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Text Game Cheat Sheet

I remember getting into long text conversations with women that really ended up going nowhere.

I thought that if I could just come up with the best message to send her, she would be hooked.

Furthermore, I eventually learned, even if a woman likes you, trying to build attraction through
text message is quite difficult.

Text messages should be used for logistics for when to meet up. Also used for short bursts of
flirty banter that eventually lead to a steamy meet-up.

Here are some resources that have helped me:


● How To Text A Girl

● [What to Text Girls to Get
● What If She Doesn't Have Time? (and Other Contingencies)
● Text Message Flirting
● Text Girls to Success: Phone Secrets
● How to Text Girls: 20 More Tips and Techniques
● Secrets to Getting Girls: Nicknames and Callback

Paul Janka

● The full 27 page TextGame.pdf can be downloaded here.


● If you send vague texts, you not only avoid rejection but also avoid putting the girl on the

Château Heartiste

● Non Sequitur Game

● Ambiguity Is The Psyche Of Game
● Should You Confirm Dates?
● Trail Texting
● Text Game Is Now Big Business
● The Unique Challenge Of Entitlement Whores (And The Four Types Of Girl Texts)
● Alpha Assessment: Big Tease Edition
● Comment Of The Week: Her Lady Lumps
● Reader Mailbag: It’s Not The Venue, It’s You
● How To Outgame Manipulative Women
● James Franco’s Text Game: ‘Thirsty’ or Direct?

Christian McQueen

● My Biggest Issue with Game: Texting

● The 5 Most Common Text Messages Girls Send (And How To Respond To Them) via

Black Dragon Blog

● Text Game Part 1

● Text Game Part 2
● Text Game Part 3
● Text Game Part 4

Roosh V

● The Restart Text

Good luck boys!

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