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Lusch, R., Vargo, S. y Malter, A. ( 2006 ) .

Marketing as service-exchange : taking a leadership

role in global marketing management . Organizational Dynamics, 35 (3) pp. 264-278. (AR51402)

Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 264–278, 2006 ISSN 0090-2616/$ – see frontmatter
ß 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.orgdyn.2006.05.008

Marketing as Service-Exchange:

Taking a Leadership Role

in Global Marketing

INTRODUCTION of playing MP3 music files is unremarkable;

it’s the constellation of additional service
Companies with a superior understanding of potential embedded in Apple’s version of
the customer usage experience create offer- the product that makes the iPod MP3 player
ings that promise greater value-in-use than so dominant (over 70 percent market share).
similar competing offerings, which enables Similarly, 3M Company excels at embed-
the most innovative companies in the world ding ever-greater value-in-use in new ver-
to outperform rivals. The Boston Consulting sions of its Post-It adhesive products, and
Group and BusinessWeek recently surveyed Nokia engineers excel at customizing the
1,070 senior managers in 63 countries in Asia, basic mobile phone interface (screen, menus,
Europe and North America, and found that contact list) for use by masses of less literate
the underlying technology of many innova- and low-income consumers in India, China,
tive products is not necessarily different or and other developing countries. Other lead-
more advanced than previous models or ing innovators such as Google Inc. embrace
competing offerings; instead, one of the pri- the concept of ‘‘open innovation.’’ For
mary keys to building a winner is a firm’s instance, Google extends its already substan-
ability to embed significantly greater service tial in-house research and development
potential in a relatively simple device or (R&D) capability by inviting customers to
service. For example, the Apple iPod is not co-produce imaginative applications for
valued by customers because it’s a mobile new technologies and services, such as its
MP3 player (there are many similar and even global mapping software.
technically superior devices) or because it What allows these leading innovators to
carries the Apple brand (most iPod users surge ahead while other firms engage in
do not own a MacIntosh computer). Its endless cutthroat competition and shrinking
superior value to users stems from its unique profit margins? We argue that the world’s
feel and shape, ease of use, and simplicity of most innovative companies share a different
its software, coupled with a new business mindset, or mental model, of how markets
model that provides consumers affordable work compared with the traditional view of
access to plentiful content while also giving exchange and value in marketing and eco-
music companies access to a mass market nomics. Until now, marketing theory and
and mechanism for collecting payment for practice have developed a logic that is heav-
copyrighted material. The basic technology ily based upon what is tangible. This logic
has led to a Newtonian model of marketing— MARKETING’S TANGIBLITY
one in which goods are embedded with FIXATION
value, produced away from the market or
consumer, and sold through the manipula- There are a number of reasons why market-
tion of marketing-mix decisions that will ing developed a passion for tangibility.
maximize firm profit. Under this logic, the Among them are (1) that marketing thought
market and the customer are things to act developed from economic thought, which
upon: to segment, to target, to penetrate, to itself developed from Adam Smith’s fixation
manipulate, and to control. Arguably, this on national wealth creation through the
logic and model worked reasonably well in export of surplus tangible goods, (2) that
relatively small and closed national markets the model of science was the Newtonian
associated with the creation of economic mechanical model of tangible things being
value through the extraction and combina- embedded with properties, and (3) that mar-
tion of static, depletable, natural resources— keting practice developed around a business
that is, during the Industrial Revolution. Wit- function focused on the distribution of the
ness for example the success of General tangible products of industry and agricul-
Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. during ture. Perhaps also, human senses are more
the early to mid-20th century using this attuned to tangibility and so abstract con-
model. However, the world and its markets cepts are more easily understood in relation
have changed, and the logic and model are to tangible reference points. For example,
no longer adequate, if they ever were. when Marconi captured the intangible power
J. Paul Getty said, ‘‘The meek may inherit of electromagnetic radio waves, the new
the earth, but not the mineral rights.’’ Today technology was referred to as ‘‘wire’’-less
tangible or mineral rights are not the key to (without the tangible wire), and in the
long-term success. Rather, what is increas- 1970s, Daniel Bell coined the term ‘‘post-
ingly apparent is that the application of industrial’’ society to represent moving from
intangible resources, like information, a focus on the manufacture of tangible good
knowledge, and ideas – derived from human to intangible services. More recently, Thomas
resources – is what is being exchanged, both Freidman used a tangible ‘‘world is flat’’
locally and globally, and provides the foun- metaphor in updating Kenichi Ohmae’s
tainhead of cash flow. General Motors Corp. notion of open competition and access to
may think it is failing in comparison with information.
