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GM-screen v. 1.

This GM-screen is meant to be usable as a 2-4 panel screen. In any case it is as-
sumed that the GM will print out the Critical Hit charts separately (or simply ref-
erence the main rule book when needed).

2 panels: Use page 2 and 3 (combat and general). I suggest you print a list of
creature traits and conditions as well as page 4 (downtime) for easy reference.

3 panels: Use page 2-4 (combat, general and downtime) I suggest that you print a
list of creature traits and conditions for easy reference.

4 panels: Use page 2-4 (combat, general and down-time) and either page 5 or
page 6 (creature traits or Creatures and Conditions). You may wish to print
whichever of page 5 or 6 you don’t include for easy reference.

Content from the Warhammer Fan Player Aid by Ryan Graham (Link) included.
Used with permission.

The latest version of the screen, as well as PUB-file, available here (Link)

Movement Hit Locations Combat Difficulty
Roll Location Difficulty Modifier Example
Walk = 2 x Movement value
Run = 4 x Movement value 01–09 Head
Sprint: Run + SL of (+20) Athletics test 10–24 Left Arm (or Very Easy +60 Shooting a Monstrous target (Giant size).
Secondary Arm) Shooting into a crowd (13+ targets)
Calculating Range Bands 25–44 Right Arm (or Easy +40 Shooting a target at Point Blank Range (see page 297).
Point Blank = Range/10 Primary Arm)
45–79 Body Shooting an Enormous target (Griffon size).
Short = Range/2
Long = Range x 2 80–89 Left Leg Attacking an opponent you outnumber 3 to 1.
Extreme = Range x 3 90–00 Right Leg Shooting at a Large group (7–12 targets).

Critical Deflection No opposition Average +20 Shooting a Large target (Ogre size).
A character who refuses to oppose Shooting at Short Range: less than half weapon range.
You may damage your armour 1AP to ignore a Criti- attacks is considered Helpless (pg
cal Wound on the location. 162) Shooting at a small group (3–6 targets)
Shooting when you spent your last Action aiming (no Test to aim required).
Each Advantage adds +10 to any appropriate combat Test or Psychology Test. Attacking an Engaged opponent in the sides or rear.
Attacking an opponent you outnumber 2 to 1.
• Surprise: Attacking Surprised enemies: +1 Advantage.
• Charging: +1 Advantage. Attacking a target with the Prone Condition (see page 169).
• Assess: Use of Skills to secure a tactical advantage: +1 Advantage. Challenging +0 A standard attack.
• Victory: Defeat an important NPC: +1 Advantage (+2 Advantage for party nemesis).
• Winning: Win an Opposed Test during combat: +1 Advantage. Shooting an Average target (Human size).
• Outmanouevre: Wound an opponent without engaging in an Opposed Test: +1 Ad-
vantage. Difficult –10 Attacking whilst you have the Prone Condition (see page 169), or otherwise
beneath your target.
• If you lose an Opposed Test during combat, suffer any condition, or lose any Wounds: Attacking whilst in the mud, heavy rain or difficult terrain.
lose all Advantage.
Shooting at Long Range: up to double weapon range.
• After combat ends: lose all Advantage
• If you have accrued no Advantage for the Round, or end the Round outnumbered: lose 1 Shooting on a Round where you also use your Move.
Shooting a small target (Child size).
Oops! Table Target in soft cover (behind a hedge for example).
Roll Result Hard –20 A called shot to a specific Hit Location. If you succeed you hit that location.
01–20 You catch a part of your anatomy (we recommend you play this for laughs) — Fighting in an enclosed space with a weapon with a Length longer than
lose 1 Wound, ignoring Toughness Bonus or Armour Points. Medium.
Shooting targets concealed by fog, mist or shadow.
21–40 Your melee weapon jars badly, or ranged weapon malfunctions or slightly breaks
– your weapon suffers 1 Damage. Next round, you will act last regardless of Initi- Attacking in a monsoon, hurricane, thick blizzard, or other extreme weather.
ative order, Talents, or special rules as you recover (see page 156).
