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Name: _______________Class: ___ Date:________W/s No.

Prepared by:________________H.O.D._______Coordinator/Vice Principal:______



1 marks question

1. Which part of electromagnetic spectrum has largest penetrating power?

2. A lane electromagnets wave travels in vacuum along Z-direction. What can you say about the direction of
electric and magnetic and magnetic field vectors?
3. Write Einsten‘s photoelectric equation. State clearly how this equation is obtained using the photon picture
of electromagnetic radiation. Write the three salient features observed in photoelectric effect which can be
explained using this equation. The carrier wave represented by C(t)=5 sin ( t) volt 4.
4. A modulating signal is a square wave as shown. 5. Determine modulation index.
5. Draw the circuit diagram of an illuminated photodiode in reverse bias .How is photodiode used to measure
light intensity?
6. Arrange the following electromagnetic radiations in ascending order of frequencies (i) Microwave, (ii)
Radio wave,(iii) X-rays,(iv)Gamma rays. Write two uses of any one of these.
7. AN electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 100 volts. What is the de-Broglie wavelength
associated with it. To which art of the electromagnetic spectrum does this value of wave length correspond?
8. For a single slit of width “a” the first minimum of the interference pattern of a monochromatic light of
wavelength λ occurs at an angle of λ/a. At the same angle of λ/a, we get a maximum for two narrow slits
separated by a distance “a” explain.
9. A proton and alpha particle are accelerated through the same potential. Which one of the two has i) greater
value of de-Broglie wavelength associated with it and ii) less kinetic energy. Give reason to justify your
10. Find an expression for intensity of transmitted light when a Polaroid sheet is rotated between two crossed
Polaroid’s. In which position of the Polaroid sheet will the transmitted intensity be maximum?
11. Write Einstein’s photoelectric equation. State clearly how this equation is obtained using the photon picture
of electromagnetic radiation.
12. Write the three salient features observed in photoelectric effect which can be explained using this equation.
13. (a)Why are coherent sources necessary to produce a sustained interference pattern? (b) In young’s double slit
experiment using monochromatic light of wavelength ‘λ’ the intensity of light at a point on the screen where
path difference is a, is k units. Find out the intensity of light at a point where path difference is λ /3.
14. When Sunita, a class (xii) student, came to know that her parents are planning to rent out the top floor of
their house to a mobile company she protested. She tried hard to convince her parents that this move would
be a health hazard. (i.)In what way can be the setting up of transmission tower by a mobile company in a
residential colony proves to be injurious to health?

(ii) By objecting to this move of her parents, what value did Sunita display? (iii)Estimate the range of
electromagnets wave which can be transmitted by an antenna of height 20m. (given values of the


15. Write Einstein’s photo electric equation and mention which important features in photoelectric effect can be
explained with the help of this equation. The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons gets doubled
when the wavelength of light incident on the surface changes from Y1 t Y 2 .Derive the expression for the
threshold wavelength Y0 and work function for the metal surface.
16. Name the arts of electromagnetic spectrum which is (a) suitable for radar systems used in aircraft navigations.
(b)used to treat muscular strain. (c) used as a diagnostic tool in medicine. Write in brief these waves can be
17. a) In a double slit experiment using light of wavelength 600nm, the angular width of the fringe fringe formed
on a distant screen is 0.1 . Find the spacing between the two slit. (b)Light of wavelength 5000A0 Propagating
in air gets partly reflected from the surface of water .How will the wave lengths and frequencies of the
reflected light be affected?
18. What is the ratio of radii of the orbits corresponding to first excited state and ground state in a hydrogen
19. The radius of innermost electron orbit of a hydrogen atom is 53×10-11m. What is the radius of orbit in the
second excited state.
20. Write the expression for Bohr’s radius in hydrogen atom.
21. Define ionization energy. What is its value for a hydrogen atom?
22. Find the ratio of energies of photons produced due to transition of an electron of hydrogen atom from its: (i)
Second permitted energy level to the first level, and (ii) The highest permitted energy level to the first
permitted level.
23. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is – 13.6 eV. What are the kinetic and potential energies of
electron in this state?
24. State Bohr’s quantization condition for defining stationary orbits.
25. Show graphically, the variation of the de-Broglie wavelength ( ) with the potential (V) through which an
electron is accelerated from rest.
26. Write any two characteristic properties of nuclear force.
27. Define the term ‘threshold frequency’ in relations to photoelectric effects.
28. Show the variation of photocurrent with collector plate potential for different frequencies but same
intensity of incident radiation.
29. Name the physical quantity which remains same for microwaves of wavelength 1 mm and UV radiations of
1600 Å in vacuum.
30. State de-Broglie hypothesis.
31. A proton and an electron have same kinetic energy. Which one has greater de-Broglie wavelength and why?
32. square root of accelerating potential(V).
33. Show on a graph variation of the de- V, where V is the accelerating potential for the electron.
34. Write the relation between de-Broglie wavelength λ associated with the electron and its kinetic energy E.
35. The given graph shows the variation of photo-electric current (I) versus applied voltage (V) for two different
photosensitive materials and for two different intensities of the incident radiation. Identify the pairs of curves
that correspond to different materials but same intensity radiation.

