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Mount and Blade: Bannerlord

Empire’s winter
Tale of Calradia
Daniel Nazareth Guimarães
©Copyrights belong to the gaming studio TalesWorld Entertainment

A Mount & Blade: Bannerlord – Empire’s Winter is a work of fiction and fan made work.
Names, characters and places and incidents are a base of work made in conjunction with the
work of the gaming studio TalesWorld Entertainment along side the author’s imagination.
Any resemblance of real people - living or dead – places and events are completely
War, as the saying goes, is full of false alarms .We make war so that we may live in peace.
The wise man speaks because he has something to say, the fool because he has to say
something. – By Aristotle.

Spring, 1077

The sun was hot, the soldiers, he could see were thirsty and going hungry, but he still
pressed on, he encouraged them to keep moving, after all they just crossed Rhotae’s bridge
and entered them Ataconia’s Plains. His scouts he remembered told him their enemies
didn’t went beyond their razed fortified camp while many of them remained looting the
dead or celebrating on their spoils of wine, beers and supplies, while others like the King
Derthert has taken his army pillaging and burning as they went back home, creating chaos
on the western lands of the Empire. “Drosios, you damn fool, I warned you… Now, you
have lost more than your head, my old friend”, Arenicos thought.

He was at the front of the column, the other officers following closing behind him and
keeping an eye on what was the last commander of Pendraic’s Disaster, the only man with
a head cool enough to organize one last stand and killing many of those Sturgians then be
able to retreat on a small force. Arenico’s looked behind him and made a signal, which
made the officers run to him at the front.

“How’s the mood?”

“Bad, the soldiers may start to disperse if we don’t give them something,” one of the
officers said.

“Give them what?” snarled another officer, wearing a dusty cape, a rusted imperial mail
vest, cracked imperial gauntlets and a teared leather riding boot. “We have nothing, all our
supplies, money and weapons on the hands of filthy Battanians and Sturgians.”

Arenicos looked the office up and down, the boy was only a tribune no doubt, a noble
military tribune. He looked at the brooch holding the cape, Three swords – 2 up and one
down – Clan Elaches.
“Elaches, everyone is tired. I’d appreciate if you didn’t state the obvious and instead do
something useful for a change. Your father is the Archon of Amitatys Province, you could
take few Equites and run ahead to try negotiate some supplies for us, when we get the
Senate to Saneopa we’ll pay for it.” Arenicos said in a dangerous hoarse voice.

The young officer took some steps back and went back to the column to round up some
horses and go ahead, but he knew he wouldn’t dare to run ahead Arenicos’ and cause
trouble, he didn’t have any news of his family, the ones that fought in the Pendraic
Campaign. Many others fought on the Campaign but not at the Battle itself, many others
lead the soldiers on other provinces to harass some part of the Battania’s lands.

“He’ll be trouble later,” mentioned Joron Julios, another officer after few days at the run
encountered Arenicos’ column.

“What soldier-senator isn’t?” mumbled Arenicos, he circled one of his arms back, his
armor was weighting him, and he needed time to look at his wounds, although only 45 he
considered himself young enough for the soldiering. “Move out!” he roared.

The legionaries got into the column formation again and their march began, with Arenicos
always the front, it was deep in the night when they entered the village, they found Elaches
and his cavalry, resting up on the center of the village with bread, fruits, some newly
slaughtered farm animals, without a word the whole company put down their gears and
yokes and sat down, drinking silently, and eating, the last days were days of horrors,
hardships, blood, and death. No one in the legion wanted to speak what was preying in
everyone’s mind. But the true reality reached them, they were home, but home was a sour
word for the Emperor was dead.

By dawn, the officers were up and waking everyone from their sleep, Arenicos knew was
vital for him reach Saneopa, he knew if he managed to gather a quorum, he could make the
Senate to vote, he needed the patriarchs of course, and most of them would be heading the
Saneopa as well, the last residence of the late Emperor.

The army marched passing over the villages and fortress with nonstop, marching for over 6
hours they finally saw by the side of the mountains the walls of Saneopa, the town was
alive by now, traders moving their caravans on their tracks, what Arenicos didn’t expect
was the welcome the small legion received. They heard the horns be sounded, the people
gathering on the walls and most unexpectedly they heard cheering, the people were
cheering at the sight of their soldiers after months in Campaign. “Just wait to see our
news,” Arenicos thought and looked behind him, he saw the happy faces of his soldiers and
he shake his head, so simple to be a hero.

“Julios, Elaches, Chronis,” he said to his noble officers on his legion, “Tell the centurions
make camp here, we’ll be going in town.”

“In full armor? But that’s…” Elaches started saying but shut up when he saw Arenicos

Arenicos looked to Chronis and smiled. “Need help friend?”

Nicasor Chronis laughed and tapped his bandaged eye. “I lost my eye Pethros, not my wits”

Both smiled, climbed their horses as the town gates opened and rode, the cheering slowly
died out as they saw the state of their Heroes, dusted, bloodied and in full armor then some
looked at the legion camp, not all had their tents, some simply laid down on the grass, the
soldiers clearly were tired or looked at the brick of death.

When the three of them reached the forum all town were already alarming and gathering to
see what would happen now, surely those three were only ahead the Emperor’s legion,
right? But why enter in full armor against all traditions of the Imperials?

Arenicos barely left his saddle and were already mounting the Senate steps, the doors were
closed, and his fury got the better of him, he opened the door with violence and storming in
on the session going on the day, the Senators on the House were the youngest of the noble
and plebeian families or the oldest who couldn’t cope with the hardship of campaign.
“Gods, I hope I die before soldiering become a burden,” Pethros thought grimacing.

He mounted the dais while his companion entered the House behind him, he filled his lungs
and spoke on his commander voice.

“Senator, fathers of our country, I bring dire news, although you only see us from the
Legion’s, I dare not speak of what befall our nobles, soldiers and officers, but I say this,” he
paused and looked at the House, “I say this, do not dare hope too much for our beloved
emperor Drosios Neretzes is dead.”

A silence filled the chamber, the news came like a winter’s wind, suddenly the look of
horror on their faces took dominance, Arenicos Pethros, one of the Legate of the Legion’s
were in front of them telling the Empire lost the Battle and more likely a good portion of
the nobles that went serve on the campaign. It was when a young boy, cleared his throat
and stood by his folding chair and asked to speak. When all the House was silenced, and
the Co-Consul gave the floor to him.

“And how this tragedy happened, Pethros? How come you and only few others stand there
alive and well, while many of our noble officers, magistrates are scattered in Calradia or
even worse, captured by those barbarians or dead on the field.”

“Young Osticos, you’re totally right, how dare me, stand here bring our soldiers home!”
Arenicos said with a smile, “HOW DARE ME, BRING OUR SOLDIERS HOME?” When
Pethros screamed, the young Osticos took steps back and look astonished at this reaction. “I
have seen the foolish of a uptight oligarch, only because he claimed noble blood, thousands
of soldiers dead because he refused to listen to advice, he sent the vanguard into an ambush,
if we didn’t lost soldiers by battle we have lost for desertion, venerable Fathers of the
Senate, I have implored to our Emperor not send soldiers in advance for we knew the
Battanians would ambush us, and what he did? He sent them to their deaths. After the battle
I don’t know what happened to our other legates and legions, I hope not all of them were
destroyed and soon we’ll be able to mount resistance again if not to attack we can repel any
invasion. The Aserai had retreated to their deserts, the Khuzait lost many of their
commanders and retreating to the steppe lands. The Battanians and Sturgians are fighting
against each other for the merit winning this battle, their accusations keep them apart to
come strong at yous and the Vlandians, they went back raiding everything in their path!”

