Leadership Style: Strategic Business Partnership

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In the PEL the leadership style is BUREAUCRATIC LEADERSHIP.

Leaders impose strict and systematic discipline on the followers and demand
business-like conduct in the workplace.
       Leaders are empowered via the office they hold - position power.
       Followers are promoted based on their ability to conform to the rules of
the office.
           Follower should obey leaders because authority is bestowed upon the
leader as part of their position in the company.

Culture of PEL

PEL has a mixture of “Mission and Bureaucratic” culture, because its goal is
profitability as well as internal efficiency, therefore it implements both
cultures Role culture and power culture

strategic business partnership

Now, having the strategic business partnership with LG home appliances & air condition

In PEL the span of control is “Narrow” in the divisions, therefore Hierarchy of
authority is “Tall”.

In PEL decision making or centralization of power is kept at the top level. The

important decision like establishing goals, hiring employees, choosing
contracts are made at the top level, therefore in PEL “Centralization is high”.

In PEL numbers of activities are differentiated among the divisions. In PEL

Vertical and Horizontal complexity is “High”, but spatial .complexity is “Low”.
In PEL formal training and education of employees is very high, therefore
professionalism in PEL is “High”.

Recruitment and Selection

The recruitment process which is used by the PEL Company to hire a person
of any type of job are:
The right person for The right job
We ask a question from hiring department of PEL
How HR department advertise for a job or a vacancy of job
They advertise in news papers and also on their website for external hiring
When the applications in the respect of advertisement are collected the next
step which is taken by the HR department of PEL is:
Have a view on all applications for finding the perfect person for the specific
job on the bases of:
       Qualification according to the job
       Knowledge skills
       Experience
       Reference
       After these selected person’s name type on the lists which are known as short
lists in PEL
       On the date of interviews some of other things are measures for hiring a
person these are:
       Personality test
       IQ test
       Master in field
       Suitable person for suitable job
       After these things a acceptance letter send to the selected person for joining
the job.
Some examples of hiring which are collected from the broachers of the
PEL are:
Requires in the following areas…
Electrical Engineers                          B.sc/B>E electrical Engineering (power
Sales & marketing                               MBA marketing
Human resources                                MBA/MPA/MS in HR
Finance /Audit                                     MBA/Ms.finance, ACMA,
                                                                   CA (inter/foundation/finalists)
IT professionals                                    OCP (DBA, Developer & BI)
                                                                  CCNA, A+, Linux


       Designs the performance appraisal system
       Establishes and monitors a reporting system
       Trains managers in how to conduct appraisals
       Safeguards performance appraisal records


       Evaluates employee performance

       Completes the appraisal documents and forms
       Reviews appraisals with employees

Appraisal Data Is Needed For...

Appraisal in the PEL is conducted after six months in a year
Assessment of current employee performance
Performance standards are being met in the PEL
Training needs
PEL management has a fair view on the employee needs to learn in order to
improve their current work performance
Career planning and development
Assessing an employee’s strengths and weaknesses to determine

Compensation programs
Provides a basis for rational decisions regarding pay adjustments (raises and

Internal employee relations

Used for decisions in several areas of internal employee relations, including
promotion, demotion, termination, layoff, and transfer (transfers, layoffs,
Recruitment and selection
Generates data to validate selection criteria

Human resource planning

Assessment data is helpful in building replacement or succession charts

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