of the
teacher keeping in view the level of sMents)
To be improved by showing documentaries/fikns carcfl:lly selected by subject teachers

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