Dodging when you have the Prone Condition, or are mounted (see page 163).
41–60 Your manoeuvre was misjudged, leaving you out of position, or you lose grip of a Close combat in darkness.
ranged weapon. Next round, your Action suffers a penalty of –10.
Shooting a Little target (Cat size).
61–70 You stumble badly, finding it hard to right yourself. Lose your next Move. Using a weapon in your off hand.
Target in medium cover (wooden fence for example).
71–80 You mishandle your weapon, or you drop your ammunition. Miss your next Ac-
tion. Very Hard –30 Attacking or dodging in the deep snow, water or other arduous terrain.
81–90 You overextend yourself or stumble and twist your ankle. Suffer a Torn Muscle
(Minor) injury (see page 179). This counts as a Critical Wound. Shooting a tiny target (Mouse size).
Shooting at Extreme range, up to three times weapon range.
91–00 You completely mess up, hitting 1 random ally in range using your rolled units
Shooting in darkness.
die to determine the SL of the hit. If that’s not possible, you somehow hit yourself
in the face and gain a Stunned Condition. Target in hard cover (behind stone wall, for example)

Basic Stat Effect Difficulty Table Fate & Fortune, Resilience and Resolve
Art (Gr) Dex Create works of Art in your chosen medium. Pg 119. Spending
Difficulty Test Modifier
Athletics Ag General physical activity (run, jump, etc.) pg 119 Fate: Avoid Death (incapacitated rest of encounter) or avoid all
Very Easy +60
Bribery Fel Will tell you if a target may be bribed and allow you damage from one source.
Easy +40
to guess a target number. Pg120
Average +20 Fortune:
Charm Fel Opposed Charm/Cool to influence pg 120.
Challenging no modifier • Reroll a failed Test.
Charm Animal WP Influence an animal. Pg121
Difficult -10 • Add +1 SL to a Test after it is rolled.
Climb S Scale surfaces. Pg 121.
Hard -20 • At the start of the Round, choose when to act in that Round,
Cool WP Resist psychology and charm etc. pg 121
Very Hard -30 disregarding Initiative order.
Consume Alcohol T Resist drunkenness. Pg 121
Dodge Ag Avoid attacks etc. Pg 122
Drive Ag Guide ground vehicles pg122 Assistance Deny a rolled mutation or choose a die roll (min. 1 SL).
Each Character assisting provides a bonus of +10 to Resolve:
Endurance T Withstand hardship pg 122.
the Test. Other than that, the Test is rolled as nor- • Becoming immune to psychology until the end of the next
Entertain (Gr) Fel Entertain with vioce (Act, sing etc) pg 122 mal.
Gamble Int Likelihood of a bet and gambling paying off. Pg 122 round.
Limits on Assistance
Gossip Fel Learn interesting information pg 123 • Ignore all modifiers from all Critical Wounds until the end of
• To assist you require at least 1 Advance in the
Haggle Fel Opposed test to secure better price pg123 Skill being tested. the next round.
Intmidate S Bully. Can cause fear and defend in combat pg 123 • Assisting Characters must normally be adjacent to • Remove one Condition.
Intuiton I Suspect if something is wrong or give you an ad- the Character taking the Test. Regaining
vantage in combat (max. to INT Bonus) pg 124 • You may not assist on Tests made to resist dis- Fate: Act of extreme heroism and significance - GM decision.
ease, poison, fear, hazards, or anything else the GM
Leadership Fel Issue orders or bolster psychology tests pg 126 Fortune: Set to Fate at start of session (or every 4 hours).
deems inappropriate.
Melee (Gr) WS Training with weapons pg 126 • You may not be assisted by more Characters than Resilience: Act of extreme importance to motivation
Navigation I Find way outdoor pg 126 you have in the appropriate Characteristic Bonus - GM decision.