Arenicos took a deep pause and looked over his companions, they were clearly annoyed
how he had rebuked a member of clan Osticos, but they knew Arenicos had spoken the
truth so Nicasor Chronis, cleared his throat and stood between the dais where Arenicos
Pethros were and the Co-Consul Chason Neretzes stood pale and quiet on his chair.
“Noble Fathers, Senators, Pethros speak the truth. The battle was a total disaster because
Emperor Neretzes made a foolish mistake, we not only lost thousands of our soldiers, but
our manpower will also be needed to replenish quickly. I’ll be going to Lochana Castle, my
mandate as Magister Militium there, and I’ll conscript there. For now, the voluntary service
will be needed to throw aside, fellow Senators. Give me this authority and I’ll bring from
Lochana Province, Amprela Province and Myzea as many recruits I can find.”

The junior consul, Chason, cleared his throat and hit the floor with this cane to take the

“All in favor for the proposal of Senator Chronis, lift your hand.” Much of the Senate raised
their hands and he nodded to Chronis, “You have your mandate, by the time you return
we’ll have some more news and probably more of our senators will be back to our vote for
the new Emperor. But, until then, we need choose an Incumbent Emperor, who will rule
until we managed to make a proper session…. I propose….”

“I propose Arenicos Pethros!” Joron Julios said while entering the Senate in full armor as
well; “We need send aid to the west, and we need send them now, I say conscript whatever
we can find around Saneopa Province and Amitatys Province. And send them west to
counter any other offensive they may give us; our western provinces are being laid to waste
by the Vlandians. Clan Neretzes has failed us, failed in protecting the Empire, fellow
Senators tradition may help us from time to time, but in this time give us something that’s
strong, someone who the military loves…”

“You’re only a new-man, you know nothing about tradition Julios, shut your mouth and sit
down.” Roared Chason. “The Emperor’s Mantle will fall for Penton Neretzes, he has been
groomed for the succession, his’ loved by the military and his of old noble blood.”

Julios simply ignored the outburst from Chason and speaked even louder, and smiled to
himself that everyone on the forum were listening to them, the people would proclaim their
desire for a Hero, the people would support someone who like them is looked down by the
Old Families, Arenicos came from a Plebeian Family on the Southern part of the Empire,
he was the Magistrate of Lycaron and his kin were magistrates from Onira., they may be
from a lower family, but they rose high when Arenicos became their Patriarch. A man
capable to govern wisely, a brilliant strategist and a great soldier in his youth, he married
the daughter of a eastern king thirteen years ago in the name of the Empire, a man capable
of putting his prejudice aside and lead, and where he lead the people followed.

“Let’s make a vote, Senators… Or I will take this to the people” roared Julios with a smile.

Chason knew when he had been defeated, when Julios spoke of his family defeat and
disgrace on this campaign he knew they had lost, better to allow them to make their way for
now, until he could cope with their allies and find a way to put those plebeians back to their
place. “Yes, we need to find a way to sabotage, him and I know how”, he thought looking
at Arenicos.

“All in favor for the Interregnum of Arenicos Pethros, goes to my right side all those
against goes to the left”, Chason said and in his heart, he felt dismay and how all members
present went to the right side. He looked at the triumphant face of Julios and Pethros,
clenched his fist, “Arenicos Pethros, this House has chosen you to be Interregnum Emperor
until the next Senate session and end of this Crisis, by power of this House I charged you
two months hence, for a new Senate meeting and to end this War.” Chason smiled when
Julios face dropped, but Arenicos was calm as almost he expected this.

“I’ll do my best to not betray your confidence in me, Noble Fathers” He said.

Chason ended the meeting and rushed to his house as some Senators gathered around
Arenicos Pethros and after taking to the forum, the news was given to the people who
cheered for him, their Hero. After managed to escape, he took the arms of Julios and
Chronis and led them to his residence in Saneopa.

“We need start writing letters, and you Julios will need the fastes horse this place can give
us, you need be faster than the others on this House, go to Lycaron first and Onira, I’ll write
a personal letter to my wife and kin then you go ahead to Synorea and gather whatever you
can find and bring back, you have two weeks for this. Chronis you must leave tonight,
you’ll need time to gather everything and don’t come by land, take the sea and go straight
to Epicrotea, Osticos will send word there since the Argoros is their allies.”
Arenicos after some time alone with Julios went to his study and he wrote many latters to
his Family Allies in the southern part of the Empire, one phrase was common in all letters:
The time is now!

He had been planning this a long time, his family finances has grown and so has their
power, he knew he could gather three legions strong plus mercenaries from the south, his
private army like many other families established their dominance over their province. An
Legion hidden among the citizens waiting for their commander to call them to fight, clients
who owned them their very lives. He gave the bag of letters to Julios and hugged him a
frewell, he needed remain at Saneopa and start making real his ascension, the remains of
the old legion at the city gates would keep his enemies in check.

Alone at his study, he grabbed a goblet of wine and drank, watching the moon shine
through his window on the river, he ate an olive and a cold vegetable broth, and watched he
watched the Moon rise and smiled, for he knew his time has come. He belong to a plebeian
family, while many of his allies were new-man, undistinguished families who had grown
on commerce, oratory or the military, yet all of them were loyal to the bone.

By next morning, taken a fresh cold bath and wearing his Senatorial Toga and Tunic, he
went to the city walls, he climbed the steps there and as the sunshine on his dark hair, his
family sword at his right side, he looked splendid and when the soldiers from his camp saw
him, they cheered for him, a cheer that woke the entire Saneopa from their slumber.

Late Spring, 1077

Rhotae Town

“Bastard!” He roared hitting the goblet from the table while on his hand he crunched the
letter parchment on his hand, the words sent from Chason Neretzes from Saneopa wasn’t
good, the Co-Consul was having trouble in governance while Arenicos Pethros was in the
town, not one piece of legislation was managed to get it through, all because his father the
late Emperor Drosios Neretzes lost the Pendraic Battle and with it the whole campaign
aimed to reclaim imperial lands on the Battania Highland’s. He watched as goblet rolled on
the floor the wine tracing and running on the stone floor like a small river of blood, he
throwed the little ball made of the letter inside the fireplace and watched curled up and
turned into ashes.

The door opened slightly and a man wearing a imperial long tunic with a senator toga came
in followed by few servants carrying trays of food and jars filled with drinks. The man took
one look at the floor and knew what caused this, he also got a letter although a bit too late
to act, word was that Arenicos and his allies were faster, Joron Julios, Eutropius Pehtros
and Pharon Leonipardes were leading at least nine full legions to the north where they
would concentrate on the Ataconia’s pass and would link to the three legions that Nicasor
Chronis gathered on the eastern, northern, and northeastern lands of the empire.
“Interesting, Chronis from the Old Patrician Houses helping a Plebeian, but I have to admit
Arenicos is a hard man not to like and admire, unlike your father, dear friend Neretzes.”
Desporion Lonalion thought as he watched Penton looking at the fire.

“The ball isn’t going turn herself in Pethros, you know that, right? Desporion said with an
amused face while looking at the servants and the girls caring the trays, “Place it down,
clean it and leave us.”
The servants cleaned the floor, taking the goblet and replacing with a new one on the table,
while the girls placed the tray down and left the two senators alone, Penton was on his full
armor an imperial scale armor and pauldrons, decorated gauntlets, decorated plated boots,
“A real commander, but whom will you fight?” Desporion.wondered.

“I believe you had news from Saneopa as well, I personal believe is for the best…” he
stopped when Penton looked at him, “Let me finish, it’s for the best, because we can have
union, Arenicos will lead for two months and when the Senate meets again in full body,
I’m sure the diadem will go for you.” He smiled as clap Penton’s shoulder but inside his
head he thought, “And you and him will tear each other apart on a Civil War then Garios
will swoop in and finish both of you.”

