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National Textile University 

Strategic Marketing  
Muhammad Furqan Ullah
Ayesha Saeed
Submitted to: 
Sir Rohail Jibran
Registration No.

Assignment Topic:
Report of Murree Brewery
Murree Brewery
Executive Summary:
The Murree Brewery Company Ltd. was set up in 1860.It is a Pakistan-
based company. Its products are only legally available in Pakistan owing
to a prohibition on the exportation of alcohol from Pakistan.
The Company is principally engaged in the manufacturing of Pakistan
made foreign liquor (PMFL) including alcoholic beer, non-alcoholic
beer (NAB), non-alcoholic products (NAP), which includes juices in
tetra packs in Rawalpindi and food products, juices, glass bottles and
jars in Hattar. Murree Brewery Company Limited runs in three
divisions: liquor division, which includes PMFL, alcoholic beer, NAB,
Big Apple, Lemonade, Cindy and Malt -79; tops division, which
includes food products and juices, and glass division, which includes
glass bottles and jars.
It aimed to have an excellent quality of products and it supplies diverse
types of liquids to upper class, middle class and low-class people. The
company believes that whatever we provide to the customers should be
the best for them. They should get maximum satisfaction with this

Murree Brewery is the maker of Pakistan's premier beer brand known
Murree Beer. Its products are only legally available in Pakistan owing to
a prohibition on the exportation of alcohol from Pakistan. The brewery
has two manufacturing units found in Rawalpindi and Hattar (North-
West Frontier Province)
In 1977 the Murree Brewery suffered a significant setback when
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto imposed a total prohibition in Pakistan, to appease
Islamic elements of the electorate. Subsequently the government of
General Zia-ul-Haq amended this law, requiring anyone wishing to
consume alcohol to present credentials proving that they were non-
Muslim. The small Christian, Hindu and Parsi communities were not
large enough to support the enterprise, and production had to be scaled
back. However, gradual relaxation of the prohibition laws has allowed
Murree to introduce variations of Murree beer, vodka, gin and whisky.
Today, all Murree products are readily available in legal liquor shops
that run openly in Karachi in places like Zamzama and Defense. It is
also available in the interior of Sindh. Although the consumption of
alcohol in public is still nominally banned, it is becoming increasingly
available in clubs and high-class restaurants. Murree Beer was initially
being produced in Austria for European markets and was available in
various Pakistani and Indian restaurants, an enterprise which has since
ceased since 2004.The Murree Brewery is one of the oldest public
companies of the sub-continent. Its shares were traded on the Calcutta
Stock Exchange as early as 1902 and are now the oldest continuing
industrial enterprise of Pakistan and among the top 25 performing public
companies by the Karachi Stock Exchange.

Pakistan’s only Beer’s and Whisky firm:

Understandably, making beer and whiskey in a Muslim country, where
97 per cent of the population is officially banned from enjoying your
products, has never been an easy business. Non-Muslims are exempt
from the ban, but even for them getting a drink can be complicated:
some five-star hotels require foreigners to affirm in writing that they are
non-Muslims and will handle anything that happens when they are under
the influence before they can order a drink.
"Sales are good," said Isphanyar Bhandara, the brewery's 36-year-old
chief executive, "but we don't want to shout about it because that also
brings negative publicity and criticism, because this is a Muslim country
– and yet sales are growing."
Metaphorically speaking, the Murree brewery sits on one of the major
fault lines of Pakistan's often contradictory society. While Muslims have
been banned from buying or drinking alcohol since1977, few private
social gatherings among the country's political or business élite take
place without the lubrication of liquor. A well-established network of
bootleggers dealing in both locally produced and smuggled alcohol
ensures that, while bars do not exist except for a couple of gloomy
premises in five-star hotels, a drink in a private home is never far away.
Mission and Vision Statement:
To fulfill customer requirements & expectations through “CARE”.
Continuous improvement
Alignment of our missions and goals
Responsibility and respect for our jobs and each other
Educate one another
We the people of Murree Brewery Co. make personal commitment to
first understand our customer’s requirement then to meet & exceed their
expectations, by performing the correct tasks on time and every time
“We respect our past. We are the industry leader in presented accepts the
challenges of the future”

The SWOT analysis approach is a helpful technique for understanding
and decision-making for all sorts of business situations. To assess a
company’s fit with its environment by analyzing its Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. Use SWOT analysis for business
planning, strategic planning, competitor evaluation, marketing, business,
product development, and research reports swot Analysis of Murree
Brewery company.