Toyota Motor Corp. because of product However, while it may be surprising if
design or other product-centric factors. The not disquieting to many, international trade
truth is that Toyota is managing its intangible is not fundamentally about what is tangible
resources, with human resources on center and perceivable. The economic world is not
stage, more effectively. In a service-dominant about the production and exchange of stuff,
logic of marketing, it is the service that these creating supply chains for stuff, promoting
human resources can offer that becomes the for purposes of selling stuff, and setting the
central focus. Importantly, a service-domi- price for stuff that will maximize profit for
nant logic is helpful not only to large global the firm and, in the aggregate, determine the
firms such as Wal-Mart Stores (U.S.), British economic balance of trade for nations.
Petroleum (U.K.), ING Group (Netherlands), Rather, it is all about service. That is, all
Siemans AG (Germany), Hitachi Ltd. (Japan), economic entities are service providers to
Nestle S.A. (Switzerland), Samsung Electro- one another. As we will illustrate, this phe-
nics Co. (Korea), Peugeot Groupe (France) nomenon occurs within firms, across firms,
and others but also to smaller firms playing and across nations.
in increasingly and unavoidably global mar- Service, as we use the term, is the use of
kets, as well as nations providing the global human resources for the benefit of another
stages. party. We argue that this universal role of
service in the economy provides a frame of tial. In fact, developing countries that skip
reference that can help guide a management the ‘‘stage’’ of heavy industrialization and
and marketing philosophy that is more effec- jump straight to high-value service exports
tive and better contributes to global trade and may appear to be regressing economically—
sustainability than the frame of reference when the opposite is true. For example, if a
based on tangible goods, regardless of the Costa Rican plantation ceases production
type of industry, organization, or global loca- and export of bananas to become an eco-
tion. We call this revised philosophy service- tourism resort, Costa Rica’s merchandise
dominant logic (S-D logic). trade balance will appear to be adversely
There is a time and season for all ideas. In affected, even though foreign exchange earn-
the mid-19th century, French economist Fre- ings, monetary flows into the economy and
derick Bastiat espoused a service dominant per capita incomes may increase. The bias
logic when he argued that the root of all against ‘‘service’’ accounting in national
economic activity is the exchange of services. accounts similarly understates growth in
Fundamentally, this exchange of service for the U.S. and other developed economies.
service means that (1) all humans (and
human organizations) have to exchange is
their ability to serve other human entities,
and (2) even when goods are involved, they
are just mechanisms for service provision.
Thus, a global organization such as Wal-Mart Service-dominant logic rejects the traditional
Stores uses its human resources to serve distinction between goods and service (i.e.,
populations through sourcing and distribut- alternative forms of products) but rather con-
ing service-rendering goods. Wal-Mart’s siders the relationship between them. As
comparative advantage comes from being noted, goods are viewed as appliances, or
able to provide this goods-sourcing-distribu- vehicles, terms typically associated with
tion service more efficiently than the compe- devices to help perform chores or transport
tition. When they do this they create cash things from place to place. They serve as
flows that provide Wal-Mart the right to the alternatives to direct service provision.
services of others, while still having cash left Hundreds of years ago, only royalty and
to distribute to shareholders and to fund the very wealthy had access to music through
growth. However, the fundamental truth still the musicians they funded and for whom
holds, service is exchanged for service. they often provided instruments. Then along
Historically, national wealth was under- came Alexander Bell’s phonograph, Marco-
stood to be contingent on the manufacture ni’s radio, and so on to today’s portable
and export of tangible goods. Today much of music players such as the Apple iPod.
