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Who Is Elon Musk?

The History of SpaceX and Tesla


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Why Musk’s teams are so successful?

They are creative, they dream big and are innovative

What is an obstacle for Elon Musk? How does he treat it?

It’s a challenge he’s willing to accept

Elon Musk has never been afraid of getting his hands dirty – what does it mean?

That he works with his people doing physical work

What does the idiom “start from scratch mean”?

to start from zero

What does TESLA company produce?

electric cars

TESLA company is named after very famous scientist. Who was he? What was his job?

Nikola Tesla, famous electrical engineer.

What caused financial problems for TESLA company?

Prices of componentry from other countries.

Were TESLA and SpaceX successful from the beginning?

No, they had a lot of problems.

What do you think about Musk’s business? Is he ingenious or rather careless? Why?




Would you consider career in SpaceX or TESLA if you were offered a job there? Why?


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