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Wound Healing: Part I. Basic Science

Jeffrey E. Janis, MD
Learning Objectives: After studying this article, the participant should be able
Bridget Harrison, MD
to: 1. Describe the basic physiologic events in normal wound healing. 2. Un-
Colombus, Ohio; and Dallas, Texas derstand the differences in healing among skin, bone, cartilage, and tendon.
3. Identify factors that may compromise or delay wound healing. 4. Describe
methods for optimal closure of a wound.
Summary: Understanding the physiology and pathophysiology of normal
wound healing and potential impediments to its end will allow the plastic
surgeon to maximize postoperative outcomes and, in some instances, avoid un-
necessary surgical interventions. Continuous advancements in our understand-
ing of this process require frequent reviews of available data to permit reliable,
evidence-based recommendations for clinical application. This is the first of a
two-part article summarizing the science and clinical recommendations neces-
sary for successful wound healing.  (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 138: 9S, 2016.)


uccess in plastic surgery is founded on com-
prehensive understanding of one fundamen-
tal topic: wound healing. Whether the goal Hemostasis
is reconstruction of a sternal defect, replantation Initial injury leads to disruption of the vascu-
of a detached finger, or aesthetic improvement of lar endothelium and exposure of the basal lamina,
hypoplastic breasts, the surgeon’s outcome ulti- which result in extravasation of blood constituents
mately depends on uncomplicated procession and concurrent platelet activation. While typically
through normal wound healing. In the first of two associated with clotting, aggregation and activa-
articles on clinical wound healing, this overview tion of these products also result in the subsequent
offers the surgeon a practical guide based on the release of growth factors involved in the deposi-
fundamentals of current scientific knowledge. tion of extracellular matrix (transforming growth
In order to prevent and treat pathologic factor β), chemotaxis (platelet-derived growth
wounds, it is first necessary to understand the basics factor), epithelialization (fibroblast growth factor
of normal wound healing. An extensive quantity of and epidermal growth factor), and angiogenesis
literature has been published on the subject, attest- (vascular endothelial growth factor).1
ing to its importance in treating surgical patients,
developing wound care products or treatments, Inflammation
and evaluating current practices. Historically, Platelet activation is followed by an influx of
wound healing has been arbitrarily divided into inflammatory cells within the first 1 to 2 days, led
three phases, with some authors adding hemosta- by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Neutrophils,
sis as the inciting phase. Although wound healing as well as monocytes, fibroblasts, and endothelial
occurs on a time continuum, division of the process cells, deposit on a fibrin scaffold formed by plate-
into phases allows for ease of description and evalu- let activation.2 Although they are the first to arrive
ation. Each phase is critical to the success of wound in the wound, neutrophils are not foremost in the
closure, and deviations from the norm may be asso- healing process. In a 1972 study, the absence of
ciated with delayed or abnormal wound healing. neutrophils was not shown to affect wound heal-
ing in uninfected wounds.3 More recent studies
support these findings and furthermore indicate
Republished from Plast Reconstr Surg. 133:199e–207e, that chemokines released by neutrophils are
2014. not required for healing, or may be supplied by
From the Department of Plastic Surgery, Ohio State Uni-
other cells.4 In fact, neutrophil activation may be
versity Medical Center; and Department of Plastic Surgery,
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
Received for publication February 3, 2013; accepted April Disclosure: Dr. Janis is a member of the advisory
16, 2013. board for Integra LifeSciences and a consultant for
Copyright © 2016 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons LifeCell. Dr. Harrison has no financial disclosures.
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000002773 9S
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September Supplement 2016