Outdoor Survival Int Forage, build shelters, fish etc. pg 126 (pg 33). Resolve: Acting according to motivation - GM decision.
Perception I Ability to spot things/oppose stealth pg127
Ride(Gr) Ag Ride animals pg129 Psychology
Row S Maneuver rowboat. Pg 129 If you are subject to Psychological traits, you may resist them by passing a Cool Test at the beginning of the Round.
Stealth (gr) Ag Concealment vs opposed perception pg 130 Animosity x
When you meet a member of the group x, take an animosity test.
Advanced Stat Effects Pass: -20 Fellowship Test Penalty to group x.
Animal Care Int Tend sick or wounded animals. Pg 118 Fail: You must attack x either socially or physically. You gain +1SL on attempts attack x. Fear and Terror override
Animal Training Int Train/intimidate animals. Pg 119
Fear (Rating)
X = SL value you need to pass on extended Cool Test. Test at the end of every round until SL >= Fear Raying X.
Channelling WP Control the winds of magic pg 120 When subject to Fear, -1 on all Tests to affect Fear source.
Evaluate Int Determine the value of objects. Pg 122 You may not approach Fear source without passing a Challenging Cool Test. If Fear source approaches you, pass a
Heal Int Heal disease, infection, wounds pg 123. Challenging Cool Test or gain a Broken Condition.
Language (Gr) Int Speak languages. Language(Magick) is used to cast Frenzy
spells. Pg 124 Successful WP Test to become Frenzied. Whilst Frenzied, you are immune to all other psychology. You must move at
Lore(Gr) Int Formally taught in an area. Recall facts pg 126 towards the closest enemy and attack when possible.
Gain a Free Melee attack action each round and +1 SB.
Perform(Gr) Ag Acrobatics, dancing etc pg127.
Remain Frenzied until all enemies are defeated or you gain Stunned or Unconscious Conditions. When Frenzied ends,
Pick lock Dex Opening locked doors etc. pg127 gain the Fatigued Condition.
Play (Gr) Dex Play an instrument pg128 Hatred x
Pray Fel Pray to a deity with blessings pg128 Same as Animosity but must use physical violence to destroy X. +1 SL bonus on all combat checks against X and are
Ranged (Gr) BS Use ranged weapons pg128 immune to Fear and intimidate.
Research Int Get information from libraries, scrolls etc. pg128 Prejudice x
Similar to Animosity except only -10 penalty to Fellowship Tests to group X. It ends when you gain Stunned or Uncon-
Sail (Gr) Ag Manoeuvring with sails. Pg 129
scious Conditions or are subject to another Psychology.
Secret Signs (Gr) Int How to use special markings or signs Pg 129 When affected, you must immediately insult group X, loudly.
Set Trap Dex Set and disarm traps pg 130 Terror (Rating)
Sleight of hand Dex Pick pockets etc pg130 When you first encounter the source of Terror make a Psychology Test.
Swim S Swim without drowning pg 131 Pass: No further effects from source of Terror.
Track I Follow trails and signs left by others. Pg 131 Fail: You gain a number of Broken Conditions = to Terror Rating + number of of SL below 0.
After resolving the Terror Test, the source causes Fear with Fear Rating = Terror Raying.
Trade (Gr) Dex Earn money with a specific trade pg 131
Standard Coin Values Armour Qualities Containers
1 gold crown (1GC) Armour can possess the following Armour Qualities:
Item Cost Enc Carries Availability
= 20 silver shillings (20/–) Can be worn under a layer of non-Flexible Armour. You gain the benefit of both.