The Company has a lot of products (Malt whisky, non-alcoholic and
alcoholic beverages, beers and juices)
The Company has set up a profitable monopoly in the market
The Company has an extensive area for further development
The Company has an excellent relationship with the Government
Smooth relation with the employee.
Good working environment.
Rich experience in management.
Good brand equity
Giving the outstanding return from start well combination of new
energetic and experienced employees.
Have an extensive area for production
Production ability
Premium Quality Product
Experience Management team

There is a lack of proper control in the organization
Not all employees have his/her cabin.
Not immensely popular in the rural area
Low Advertising & Promotion Spends
Less Manpower
Low Market Share
Inefficient Distributors
Less Market Visibility
Less supplying chiller to the market
Have prolonged motion of the supply of the products

Company has the power to lead their competitor
The Company has options for the choice customer
Stability through increased brand awareness, market penetration, and
Service offerings
Regional Expansions
Production Volumes
• Higher Profits
• Increased Market share

Competition from local and multinational players.
The Company has a lack of proper control in the origination.
A lot of Company has entered in this field
Rising inflation could reduce savings and investments
• Competitors High Spends
• Government Laws • Taxes & Tariffs

Marketing plan:
Marketing strategy of the company is based on the following points…
Come into know about the who are our customers and what are their
requirements what do we really know about their needs preferences
behavior and their life styles?
What can we offer a price. That other companies do not?
How do we perform in comparison to our competitors?
How are we currently performing for our customers?
Where are the gaps, the weak points the fudges and the point of
excellence he USPs unique selling points?
How are we different?
Why are we different?
How can we better delight?
How do we change?
What do we change?
How clever are we with our market intelligence?
How well is our market research working?

Consider groups who share a similar need and who will respond in a
similar way.

Design a Marketing Strategy:

To achieve a specific marketing objectives based e.g. on the Marketing
mix. Set Tactical Plans Budgets Programs Assign individual
responsibilities to achieve the objectives Monitor Progress

Product strategy:
Murree brewery is aimed to have a good quality of products and it is
providing different types of liquids to upper class middle class and low
class people. The company believes that whatever we provide to the
customers should be the best for them. They should get the maximum
satisfaction in this product. Murree brewer has launched a new product
big apple which is now being used at a large scale in the whole country.
The company provides Beers to the upper class that has the authority to
do so .They have Malt drinks and soft drinks.
Company has 15 different types of juices, which come into jars bottles
and packs The have to maintain a price which is affordable to the
customers and which is profitable to them, it appears that they have
position their product pricing in such a way that their main focus in
middle and upper middle class. However, they have some selected range
for upper class as well. Produce wise price list enclosed in appendix for
Murree breweries have a diversified range of products. Our pricing
strategy depends upon the three basic factors: costing of product, market
competition, and profit margins. Looking upon these factors we set
prices. On the other hand, we also look upon other factors i.e., market
analysis and consumer behaviors. Because the fact is that in beverages
consumers do impulsive buying.
Murree brewery used focused pricing for our products. We have a
diversified range of products from beverages to Murree Glass and
Murree Spark Letts and their pricing depends upon the cost which we
They make products to meet and exceed consumer expectations by
performing the correct task. And I believe our organizational strategy is
perfectly aligned with our pricing strategy. Since we have a monopoly of
malts in Pakistan, and we make profits especially in this beverage
product line. Ultimately, if our price is greater than the product cost,
then we lose market share. And Brewery is never going to lose market
We don’t recycle our glass bottles because we have our own glass
manufacturing industry at Hattar (KPK). Ultimately, we don’t have cost
issues for these glass bottles. Our newly launched Murree Spark lets is
premium quality drinking water which is an ISO 9001 & HACCP
certified company. These newly launched drinking water bottles are only
available on the A+ category stores of the country