responsible for release of free oxygen radicals and factor initiate and promote angiogenesis, which is
other cytokines that persist in chronic wounds.5 of crucial importance for a healing wound.
The presence of neutrophils is followed Angiogenesis involves the formation of
closely by that of monocytes, which are quickly ­thin-walled endothelium from pre-existing ves-
activated into tissue macrophages. These cells are sels, in contrast to vasculogenesis, which indicates
responsible for further tissue débridement and de novo vessel formation.
secrete additional cytokines and growth factors A healing wound is marked by increased met-
that promote fibroblast proliferation, angiogen- abolic requirements and is highly responsive to
esis, and keratinocyte migration (Table 1). Their changes in oxygen supply.8 Fibroblasts first appear
presence is considered vital for wound healing, in the wound after 24 hours9 and require ade-
based largely on a study demonstrating decreased quate oxygen supply for collagen production. In
clearance of fibrin, neutrophils, erythrocytes, and fact, without oxygen to assist in the hydroxylation
other “debris” in wounds treated with antimacro- of proline and lysine residues, chemical bonds
phage serum.6 They may also play a role in the will not form appropriately to create mature col-
apoptosis of neutrophils, thereby clearing cells lagen. Fibroblasts are also responsible for elastin
that may otherwise result in a prolonged inflam- production and organization of the extracellular
matory stage.7 matrix.10 These are all critical elements of granu-
lation tissue and will serve as the basis for the final
Proliferation stage, maturation and remodeling.
Proliferation is a broad term for a group of
key steps that occur during this phase. Although Maturation and Remodeling
they begin at various time periods in wound heal- Appropriate wound maturation and remodel-
ing, collectively, epithelialization, angiogenesis, ing result in a quickly healed and minimally vis-
granulation tissue formation, and collagen depo- ible scar, whereas prolongation of or deviations
sition characterize proliferation. from this phase can cause hypertrophic or keloid
Epithelialization is initiated by keratinocytes scars or chronic, nonhealing wounds. Wound
present on the wound edge as well as from der- maturation requires the reorganization of newly
mal appendages, such as hair follicles, sweat, and deposited collagen into an organized, structurally
sebaceous glands. This begins with cell detach- sound lattice based on glycosaminoglycans and
ment and mitotic division and is stimulated by proteoglycans.
epidermal growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, Initially, fibroblasts multiply and increase col-
transforming growth factor β, and multiple cyto- lagen production per cell.11 This initial collagen
kines. Fibroblast growth factor, platelet-derived is thinner than uninjured, mature collagen and
growth factor, and vascular endothelial growth lies parallel to the skin.12 Type III collagen initially

Table 1.  Summary of Inflammatory Cytokines*

Cytokine Cells of Origin Role in Inflammatory Response Clinical Application
EGF Platelets, macrophages, Angiogenesis, re-epithelialization Decreased in chronic wounds
FGF Macrophages, mast cells, Fibroblast recruitment Decreased in chronic wounds
T lymphocytes
IFNα Monocytes, macrophages Decreases collagen production Used to treat hypertrophic/
keloid scars
PDGF Platelets, macrophages, Fibroblast recruitment, Recombinant form used to
fibroblasts myofibroblast stimulation treat diabetic ulcers
TNFα Macrophages, T lymphocytes, Leukocyte chemoattraction Elevated levels linked to
keratinocytes deficient healing
TGFβ Platelets, fibroblasts, Re-epithelialization, wound Elevated in hypertrophic and
macrophages fibroplasia keloid scars
IL-1 Keratinocytes, neutrophils, Leukocyte chemoattraction, wound Increased in chronic wounds
macrophages fibroplasia
IL-8 Macrophages, endothelial Re-epithelialization, angiogenesis Increased levels in delayed-
cells healing wounds
IL-10 Monocytes, lymphocytes Downregulation of other cytokines, Necessary for scarless fetal
limits fibroblast proliferation wound healing
EGF, epidermal growth factor; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; IFNα, interferon alpha; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; TNFα, tumor necro-
sis factor alpha; TGFβ, transforming growth factor beta; IL, interleukin.
*Derived from Henry G, Garner W. Inflammatory mediators in wound healing. Surg Clin North Am. 2003;83:483–507; and Barrientos S, Stojadi-
novic O, Golinko MS, Brem H, Tomic-Canic M. Growth factors and cytokines in wound healing. Wound Repair Regen. 2008;16:585–601.