Backpack 4/10 2 4 Common
= 240 brass pennies (240d) All Critical Wounds caused by an odd number to hit you, such as 11 or 33, are ignored. Barrel 8/– 6 12 Common
Armour Flaws Cask 3/– 2 4 Common
Availability As described by Armour Flaws. Flask 5/– 0 0 Common
Partial Jug 3/2 1 1 Common
Village Town City
An opponent that rolls an even number to hit, or rolls a Critical Hit, ignores the partial Pewter 4/– 0 0 Common
Common In Stock! In Stock! In Stock! armour’s APs. Stein
Scarce 30% 60% 90% Weakpoints Pouch 4d 0 1 Common
Rare 15% 30% 45% The armour has small weakpoints where a blade can slip in if your opponent is suffi- Sack 1/– 2 4 Common
Exotic Not in Not in Not in ciently skilled or lucky. If your opponent has a weapon with the Impale Quality and sco- Sack, 1/6 3 6 Common
Stock Stock Stock res a Critical, the APs of your armour are ignored. Large
Saddlebags 18/– 4 8 Common
Selling Damage and Healing Sling Bag 1/– 1 2 Common
First check for Availability of a buyer in the same If you lose all of your Wounds, gain the Prone Condition. Until you heal at least 1 Scroll Case 16/– 0 0 Scarce
fashion as checking for stock. Then trade using Wound, you cannot lose the Prone Condition; Waterskin 1/8 1 1 Common
Haggle and possibly Evaluate. If you’re not healed within a number of Rounds= TB, gain the Unconscious Condition.
You cannot regain consciousness until you heal back at least 1 Wound (pg 181). Encumbrance Examples
You usually make between a quarter to half an
item’s worth after Haggling. Enc* Example Trappings
If you take enough Damage that you would be taken to negative Wounds, you suffer a
Critical Wound. If you suffer fewer negative Wounds than your TB, subtract –20 from 0 Knives, Coins, Jewelry
Standard Income your Critical Table result (minimum result of 01) (pg 174). Note: You never go into nega- 1 Sword, Mandolin, Sling Bag
tive Wounds. 2 Greatsword, Tent, Backpack
Tier Amount Earned per
Standing 3 Halberd, Cask, Large Sack
Brass 2d10 Brass Pennies * -1 Enc when worn
If you take the Unconscious Condition and have 0 Wounds, and total number of Critical
Silver 1d10 Silver Shillings Wounds is greater than TB you die at the end of the round.
Enc Penalty
If you have the Unconscious Condition, anyone attacking you with suitable weapons
Gold 1 Gold Crown Up to limit No penalties
can kill you, should they wish.
Up to double limit –1 Movement (min: 3), –10
Agility, +1 Travel Fatigue
On Travel Medical Attention
Includes, but is not limited to, the following: Up to triple limit –2 Movement (min: 2), –20
Travel Times
• Successful use of the Heal skill. Agility (min: 10), +2 Travel
Movement speed equates to miles per hour.
• Application of a bandage, healing poultice, or similar. Fatigue
A party can travel 6 hours per day without
• Successful use of a spell or prayer that heals Wounds. More than 3× You’re not moving.
Endurance Tests. If they fail these tests, they
gain a Fatigued Condition.
Healing Wounds Naturally
Ideally there should be at least one event on a You are wounded if you have lost any Wounds.
Food, drink and lodging
journey (pg 269). Item Cost Enc Availability
Attempt an Average (+20) Endurance Test after a good sleep once a day. Heal Wounds
equal to the SL + TB. Ale, pint 3d 0 Common
Travel Costs
For each day you spend taking it easy, also heal Wounds equal to TB. Ale, keg 3s 2 Common
Transport Move Cost Distance
Bugman’s XXXXXX Ale, 9d 0 Exotic
Heal skill pint
COACH 6 Heal wounds equal to your Intelligence Bonus + SL (Note: a patient can only benefit from Food, groceries/day 10d 1 Common
Inside -/2 Per mile one Heal roll after each encounter).
Meal, inn 1/– 0 Common
Outside -/1 Per mile
Healing Draught: Rations, 1 day 2/– 0 Common
BARGE 8 If you have more than 0 Wounds, recover Toughness Bonus Wounds immediately. Dose: Room, common/night 10d – Common
Cabin -/5 Per mile 1 per encounter.
