Final English Written Exam Room 1

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Length 2 hours
I – Grammar - Passive

1 – Put in simple present active or passive verbs.

a) Gorillas (find) __________________ in several countries in Central Africa. They are about
1.6 metres tall, and they (cover) __________________ with black or brown hair. Gorilla´s
lives (spend) _________________in groups. Each has five to ten gorillas in it. The gorillas in
a group (walk) _________________ about 0.5 to 1 km per day, looking for food.

2 – Complete the sentences with simple present, past and future passive verbs into
these sentences.

a) Our passports ___________________ by a tall woman in a uniform. (take)

b) This room _________________ every day. (clean)
c) One day all our work _________________ by machines. (do)
d) I don´t think this room ___________________ yesterday. (clean)
e) You _________________ informed of the test results as soon as possible. (inform)
f) English _________________ as a second language by millions of people. (speak)

3 – Complete the sentences with present progressive passive and present perfect

a) Can we play on the football pitch? ´No ________________________________________

The grass /cut.
b) A new University ____________________ in Kew today by the Prince of Wales. (Open)
c) Can´t you wear your blue suit tonight? ´No, ___________________________________
It /clean.
d) Lord Retlaw _________________ from drunk driving. (Arrest)
e) Did Alice get that new job?´ ´Not yet ____________________________________ today
She /interview.
f) An old painting from a school in Wales _________________ for $ 250, 000 by an American
museum. (buy)
II – Reported speech
1. Write say or tell in past.
a) Everybody ___________ me I would pass the exam, but I didn’t.
b) Rachel _______ that she would be back by one o´clock.
c) I _______ my mother I wasn´t coming home before Saturday.
d) My mother _______ there was a letter for me.
e) Nobody ______ that the school was closed.
f) Why did you ______ the lessons were expensive?
2. Write these questions in indirect speech.
a) What is your name? ____________________________________________________________
b) Where do you live? _____________________________________________________________
c) Where have you been? _________________________________________________________
d) Where are you going? __________________________________________________________

3. Write these questions in indirect speech using whether.

a) Are you British? ________________________________________________________________
b) Is it your car? __________________________________________________________________
c) Do you have a driving licence? __________________________________________________
d) Do you have it with you? _______________________________________________________

4. Write these sentences with the correct tenses using there and then words.
a) I´m not happy here ________________________________________________________________
b) I hate this place___________________________________________________________________
c) I left home last week ______________________________________________________________
d) I wrote to my father yesterday _____________________________________________________

III - Conditional clauses

1 - Put in the correct verb forms; not real / not probable.

a) If I ___________ the answer, I ________________ you. (know, tell)

b) I _____________ Chinese if I __________________ more time (have; study)
c) I ___________________ a car if I ___________________ enough money. (buy; have)
d) If you _________________ read people´s thoughts, what ___________ you ____________?
(can, do)

2 - Put in the correct verb forms; unreal past

a) If I ____________________ Michael, I ____________________ what to do. (not ask; not know)

b) If Alex _________________ in London yesterday I ___________________to see him. (be; go)
c) I´m sorry. I ___________________ that if I ______________________ that your mother was
listening. (not say; know)
d) It ________________ better if you ____________________ nothing when the policeman
stopped you. (be; say)

3 - Put in the correct verb forms.

a) I´m sure john ____________ you ask him. (help)
b) I ____________ very happy if I _____________ more friends.(be; have)
c) If you _______________ your glasses, you would see much better. (clean)
d) If peter lives in little Compton, he probably ____________________ my friend jack. (know)

Writing III
a) In a ten lines composition, describe briefly the second scientific journey, mention
aspects such as your role, the topic, the length, the days, the invites, works presented
and so on.

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