Volume 138, Number 3S • Wound Healing Basic Science

comprises 30 percent of the granulation tissue local or systemic tissue alterations may result in
matrix,13 compared with 10 to 20 percent in unin- nonunion.17 When movement between the two
jured skin. Over time, the ratio of type III collagen fracture ends exceeds the strain allowable by the
decreases and that of type I collagen increases. An soft callus, hard callus will not form. Strain causes
overall increase in collagen formation is seen for changes in the signals produced in the extracellu-
4 to 5 weeks after wounding as wound strength lar matrix and, depending on the degree of strain,
increases, paralleling the increase in type I col- will lead to fracture healing or fracture non-
lagen. Breaking strength is only 3 percent at 1 union.18 Inadequate reduction, with separation of
week, but it increases to 20 percent after 3 weeks. bony fragments, does not allow appropriate strain
Approximately 3 months after wounding, the to occur at the fracture site, and will also result in
wound reaches 80 percent of its uninjured coun- nonunion or malunion.
terpart but never reaches 100 percent.2 Clinically, inadequate bone healing can occa-
The strength of the wound is ultimately sionally be resolved with the use of bone grafts.
determined by the quality and quantity of colla- Grafts may be cancellous, cortical, or vascularized,
gen. Consequently, the fibroblast and its product and are selected depending on the defect. Advan-
have been labeled “the ubiquitous ally of the sur- tages, disadvantages, and indications of these
geon.”14 A specialized version of the fibroblast is bone grafts are listed in Table 2.19
also instrumental in the final size of the wound,
as myofibroblasts are thought to lead to wound
contraction. These cells, in contrast to normal CARTILAGE HEALING
fibroblasts, express alpha-smooth muscle actin, Unlike skin and bone, cartilage does not con-
which enables the cells to contract. They are also tain blood vessels. Oxygen and nutrients are deliv-
thought to contribute to angiogenesis during ered by diffusion, which limits cartilage’s ability
wound healing by decreasing matrix metallopro- to grow and recover. Although cartilage often
teinase activity.15 takes a backseat role in plastic surgery, it is of vital
importance in rhinoplasty, ear reconstruction,
otoplasty, and Mohs repairs. Small, full-thickness
BONE HEALING defects may be replaced by fibrocartilage, but
While the basic tenets of wound healing apply cartilage defects usually result in the creation of
to all tissues, certain distinctions of bone heal- a fibrous scar.20 In animal studies, perichondrium
ing are critical for the surgeon using a free fibula has been reported to form new cartilage,21,22 but
for mandibular reconstruction, fixating a distal this has not been successfully repeated in human
radius fracture, or grafting alveolar bone. Far studies. The prevalence of osteoarthritis in the
from the inanimate structural prop that it is com- U.S. population has made cartilage regeneration
monly treated as, the human skeleton is formed a lucrative target for investigation, but a clinical
by a complex arrangement of living marrow sur- solution to the problem has not yet been pro-
rounded by bone and periosteum. duced. Recently, interest in adipose-derived stem
After bone fracture, coagulation and inflam- cells has led researchers to explore their potential
matory phases occur similar to those seen in role in healing ­full-thickness cartilage defects,23
disrupted skin. Fracture hematoma is replaced and multiple studies involving stem cells24–27 and
by a soft or fibrous callous as periosteal cells are growth factors have also been pursued.28,29 If trans-
stimulated to form osteoblasts. Intramembranous lated to the clinical spectrum, such advances may
ossification occurs on the periphery of the frac- one day allow for facile repair of costochondral
ture site.16 Hard callus formation follows in 3 to rib harvest sites or nasal deformities after trauma
4 months, with endochondral ossification and or rhinoplasty.
the establishment of a bony bridge that stabilizes
the fracture and prevents micromotion centrally.
Hard callus formation is followed by bony remod- TENDON HEALING
eling, wherein woven bone is replaced by lamel- Tendons were once considered comparable to
lar bone, similar to the process of exchanging the cartilage, avascular and with limited capacity for
web of type III collagen for type I collagen in skin. healing. It is now known that tendons are made
In order for this process to proceed unim- of tenoblasts and tenocytes in a network of extra-
peded, fractured ends must be approximated cellular matrix, and receive their blood supply
and stabilized. Inadequate reduction, inadequate from the musculotendinous junction and from
fixation, interposition of muscle or fascia, and the paratenon or synovial sheath.30 Blood supply

