A. Based On Maslow's Hierarcy of Need Theory, Give Three Reasons Why Mary Might Be Right To Insist Her Husband Keeps On Doing The Job

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Based on Maslow's hierarcy of need theory, give three reasons why

Mary might be right to insist her husband keeps on doing the job.
According to the Master's Hierarcy of needs, the first level or stage
of the Hierarcy which is THE PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS, states
that there are some basic needs that every human beings should
acquire or have in order to survive. Some of such basic things are
food, water, clothing, shelter and sex.
With this stage of Maslow's Hierarchy boosted Mary to insist her
husband keeps on doing the job. She insisted because, per (hers
husband) John's migre some of money that he recieved every month
as salary can provide the family wiht such basic needs like food,
potable water, shelter, clothing and sex
Secondly, Mary might be right to insist her husband (John) to
keeps on doing the job as a security officer provide him employment
security. This job John was doing provided him the basic needs and
a result, he need not to stop doing that work. For him to go in for
another business or job, it is not easy to get capital to start the
business with and the probability to sustain the business is low but
the current business or job he is doing is automatically secured and
as such, he need not to stop doing the job as a security officer.
Working at Ghana Commercial Bank provides him with social
security so in case of any illness or unforseen occurrences, the
company or the bank will take good care of him, but in the case of
yam business, he may not have any security or protection in case of
sickness or when he is incapacitated to do yam business.
Thirdly, Mary must be right because the job provides John
love and affection needs because of the ethics guiding his
employment. Maslow's Hierarcy needs argues that it is very
necessary for humans to love others and others also to love them.
The absence of this love results to the following characters or
attitudes like loneliness, anxiety and stress and depression. The
work has the association that negotiates for its members and in
times of crises. As a worker in the bank, in case of any problem, he
can tell his collegues to advice him and to discuss issues together, in
so doing, he will feel part of the organization.
b. As the wife, identify any three (3) tools of
motivation and explain how Mary will use them to motivate her
husband, John, to keep on working.
First of all, Management by Objective(MBO) is one of the motivational
tools that Mary used to motivate her husband to keep on working. It
stresses on participatory set goals and objectives that are reasonable and
measurable. Specific, Measurable Achievable Realistic and Time
Bound(SMART). If John uses SMART as his yardstick, he would be
able to set specific goals that will help him to aim higher to learn very
hard to get to where his superior has reached and even gone beyond that.
MBO also will enable John appreciate his on_the_ job (training while
working). Mary should advise her husband John that by setting specific
goals that can be measured and which is achievable, realistic and
relevant and timeliness can help him to be upgraded to the next level
where he wants to be. He can further his education and also with time,
he would be able to be promoted so he should just set his mind on the
job and do it very well and in no time, he will have his turn as senior
officer. Again, reward system is also another motivational tool used
in an organization, organizations provide to their workers both intrinsic
and extrinsic rewards . With the help of his wife Mary, can motivate
John the husband to keep on working so that he can enjoy some intrinsic
and extrinsic rewards such as anything that encourages him to do the
job.Also, his salary will be increased. Mary also adviced John that when
he continue his education, he will get promotion and also encourage him
that the job provides him with a sense of freedom or liberty and
recognition. Also,
employee involvement program is another motivational tool or
implement that Mary can also use to ginger John, her husband, to keep
on working. Mary can say that or advise John that being a worker at the
Ghan Commercial Bank can give you the opportunityh to take part in
any important managyemnt meetings. Being an employee also makes
him John, to be able to communicate with management of the bank in
case there is any problem. She also advise John that working at the GCB
bank, he can go in for loan with little interest to do projects in so doing,
he will be able to move to the next level of Maslow's Hierarcy of Needs
which is ESTEEM NEEDS. In this level, John would be respected in the
C. Base on the case above, give and explain two (2) reasons why
Maslow's Hierarcy of need theory may not be relevant today in
motivating employees in private sector organizations in Ghana?
First, Maslow's theory is culturally unfair. The physiological and
safety needs seem to be universal because the other levels refelct in
Europe and USA values and ideologies. The problem is that American or
European culture is very nuclear, for this reason, different cultures such
as Ghana, which is more extended have not been considered into
Second, it is very difficult to account the satisfaction received from
the objective of a meeting. Maslow's Hierarcy of theory needs is based
on the simple accepted or true certain that once an individual gains
satisfaction from meeting, his observation of human innate, curiosity
move onto the self actualization needs but with this case, it can be seen
that the freedom of satisfaction is based on human mind and that it is
very difficult to estimate or measure.
d. Besides Maslow's hierarcy of needs theory, give and explain
one motivational theory that you think can best explain Mary's
strong position considering the current social world we live in today.
Besides Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, a psychologist,
Frederick Herzberg also advanced a two_factor theory which are the
employee motivating factors increase job satisfaction and the poor
hygiene factors decrease employee job satisfaction. Herzberg says that
there are certain factors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction
(motivators) and others that cause this satisfaction all of which acts
independently of each other according to Herzberg the hygiene factors
cannot be regarded as motivators. The motivational factors produce
positive satisfaction. These factors are inherent to work. These factors
ginger the workers for a superior or higher performance. Workers find
these factors intrinsically rewarding. Motivational factors includ
Recognition, Sense of achievement, Growth and promotional
opportunities, the state of having positive and significant contributions
of the job to one's life, and the satisfaction that an individual derives
from their jobs. Hygiene factors are those job factors which are
very important for existence of motivation at workplace. These do not
lead to positive satisfaction for long term. But if these factors are absent
or non_existent at workplace, then they lead to dissatisfaction. In other
words, hygiene factors are factors which when adequately or reasonably
in a job, pacify the employees and do not make them dissatisfied. These
factors are extrinsic to work. Hygiene factors also are dissatisfiers or
maintenace factors. Hygiene factors include; Pay Company policies and
administrative policies, Fringe benefits, physical working conditions,
status, interpersonal relations, Job Security and so on.

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