“Right now, we need union to stop the chaos, we need to be on the offensive so the
Battanian’s can retreat and the Sturgians don’t be left loose on our country in the north.
Mateos Argoros sent me word from Epicrotea, he and Lucon Osticos managed to scrap a
full legion together and had battle at Mecavolea’s pass with a Sturgian Warlord, forcing
them to retreat. The Empire needs strength and when the time comes if needed, I’m sure
many will raise for you.”

“Another Civil War?” Penton asked in surprise, “No, that can’t be I don’t think the Empire
will survive another, Pendraic has shown to us what can happen when the barbarians can
forge an Alliance. My father….”

“Your father had many competent legates and he refused to listen to any of them, look what
that got him with all this mighty ancient blood, tradition is important, yes! But we’re not
what we once were, the Empire has been struggling due all this rivalry between classes, all
this Civil Wars, all because one wasn’t of noble birth enough. You’re not your father
Penton, you’re a brilliant commander and excellent soldier, but you need to learn from
others, you need learn how to lead not only for the Senate.”

Penton nodded and looked deep into the fire

“I have sent word for Saneopa, our treasures will be sent enough money so I can equip at
least another Legion, how many Garios can bring?”
“I don’t know, but Garios is married to Apys Varros’ sister, s I could say with his backing
at least two or more.”

Penton acknowledge with a small nod still deep in thought, he still remembered when the
Sturgians breached and climbed the camp’s walls, the desperate fight that followed it, with
the empire was alone back then, without the Aserai and the Khuzaits everything would be
lost, they would overrun the empire and would be the end of it. He knew what most of other
nobles and magistrates thought know of his clan, they were losing power and influence, the
Neretzes once a mighty clan was now almost alone. What was worse in his father’s folly
wasn’t just losing a battle, but on it they have lost the pride of the Calradoi, the pride of
their ancient tradition, what was called the Dragon Banner, brought across the sea from
Calradios himself, the founder of their nation on this new continent. Once they controlled
everything from the Western Coast to the Great Grass Sea, from the Northern Sea to the
Great Desert in the south.

Once all these people lived under the Empire, followed their rules and were kept in check
by the mighty military machine the Legions were, the decay started when Generals started
to use the Legion for their own personal glory and ambition, just like now, many
magistrates ruling the provinces as Imperial Governors they made the best of the fortune for
themselves and their family, gathered clients and loyal supporters which served in the
legions under their command, then came the Civil Wars which tore the Ancient Republic
apart, some winners took the title of Dictators and ruled with an iron fist, persecuted their
enemies, were deeply corrupt, until one last Civil War hundreds year back and the title of
Imperator, became the highest of the land, the person elected as Emperor now ruled for life,
could appoint a favorable heir inside their own family or could transition to another who
would bring glory to the land, but who would given power to another outside their family,
so the corruption started to run deep, the ambition spoke louder than the maintenance of
their Empire.

“Garios despise us,” Penton said softly

“Well, yes, he thinks Oligarchs only maintain power by blood and money, not merit.”

“And you?”
“Everyone deserves a chance to show his highest abilities, Desporion said looking at the

Penton watched him and knew what the true answer was there, clan Lonalion was a military
made-clan, they believed on merit and hardwork and respect those who proved such, his
look indicated a deep respect for Arenicos Pethros and that he was the best shot instead of
the son of a fool who lost thousands of soldiers and caused worse casualties on their allies.
He sighed then getting up, tapped Desporion on the shoulder and went inside his guest

Early Summer,1077

After two weeks on the march the Legion XI reached her camp destination, she flew the
banner of the Empire, purple field, and a golden double head-eagle, at the top and right
below her, a banner with a blue field and golden double-head eagle with a golden diadem
on top. The Legion XI was levied on the province of Lycaron, where the Imperial
Magistrate Arenicos Pethros, held his government and where he intended move the Senate
during his rule as Emperor, when properly elected, when the Legion reached their site
another one was already in camp, like her this Legion had her number embroider on the
cloth, right at her sigil which was a laurel wreath behind a huge golden throne and atop of
this banner flew the Calradic Empire symbol.

It was night, when all soldiers finished setting up camp and it was later in the night when
two slender figure hooded was escorted to the gates and taken to the Saneopa’s Legion, the
two figures were escorted to the major tent in the camp which belonged to the General
himself and where he made his quarters, when the soldiers escorting the two figures
reached the entrance they handed down one small letter, few words were exchange and they
were lead inside to a small room, where had couches a small low table with jars filled with
water and wine, plates with food and fruits.
They could hear the men and a closer room arguing about something, a few laughs and then
grunts and the noise of chairs being dragged, they waited with hoods on their face which
the steward looked at them with some curiosity, but the guards that had come with them
told he wasn’t supposed to ask when the letter marked the sigil of the Interregnum Emperor

It wasn’t long before Arenicos entered the room and with a dismissal with his head the
steward left, leaving him alone with the two hooded figures, and as soon he left both of
them lowered their hoods, revealing the face of a teenager girl, shoulder-length hair and
dark piercing eyes like her father and the other was a beautiful woman with dark night hair,
small mouth a light hazel eyes, a smile curled on her lips as Arenicos brought her close and
kissed her.

“I missed both of you,” he said smiling, bringing the girl close he hugged her. “And how
your training’s going?” He asked her

“Going good, my sword skill is growing a lot, but I’m better with the lance, father.” Ira said
with her dark eyes shining in proud of herself, but yet he saw something was troubling her.

“What’s it?”

“It’s the other boys, they make fun of me, because I’m the only girl going on the training
camp,” Ira said lowering her voice while her mother looked at her pensively then at her

“You’re going be a good woman, Ira and they will always judge for taking the role they
have to take on their families, but you... you’re my heir, don’t forget that,” he smile gently
at her the messed her hair. “Now, we have a tub for you to shower, go and then to bed, you
must be tired after the march.”

“Yes, father.” The girl said leaving her parents alone, while she went for another part of her
father headquarters looking for the tub.

“She’s becoming wild, she’s going be very hard to control when she’s grown.” Rhagaea
said in her soft voice. “She wanted participate in the Arena tournament, I said no and then
she went on a tantrum, breaking pots of flowers at every corner.” She sighed.
He looked at his wife and somehow, he knew, his daughter when a grown woman wouldn’t
be the docile lady, he had in his arms awhile ago, what he needed and he knew that was a
proper heir, one that Senate would scorn him for it, he knew the Senate would never accept
a woman as their Empress. Even if he managed to force her down their throats, he
wondered how long she would live to rule, probably not even a week unless he took
precautions for that day. He had two kinsmen: Patyr and Eutropius; probably one of them
expected him to choose among them or their sons to be Arenico’s, if he didn’t manage to
get a son on his own. His wife was thirty-five, still able to give him an heir, but he spent
along time away from home that they barely had time, and his wife was so political about

He was staring at her and she knew what was in his mind, a great advantage on their
marriage was this, both were too ambitious for their own sake. So, to ease his mind and
change the subject a little, she took his hands and kissed his fingers.

“At least you did it, the Senate chose you.”

“Not yet, I’m only a provisional Emperor, I don’t even have authority to rule and give the
Empire what it needs, I thought about some reforms I want place, but first I need the entire
support of the Senate and the loyalty of every single soldier inside this Empire.”

“Lucon and Penton will be a challenge with the Patricians Families, but the plebeians and
new made families, the new men’s, you think they would challenge you?”

“Not our clients of course, Leonarpides, Avlonos, Mestricaros…The own our families more
than others, without us they would never get a seat on the Senate, but the old plebeians
families like ours: Julios, Vizartos, Hongeros and Prienicos, I don’t know.”