this focus on the tangible continues, even Now, instead of the musicians playing
though much of what is exported is intangi- directly for the privileged few, they play
ble. For instance, China’s achievements are indirectly to the millions if not billions by
highlighted and rewarded by indicators such combining their mental and physical skills to
as a rapidly growing merchandise trade sur- play a musical instrument, digitizing the out-
plus and surging consumption of energy and put, and distributing it via the electromag-
steel that measure economic performance in netic spectrum on a 24/7 basis. In brief,
largely tangible terms. India appears to lag music is now on-demand for virtually every
behind China in terms of merchandise trade, economic class in society. Undoubtedly,
because India’s strength in providing profes- goods are a special case, or a special means
sional services is not as easily captured in of, the more general service provision. When
such traditional measures. The tangibility Apple sells an iPod, IBM a computer, Sony a
bias built into many standard economic indi- video game machine overseas, the critical
cators masks India’s greater long-term poten- export is not the tangible materials, the good,
but the service potential of a whole host of decrease consumer alienation in society, and
integrated resources (knowledge) embodied (3) foster an aggregate marketing system that
in the materials of these physical platforms. is more pro-society by enhancing global sus-
Service-dominant logic shifts the pri- tainability and increasing the standard of
mary focus from what we call operand living and quality of life. This is a tall order.
resources—tangible, static resources that But we believe that service-dominant logic
require other, more dynamic resources to offers a richness that unleashes the potential
act on them to be useful – to operant resources constructive role of marketing in society.
– dynamic resources that can act on other Over the last several decades attempts
resources, both operand and operant, to cre- have been made to modify the old dominant
ate value through service provision. Impor- logic with concepts such as market orienta-
tantly, static operand resources are usually tion, customer orientation, CRM, service qual-
finite and depletable, while dynamic operant ity, and so on—but these have been ways to
resources are not only non-depletable in adjust, reframe, or enhance the old logic rather
most cases—but also replenishable, replic- than replace it. The underlying focus of
able, and capable of creating additional, exchange remained the tangible good. Ser-
new operant resources. This shift has impor- vice-dominant logic, by contrast, represents
tant implications for issues of social well- a change in the fundamental, framework used
being and resource sustainability in a true for understanding exchange and marketing.
global economy. Service-dominant logic is more of a phi-
losophy and perspective than a theory. It is a
lens for viewing market exchange processes
more clearly. It provides a mental model of
exchange with different implications for
practitioners and public policy makers than
the prevailing dominant logic in much the
Goods-dominant logic, with its central focus same way as an understanding of justice can
on the tangible good and the accompanying refocus the notion of democracy, an under-
tendency to view the customer (and standing of love can refocus the notion of sex,
employee) as someone to do something to and an understanding of strategy can refocus
in order to maximize firm performance, does the practice of management.
not appear to be working well presently, if it
ever did. There is ample evidence that the
How Service-Dominant Logic
aggregate marketing system is not serving
Can Help?
society as well as it could, partly by failing to
fully contribute to individual, firm, national Just as modern industry did not eliminate
and global well-being. Some of this failure is the need for agriculture or its importance and
reflected in the common perception of mar- ‘‘post-industrial’’ society (sometimes
keting as intrusive and misleading, alienat- referred to as a ‘‘service economy’’ or ‘‘infor-
ing customers and society. Additionally, mation age’’) has not eliminated industrial
marketing is losing influence in the firm production, service-dominant logic is not
because it is increasingly unable to deliver intended to eliminate the need for most tra-
the revenues and profits that chief executive ditional marketing concepts and practices.
officers (CEOs) and investors demand. Mar- Instead, service-dominant logic takes the
keting is occasionally even portrayed as a rather static concepts of the old logic and
tool of a new form of ‘‘colonization,’’ used reconceptualizes marketing as a continuous
in the exploitation of developing countries. series of competitive social and economic
A service-dominant logic of marketing, processes focused on exchange opportunities
in contrast, has the potential to (1) improve involving value propositions that offer to
marketing productivity at the firm level, (2) contribute to some combination of indivi-
dual, firm, and/or national well-being. In a eight commensurate shifts in thinking. These
global management context, the service- are discussed in the following sections and
dominant logic prescription can be summar- summarized in Table 1: (1) a shift to a focus
ized as first and foremost identifying or on the process of serving rather than the
developing core competences, the funda- creation of goods, (2) a shift to the primacy
mental knowledge and skills of an economic of intangibles rather than tangibles, (3) a shift
entity that represent potential global compe- to a focus on the creation and use of dynamic
titive advantage. The firm should then use operant resources as opposed to the con-
these core competences to cultivate relation- sumption and depletion of static operand
ships with potential customers. Collabora- resources, (4) a recognition of the strategic
tively working with these customers and advantage of symmetric rather than asym-
the firm’s other partners in its supply and metric information, (5) a shift to conversation
value network, the firm should strive to co- and dialog as opposed to propaganda, (6) an
create value with customers. And finally the understanding that the firm can only make
firm should gauge marketplace feedback by and follow through on value propositions
analyzing financial performance to help rather than create or add value, (7) a shift
assess its value proposition fulfillment. in focus to relational rather than transac-
This approach is driven by an innate pur- tional exchange, and (8) a shift to an empha-
pose of doing something for and with another sis on financial performance for information
party, and is thus customer-centric and cus- feedback rather than a goal of profit max-
tomer-responsive. It leverages the strengths imization. Collectively, these eight shifts can
of the firm and nation to satisfy customer provide a frame of reference for developing a
needs and achieve organizational and socie- unifying global perspective for marketers
tal objectives. The unique matching of firm across the organization and in all parts of
capabilities with customer needs, guided by the world. Furthermore, it provides them a
an on-going conversation between them, mental model and tools to continuously
generates long-term customer loyalty and adapt to a rapidly changing and complex
competitive advantage. global environment. Stated alternatively,
The shift from a goods-centered view to a we view service-dominant logic as a survival
service-centered view can be captured in kit for global marketing managers (Exhibit 1).