Room, private/night 10/– – Common
Deck -/2 Per mile
Bandage: A successful Heal or DEX Test removes +1 extra Bleeding Status. Spirits, pint 2/– 0 Common
CAB 6 -/3 Per district
Stables/night 10d – Common
Healing Poultice: You do not suffer any Minor Infections from a Critical Wound treated Wine, bottle 10d 0 Common
FERRY 4 -/1 Per 20 yards with a Healing Poultice.
Wine & Spirits, drink 1/– 0 Common

Creature Traits Clever
+20 Int, +10 I
Increase Wounds by a number = TB.
It will fight to the death to protect the
Afraid (x)
Cold Blooded Hatred (x) Enormous-Monstrous area.
Fear of ”X”.
Can reverse all failed WP Tests. See Hatred. - Can cause Fear in an opponent 1 step Terror x
Champion Horns (x) smaller and Terror in an opponent two See Terror
Full Move in water, +AgB to SL of Swim
Can cause dmg when defending. When charging, may Free Attack. steps. The rating is equal to the size Tail Attack x
Constrictor Dmg = x. step difference. (x dmg). Smaller opponents hit gain the
Successful hit grants Entangled. The Hungry - A larger creature ignores the need to Prone Condition.
In woods, +AgB to the SL of Climb and
creature can enter Grapple. When opponent killed/incapacitated, disengage. Trained (Trained Skills )
Corrosive Blood pass (-0) WP Test or lose next Action - Opposed S tests won automatically if Trained in the skill indicated. (see pg
Animosity (x)
When Wounded, all Engaged Targets and Move. 2+ steps larger. If 1 step larger, the 343)
See Animosity psychological trait.
take 1D10 Wounds modified by TB and Immunity (Type) opponent must critical to contest SL. Tongue Attack x (range)
Armour (x)
Armour. All dmg of Type is ignored. - Larger may Free Attack (Stomp) for 1 Spend 1 Advantage to Free Attack (x
X armour points on all Hit Locations.
Corrupted (Strength) Immunity to Psychology Advantage. Dmg = SB +0. dmg). Hit target gains 1 Entangled
See pg 182. Ignores Psychology rules. - Larger creatures have more wounds condition and if smaller, is dragged
If Advantage > opponent, immune to
Cunning Infected (pg 341). towards the creature.
+10 Fel, +10 Int, + 10 I If wounded, pass (+40) Endurance Test Size combat modifiers: Tough
Dark Vision or contract Festering Wounds. If larger: +10 T, + 10 WP
Shies away from fire and gains 1 Bro-
Can see in darkness as if it was day. Infestation - Damaging Quality if 1 step larger, Tracker
ken Condition if struck by it.
Daemonic x –10 penalty to hit creature in melee. Impact if 2+ steps. Add SL = Initiative Bonus to Track
Will flee if it loses half+ Wounds, un-
When hit, roll 1D10. Ignore blow on roll Leader - Dmg multiplied by number of steps Tests.
less protecting its young or having
of X+. +10 Fel, +10 WP larger. Undead
Territorial Trait (In which case it enters
Die Hard Magical - All successful strikes uses death blow Affected by other rules.
Critical Wounds (not Death) can be All its attacks count as magical. rule. Unstable
healed. When it dies, make an Extend- Magic Resistance (x) If smaller: If it ends a Round engaged with oppo-
+10 S and T, - 10 Ag
ed Challenging Endurance (SL6) for TB Spells affecting the creature: SL- x - +10 to hit bigger opponents. nents with higher Advantage, it loses
Bite (x)
Rounds. If a Test is successful, the Mental Corruption - –2 SL penalty for each step larger the as many Wounds as the difference
Spend 1 Advantage: free attack, dam-
creature comes back with 1 Wound. Roll on the Mental Corruption Table opponent is when opposing with WS. between its Advantage, and the highest
age x.