“Julios is the one who placed you on this spot, and he even could place himself on your

“I know, the Julios Clan has been our allies for a long time, yet I can’t see what they expect
to gain placing me as the Emperor. As the new men…. They’ll follow Garios Comnos, and
this bastard although he’s from a plebeian house himself gather with the populists.”
“Well, first you need deal with this Crisis, then focus on gathering support, we can defend
your position if needed, my father would surely send money and soldiers if asked.”

“Solve a Crisis to fall in another one? I hope we won’t need resort to that.” He looked at her
and smiled gently taking her hand. “Come, wife... I have missed you.”

Both got up and he led her into his private chambers and led her into the bed as the
moonlight light up his way on her body, tracing his lips and making it much more calmly
for him to find his way inside her as she held on his body and closed her eyes and she felt
his movements and their bodies went on a rhythm, as two lovers who went years without
each other.

By dawn, Arenicos was already up and giving orders to all his officers, he explained to
them like the last night, how he wanted take the Battanians in surprise by splitting the two
legion while one would go west the other would follow north into their lands, he would
lead the spearhead legion each would provoke the Battanians in forming some resistance
and when their armies were fully engaged the other legion would maneuver to take the
Battanians on their backs, crushing them between the weight of the two legions. He
expected to defeat them in battle so that if few nobles got captured, he could be the one to
set terms for High King Caladog, his terms which would help him finish this before two
months and then move to repay the kindness the Vlandians made on their western provinces
after Pendraic, perharps if he had time, he could even take one province from them if not a
Region, this would surely ascertain him as the most powerful man in the Empire.

He ordered his soldiers to move out of camp, they left in a column formation, moving
north, avoiding the towns roads and going deeper and deeper in the countryside, the ground
was good, no rain had mudded the roads or the grass, the terrain was firm and that was
good, since a mudded ground would be terrible for his soldiers, horses and baggage train.
He knew this region well enough he was south of Gersegos Castle, north of Hertogea and
soon he would enter the Battania’s province of Rhemtoil. He sent scouts ahead, but for his
plan to work he asked them to be visible for any army, they were the bait, they needed draw
the Battanians out, he knew that the Saneopa’s Legion would be crossing the Province of
Hertogea by now and would be probably be boosted by Rhotae’s forces and any other
Commander was in there.
By early afternoon, the village of Claig Ban, was visible and the air was getting colder and
humid, the smell of rain reached his nostril, and it was then he noticed, the green banners
flying, the emptiness of the village and on the horizon lines and lines of soldiers, gathering
on the hill. He looked at his kin and Julios and nodded, the horns and drummers started
playing the rhythm of battle, the heavy infantry, the legionnaires moved forward and
formed a heavy line, then the great noise of metal on metal as the shields locked on each
other. Then came the Menavlions, with their huge lances on the flanks and formed their
spear wall, and later was their ranged units, their archers, while the light cavalry, Equites
and the heavy cavalry the cataphracts formed wedges and positioned themselves behind the
lines by the flanks.

“Is it Caladog?” asked Eutropius and at his elbow was his brother Bulbos.

“The banner shows it’s their clan, but also Penraic, Uvain and Morcar. Get ready, at my
orders we move.” Arenicos said watching the dark masses of their enemies getting thicker
and thicker. He smiled to himself, the plan has worked, Saneopa’s would be south of
Rhemtoil Castle’s, moving north to link the two forces they would hammer the Battanias

A thunder rumbled on the sky and a light rain started as the soldiers stood there facing each
other, moments that was lasting an eternity, none of the enemies’ commander came forward
for a parley, so they intend battle. It was simples, there was no talk on that day, there would
only be years of hatred for their submission to their old conquerors, they defeated the
Empire before on Pendraic’s Battle, why not again? Atop of a black Battanian horse, was
High King Caladog, watching intently the legion there on the field, he would give them
another kick, this time, there would be no mercy, none of them would get out this field
alive, he gathered every force on his way, most of his lords were here, with most of all
soldiers in the kingdom.

He drew a long breath and order for his soldiers to start marching, his heavy infantry, the
Oathsworn, Falxmen and his Wildings, moved on a mechanical way down the slope, while
his archers, the best ranged of the land would send death from above into the legion’s rank.

Early Summer, 1077

His sword flashed bright by the sun, she was red to the hilt with the blood of his enemies,
his shield was closed to be useless, many holes from arrows and the axes impact of his
enemies, but he still fought on and on, the ground in front of him was piled with corpses
much as his soldiers as his enemies. His sword met his enemy shield, then press his own
shield forth hitting the enemy with the metal boss, when he lost footing he lunged forward
and blood was sprayed on the air, he opened his enemy throat with one vicious slash above
the line of his mail, he saw the terror on the eyes, and it seen stooked an eternity for the
corpse hit the ground. He looked around and saw that he the shield wall was holding steady
as the enemy’s lines were breaking in front of him and retreating. His soldiers cheered and
started to move forth when he filled his lungs with fresh air.

“Don’t chase them, let them retreat.”

His soldiers looked disappointed but followed the orders of this young commander, every
soldier in his legion knew he was too young to lead, yet the Senate or better Interregnum
Emperor Pethros has issued a special mandate in the House for the young boy to be the
Legate. He had dismounted from his horse and fought on the shield wall along his men
when he saw they were start breaking, there was no doubt of his bravery, but the special
command indicated that he belonged to a Noble Family. The sounds of cheers were
resounding on all lines, the enemy had been routed, the day was won, he walked back
behind the lines and his servant brought him his horse wearing a scaled-bardings and
plumed, they helped him on his saddle and there he removed his helmet with metal strips,
his hair was damp and was darker than usual. He looked at his bannermen and nodded, then
start trotting his horse along the lines, where he saw the wounded being carried to the back
into the quick made tents-hospital for the surgeons to work. He was lucky, he barely been
wounded, only his shield arm was numb after supporting the weight of the impacts and the
strength he needed to keep it up.

Along his way he found some centurions and lower offices which he gave the orders to
allow the soldiers to rest and that they would set camp for the night on the valley, then
ordered after camp was made the supplies could be distributed and the soldiers fed and if
anyone of them felt like they could go on the river to clean themselves. The officers bowed
and the young commander kept riding until he rode a low slope where he had been as his
headquarters and watched the battle unfold before joining in. The oak table was the way he
left, but he noticed fresh piles of letters rolled up. He sighed then dismounting his horse he
looked and found a servant a few paces away watching him.

“Bring me some wine and food and fresh ink.” He said and then remembered something,
“And find me the other officers. Now, man, move!” He waved as the servant ran down to
fulfill his orders.

He looked at one of the letters in front of him, seal still unbroken, the crowned double-head
eagle, Pethros’ Family symbol, he played with the letter for a moment spinning the cylinder
when he stopped with one finger and looked intently into the seal.

“Are you trying to burst it into flames?” A voice said amused close to him. He hasn’t
noticed the officer climbing the slope, his head was also stained in sweat and he had a big
bruised under one of his eyes.

“He got that in the battle or with one of the girls in the village?” He teased his companion
and which both laughed hard.

“A bastard Sturgian, when his axe haft broke, he punched me and went full on me bare
hands, I crippled him before I killed him, of course” His companion looked around and
passed his tongue over his dry lips, “We still got wine?”

“In a moment, we need wait a bit more.” He looked and saw another officer coming the
slope on horse, his helmet had jewels on it, and he was in much better state than both.

“Pompous fool, all of their families are like that?” the man with bruised eye asked.

The young commander hides a grin as the new arriver came close and dismounted.
“You wanted see me, Osticos? Say it quickly, I’m leading some soldiers into the village, we
are going burn the bastards.”

“You’re not, Varros, not one soldier leaves without my permission.” Osticos said with a
dark tone.

“How dare you…” Varros started speaking when he noticed the muffled chuckle of Osticos
companion. “What you’re laughing at, dog? Everyone knows where Osticos pisses,
Argoros goes lick it.”

