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Pages 1 to 3: Historical background.

the King is dead.
The Queen Marie-Antoinette is waiting for the sentence.
Her mind full of longings, she is worried for her son, Le Dauphin Louis XVII.
Outside, the streets in Paris are burning into the flames of Revolution.
On a bloddy morning, the Queen gets a visit: Lord François de Jarjayes has come to her, with a
carnation blossom.
Inside of it, hidden, a short message: «  My Queen, come and flee with me! I have 1 000 gold coins
to corrupt your guardians ».
But Marie-Antoinette won't forsake her son, and would prefer suffering the people's hate and
François will rally his mountains, hiding the treasure somewhere in the Alps.

You are commisioned by the Alpine villages to bring the light about this painful episode of French
Will you be able to explain what occured to the « Carnation Treasure »?

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 Goal of the game

The players are prospectors who search clues through archives or ancient sites to understand what
happened to the Treasure.
They have to reveal who kept the treasure, where it has been hidden, and  the year of its robbery.
Players accumulate Victory points thanks to their deductions, at the end of the 2 rounds.
Then, the winner is the player earning the most victory points.

40 plastic coins
12 Year-clue cards
12 Character-clue cards
12 Place-clue cards
4 « Cache secrète » cards
12 « Gravel cards »
2 « Flood of Durance cards » ( red backed)
2 « Board of directors cards » (red backed)

Note: 2 players only : remove 6 gravel cards.

         3 players only: remove 4 gravel cards.

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* Shuffle separetely the 3 clue decks

* Take randomly one  clue card in each clue-deck, without looking at it.
* Put the three cards over from the game.
These cards compose the scenario that the prospectors have to reveal.

* Shuffle all the cards
* Deal randomly 4 cards to each player ( the lasting cards compose the « searching stack »).
* Give 6 coins to each player ( the lasting coins copose the general bank)
* Give an investigation sheet and a pencil to each player.

If a player has been dealt a red-backed card, then he must exchange it for another blue-backed-card,
and the stack is shuffeled again.

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Important note:
Every clue-card shows, on its up-left corner, a number from 1 to 4 royal lily icons.
Player can only exclude from the possible scenarios a clue ( a year, a character or a place) when he
has ticked on his investigation sheet the 4 squares matching this clue.

So, everyone tries to find the most possible clues and tick the matching squares on their
investigation sheet.

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Game overview.

The game is played through 2 rounds, each round ends when the searching stack is exhausted.
The older player starts to play.

First drafting phase.

Players are considered as consulting the National archives, so they are not allowed to tick any
square on their investigation sheet until this phase is over.
Each player chooses one card amongst the 4 it earns, and put it face down onto his investigation
Before drafting the 3 lasting cards to the player on his left, each player may try to memorize the
clues he's going to draft ( Name of the card and number of lilies in the corner).
This proceeding is repeated 3 times, until each players earns again 4 cards.
Then, everyone is allowed to tick the clues they earn or they have memorized.

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Major bid phase.

Each player chooses a card from his hand and puts it face down on the center of the table. Then the
players complete with cards from the searching stack to finally have 6 face down cards to bid for.
The first player bids with as many coins he wishes in order to buy this lot.
The following clockwise players may bid with more coins or pass.
If they pass, they can't bid later in this current bidding phase.
The player who wins the lot is the one who has proposed the most coins.
Then, he takes the cards he won, and is allowed to tick the possible new informations on his
investigation sheet, while other players start the minor bid phase.
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Minor bid phase

The lot will be composed only by 3 cards taken from the top of the searching stack.
The player who won the major bidding phase is not allowed to play for the minor one.
Players proceed the same way to win these new 3 cards.

* If gravel cards were bought in major or minor phase, simply keep them for the moment.
* If any red-backed card was in the major or minor lot, play its effect immediately, even before the
bid winner tick anything on his sheet. Then, the player has to complete his lot up to 6 (major) or 3
( minor) blue cards.
See below for the red-backed cards effects.

Action phase:

From the fisrts player, everyone chooses one action from:

* Playing a «  Cache secrète » card, and take the matching coins .
* Asking for a subvention and take 2 coins.
* Taking the top card in the searching deck, and tick a square if it's a new clue-card.

If the top card is a red-backed card, play its effects immediately, and then the player must take the
very next blue-card.
See below for the red-backed cards effects.

Dealing phase ( optionnal)

If at least 2 players wish to exchange cards, play this phase.

Otherwise, go to the next phase.
Dealing conditions:
players may deal cards, money, to get new clues.
They are not forced to respect their announcement, they may lie about the content of the lots they
exchange or sell...
The only things they are not allowed to deal is their investigation sheet...and their karma! ;)

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Starting now with the first player, everyone may reveal Gravel cards.
As soon as 3 gravel cards are revealed, they are discarded in the discard stack and the player is
allowed to take the first card from the searching deck.
As always, if the top card is a red-backed card, play its effect immediately, and then take the very
next blue card to add it at one's hand.

The phase ends when players verify simultaneously the card number in their hands.
If the hand exceeds 8 cards, the cards in excess are discarded face down, to the discard stack.

Then, play the Major, minor bidding phases, etc...

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When the last card from the searching deck is taken, the current round is over.
Then each player may ( not must) secretely tick squares on his investigation sheet, on the line
written «  Manche 1 ». Every right answer ( verified at the end of the game) ticked at the first round
gives + 1 bonus victory point.
However, every wrong answer ticked gives -1 malus victory point.

When the first round is over, shuffle the discarded card stack, and a new round starts by a drafting-
memory phase.
The game ends while the last card is taken from the searching deck, for the second time.
Then, each player must secretely tick squares he thinks they might be the matching scenario made
on setup.

The scenario is revealed and each player scores:

 2 victory points for each «  Manche 2 » right ticked square.
 0 victory point for each «  Manche 2 » wrong ticked square.
 + 1 victory point for each «  Manche 1 » right ticked square.
 - 1 victory point for each «  Manche 1 » wrong ticked square.

The player with the most VP is the winner.

In case of a tie, the winner is the player who saved more coins.

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Red backed special cards.

Apply their effect as soon as they are taken from the searching deck, or bought in a bidding lot.
The player who takes a red-backed card always gets a blue card in compensation.

* « Crue de la Durance » ( Durance is flooding): reveal cards from the searching deck until 2 clue-
cards are shown.
Each player can tick the matching squares on his  own sheet.
If other kind of cards are revealed ( red-backed cards, gravel cards or «  Cache secrète » cards), they
are discarded without playing their effect.

* «  Conseil Municipal »  ( Board of directors)

Each player gives 3 cards from his hand from his hand to the player on his left.
Giving Gravel cards is allowed.

Phases and round summary:

First round:
1* Drafting
2a* Major bid
2b* Minor bid
2c* Action:
            - Take 2 coins
            - Play a « Cache secrète » and take coins
            - Take the top searching card.
2d* Deal (optionnal)
2e* Reveal gravel cards
2f * Discard if more than 8 cards.

Start the same cycle from 2a. until the last card is taken from the searching deck.
End of first round: players may bet from 1 to 3 clues for bonuses/maluses.

Second round:
1* drafting
2a* Major bid
2b* Minor bid
2c* Action:
            - Take 2 coins
            - Play a « Cache secrète » and take coins
            - Take the top searching card.
2d* Deal (optionnal)
2e* Reveal gravel cards
2f * Discard if more than 8 cards.

Start the same cycle from 2a. until the last card is taken from the searching deck.
End of second round = end of game: players must bet from 3 clues for victory points.

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