36. Write the expression for the de Broglie wavelength associated with a charged particle having charge ‘q’ and
mass ‘m’, when it is accelerated by a potential V.
37. An electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 100 volts. What is the de-Broglie wavelength
associated with it? To which part of the electromagnetic spectrum does this value of wavelength correspond?
38. 2. A heavy nucleus X of mass number 240 and binding energy per nucleon 7.6 MeV is split into twofragments
Y and Z of mass numbers 110 and 130. The binding energy of nucleons in Y and Z is8.5 MeV per nucleon.
Calculate the energy Q released per fission in MeV.
39. An electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 144 volts. What is the de-Broglie wavelength
associated with it? To which part of the electromagnetic spectrum does this wavelength correspond?
40. An electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 64 volts. What is the de-Broglie wavelength
associated with it? To which part of the electromagnetic spectrum does this value of wavelength correspond?
41. A α-particle and a proton are accelerated from rest by the same potential. Find the ratio of their deBroglie
42. Write Einstein’s photoelectric equation. State clearly the three salient features observed in photoelectric
effect, which can be explained on the basis of the above equation.
43. Draw a plot of potential energy of a pair of nucleons as a function of their separation. Write two important
conclusions which you can draw regarding the nature of nuclear forces.
Draw a plot of the binding energy per nucleon as a function of mass number for a large number of
nuclei, 2 <=A<= 240. How do you explain the constancy of binding energy per nucleon in the range 30< A<170
using the property that nuclear force is short-ranged? Nuclear forces are short ranged, so every nucleon
interacts with their neighbours only; so binding energy per nucleon remains constant.
44. If both the number of protons and the number of neutrons are conserved in a nuclear reaction like

in what way is mass converted into energy? Explain.

45. When four hydrogen nuclei combine to form a helium nucleus, estimate the amount of energy in MeV
released in this process of fusion (Neglect the masses of electrons and neutrinos) Given: (a) mass of =
1.007825 u (b) mass of helium nucleus = 4.002603 u, 1u = 931 MeV/ c 2 .
46. Ultraviolet light of wavelength 2271 Ao from 100 W mercury source irradiates a photocell made of
molybdenum metal. If the stopping potential is –1.3 V, estimate the work function of the metal. How would
the photocell respond when the source is replaced by another source of high intensity (~10^5 Wm^- o. Justify
your answer.
47. An electron and a proton, each have de Broglie wavelength of 1.00 nm. (a) Find the ratio of their momenta.
(b) Compare the kinetic energy of the proton with that of the electron.
48. A proton and an alpha particle are accelerated through the same potential. Which one of the two has (i)
greater value of de-Broglie wavelength associated with it and (ii) less kinetic energy. Give reasons to justify
your answer.
49. A proton and an α-particle have the same de-Broglie wavelength. Determine the ratio of (i) their accelerating
potentials (b) their speeds.
50. Show that the radius of the orbit in hydrogen atom varies as n2, where n is the principal quantum number of
51. (i) Define ‘activity’ of a radioactive material and write its S.I. unit. (ii) Plot a graph showing variation of activity
of a given radioactive sample with time. (iii)