Osticos had to be quick and hold his companion by the arm as he raised himself. “Quiet
both of you, I’m the Legate of this legion by imperial decree, Varros, you’ll do well to
remember that. Now, this arrived from the south” He said pointing to the letter.

“Well, stop the mystery and open it.” Argoros said. While Osticos finger mover to break
the seal, feeling a bit anxious, what if was another defeat? What if the Legions in the
Battania’s territory got pushed back or worse?

Then he opened and saw the handwriting, the same which few weeks later in Epicrotea said
he would lead in the North and not his father, since he was needed somewhere else. The
Emperor’s handwriting.

Ave, Ascyron Osticos,

I hope you’re in good health and as is your officers and I hope this will brighten the mood
in the cold north. We defeated the Battania armies on the fields of Rhemtoil Castle under
their battlements, at first, they held ground on Claig Ban, but when word of our second
legion has crossed the river, they started retreating north into the Gargantua pass, I had to
wait for the second legion close in, but they were faster. We followed them for a day at
least until we reached the castle and with a big surprise, the Battanian’s had more men
there which bolstered their armies. In the end we prevail, with their retreat inside the
castle, then we besieged and five days after we assaulted and took it. Rhemtoil is now in
Imperial hands again. I write this from the private chambers of their old lord, and the
dungeons, are full of the nobility and you’d never guess… High King Caladog is among
our guests, not voluntarily, surely. I’m giving time for the soldiers to rest and soon our
forces are fresh we’ll follow north into Seonon. Send word from the north to Rhemtoil as
soon as possible, is our allies among the Sturgians still in doubt? Give him a gift I told you
too we need to forment this to the very end.

Your Emperor,

Arenicos Pethros.

“They won…” Ascyron said in a whisper. His companions looked at him then Argoros
quicker grabbed the letter and gave a huge laugh, then passed it down to Varros. Both
officers were talking about the letter in excited voices and their head the paper being

“Don’t be so dark, Varros, at least no Imperial head is being chopped off.” Argoros said in
venomous voice calling after the young Varros descending the slope. “Bastard is really
arrogant. All this my Granddaddy-was-emperor or some other ancestor.” Osticos smiled.

“He’s richer than you, though.” Both laugh. Then with a serious face, Osticos turned to his
friend. “Send word for Omor, but do it quietly, the Kulovings has no love for their new
Prince but doesn’t mean they wouldn’t take the chance to destroy us as well. You tell
them….” Ascyron lowered his voice and whispered on his friend ear, then both said their
goodbyes grabbing each other arms and departed. While young Osticos pulled a chair close
to the desk and holding a parchment down he started writing.

Ave, Interregnum Emperor,

Indeed, that was good news, the bastards should pay for the treachery and rebellious
nature. Right now, I sit with my Legion between Omor and Mazhadan Castle, we defeated
the officer Prince Raganvad sent from the castle to us, probably expecting reinforcements
from Omor, but those never came. We are few hours ride from the Castle, with our supply
lines intact we can establish our presence on Sturgia territory when the Castle falls.

A. Osticos

He looked few moments for his letter, his father told him to be courteous, although a
political rival Arenicos was a man to be respected and even a little admired. He heated the
wax on the candle and pressed to close letter with his family symbol, a laurel wreath and a
double-head eagle.
Late Summer, 1077

He was mounted on a destrier, with mail bardings, the horse snorted and shake his head, the
air was chilling, he could feel it on his face even with the helmet and plated coat over mail,
he disliked the Vlandia war gear, but was necessary for his plans to work. He looked over
on his companions all of them dressed on the same manner, as Vlandians Vanguards
Knights. The sun was rising slowly through the hills, as little by little, the fields were being
bathed in the morning light. They needed to wait, the village needed to come alive so they
could descend on them, the plan was simples enough, charge through the hills, destroy
crops, burn the fields and some houses, place fear in the hearts of the villagers and leave the
banner as evidence.

His plan was approved easily enough, this would create some discord among the Barons of
Vlandia and their King, which wasn’t unusual nor unexpected, Derthert was a good King
even he and other Senators agreed on that. He was a brave king, a man who was just and
generous, but some of his vassals were too quarrelsome and this could be used for the good
of the Empire, this would divert the Barons and other Vlandian’s nobles raid inside the
western lands while Arenicos dealed with the Battanians and the Sturgians, he was glad he
wasn’t in the middle of al this politics, he was a soldier, period; No, he was a General, one
of the best of the Empire, he was Garios Comnos.

By mid-morning the village was full of life, the peasants were on the fields tending to the
harvests, while other went to their business, Comnos and his soldiers were hiding on a hill
where they could see the village but anyone who looked up would only see dark shades
against the sun. He closes his faceplate on his stolen vlandia helmet, then gave the signal
for his men, they unfolded the banner- two roses and a mace between them – then they
started galloping down the hill, all of his cavalry were in full charge, when they reached the
plains were too late, the villager started screaming their terror, some dropped their baskets
and tools to run for protection, other not so fortunate were ran down over the gallop, while
other who tried to use their pitchforks on the knights were pierced by lances or cut down by
the swords.
They made short work on their charge, they threw torches on the house’s roofs, broken
windows and threw inside the houses, then they burned the crops, used their horses to
stomp on the fields, after more than half of the village were up in flames, Garios took threw
the banner inside a cart as if he has lost it then recalling his soldiers, they left in the same
speed they came.

When they were out of sight and crossed the stone mark border into the Imperial ands, he
opened the faceplates and took his helmet off and threw to the side while he and his
companions kept riding for the safety of Thractorae Castle walls. When they reached the
gates they open inwardly, with one quick movement Garios still armored went straight for
the castle without waiting any of his companions and quickly went to the hall, where the
Senator Dionicos was waiting him.

“Successful?” He asked as Garios went to the basin washed his hands and face from the

“Yes, let’s hope the King will take the bait and charge his Baron.” He said while cleaning
himself and he looked at the Senator sitting on his chair.


“Any word from the others?”

“Varros will be here soon, he raided deep into the province of Charas, let’s hope this will
be enough to create animosity between Aserai and Vlandia as well. Arenicos hatched nice
plots, to diverge attention.”

“Arenicos’ an old fox, a good soldier, great commander... He deserves the Imperial

“Other don’t agree with you, Comnos…”

Garios interrupted him with a dismissal and click of his tongue then went to a table close to
the Senator and poured himself some wine.

“Pethros will end this, when the Senate meet in two weeks, he’ll be elected as full
“With your weight on him”

“As will yours and many other families from the western lands.”

“Well, you’re delight for a chat, Garios. Here this arrived for you, few hours before” He
handed him a sealed parchment roll with the imperial insigna. Garios looked over and
placed on his belt, he wouldn’t open under the eyes of others, he and Arenicos had planned
together some of their actions that the fewer who knew the better. He knew Pethros would
reward him if he brings his full support on his election, he even said Garios would be the
formal Co-Emperor in the West at the first year of his Imperial Reign. And not only that
but, also there was Pethros only child and heir, the girl was plain enough, Ira Pethros, and
the rumor coming from the east said the girl was wild as stallion, she was learning how to
fight, shoot bows, along the other boys.

Garios had a son of his own, a young boy, but one determined to follow his father footsteps
in the military, most of his tutor said he was smart as he was talented with the sword, one
day he son maybe even lead the Empire. “Well, maybe with a potential powerful bride this
will bring our families closer to the higher Office,” he thought as he watched the Imperial
banner hanged on the hall. It was then he noticed that Senator Dionicos was watching him.

Before he could say anything, an officer of the garrison entered the room and looking at the
two mean, he said breathless.