Disease (x) Miracles (x) Skittish Advantage engaged with it.
Carries the disease x. Others Test for Can cast miracles of Deity x. Gain 3 Broken from magic or loud nois- Vampiric
Can enact Blessings.
contraction. Mutation es. Heals: Wounds = dmg with bite
Distracting Roll on the Physical Corruption Table. Spell Caster (various) attacks. Can only heal this way.
When Charging/running, 2xMovement
Living within TB yards: –20 penalty to Night Vision The creature can cast spells Venom (Difficulty)
and ignores all intervening terrain and
all Tests. Has the Night Vision Talent. Stealthy Opponent gains a Poisoned when
Elite Painless Adds Ag Bonus to the SL of Stealth wounded. If no difficulty is marked, the
Breath (X)
+20 WS, +20 BS +20 WP All non amputation penalties from Crit- Tests. test is Challenging.
Spend 2 Advantage: Free Attack.
Ethereal ical Wounds (apart from Conditions) Stride Vomit
1 target within 20+TB yards. All
Can only be harmed by Magical are ignored. Multiply Mov by 1.5 when running. Spend 3 Advantage to Free Attack: 1
creatures within SB Yards and between
attacks. Petrifying Gaze Stupid Target within TB yards + Targets within
it and target are struck.
Fast Spend all Advantage as action: Op- When not near allies without Stupid, 2 yards are hit. Opposed BS/ Dodge
Opposed BS/Dodge Test for x magical
+1 Mov, +10 Agility posed BS/Initiative Test (+1 SL per must pass an (+40) INT Test at the Test (+40 for attacker, -0 for Oppo-
damage +:
Fear (x) Advantage spent). Opponent gains 1 start of its round or lose Move and Ac- nents). Dmg = TB +4 +Stunned
Cold: 1 Stunned condition per 5 dmg.
Causes Fear with a rating of x. Stunned /2SL. 6SL: turn to stone. tion. condition. All Armour and Weapons
Corrosion: All armour/weapons suffer 1
Flight (x) Spellcasters may oppose with Language Swamp Strider take 1 dmg.
Fly max. x yards. –20 to ranged attacks (Magic). No movement penalties in boggy Ward x
Fire: Ignore Armour. Gain Ablaze
as it flies. Prejudice (x) ground. Roll 1D10 after any blow is received. If
Frenzy See Prejudice psychological trait. Swarm rolled x or higher, the blow is ignored.
Electricity: Ignore Armour. Gain
The creature can Frenzy. Ranged x (range) Ignores Psychology, all size rules and Wall Crawler
Stunned Condition.
Fury Has ranged attack with x dmg. entangled when moving. Uses death Full movement up vertical surfaces and
Poison: Ignore Armour. Gain Poisoned
Spend all Advantage: Hatred close com- Rear blow rule. Opponents engaged lose 1 automatically passes Climb Tests.
bat opponents. For 3+ Advantage, As a move, may Stomp attack if larger. Wound at the end of every Round. Weapon x
Smoke: Blocks Line of Sight for TB
gains Frenzy instead. Regenerate Wounds is 5x the normal creature and The weapon causes x dmg.
Ghostly Howl At start of its round: regenerates 1D10 +10 WS. Web x
Spend all Advantage (Min. 2) as a Free Wounds. # Tentacles x Opponent hit get 1 Entangled with a
-1 Mov, -10 Agi + 10 S, +10 T
Action: All targets within I yards gain 3 If at 0 Wounds, it regenerates 1 Wound Gains one Free Attack action per Ten- S=x.
Chill Grasp
Deafened + 1D10 Wounds, ignoring TB on 8+. On a 10, it also heals a Critical tacle for x Dmg. Hits give Entangled
Spend 2 Advantage and action: Op-
and Armour. Must pass (-0) Cool Test Wound. and may enter Grapple.
posed WS/Melee or Dodge Test. If it
or Broken. Damage caused by fire can never be
wins, the target loses 1d10+SL Wounds
with no modification.