52. The sequence of stepwise decay of a radioactive nucleus is If the atomic number and
mass number of D2 are 71 and 176 respectively, what are their corresponding values for D .
53. Write symbolically the α-decay process of Derive an expression for the average life of a radionuclide.
Give its relationship with the half-life.
54. Draw a schematic arrangement of the Geiger – Marsden experiment for studying α-particle scattering by a
thin foil of gold. Describe briefly, by drawing trajectories of the scattered α-particle, how this study can be
used to estimate the size of the nucleus.
55. An electron and a photon each have a wavelength 1.00 nm. Find (a) .their momenta, (b)the energy of the
photon and (c) the kinetic energy of electron.
56. The energy levels of a hypothetical atom are shown below. Which of the shown transitions will result in the
emission of a photon of wavelength 275 nm? Which of these transitions correspond to emission of
radiation of (i) maximum and (ii) minimum wavelength?

57. An electron and a photon each have a wave length of 1.50 nm. Find (i) their momenta, (ii) the energy of the
photon and (iii) Kinetic energy of the electron.
58. An electron and a photon each have a wavelength of 2 nm. Find a. their momenta b. the energy of the photon
c. the kinetic energy of the electron.
59. Draw a plot showing the variation of photoelectric current with collector plate potential for two different
frequencies, v1 and v2 , of incident radiation having the same intensity. In which case will the stopping
potential be higher? Justify your answer.
60. Using de Broglie’s hypothesis, explain with the help of a suitable diagram, Bohr’s second postulate of
quantization of energy levels in a Hydrogen atom. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is –13.6 eV.
What are the kinetic and potential energies of the electron in this state?
61. Using the postulates of Bohr's model of hydrogen atom, obtain an expression for the frequency of radiation
emitted when atom make a transition from the higher energy state with quantum number ito the lower
energy state with quantum number nf (nf˃ni).
62. Using Bohr’s second postulate of quantization of orbital angular momentum show that the circumference of
the electron in the nth orbital state in hydrogen atom is n times the de Broglie wavelength associated with it.
63. The electron in hydrogen atom is initially in the third excited state. What is the maximum number of spectral
lines which can be emitted when it finally moves to the ground state?
64. (i) What characteristic property of nuclear force explains the constancy of binding energy per nucleon (BE/A)
in the range of mass number ‘A’ lying 30 <A < 170?
(ii) Show that the density of nucleus over a wide range of nuclei is constant independent of mass number A.
65. Write Einstein’s photoelectric equation. State clearly how this equation is obtained using the photon picture
of electromagnetic radiation. Write the three salient features observed in photoelectric effect which can be
explained using this equation.
66. Define the terms (i) ‘cut-off voltage’ and (ii) ‘threshold frequency’ in relation to the phenomenon of
photoelectric effect.
67. Using Einstein’s photoelectric equation show how the cut-off voltage and threshold frequency fora given
photosensitive material can be determined with the help of a suitable plot/graph.
68. Draw a plot of potential energy of a pair of nucleons as a function of their separations. Mark the regions
where the nuclear force is (i) attractive and (ii) repulsive. Write any two characteristic features of nuclear
69. In a Geiger–Marsden experiment, calculate the distance of closest approach to the nucleus of Z =80, when an
-particle of 8 MeV energy impinges on it before it comes momentarily to rest and reverses its direction. How
will the distance of closest approach be affected when the kinetic energy of the α- particle is doubled?
70. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is – 13.6 eV. If an electron makes a transition from an energy level
– 0.85 eV to –3.4 eV, calculate the wavelength of the spectral line emitted. To which series of hydrogen
spectrum does this wavelength belong?
71. In a Geiger– Marsden experiment, calculate the distance of closest approach to the nucleus of Z -particle of 5
MeV energy impinges on it before it comes momentarily to rest and reverses its direction. How will the
distance of closest approach be affected when the kinetic energy of the α particle is doubled?
72. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is –13.6 eV. If an electron makes a transition from an energy level
– 0.85 eV to – 1.51 eV, calculate the wavelength of the spectral line emitted. To which series of hydrogen
spectrum does this wavelength belong?
73. Write two characteristic features observed in photoelectric effect which support the photon picture of
electromagnetic radiation.
74. Draw a graph between the frequency of incident radiation (v) and the maximum kinetic energy of the
electrons emitted from the surface of a photosensitive material. State clearly how this graph can be used to
determine (i) Planck’s constant and (ii) work function of the material.
75. Using Bohr’s postulates for hydrogen atom, show that the total energy (E) of the electron in the stationary
states can be expressed as the sum of kinetic energy (K) and potential energy (U), where K = – 2U. Hence
deduce the expression for the total energy in the nth energy level of hydrogen atom.