Both men looked at one another and they followed the officer out the room and almost
running they climbed the steps on the wall and reaching the battlements, they saw far in the
horizon the line approaching fast, the dust be lifted up by the horses hooves and one banner
flew above them, it was dar to see, but in his heart Garios knew and he looked at Dionicos
and nodded.

Late Summer, 1077

“Do you promise?” the man asked, he wore a bear fur cape, over his highlander typical
noble clothing. “Do you promise, the Empire will maintain our independence if we submit
to you and he do what you…” he waved at some papers on the table. “And I do your

Arenicos’ dark eyes pierced the man in front of him, he was a broken man, High King
Caladog, he watched the supposed king in front of him, he was strong, intelligent but too
proud and Arenicos’ was the man who brought him down to his knees. They were on the
hall of Seonon, this was the last week of Summer and the beginning of Autumn was close
and could feel it already on cold mornings, he knew he managed to get his promise full, the
Battanians were brought down to their knees, the Sturgians were quarrying among
themselves and the Vlandians as well, due to a “rogue baron”, he smiled to himself then
returned his attention to the broken king in front of him.

“The Empire of Calradia will honor the promises, I assure you. Of course, we’ll need good
faith from you and your subjects, as our agreement says: Five hundred thousand Denars
annually, troops for our borders, permission of Imperial officials in your lands and guests
from noble families. In return, the Empire will recognize you as the High King of Battania,
under our clientship, we’ll return Rhemtoil Province and Seonon Province to you.”

“Gests…. You mean hostages.” Caladog spit the word.

“Call what you want, we need a show of good faith, that the Battanians will stay away from
Imperial lands. This war has taken much from our people, if you agree you’ll prove to your
people you’re a wise king and cares for them. Beyond petty hate towards us.”

“We almost finished you off on Pendraic. The Gods would love get your head Arenicos.”
“My head will stay in place, thank you. But I wouldn’t be so sure about yours, if you chose
to defy me.”

Caladog look up and met those dark cold eyes, so black that it was the same as look into an
abyss. Both men stared at each other, until Caladog lowered his eyes into his goblet and his
drink, then with a sigh he looked up on Arenicos’ face again and nodded.

“I agree…”

Arenicos’ smiled and slapped the king on the shoulder, then got up and left the hall, leaving
the man alone to his bitter defeat, he finished the war and still few weeks ahead his
promise. This would probably leave him as the best candidate, he already got the authority,
many patriarchs have pledge their support for him, he still needed to deal with Clan
Neretzes, but that was still long way off, he sent orders for Penton lead his legion to the
southern border, he didn’t expect trouble of course, but it was good to watch the Aserai
while he was in the north.

The morning was cold and by looking the sky, rain was coming he signaled to his escort at
the doors of the palace and walked down the streets of the city, he knew all eyes were on
him, they knew who he was and what’s capable, he stopped his soldiers to plunder the city
after the conquest, he expected that by showing mercy they would see him in a different
way than the others before him, by walking the streets without his military gear he was
showing he was fearless, they conquered them and he could do so again.

On the gates of the city his horse was ready for him and his companions, he mounted and
set for his camp, he still had a long way before his full power was granted to him, he
already started his reforms, he established the governors as Archons of the Province, they
would rule for life in their provinces and when they died their sons could be elected as the
new Archons. This has pleased many of the patriarchs and senators since this would give
their family and powerful hold on the lands they already served as officials. He was
publicly telling the senators that he agreed that only the Senate could elevate a man to the
Imperial Office, and to the people he said that while the Senate chose their leaders only the
people could approve, and of course he could only mean as the people, being the Legions.
His bodyguard he planned them to be something unusual as the other emperors, since some
were easily corrupted and has decided to make political moves in exchange for power or
wealth, the Empire had to deal with movements that were named Embers of the Flame, he
ignored them of course, they weren’t a threat yet, but he knew sooner or later he would
have to deal with them and the other services of a gang he knew very well, the so called
Hidden Hand, one which helped him many times keep peace on his southern borders
dealing with troublemakers of other kingdoms, merchants, tourists, even occasional nobles.

As he was getting close to the camp, he saw the banners flying high, he had three legions at
his disposal, two were from his provinces and the other belonged to a wealthy senator who
died few weeks earlier without an heir, Arenicos’ remembered watching those troops, their
war gear, they were raised and equipped on the old days of the Republic, even their units
had the old name. And more than disliked that legion, he disliked their Commander even
more, the boy was arrogant who claimed he was adopted son of the old senator, of course
no one believed such claim and so Arenicos’ pretend he believed and allowed him to
command the Legion. The boy name was Patrys, he was a good soldier and good
commander and well known on the rank, so he allowed him to be.

But, now, he knew he would have to deal with this one as well, disband this ridiculous old
legion which he considered weak and troublesome for their arrogance in the “old ways”, he
respected much of the tradition in Calradia, but change was coming and he would be the
head of this change. When he reached the camp, there were servants ready to take his horse
when he dismounted and he walked followed close by his guards, he then reached his tent
and looked at his Steward and his Quartermaster, his kin, and then sitting on chairs on the
middle of his tent of his command workplace was the emissaries, each bearing gifts from
their kings and holding the letters on clenched fists as if someone would steal from them.

“Gentlemen, I’m sorry for my late arrival, when I got word of you, I already had some
business in the city” he said walking toward his high table and chair that he looked down
on them. “What brings you in such urgency that had to meet on a camp?”

The first emissary wearing a rich crimson clothes and cape, pushed under his chair a chest
and after opening there were several silver coins, glittering on the light of the tent.
“King Derthert express his well wishes and send a gift of over Nine hundred thousand
Denars and with a wish that the Empire of Calradia may again welcome Vlandia on its
friendship fold, along with that my king, offers annually a million Denars, for peace and
friendship.” After declaring it the emissary was sweating under the gaze of the imperial
officers in the tent and almost took a step back, when Arenicos got up from his chair and
walked towards him, then holding the hands of the emissary he smiled.

“Of course, Vlandia has always been a good friend of the Empire. Always bled together,
we’re most happy to embrace you again and your King and we hope that the bad advisors
that guide King Derthert badly will be punished?” Arenicos’ held the emissary hands and
they could see the sweating and fear on the diplomat face.

“Of course! King Derthert was dealing with rogue Barons, probably the bad men who ill
advised him.”

After Arenicos’ let go of his hand the emissary was shaking, and his hands was numb after
being almost crushed by Arenicos’s strength. “Then we welcome you!” He said and pat the
diplomat on the back and turned to the Sturgian diplomat, which was almost hiding under
his chair.

“And what of Prince Raganvad? I trust he’s on good health!”

“The p-p-Prince, my lord, send his best wishes and congratulate you on your victory over
the Battanians, also my Prince wishes to be in the Empire graces again. He sent you a gift,
my lord” the sturgian said with drops of sweat rolling down his face as he awakardly
opened the cedar wood chest. Inside Arenicos’ saw a great ax, gilded in silver, expensive
and exotic furs and beneath all was piles of Denars.

Arenicos’ held the ax with two hands and swinged playful on the open space then returned
to the sturgian with the ax in hand. “Prince Ragavad always thoughtful on his gifts, and of
course we’ll welcome the Sturgians as our allies once again, and may that trade prosper
between our people.” He smiled as the diplomats bowed and was ushered out the tent and
inside was only Arenicos, Eutropius and Bulbos inside the tent.

“Bloody fools, I could smell their fear from the entrance.”

“Well, you do intimidate people.” Eutropius said with a grin. “We send this for Lycaron
under escort?”

“We’ll be leaving soon, the chests go with us, both of you will separate a portion and place
on another chest. The rest puts on my personal wagon, the Senate must never know the real
amount delivered here. Is that understood?”

Both nodded and after taking the chests to a private location, Arenicos’ was left alone, he
grabbed the amphora of wine and poured some on his goblet after sipping some of the
content, he smiled.