As we know, Murree beer is the most popular Beer in Pakistan as
Murree brewery is the only producer of Beer in Pakistan. In contrast, the
legal import of foreign beers is prohibited in Pakistan. It is often known
as “Pakistan’s Legendary Beer”. Murree brewery has launched a new
product, a big apple which is now being used on a large scale in the
whole country. The Company supplies beers to the upper class with
authority to do so they have energy drinks and soft drinks.

Demographic Segment:
Murree Brewery focuses on youth, and almost everyone can buy their
products. The lowest price of Murree Brewery products in Pakistan is
Rs. 45 and the average price is Rs. 82. The lower Middle class-
population with a monthly income of 15000-30000 can easily purchase
alcoholic products for foreigners.

Psychographic Segment:
In this Murree Brewery know that Pakistani people mostly like soft
drinks and youngster use energy drinks, so they produced these
products and advertisement of these products another hand they know
that in Pakistan alcoholic were not allowed because it is haram for
Muslims, so they offered BIG family, ketchup, etc. But for Non-
Muslims are used Beers etc., so they provide them with these products.

Geographical Segment:
Murre Brewery geographically targets Pakistan and their drinks quickly
in Pakistan's cities except for Beers It is not available in local shops.
They don’t offer the beer to the Muslims, but they supply their beers to
the foreigners.

Behavioral Segment:
Customers mostly do not know that the juice or soft drinks they use
these products are Murree brewery so according to this they have no
feedback from their customers. But overall, they know that the young
male and female like their soft drinks.

Our Observation:
The choice of beer for youth can be based on many factors like income,
social status, emotional situation, etc. The different customer has a
different personality, and when it comes to choosing their beer, they tend
to show different psychological factors influencing their purchase
Personality affects the choice of product because his personality only
influencing the consumer experience and his needs. Therefore, a brand
must understand the consumer's personality and his buying intention to
make it easier for them to target the right customer for the right product.
Like their BIGG family is incredibly attractive products. It is seen that
the choice of beer for different personality is different and for the first-
time drinker attributes that were vital in choosing their first beer was
quality, alcohol content, the label on the bottle, the price which plays a
significant role in the consumer buying decision. Beer choice also
depends on some personality traits which are common in a geographic
Consumers with different traits (self-confidence, self-consciousness,
dependence, straightforwardness) have different choices of beer. Hence,
the relationship of the external attributes, internal attributes of the beer,
and personality traits of the customer is positive and significantly affects
beer choice. There are also ethical issues related to alcoholic beer
marketing and consumption in Pakistan. New flavors can be introduced
into the market as early as possible because around 30% of the
consumers were eager to know if the drink would come in more flavors
and another 10% of the consumers did not like orange flavor so they
were expecting the probable launch of other flavors.
As far as religious problem of Murree brewery company is considered
they should start a campaign like lays said to show Junaid Jamshed in
their advertisement to make a sense in people that they can use lays as
its not Haram, so they can show some of the Islamic scholars in their
advertisement to make a sense in peoples mind that using product
produced by MBG isn’t prohibited in Islam.
Our suggestion towards advertising Is that Advertisements should target
the entire family, mainly because it has been seen that irrespective of age
and gender, more than 75% of the people have liked the product and
look forward to buying it again. Advertisements should highlight the
major features of the product that is the existence of pulp (which is
already made prominent in Advertisements); it should lay emphasis on
the health and nutrition value of the product and on the fact that it is as
good as fresh fruit juice

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