Goods to Service what are typically undesirable maintenance,
disposal, and replacement chores. Further,
When a firm sees itself primarily as a many firms and households purchase more
manufacturer with an implied purpose of equipment (appliances) than they need
selling what it makes, it sees the key to because the marketplace often provides no
making more money as selling more and other reasonable option. The result is that a
more goods. There is little or no logic in lot of natural resources sit idle in the form of
selling fewer goods: Why should Volkswa- unused or underutilized tangible goods. Zip-
gen want to sell fewer cars, Royal Dutch/ car is pursuing this strategy by maintaining
Shell to sell less oil, or Dow to sell fewer and insuring vehicles it parks throughout
chemicals? In contrast, the service-dominant dense urban areas where members can
logic suggests that since these goods are reserve a car for an hour or more. Zipcar is
actually mechanisms for service provision, converting cars to a utility such as electricity,
the customer is always buying a service flow heat and water while at the same time mini-
rather than a tangible thing, and thus the firm mizing underutilized vehicles.
should perhaps reconsider the nature of its Service-dominant logic encourages firms
offering. Stated alternatively, service-domi- and their customers to think in terms of these
nant logic offers an opportunity for the orga- service flows, rather than in terms of pur-
nization to focus on selling a flow of service. chasing goods. In fact, Jonathon Schwartz,
This would encourage it to determine the the new CEO of Sun Microsystems Inc., has
optimal configuration of goods, if any, for given free computer workstations to business
a level of service, the optimal organization or customers that buy service agreements. He
network configuration to maintain the ser- believes that the future of Sun rests in selling
vice, and the optimal payment mechanism in service rather then computer hardware or
exchange for providing the service. That is, software. IBM Corp. has used a similar logic
the organization is encouraged to think about to develop its ‘‘on-demand’’ business model,
the service system. For example, if a heating where information technology (IT) is deliv-
and air conditioning equipment manufac- ered as a flow of services rather than through
turer views itself in the temperature control a transaction involving change of ownership
business, then it could decide to sell climate of equipment. IBM is also developing a sys-
control for a building rather than just tem to allow insurance firms to provide
mechanical devices. It could charge per cubic insurance to automobile owners equipped
foot of climate maintained on a monthly or with global positioning system (GPS) track-
annual basis and/or through a payment plan ing devices that will charge for coverage
involving gain sharing, in which costs are based on actual mileage traveled, time of
reduced as system performance rises, thus day, and risk level in the area being driven.
benefiting financially both the firm and the Tangible resources that are part of our
customer. A seller entering into such an ecosystem can also be viewed in terms of
arrangement has an incentive to look at service provision. For example, natural pol-
everything about the building that will influ- lination of crops by insects or trees that help
ence heating and cooling costs. Predictably prevent erosion and protect the watershed
that would include the heating and air con- are examples of service provision, as are trees
ditioning equipment, but also windows, planted around houses to provide shade in
insulation, temperature control devices, etc. summer but sunlight and warmth during
There is also an implied incentive to sell and winter. These service flows can be a substi-
make less (or no) equipment and to use fewer tute for industrial products. For instance,
natural resources. sediment and nutrients flow into the Panama
By focusing on the service flows, the cus- Canal due to deforestation along the canal.