His plans would be easier to put in motion than he anticipated. The contents of the chest
could give him all the power needed, but he also wanted to be home, he would arrive in few
a week. The Senate would meet, only the Legates that wasn’t supposed to join the session
would stay in the borders with some Legions to watch the newly pacified Kings.

While he would be proclaimed the new Emperor. He sent word for the officials that the two
legions would march and Patrys and his legion would stay in camp to watch for any signal
of betrayal of the Battanians. The Legion carried on with their duties of the day, as he
would sit the rest of this afternoon dealing with paperwork’s and be in conference with his
legates and some prominent senator in discussion of laws and economy which could be
affect the Empire in the years to come.

By next morning, the whole Legion was ready for the march, Arenicos was on his finest
imperial steel from head to town, he climbed on his horse and order the legion to move out
of camp and as soon the last column of his legion started out the gate the second legion
followed closed with Eutropius at the head of the column and like Arenicos’ on his finest

The sun glinted on the weapons and armor of the legionnaires and the town of Seonon was
glad to watch their departure on the horizon, while a single Legion stayed watchful and on
the camp, the soldiers and people of Seonon watched as the soldier also glinted on polished
steel but more menace than the soldiers was several siege engines ready to be used in case
of treachery. The last Sun of Summer of that year brightly showed the future of Calradia in
the next years with all its splendor.

Early Autumn, 1077

The Arena was crowded, the people shouting their enthusiasm to the participants and many
of them here and there placing bets on their favorite participant, the sun shined brightly on
the sand and the contenders fought bravely and with such enthusiasm that each placed
blown drew cheering from the benches. On the boxes were Arenicos’ and his family and his
closer allies and clients, while on the vicinity boxes were the members of the Senate, that
has come to Lycaron House Senate, for the session and to decide the future of the Imperial

The tournament was in honor of Arenicos’s victory over the enemies that raised against the
Empire of Calradia, after the Games and rewarding the victor, the members would go to the
Governor’s Palace and a feast would be hosted and by next morning the Senate would
meet. Arenicos’ hand went for the bowl at his side and took some olives and ate some
alongside the fine red wine of Zeonica, a south-western imperial town and port, the
province was governed by Tadeos Comnos, kin of Garios Comnos, which was sited close
to Arenicos in an honor place. He looked at his guest and raise his cup.

“A fine day for games, right?”

Garios turned his expression serious, and his eyes were cold as the owner was reputable to
be, then he raised his cup unsmiling and bowed his head to Arenicos.

“If you say so, though I must say that I prefer be clad in steel than wool or velvet” he gave
a grin smile and nodded to his imperial tunic with his toga, then Arenicos roared in laughter
and almost choked.
“No wonder you always preferred the western lands, full of brigands and Vlandians.”

Garios’ eyes sparked and sipping on his cup he turned his attention to the center of the
arena; he looked to the boxes and saw the other senators and their wives enjoying the
spectacle prepared for them. Fools, he thought, all this is just Arenicos’ ploy to make you
feel important.

The day would be mostly for Arenicos’ glory, he knew the talk in the city and around the
Empire that Arenicos’ won great victories over the enemies, that was true enough, but the
man allowed some of them go free, unpunished, and then het set terms for the end of the
hostilities, f he was in charge he would pursue those who rebelled against the Empire until
all of them were sold in slavery or being crucified for their treachery.

“The meeting of tomorrow, are you prepared for it?”

“Why I wouldn’t? I delivered peace for the Empire, subdue our enemies and now our lands
can prosper.”

“You’ve subdued the barbarians, Pethros, not your other enemies.” Garios’ said with
turning to face Arenicos, he knew the older man was looking at him with the fury he saw
many times during the campaign when dealing with the enemies’ armies and the
enthusiasm to defeat them in battle.

Arenicos smiled at the provocation and just shrugged and then looked towards the box
where the clan Neretzes were gathered. “I have no enemies inside the Empire, we’re all one
people and this squabbling have gone for too long, it’s time to end our inside conflicts.”

Then Arenicos turned his attention to the games, without saying a word but always
watching the other nobles be they on other boxes or the ones close to him, his fingers
moved constantly on his arm chair, it was then he felt a light weight over his hand and
looking at it he saw the hands of his wife, she has noticed his anxiety, the next morning
would be decisive for the control of his family over the Empire, if they fail, they even
might be in a very serious danger.

He held her hand on his and let those thoughts of worry going to pass, he knew that he’d
succeed, and all his work would not end by next morning. The games lasted the whole
morning going late by the end of the afternoon, when the last round was announced and the
winner proclaimed, Arenicos descend from his high place and went to congratulate the
champion himself and reward him the prize, a fine pure blood warhorse from the imperial

While the crowd dispersed the Senators and their wives started heading to the palace for
their feast, most of them congratulated Arenicos on his preparation and his triumph, the
games were on the finest they had and for a long time they didn’t have much on their minds
then the day ahead. While others simply nooded to him while on their way.

Rhagaea, his wife, has prepared everything and have demanded the finest of everything,
there were birds freshly caught, dormouse stuffed with herbs, plates of olives and fresh
fruits, and large amphoras of red wine, spiced wine from the Aserai on the Nahasa desert.

Along the night laughter and several social talks happened on the hall, with people on
groups talking reclined on large couches while servants brought the food coming hot from
the kitchens of the palace. Arenicos moved around the hall and talked with many of the
Senators, mostly of them complimented him on the feast and on his achievements of last
months and while many of them couldn’t meet his eyes and pledge themselves in support
for him, they promised him the enough to keep in mind the best for the Empire.

It was late in the nigh that Arenicos’ signaled for his majordomo who in turn ordered the
servants to come with silver plates carrying silver goblets filled with the rarest and
expensive wine in Aserai, imported for the Empire specially for this occasion. After every
guest on the hall had got his goblet, Arenicos’ rose in the dais and called for attention.

“My friends, today we celebrate our victory over our rebels’ clients, we have showed them
that a united empire, a united people it’s stronger than our interna squabbles.” He looked
around the hall the faces of the senators some already inebriated and others paying attention
too closely to him, among them were members of the noble families: Osticos; Neretzes;
Comnos; Argoros; Desporion and many others, including their closest allies the clan Julios.
“But we have showed them that our empire is unstoppable. We’ll never submit, we’ll never
be defeated by the barbarians! They’re our vassals, our clients, we don’t bow to them.
They’re the one who bowed for us!”
He then let the cheers and agreements roam around the hall, before raising his hand in
asking for silence again.

“And tomorrow, my friends, we decide our fate. Tomorrow, we going to place the laurel
crown on the head of the most deserving member of our Senate, to be our leader our guide
through our years. For I say this to you, all of you, our road and work isn’t done. To
completely restore the former glory of our Empire, we must work together. We must unite
in choosing a leader who will guides us, our people through a new Golden Age. So, tonight
we drink and celebrate. For we have peace!”

“For peace!” many voices roared as they toasted to his speech and drank the wine and went
back to their commemoration.

While Arenicos’ grab his wife’s hand and led her outside the wall, to the upper floors of the
palace, he ed her away from the noise and heat of the hall, he needed clarity and privacy, he
looked at her following him without a question, he loved her, and he loved her dedication to
his cause to the family she was brought in on the marriage. They were on a garden balcony
adjacent to their quarters; the night had a chill breeze which was a pleasant refresh form the
noisy and hot hall. He felt her fingers through his and a soft squeeze.

“Will you tell me, why the secrecy now?” she leaned on him, while both watched the city
below them and on the horizon woods, rivers and the plains, distanced lights from the
villages close to Lycaron.

