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NPC Sheet

Henchmen/Power Hit D6 +Hit( +2) Range Max Rng End Dmg Crit Dmg Type PC Res Resources
+ Bodies + Bodies

Defence: Armour: Movement: Bodies: + /Turn Max Momentum = # of Attacking Bodies

Weapon Notes:

Name: PC Resources: NPC Type:

Mig 1 Traits:
Agi 2
Spe 3
Con 4 Defence Combat Order Und +
Stealth 2 + +
Emp 5 Direct Armour Max Momentum Pts Con +
Und 6 Splash Armour Movement Speed +

Stance Notes:
-2 Attribute = Death
- Attribute = Bleeding

Weapons Hit D6 +Hit( +2) Range Max Rng End Dmg Crit Dmg Hands Type Acquire Resources

Str Hit Requirements Result

Critical Hit Once per Action, Hit, Not Splash. Deal your Weapons Crit Dmg (-Targets Armour) to a random (d6) Attribute.
Build Momentum Does not Req Hit or Success. Gain +1 Momentum point.

Combat Actions, 2 per Turn

End Dmg: +1 Per Attacking Body.
Hit D6: +1d6 per Attacking Body.
Group Action Make a Skill Roll.
Move, Attack. Momentum 1: Alter Crit Location by +/-1.
Momentum 1: +1 End & Crit Dmg.
Speed: +2.
Rush Kill an adjacent Henchmen Body. Get Ready +1 Momentum.
Move. Momentum 1: Kill an adjacent Henchmen Body. Move, Recover. Speed: -2.
Hit: +Agility.
Think Make a Skill Roll.
Recovery: +Might -2.
Strike End Dmg: +Might.
Move, Recover. Move, Attack. Momentum 1: Alter Crit Location by +/-1.
Hit: +Agility.
Dodge Gain: +Agi Def vs the next 2 Attacks.
Momentum 1: +1 Cover Step.
Unleash End Dmg: +Might.
Move. Attack. Momentum 1: +1 End & Crit Dmg.

Players total Corruption & Madness

NPC Sheet

Name: PC Resources: NPC Type:

Mig 1 Traits:
Agi 2
Spe 3
Con 4 Defence Combat Order Und +
Stealth 2 + +
Emp 5 Direct Armour Max Momentum Pts Con +
Und 6 Splash Armour Movement Speed +

Stance Notes:
-2 Attribute = Death
- Attribute = Bleeding

Weapons Hit D6 +Hit( +2) Range Max Rng End Dmg Crit Dmg Hands Type Acquire Resources

Name: PC Resources: NPC Type:

Mig 1 Traits:
Agi 2
Spe 3
Con 4 Defence Combat Order
+ +
Emp 5 Direct Armour Max Momentum Pts Con +
Und 6 Splash Armour Movement Speed +

Stance Notes:
-2 Attribute = Death
- Attribute = Bleeding

Weapons Hit D6 +Hit( +2) Range Max Rng End Dmg Crit Dmg Hands Type Acquire Resources

Str Hit Requirements Result

Critical Hit Once per Action, Hit, Not Splash. Deal your Weapons Crit Dmg (-Targets Armour) to a random (d6) Attribute.
Build Momentum Does not Req Hit Gain +1 Momentum point.
NPC Sheet

Henchmen/Power Hit D6 +Hit( +2) Range Max Rng End Dmg Crit Dmg Type PC Res Resources
+ Bodies + Bodies

Defence: Armour: Movement: Bodies: + /Turn Max Momentum = # of Attacking Bodies

Weapon Notes:

Henchmen/Power Hit D6 +Hit( +2) Range Max Rng End Dmg Crit Dmg Type PC Res Resources
+ Bodies + Bodies

Defence: Armour: Movement: Bodies: + /Turn Max Momentum = # of Attacking Bodies

Weapon Notes:

Name: PC Resources: NPC Type:

Mig 1 Traits:
Agi 2
Spe 3
Con 4 Defence Combat Order Und +
Stealth 2 + +
Emp 5 Direct Armour Max Momentum Pts Con +
Und 6 Splash Armour Movement Speed +

Stance Notes:
-2 Attribute = Death
- Attribute = Bleeding

Weapons Hit D6 +Hit( +2) Range Max Rng End Dmg Crit Dmg Hands Type Acquire Resources

Str Hit Requirements Result

Critical Hit Once per Action, Hit, Not Splash. Deal your Weapons Crit Dmg (-Targets Armour) to a random (d6) Attribute.
Build Momentum Does not Req Hit or Success. Gain +1 Momentum point.

End Dmg: +1 Per Attacking Body.

Hit D6: +1d6 per Attacking Body.
Group Action Make a Skill Roll.
Move, Attack. Momentum 1: Alter Crit Location by +/-1.
Momentum 1: +1 End & Crit Dmg.

Players total Corruption & Madness

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