Creature Traits
Size Size Examples Wounds
General effects Tiny Butterfly, 1
Mouse, Pigeon Ablaze
- If creature is aggressive, will cause
Little Cat, Hawk, Toughness Bonus Effect: You are on fire! At the end of every round, Fatigued
Fear in an opponent one step smaller
Human Baby suffer 1D10 Wounds modified by TB and AP (on Effect: You are exhausted, stressed and need
and Terror in an opponent two steps
Small Giant Rat, (2×Toughness Bonus) least protected location) with a min. 1 wound rest! -10 penalty on all tests.
smaller. The rating is equal to the size
Halfling, + Willpower Bonus suffered. Each extra Ablaze condition adds +1 Removal: Rest, Spell or Divine effect.
step difference.
Human Child dmg suffered. Poisoned
- A larger creature ignores the need to
Removal: Successful Athletics check. Each SL Effect: You have been poisoned! At the end of
disengage. Average Dwarf, Elf, Strength Bonus+
removes an extra Ablaze condition. Difficulty is each round, lose 1 Wound ignoring modifiers.
- Opposed S tests won automatically if Human (2×Toughness Bonus)
modified by circumstance. -10 penalty to all tests. If you reach 0 Wounds
2+ steps larger. If 1 step larger, the + Willpower Bonus
Bleeding whilst poisoned, you cannot heal any Wounds
opponent must critical to contest SL. Large Horse, Ogre, (Strength Bonus+ Effect: You are bleeding badly! At the end of eve- until all poisoned conditions are removed. If you
- Larger may Free Attack (Stomp) for 1 Troll (2×Toughness Bonus) ry round, lose 1 Wound. Ignore modifiers. Penal- fall Unconscious whilst poisoned, make a suc-
Advantage. Dmg = SB +0. + Willpower Bonus) ×2 ty of –10 to resist: Festering Wounds, Minor In- cessful Endurance Test after rounds = TB or else
- Larger creatures have more wounds Enormous Griffon, Wyvern, (Strength Bonus+ fection and Blood Rot. you die.
(pg 341). Manticore (2×Toughness Bonus) If you reach 0 Wounds, stop losing Wounds and Removal: At the end of each round, you may
+ Willpower Bonus) ×4 gain Unconscious condition. At the end of every attempt an Endurance/Heal Test. Each SL re-
Size combat modifiers: Monstrous Dragon, Giant, (Strength Bonus+ round, you have a 10% chance of dying per moves an extra Poisoned condition
If larger: Greater Daemon (2×Toughness Bonus) Bleeding Condition your have. A double on this Extra: Once removed, gain 1 Fatigued condition.
- Damaging (SL or Unit die dmg ) Qual- + Willpower Bonus) ×8 roll = remove one Bleeding condition. You cannot Prone
ity if 1 step larger, Impact (SL + Unit
regain consciousness until Bleeding has been Effect: You have been knocked to the ground.
die dmg) if 2+ steps. Generic Creature Traits removed. Move can only be used to stand up or crawl at
- Dmg multiplied by number of steps
Afraid (x) Elite Removal: Successful Healing check. Each SL 1/2 M in yards. -20 to Tests involving movement
Fear of ”X”. +20 WS, +20 BS +20 WP removes and extra bleeding condition. Any spell and opponents in melee get +20 to strike you.
- All successful strikes uses death blow
Animosity (x) Fast or Prayer that heals wounds. Removal: Stand up! Not allowed if you are at 0
See Animosity. +1 Mov, +10 Ag Extra: Once all Bleeding conditions have been Wounds.
If smaller:
Armour (x) Hardy resolved, gain 1 Fatigued condition. Stunned
- +10 to hit bigger opponents.