“I need fresh air, the noisy and heat. I needed you, my love.” He turned to her and planted a
kiss on her lips while holding her. She returns his kiss for a moment and then looked into
his eyes and he clearly saw the question on there. “Yes, I believe they’ll choose me

She smiled and hugged him without a word, for she knew how important this moment was,
she knew how long her husband have waited for this moment to come. Then looking up at
him, she smiled and playful whispered in his ear.
“Then, my Emperor should be rewarded tonight. After all, how long have been? His
triumph should be complete.” Rhagaea stepped away from him for a moment, the
playfulness on her eyes as she unclipped the fasten on her dress and Arenicos’ watched as
the moon lighted her skin as her dress fell to the floor. She turned and opening the door of
their quarters she called to him.

He walked towards her and fully taken her on his embrace, he kissed her more intensely as
he slammed the door behind him, grabbing her thin waist, he held her up as their kisses
were more urgent and passionately, her fingers trailed over his robes as help him out of it.
He laid her down on their bed, both fully naked, their skins against one another as their
kissed again, the only light inside the room were of the moon.

Arenicos’ hand explored her curves as she kissed her skin, on her neck, shoulders, on her
breasts while he took his time, her breath were rapid, and her small voice broke into
pleasurable moans. Their full apices were when he found her, she could feel him, and he
could feel her warm as their bodies moved on a synchronized and passionately rhythm as
with the whole night belong to them.

Dawn has come a chill wind was blowing from the north, Autumn was proving to be a cold
season which could mean a colder winter, Arenicos’ was standing leaned on the window of
his quarters only with a long open robe covering his naked body from the chill morning,
looking intently on the sun slowly rising and the reddish color in the sky slowly giving way
to a clear blue with no clouds.

He heard her moving on their bed, he had covered her body with the sheets, he had hoped
that last night they had finally managed to do what they had attempt doing in many years,
an heir for his legacy. He sighed and looked at the sky and some birds flying above the
palace’s roof, he had Ira, of course, but the girl was according to the tutors were being
proved a wild woman, she was great at the martial practices, but the girl on her studies were
being proven less than her father or mother not for the lack of intellect, Ira was smart and
quick the girl just proved that she found boring learning diplomacies, economy and even if
needed some other languages that were alive on the continent.
The imperial tongue was the official one in Calradia, but the other kingdoms maintained
their own language and that was important to learn, just in case.

“It’s too early, come back to bed.” He heard her voice coming in a sleepy tone from their
bed. He turned and saw her watching him, he then smiled and walked towards her, leaning
on the mattress he kissed her and then laid close to her again, she hugged him and rested
her hand on his chest. “Are you ready?” Rhagaea asked.

“We’re ready, this a moment for us, my dear. And after today we’ll have lots of work to do
to take full control. The first thing we’ll be pleasing the Noble clans and that would be the
hardest thing to do.”

She looked at him intently.

“They respect you.”

“Respect, yes. But I need more than that, I need them to fear us to never raise against our
clan. So, I need the people.”

“You mean the army.” She added slyly.

“Yes.” He smiled at her, she was a highly intelligent woman, a very political woman, he
admired her for it, her ambition too one of the reasons unlike many couples across the
empire he always took counsel with his wife.

He knew many Senators had slept on the guests’ room on the Palace, while others wealthier
had rented villas on the countryside and mansions on the city, he would face many of them
before the meeting and even heading along with them to the senate house. “I’m sorry,
you’ll have to entertain their wives and children for a time.”

“It’s not a problem, some of their wives are even remotely interesting, especially Garios’

They remained on bed for a time, while a knock on the door announced the majordomo and
he bowed while he entered the room, keeping his eyes to the floor.

“Dominus, as you ordered your bath is ready.”

Arenicos’ waved his hand to the seneschal and then threw his legs outside the bed and head
to an adjacent room, where the servants helped him out his robes as he climbed inside the
bronze tub and then the servants scrubbed his back for him as he relaxed, and another came
with a sharp razor and shaved his beard for him and trimmed his hair.

The other Senators already were waiting for him on the main hall and while he greeted on
all of them, they started heading to the main streets and going to the gates, where the voting
would proceed into the Assemblies, which the walk would be something for twenty or
thirty minutes by foot, on Arenicos’ had no choice but to walk with his political colleagues.
The officials in charge of the elections already had assembled the outside the gates for the
election, the delimitation for the blocs were already set and many members of the senate
were already on the field, patricians, and plebeian families alike, alongside many of the
first-class citizens which would vote first and choose the highest official of the Empire, the
title of Emperor. Then later the other officials of the Empire would be chosen by the lower
assemblies. Arenicos since was the leader of the Senate until the Election he was the man to
hold the electoral process and when it’d start. He climbed the platform and signaled that
procedure could begin.

Blocs were formed and as the voters decided among themselves who would be the new
Emperor, Arenicos watched in silence as some blocs quickly dissolved and turned in their
ballots for the holding officials without even glance at his direction. Arenicos sat there
watching the procedures as one by one the blocs were dissolved as they handed out their
ballots with the name of their candidate for the election of the emperor.

While the results of the ballots would only be read in late afternoon and the new Emperor
proclaimed to the people, Arenicos lacked the patience for it, he had prepared a lot for this
moment and he would introduce his reforms as soon as possible. Some things in the Empire
would change.

The process of the Assemblies was quite complex, the Senatorial Families, Patricians and
Plebeians, were divided in twelve blocs. The noble families, those who have not yet
obtained the higher prestige in holding the higher offices in the Empire, were divided in 20
blocs. While the First class citizens, mostly soldiers and Knight families, which were one of
the wealthiest in the land, sometimes even wealthier than Noble and Senatorial families,
were divided in eighty blocs. In total the elite had one hundred and forty blocs, which
meant 140 votes. In which each bloc voted to determine the highest offices in land:
Emperor, Consul and Censor. Since the Co-Emperor were designed by the emperor
himself. And the voting only ended when fifty percent of those votes would go to a single
person and then he would be chosen as the emperor, then the procedure would go to
counting the Consul votes and the Censor votes.

Until the last bloc handed out their ballots for the officials, they gathered all of them in one
place and started to count the votes, the process would take hours, but if the Senate got a
specialty it was waiting. As the time went pass by all the senators headed back to the Senate
as the officials would bring the result and then acclaimed the new elected emperor to the

After a couple of hours, while the Senators were inside the House the officials came
carrying the ballots and then handing them over to the elected Consul, he looked over the
results on the tablet and simply looked over Arenicos, which looked calmly but with the
imperial regalia he had been wearing the last weeks and months.

He got up and with and his voice carried high on the chamber and got the attention of all
the senators. “Honorable fathers,” he said, “by the acclamation and our voting, our new
emperor has been chosen. And I dare say this moment is unique for so long something like
this has happened.” He looked over the faces full of curiosity and then he smiled and
looked at the direction of Arenicos.

“By the will of the Senate, by your choice Honorable Fathers, our new emperor has been
chosen unanimously,” he stopped again letting the suspense over the House and then with a
high voice he roared, “All welcome in our new emperor Arenicos Pethros.” He then led the
applauses. And smile and the stunned face of the new emperor which barely believe what
he heard, unanimously? He then was lift from his chair by Julios and pushed him on the
direction of the platform which the Consul waited for him.

Arenicos looked at the house, which was standing for him and applauding him, even the
members of the Clan Neretzes, while the Consul congratulated him and he was led to the
higher chair on the platform and there sat waiting for the House to quiet down.
After Arenico was proclaimed inside the House, they took the Rosta on the forum and
while the people gathered, Arenicos standing there was acclaimed by the citizens as the
new emperor. That night the people cheered and celebrated for the first time in years a new
emperor has been chosen unanimously, there’d be no civil war to contest the elections,
there would be no instability and no violence breaking in the streets.

The Calradic Empire finally found peace after years in strife.

For the moment at least.

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