tomer is also receiving the benefit rather than The sediments clog the canal, while the nutri-
the device, which relieves the customer from ents do so indirectly by stimulating growth
of waterweeds. The government can pur- dreaming, experiencing, and expressing
chase equipment and hire workers to con- self-concept. A cup of coffee at Starbucks is
tinuously dredge the canal to keep it clean or, not about consuming a commodity beverage;
alternatively, replant trees. The trees would it is about experiencing a moment of relief
trap sediments and nutrients and also help from a hectic work and home life. Service-
regulate the supply of fresh water. In brief, dominant logic recognizes that the most
the forests would serve as a replacement for valuable and enduring things are not things.
building vast reservoirs and filtration beds. Tangible matter decays and/or is discarded,
This is not an isolated example. Nature while intangible memories and experiences
provides considerable potential service flows are embedded in our minds forever.
that entities can transform into service The shift from the tangible to the intangi-
exchange. As one notable example, consider ble also focuses the marketer on the solution
the energy generated from the ocean cur- that the customer is seeking. It is the old
rents, wind, and solar system. The ebb and adage that people don’t buy drills; they
flow of ocean tides can power turbines to buy quarter-inch holes. In business-to-busi-
provide electricity to coastal areas, where a ness marketing this is called solution selling.
considerable proportion of the world popu- But in all firms and industries across the
lation lives. By similar outside-the-box think- globe, the increasing mantra is about provid-
ing, British Petroleum (BP) has become a ing solutions—DuPont and Dow providing
global leader in developing sustainable alter- solutions that use chemistry to improve life
native (low or non-carbon) energy programs. and global sustainability, Cargill providing
Likewise, General Electric Co. is devoting solutions to improve yields for farmers or
considerable knowledge and skills to enhance the nutritional value of foods, BP
improving sources of energy and water providing solutions to help industry and
through the use of technology. consumers meet their energy needs. When
the focus becomes the solution and the intan-
gible, what firms learn is that the tangible
Tangibles to Intangibles
content cost of their product becomes smaller
MasterCard International has developed and smaller and the brand rises in value and
a global marketing campaign around the importance. Adidas, Apple, Benetton, Coca-
theme of ‘‘priceless.’’ A typical advertise- Cola, Rolex, Starbucks, Toyota, etc. all are
ment shows consumers purchasing tangible about the intangible experience; the tangible
goods such as food, wine, furniture, apparel, content is only the platform or the appliance
or jewelery. The advertisement then dis- used for the more important and more
plays the price (value-in-exchange) of each enduring experience.
of the items. However, each advertisement
ends with a statement emphasizing that the
Operand to Operant Resources
goods were only the means to provide a
‘‘priceless’’ experience (value-in-use)—for A static operand resource is usually tan-
instance, spending time with your loved gible and requires something be done to it to
one at a special dinner or watching your be useful, whereas a dynamic operant
children win a soccer game. In a service- resource is largely intangible and can pro-
dominant logic world, it is central to under- duce an effect. In service-dominant logic,
standing: exchange is fundamentally, pri- operant resources are the source of compe-
marily about the intangible rather than the titive advantage. Historically, we have been
tangible. taught that certain countries (e.g., Singapore
A pair of $100 Nike athletic shoes have a and Israel) did not accumulate wealth or high
material content that is a fraction of the $100. productivity because they lacked tangible
However, what a Nike shoe provides the natural resources. However, service-domi-
teenager wearing them is a gateway for nant logic implies that knowledge, an intan-
gible resource, is the source of national now be performed by relatively ‘‘unskilled’’
wealth and the only sustainable source of labor or perhaps even by robots (i.e., without
competitive advantage. human labor altogether)––that is, the human
Knowledge is also something that can be skills necessary for these tasks have devolved
duplicated and shared without the knowl- from ‘‘high tech’’ to ‘‘low tech.’’ However, at
edge provider giving up the knowledge. This the same time, newer, higher-level skills –
makes knowledge quite different from tan- today’s high-tech jobs, such as design, brand-
gible resources, which the seller loses when ing, resource integration, etc. – have evolved.
they are exchanged. In addition, knowledge This continual augmentation of dynamic
can allow us to increase the usefulness, effec- operant resources is critical to competitive
tiveness, and efficiency of depletable viability of the nation and the firm alike.