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September Supplement 2016

Mechanical is particularly relevant in the hand, as the dorsal



Osteogenesis Osteoinduction Osteoconduction Strength aspect of the flexor tendons contains the princi-
Poor pal blood supply, with a comparatively avascular
volar zone.31 Placement of core sutures in a dor-
sal location has consequently been demonstrated


to result in significantly more tensile strength.32

Poor However, the limiting factor of successful tendon
repair lies in the surgeon’s ability to perform an
atraumatic repair, in order to preserve the delicate
blood supply.33 Healing can occur via prolifera-


tion of epitenon and endotenon or extrinsically,


by invasion of cells from the synovium. This is par-

ticularly relevant in the repair of zone II flexor
tendon injuries, as extrinsic repair mechanisms
may result in more scar and adhesion.


Both ex vivo and in vivo studies have shown

*Reprinted from Buck D, Dumanian G. Bone biology and physiology: Part II. Clinical correlates. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012;129:950e–956e.
superiority of the four-core suture in flexor ten-
don repair, with even greater strengths achieved
Slow revascularization

Long operative time

in some six- and eight-strand core repairs.34–36

Donor-site morbidity
6–12 months after
Slow incorporation

Require expertise

Theoretically, placement of the knot within the

surgery (stress
Size limitations
Limited supply

Loss of strength
Rapid revascularization Lack strength

repair site could affect intrinsic tendon healing,


Minimal graft necrosis Donor-site

and a knot away from the repair site could cre-

ate increased friction within the tendon sheath.
However, conclusive studies have not shown knot
location to affect final repair strength.37,38 As
Exhibit some normal
Rapid incorporation
Immediate strength

with fracture healing, tendon repair is adversely


affected by a gap separating the healing ends.

small defects Low donor-site


healing and
gaps (>6 cm) that persists

Efforts to prevent gap formation in healing ten-



dons have relied on strong core sutures and an

epitendinous suture.39,40 Epitendinous suture
should not be relied on for final strength of the
repair, as it only contributes 15 percent to the


or cavities

Large bone

Large bone

final strength, but it may decrease bulk at the site


Need for

of repair and decrease early gap formation.33


As with bone, tendons show improved healing

with some level of stress and motion after repair.
Harvest Sites

Distal radius

Postoperative protocols have evolved from com-


Iliac crest

Reverse creeping Iliac crest

Iliac crest

plete immobilization after flexor tendon repair to

(initiated by Calvaria




early active and passive range of motion. Practice



patterns differ among surgeons, but studies have

shown that early rehabilitation can accelerate the

Process similar
(initiated by

healing and



healing response and result in increases in final

osteocytes remain to normal

tendon strength.41,42
Table 2.  Bone Graft Properties*



(can take up to

viable in graft)
Slow, incomplete
complete (can

Ischemia and Hypoxia

Rapid (>90% of
occur within

2 months)
Rapid, more

Posttraumatic lacerations and abrasions of the

2 days)

face have been noted to have a marked ability to

heal quickly and with limited sequelae. What dif-
ferentiates injury to the cheek versus the distal leg
is the abundant blood and, therefore, oxygen sup-