X armour points on all Hit Increase Wounds by a Blinded Effect: You are disorientated and confused! You
- –2 SL penalty for each step larger the
Locations. number = TB. Effect: You are unable to see properly! Suffer –10 can take no Action and move 1/2 speed. You
opponent is when defending with WS.
Big Hatred (x) to all tests involving sight. Any opponent attack- may defend yourself in Opposed Tests (Except
ing you in combat get +10 to hit you. with Language (Magick). -10 Penalty to all tests.
Alternative Hit Locations +10 S and T, - 10 Ag
See Hatred.
Leader Removal: 1 Blinded condition is removed at the Any opponent attacking you in melee gets +1
-1 Mov, -10 Ag + 10 S, +10 Fel, +10 WP end of every other round. Advantage before rolling to attack.
Snakes Spiders +10 T Prejudice (x) Broken Removal: At the end of each round, you may
01–19 Head 01–09 Head Clever See Prejudice Effect: You are terrified. Your Move and Action attempt a Challenging Endurance Test. If suc-
+20 Int, +10 I Tough must be used to run away and hide. –10 penalty cessful, you remove a Stunned condition. Each
20–00 Body 10–79 Legs Cunning +10 T, + 10 WP to all tests not involving running or hiding. SL removes an extra Stunned condition.
+10 Fel, +10 Int, + 10 I Weapon x Removal: If unengaged, you may attempt a Cool Surprised
80–00 Body Test to remove a Broken condition. The difficulty Effect: You have been caught unawares! You can
The weapon causes x dmg.
is modified by circumstance. A full round of hid- take no Acti-on or Move on your turn, nor can
ing out of sight will remove 1 Broken condition. you defend yourself in Opposed Tests. Any oppo-
Useful Creature Traits Extra: Once all Broken conditions are removed, nent trying to strike you in melee gets +20 to hit.
Arboreal Fury gain 1 Fati-gued condition. Removal: At the end of each round, or after the
In woods, +AgB to the SL of Climb and Stealth. Spend all Advantage: Hate close combat oppo- Deafened first attempt to strike you has been made, you
Bestial nents. For 3+ Advantage, Frenzy instead. Effect: You are unable to hear properly. -10 pen- lose the Surprised condition.
Shies away from fire + 1 Broken Condition if Horns (x) alty to all tests involving hearing. Any opponent Unconscious
struck by it. Will flee if it loses half+ Wounds, When charging, may Free Attack. Dmg = x. attack you in combat from the flank or rear Effect: You are knocked out, asleep or insensible.
unless protecting young or has Territorial Trait Infected gains a bonus of +10 to hit. You can do nothing on your turn. You are una-
(then it gains Frenzy). If wounded, pass (+40) Endurance Test or con- Removal: 1 Deafened condition is removed at the ware of your surroundings. Any close combat hit
Bite (x) tract Festering Wounds. end of every other round. targeti-ng you hits on the location of the at-
Spend 1 Advantage: free attack, damage x. Skittish Entangled tacker’s choice with maximum SL it could score.
Champion Gain 3 Broken from magic or loud noises. Effect: Your movement is restricted. On your It inflicts a Crititical Wound. If a ranged shooter
Can cause dmg when defending. Stealthy turn, you may not Move. Actions involving move- is in point blank range, the above replies.
Die Hard Adds Ag Bonus to the SL of Stealth Tests. ment suffer -10 penalty (including grappling). Removal: Varies on circumstance. You must
Critical Wounds (not Death) can be healed. When Stupid Removal: You can remove an Entangled condi- resolve the cause of incapacitation or gain the
it dies, make an Extended –0 Endurance (SL6) for When not near allies without Stupid, must pass tion as an action if you win an opposed Strength unconscious condition at the end of the round.
TB Rounds. If a Test is successful, the creature an (+40) INT Test at the start of its round or lose Test against the entangling source. Each SL re- Extra: Same combat rules if Helpless .
comes back with 1 Wound. Move and Action. moves an extra Entangled condition.

Creatures and Conditions

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