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List of developing countries 2018

according to the Development Assistance Committee = DAC of the OECD

supported in the programme "Development-Related Postgraduate Courses"

validity 2018 - 2020

Developing countries and developing territories

Albania Comoros Senegal Nicaragua Near and Middle East Cambodia
Belarus Congo Sierra Leone Panama5 Iraq China
Bosnien-Herzegowina Congo, Dem. Rep. Somalia St. Lucia Iran Indonesia
Croatia Côte d'Ivoire South Africa St. Vincent and Jordan Korea DPR
Macedonia Djibouti South Sudan the Grenadines Lebanon Laos
Moldova, Rep. Equatorial Guinea St. Helena Palestinian territories Malaysia
Montenegro Eritrea Sudan South America Syria Mongolia
Serbia1 Eswatini3 Tanzania Argentina5 Yemen Philippines
Turkey Ethiopia Togo Bolivia Thailand
Ukraine Gabun Uganda Brazil South and Central Asia Timor-Leste
Gambia Zambia Columbia Afghanistan Vietnam
AFRICA Ghana Zimbabwe Ecuador Armenia
North Africa Guinea Guyana Azerbaijan OCEANIA
Algeria Guinea-Bissau AMERICA Paraguay Bangladesh Cook Islands6
Egypt Kenya North and Central America Peru Bhutan Fiji
Libya Lesotho Antigua and Barbuda5 Suriname Georgia Kiribati
Morocco Liberia Belize Venezuela India Marshall Islands
Tunesia Madagascar Costa Rica Kazakhstan Micronesia
Malawi Cuba Kyrgyzstan Nauru
Sub-Saharan Africa Mali Dominica Maledives Niue
Angola2 Mauritania Dominican Republic Myanmar Palau5
Benin Mauritius El Salvador Nepal Papua New Guinea
Botswana Mayotte Grenada Pakistan Samoa
Burkina Faso Mozambique Guatemala Sri Lanka Solomon Islands
Burundi Namibia Haiti Tajikistan Tokelau
Cameroon Niger Honduras Turkmenistan Tonga
Cape Verde Nigeria Jamaika Uzbekistan Tuvalu
Central African Republic Rwanda Mexico Vanuatu4
Chad Sâo Tomé and Principe Montserrat Wallis and Futuna

including Kosovo
Angola will graduate in 2021
Eswatini (since 2018), formerly Swaziland
Vanuatu will graduate in 2020
Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Palau and Panama probably will graduate in 2021
The decision about graduation of the Cook Islands is expected for 2019

Source: OECD/DAC

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