Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Personnel Planning and


‫تخطيط القوى العاملة وإستقطاب‬


Main Points Of This Chapter:

1- Employment Planning and Forecasting.

2- Forecasting the Supply Of Inside Candidates.
3- Internal Sources Of Candidates (Candidates From
4- Forecasting the Supply of Outside Candidates.
5- Application Forms.

[1] Employment Planning and Forecasting
)‫تخطيط القوى العاملة (التنبؤ@ بحجم الطلب من العمالة فى المستقبل‬

Employment planning and forecasting refers to the process of

formulating plans to fill or eliminate future openings (gaps). In order
to forecast the organization personnel needs the human resource
manager should consider the following:

(1) Projected turnover. ‫معدل دوران العمالة المتوقع‬

(2) Quality and skills of the current employees.
.‫مستوى جودة ومهارات العاملين الحاليين‬
(3) Decisions to upgrade quality of services.
.‫القرارات الخاصة برفع مستوى@ جودة الخدمات‬
(4) Technological levels and other changes in the surrounding
environment. ‫مستويات التكنولوجيا وغيرها من التغييرات فى البيئة المحيطة‬.
(5) Financial Resources available. ‫الموارد المالية المتاحة‬

In addition, there are several ways to predict (forecast) future

employment needs, this includes:
(1) Trend Analysis ‫ تحليل اإلتجاة‬: Examine the firm's past employment
needs over the past years to predict the future needs.

(2) Ratio Analysis ‫ تحليل النسب‬: A forecasting technique for

determining future staff needs by using ratios between sales volume
and number of employees needed.

(3) Scatter Plot ‫ رسم بيانى‬: A graphical method used mainly to identify
the relationship between two variables.

[2] Forecasting the Supply Of Inside Candidates
‫التنبؤ بالعرض الداخلى لشغل الوظائف الشاغرة (كيف يتم تحديد مستوى@ العرض الداخلى‬
.)‫لشغل الوظائف الشاغرة‬

Many techniques can be used to forecast the supply of inside

candidates, this includes:
(1)Qualification inventories ‫ جرد مؤهالت العاملين‬: manual or
computerized record listing employee's education, language, skills,
and current career which are then used to forecast inside candidates.

(2) Personnel replacement chart ‫ خرائط إحالل الموارد البشرية‬: company

records showing present performance and promotability of inside
candidates. (Graphical technique)

(3) Position replacement card ‫ بطاقة مواصفات المركز الوظيفى‬: A card

prepared for each position in a company to show possible

[3] Internal Sources Of Candidates (Candidates From

Inside) )‫المصادر الداخلية للمرشحين (المرشحين من الداخل‬

This refers to the process of filling open positions internally from

inside, internally from workers who exist currently inside the firm.
This have many advantages include:

‫تشير إلى عملية ملء المناصب المفتوحة (الوظائف الشاغرة) داخليا من الموظفين‬
:‫ ولهذة الطريقة عدة مزايا منها‬،‫الحاليين بالشركة‬

(1) Employees feel competence and affiliated.
(2) Promotion will increase employee satisfaction.
(3) More accurate assessment of employees.
(4) Lower Cost.

To be effective, promotion from inside (internally) requires:

(1) Job posting ‫ اإلعالن داخليا عن الوظائف الشاغرة‬: refers to publicizing
the open job to all employees so that all employees are informed about
its requirements, qualifications, working schedules, and payment
(2) Succession planning ‫ تخطيط التعاقب الوظيفى‬: refers to plans a
company makes in order to fill its most important positions,
succession planning involves:
(A) Analysis of demand for managers. ‫تحليل الطلب على المديرين‬
(B) Audit of existing executives. ‫مراجعة وتحليل المديرين التنفيذيين الحاليين‬
(C) Planning of individual career paths based on objective estimation
of future needs.
@.‫تخطيط المسارات الوظيفية الفردية على أساس تقدير موضوعي لالحتياجات المستقبلية‬
(D) Performance related training to prepare individuals for future
roles. ‫التدريب المرتبط باألداء إلعداد األفراد للقيام بمهام مستقبلية‬
(E) Planned strategic recruitment. ‫التخطيط اإلستراتيجى لإلستقطاب‬

[4] Forecasting the Supply of Outside Candidates

)‫اإلستقطاب من الخارج وحجم العرض الخارجى (إستقطاب أفراد من خارج المنظمة‬

If there is no enough candidates inside the firm to fill openings the
firm should recruit candidates from outside, in this regard the human
resource manager should consider the supply of outside candidates.

‫إذا لم يكن هناك ما يكفي من المرشحين داخل الشركة لملء بعض الوظائف الشاغرة فينبغى على‬
‫ وينبغي في هذا الصدد أن يأخذ مدير إدارة الموارد البشرية فى‬,‫الشركة توظيف مرشحين من الخارج‬
.‫اإلعتبار مستوى العرض الخارجى للمرشحين‬
Recruitment form outside includes:

(1) Advertising ‫ اإلعالن‬: it is important to select the best medium to
advertise through and this mainly depends on the type of the job.
Advertising construction is also an important issue.

(2) Employment agencies ‫ وكاالت ومكاتب التوظيف‬: there are four main
types of agencies which are public agencies, agencies associated with
non profit organizations, privately owned agencies and temporary
agencies. If the company needs temporary employees this will be done
through temporary agencies.
Organizations tend to uses employment agencies if they don't have an
internal human resource department or if they face many difficulties and
obstacles in the past.
(3) College recruiting ‫ اإلستقطاب من الكليات والجامعات‬: sending an
employer's representatives to college campuses to prescreen applicants
and create an applicant pool.
(4) Referrals and Walk-ins ‫ التوصيات من ذوى الخبرة‬: in this regard
announcements of openings and requests for referrals are made in the
organizations bulletin and posted on all wall boards. After that
employees will provide accurate information about the job applicants
they are referring.
(5) Recruiting on the internet @‫ اإلستقطاب اإللكترونى عبر األنترنت‬: internet
now become an essential recruitment tool as a large growing
proportion of employers nowadays recruit on the internet. This what is
called e-recruitment, its major disadvantage is that unqualified people
could apply however, it have many advantages includes:
(A) Cost effective.
(B) Ease Of Response.
(C) Give more time to seekers.
(D) High response rate.

[5] Application Forms

The application form is a well known recruitment tool through it employers
can collect information about applicants educational level, prior work
experience, skills and abilities.
Application forms have many advantages, including:

(1) A Good way to collect information quickly.
(2) Employers can judge through it about applicant's education and experience.
(3) Employers can draw conclusions about applicant's previous progress and
(4) Employers can draw conclusions about applicant's stability.

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