76. (a) In a typical nuclear reaction, e.g. although number of nucleons is

conserved, yet energy is released. How? Explain. (b) Show that nuclear density in a given nucleus is
independent of mass number A.
77. (a) Why photoelectric effect cannot be explained on the basis of wave nature of light? Give reasons. (b) Write
the basic features of photon picture of electromagnetic radiation on which Einstein’s photoelectric equation
is based.
78. Using Bohr’s postulates, obtain the expression for the total energy of the electron in the stationary states of
the hydrogen atom. Hence draw the energy level diagram showing how the line spectra corresponding to
Balmer series occur due to transition between energy levels.
79. Using Bohr’s postulates, obtain the expression for (i) kinetic energy and (ii) potential energy of the electron in
stationary state of hydrogen atom. Draw the energy level diagram showing how the transitions between
energy levels result in the appearance of Lymann Series.

80. (a) In a nuclear reaction though the number of nucleons is conserved

on both sides of the reaction, yet the energy is released. How? Explain. (b) Draw a plot of potential energy
between a pair of nucleons as a function of their separation. Mark The regions where potential energy is (i)
positive and (ii) negative.
81. (a) Using Bohr’s postulates, obtain the expression for total energy of the electron in the nth orbit of hydrogen
atom. (b) What is the significance of negative sign in the expression for the energy? (c) Draw the energy level
diagram showing how the line spectra corresponding to Paschen series occur due to transition between
energy levels.
82. Write Einstein’s photoelectric equation and point out any two characteristic properties of photons on which
this equation is based.
83. Briefly explain the three observed features which can be explained by this equation.
84. In an experiment on α-particle scattering by a thin foil of gold, draw a plot showing the number of particles
scattered versus the scattering angle θ. Why is it that a very small fraction of the particles are scattered at θ?
Write two important conclusions that can be drawn regarding the structure of the atom from the study of this
85. Derive the expression for the law of radioactive decay of a given sample having initially N0 nuclei decaying to
the number N present at any subsequent time t. Plot a graph showing the variation of the number of nuclei
versus the time t lapsed. Mark a point on the plot in terms of T1/2 value when the number present N = N0
86. (a) The energy levels of a hypothetical hydrogen-like atom are shown in the figure.

Find out the transition, from the ones shown in the figure, which will result in the emission of a photon of
wavelength 275 nm. (b) Which of these transitions corresponds to the emission of radiation of (i) maximum
and (ii) minimum wavelength.
87. A proton and an alpha particle are accelerated through the same potential. Which one of the two has(i)
greater value of de-Broglie wavelength associated with it and (ii) less kinetic energy? Give reasons to justify
your answer.
88. Write Einstein’s photoelectric equation and mention which important features in photoelectric effect can be
explained with the help of this equation. The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons gets doubled
when the wavelength of light incident on the surface changes from . Derive the expressions for the threshold
wavelength and work function for the metal surface.
89. Distinguish between nuclear fission and fusion. Show how in both these processes energy is released.

Calculate the energy release in MeV in the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction:

90. Using Bohr’s postulates, derive the expression for the frequency of radiation emitted when electron in
hydrogen atom undergoes transition from higher energy state (quantum number ni) to the lower state, (nf).
When electron in hydrogen atom jumps from energy state n= 4 to n= 3, 2,1, identify the spectral series to
which the emission lines belong.
(a) Draw the plot of binding energy per nucleon (BE/A) as a function of mass number A. Write two important
conclusions that can be drawn regarding the nature of nuclear force. (b) Use this graph to explain the release
of energy in both the processes of nuclear fusion and fission. (c) Write the basic nuclear process of neutron
undergoing B–decay. Why is the detection of neutrinos found very difficult?

Level 2

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