ply seen in the face. Based on the multitude of met-




abolic processes described above, it is no wonder

that the healing wound is a hotbed of energetic

Volume 138, Number 3S • Wound Healing Basic Science

demand, requiring glucose and oxygen. Neutro- which can lead to thrombus formation and further
phils and fibroblasts cease to function appropri- decreases in blood delivery. It also has an inhibi-
ately at low oxygen levels.43,44 Clinically, reductions tory effect on the proliferation of erythrocytes,
in oxygen tension correlate with unfavorable out- fibroblasts, and macrophages. Carbon monox-
comes. Decreased subcutaneous oxygen tension ide, with a binding affinity 200 times greater than
results in higher rates of wound infection,45 and that of oxygen, binds to hemoglobin to produce
collagen deposition is directly related to wound methemoglobin and reduces oxygen delivery to
oxygen tension and tissue perfusion.46 the wound. Hydrogen cyanide inhibits oxidative
While tissue perfusion is vital to wound heal- metabolism and oxygen transport.54
ing, normal hemoglobin levels are not.47 Although As early as 1978, Mosely et al. reported delayed
low hemoglobin levels are often associated with wound healing from nicotine exposure in a rab-
other conditions that impair wound healing, they bit ear model.55 Clinically, these detrimental cel-
do not necessarily diminish oxygen supply. The lular events are associated with higher rates of
key to provision of oxygen and nutrient supply ­surgical-site infections and postoperative pneu-
is arterial partial pressure of oxygen, not oxygen monia,56 wound necrosis after mastectomies,57,58
content, which often can be maintained by modi- and delayed or nonunion of fractures,59–61 to name
fications in vasodilation, cardiac output, and cap- a few. Manassa et al. found a 3.2-fold increase in
illary permeability. Vasoconstriction is damaging wound healing problems in smokers after abdom-
to the healing wound and can result from pain, inoplasty.62 Kroll found rates of transverse rectus
cold, fear, nicotine, α1 agonists, β antagonists, abdominis musculocutaneous flap necrosis that
and hypovolemia.48 It is the surgeon’s responsibil- were nearly five times higher in smokers.63 In
ity, therefore, to combat the above offenders to order to obtain better outcomes, it seems only log-
prevent local hypoxia and ischemia. ical to advocate abstinence from smoking among
surgical patients. Although there is no uniform
Infection guideline for the timing of preoperative absten-
Bacterial proliferation within a wound bed tion, an interval of 4 weeks before and 4 weeks
can result in alterations to each phase of wound after cosmetic or reconstructive surgery has been
healing. Hemostasis can be altered through bac- recommended.64 Nicotine replacement therapy
terial effects on platelets and complement. Bacte- is commonly prescribed to assist with nicotine
ria can cause platelet agglutination and may also addiction, but its effects on wound healing are not
result in thrombocytopenia.49 Bacteria also cause clear. In an examination of blister exudate, metal-
prolonged periods of inflammation and tend to loproteinase levels were elevated in smokers, but
alter the function of leukocytes through release of nicotine patch therapy had no effect on fluid exu-
virulence factors. They also affect the formation date. Four weeks of abstinence normalized levels
of granulation tissue, and while they may actually to those of nonsmokers.65 The same investigator
increase collagen formation at a low level, Laato found higher levels of type I collagen in absti-
et al. found delayed healing at levels above 103 bac- nent smokers treated with transdermal nicotine
teria per milliliter.50 The exact inoculum required patches, but no increase in collagen was seen in
for quantitative diagnosis of infection is debated abstinent smokers treated with a placebo.66
but is typically accepted as 105 ­colony-forming
units per gram of tissue for most bacteria. The Diabetes
exception is β-hemolytic streptococci, whose sim- Diabetes affects the entire body and conse-
ple presence in a wound may indicate infection.51 quently affects the healing of all wounds. Multiple
mechanisms have been implicated in its patho-
Smoking genesis. Hyperglycemia results in the modifica-
Cigarette smoke contains more than 4000 tion of proteins and enzymes, resulting in their
constituents, of which nicotine, carbon monox- dysfunction.67 This also occurs at the level of the
ide, and hydrogen cyanide contribute principally basement membrane, altering permeability and
to disturbances in the normal pathway of wound delivery of nutrients to the wound bed. Diabetics
healing.52 Nicotine acts as a vasoconstrictor, result- are also predisposed to microvascular and mac-
ing in local ischemia. Sarin et  al. found a mean rovascular disease, which can result in impaired
reduction in blood-flow velocity of 42 percent in blood flow and insufficient oxygen delivery.68
digital vessels after smoking just one cigarette.53 In Decreased blood delivery, hyperglycemia, and
addition, nicotine increases platelet adhesiveness, immune system impairments also make diabetics

