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What should be the process of forming Qualitative

research questions and questionnaires?  

1. Mention the purpose of conducting qualitative research. It
can be in form of either of these sentences:
 This study will be on the topic of ….
 Reason for conducting this research is ….

2. Create qualitative statements with a defined objective that

can be easily communicated to the target audience.
Keep these pointers in mind while designing this statement:

 Try and form single sentence statements. Single statements can be much
more effective than elaborate ones as they help in communicating important
messages in an impactful manner in a short and succinct sentence.
 Clarify the purpose of conducting qualitative research in clear words so that
respondents understand their contribution towards this research.
 Mention the main topic of research that would prompt respondents to have a
clearer idea about what they’re getting into.
 It’s the words that make all the difference. Use qualitative words that
demonstrate quality or feeling behind your purpose, such as understanding,
describe, explore.
 Specify details that you would want to communicate to your respondents.
 Mention the name of the research website.

3. Other than the primary qualitative question, you must create

sub-questions so that the purpose is executed in a better
 The main question might be – “What is the state of illiteracy in your state?”
 You can create sub-questions such as: “How does illiteracy hamper
progress in your state?” or “How would you best describe your feelings
about illiteracy?”

4. Highlight these questions using ‘qualitative’ words:

 Start the questions with “What” or “How” to make sure the respondents
provide details about their feelings.
 Communicate on what you’re trying to “understand”, “explore” or “identify”
using this Qualitative research online survey questionnaire.
 Questions such as “what happened” can be asked to develop a description
of the topic.
 Questions about “how did respondents interpret the what happened
question” can be asked to examine the outcome.
 Understand the entire qualitative research process by asking questions
about “what happened to you with time?”

5. Develop a skeleton to design the primary questions and also

the sub-questions.  For example:
 Primary Qualitative research survey question: “How do you think _______
(main topic of research) means?” or “Describe _____(main topic of
research) as you’ve experienced.”
 Sub-question for qualitative research: “What _________ (characteristic)
does __________ (respondents) interest in as a _________ (main topic of

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