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • September Supplement 2016

more prone to postoperative infections.69,70 Tight cosubstrate for hydroxylase enzymes required for
preoperative and postoperative glucose control collagen formation. The recommended dietary
may improve survival and decrease wound com- allowance of vitamin C is 60 mg, but supplemen-
plications in comparison with sliding-scale insu- tation in nondeficient patients is not conclusively
lin protocols.71 Although exact target levels have beneficial in wound healing.81,82 Vitamin A, in con-
been debated,72,73 previously acceptable glucose trast, has been useful in nondeficient humans and
levels of greater than 200 mg/dL are almost uni- animals.83 These same authors demonstrated the
formly associated with worse outcomes and should benefits of vitamin A in promoting epithelializa-
be avoided.74 tion and collagen synthesis in patients on steroids.
It does not reverse the effects of steroids on wound
Nutritional Deficiency contraction or infection.84 The recommended
While standard prealbumin and albumin mea- dose of vitamin A is 25,000 IU by mouth daily pre-
surements provide a starting point for nutritional operatively and for 4 days postoperatively.
evaluation, a detailed history may identify specific Of the micronutrients, the key players in
factors that contribute to wound healing compli- wound healing are zinc and magnesium. Zinc is
cations. Surgery and trauma are known to increase a cofactor for RNA and DNA polymerase, and its
metabolic demand and may make borderline defi- deficiency decreases wound strength and epithe-
ciencies more significant. Protein malnutrition is lialization. It is a common component of Unna
of particular importance in the healing wound. In boots used for venous stasis ulcers. There is no
the 1930s, Thompson et al. showed a relationship evidence, however, that supplementation in the
between protein malnutrition and wound dehis- nondeficient patient improves wound healing.48
cence in dogs.75 Deficiencies in the amino acids Magnesium also functions as a cofactor in enzymes
arginine and glutamine are associated with com- required for protein and collagen synthesis, and is
promised wound healing. This is because synthe- used in some topical wound healing applications.
sis of these amino acids is insufficient during the As with zinc, its use as a supplement in the general
periods of increased protein turnover that occur surgical population lacks proven benefit.
during wound healing.76 However, while supple-
mentation of arginine has been shown to increase Drugs
wound breaking strength,77 glutamine supplemen- As alluded to above, steroids have a
tation is controversial and has not been definitely ­broad-sweeping negative effect on wound heal-
associated with improvements in wound healing.78 ing. Steroids decrease inflammation, inhibit epi-
Although protein supplementation is typi- thelialization, and decrease collagen production.
cally targeted in plastic surgery and wound heal- The clinical response to these molecular effects
ing, carbohydrates are the major source of fuel is an increase in dehiscence of surgical incisions,
in the body and, therefore, wound healing. It has increased risk of wound infections, and delayed
been estimated that a wound with a surface area healing. Chemotherapeutic drugs would be
of 3 cm2 and a depth of 1 mm requires 900 kcal expected to have a similarly extensive effect on
to produce the requisite collagen.79 When glucose wound healing, as many target DNA or RNA pro-
is not adequately supplied, the liver increases glu- duction, protein synthesis, or cell division. How-
coneogenesis using the breakdown products of ever, administration of chemotherapeutics is not
protein. Most postoperative patients will eagerly synonymous with wound complications. Recent
resume a diet when allowed, but it is important review of National Surgical Quality Improvement
to provide the nothing-by-mouth patient with an Program data showed no increase in wound com-
adequate glucose supply, even if it is only through plications after breast surgery in patients receiving
maintenance fluids. neoadjuvant chemotherapy.85 While early experi-
The vitamin most closely associated with wound mental evidence suggested the potential for dimin-
healing is vitamin C. Its association with scurvy ished wound healing with chemotherapy,86 clinical
was eloquently demonstrated by Crandon et al.80; reports have not substantiated a detrimental effect.
Crandon, while working as a surgery resident, fol-
lowed a diet containing no milk, fruit, or vegeta- Radiation
bles for 6 months. A biopsy at that time noted a Ionizing radiation may be combined with che-
lack of “intracellular substance,” which returned motherapy, or used independently, to treat breast,
after supplementation with 1  g of ascorbic acid prostate, skin, rectal, brain, and some lung can-
per day.80 Vitamin C has since been found to be a cers. As a result, a large percentage of the surgical

Volume 138, Number 3S • Wound Healing Basic Science

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