resources. An innovation that doubles fuel Often, acquiring non-core, higher-level
efficiency of carbon-based engines has the competences and commoditized compe-
same effect as a doubling of oil reserves. tences in the market place by outsourcing
Couple with this the development of an (foreign or domestic) is not only non-detri-
engine that doesn’t use carbon fuel, but rather mental to this augmentation process but may
a renewable energy source such as solar and actually be essential to the process. This out-
carbon fuel, and reserves are further sourcing promotes vitality and growth by
enhanced. This is precisely what General allowing the firm or nation to stay focused
Electric is pursuing in its ‘‘ecomagination’’ on the sustenance and augmentation of more
(see: strategy. integrative and ever more valuable compe-
The global companies (and countries) that tences, rather than the maintenance of non-
will be able to adapt in a rapidly changing competitive resources. In fact, this outsour-
technological world are those that invest cing is at the very heart of market creation
heavily in knowledge development. Even and firm and national growth. That is, mar-
firms (or countries) that move labor to ket creation requires outsourcing.
lower-cost areas of the world, such as China As the late organizational consultant and
or India, need to recognize that it is in their author Richard Normann has argued, specia-
interest to develop the knowledge and skills lization requires outsourcing to relieve actors
of their new workforce. Predictably, as this from performing tasks which can be better
occurs workers’ skills and pay are increased, performed by more specialized actors else-
and they increasingly become customers for where. He talks about the process in terms
service(s) they don’t presently acquire in the of ‘‘unbundling’’ and ‘‘rebundling’’ of assets
market, thus expanding both local and global (‘‘resources’’). This rebundling represents the
market potential. creation of new technology or, in service-
Service-dominant logic suggests that all dominant logic terms, new dynamic operant
participants in the value-creation process be resources that combine with other operant
viewed as dynamic operant resources. resources (including those related to custo-
Accordingly, they should be viewed as the mers, employees, and other value-creation
primary source of both organizational and partners) in value creation. Thus, this new
national innovation and value creation. Oper- technology is a higher-level competence that
ant resources are not static; they both devolve provides competitive advantage through a
and evolve in scope and effectiveness. That is, denser level of resource integration. It is this
like the goods they can produce, operant (re)integration of resources that has been iden-
resources, if not augmented, become commo- tified as the most critical aspect of innovation.
ditized over time. Thus, they must be conti- The effect of this innovation is typically to
nually expanded and enhanced. For example, create not only more firm and national
in the U.S., many highly skilled craft special- wealth, but often more employees – even
ties of 100 years ago were first replaced by after allowing for loss of specific jobs from
‘‘skilled’’ manufacturing abilities, and can outsourcing – and often at higher value (thus
higher salaries) because of the higher-level rounds of multi-lateral trade negotiations
skills involved and the increased demand. have lowered average tariff rates dramati-
cally, introduced mechanisms for dispute
resolution, and have begun to address intel-
Asymmetric to Symmetric
lectual property rights and services, but
Service-dominant logic suggests that all trade-distorting barriers and subsidies still
exchanges should be symmetric. A focus abound. Trade between developed and
on symmetric information and treatment developing countries remains particularly
implies: (1) one does not mislead customers, asymmetric. Regrettably, some of the highest
employees or partners by not sharing rele- barriers to the global exchange of service are
vant information that could enable them to imposed by low-income countries on their
make better and more informed choices, and low-income neighbors, further impeding
(2) all exchange or trading partners are trea- economic growth and development.
ted equitably. The first implication is largely
at the firm level, however, the second pro-
Propaganda to Conversation
vides major guidance for countries.
In a globally networked and open econ- Advertising, at least as normally prac-
omy, information symmetry becomes essen- ticed, has tended to be propagandistic. Since
tial because the system will drive out those its purpose is to sell the advertiser’s pro-
organizations that are not trustworthy or ducts, it typically advocates the views and
symmetric in information provision. Organi- perspective of that advertiser, the seller, and
zations must promote the symmetric flow of thus, is one-sided and favorably biased.
information both across firms and customers While this is not necessarily bad, buyers
and within the firm where different depart- now have access to more and more informa-
ments and divisions can be internal custo- tion, causing them to turn away from com-
mers and suppliers of one another. In brief, munications that appear to be inaccurate,
this argues for truth telling as a globally abusive, intrusive or overly one-sided.
pervasive norm in business. Service-dominant logic argues that com-
A second type of symmetry advocated by munication should be characterized by con-
service-dominant logic relates to the treat- versation and dialog. This approach should
ment of trading partners. This has national include not only customers, but also employ-
and global, in addition to inter-firm, implica- ees and other relevant stakeholders who may
tions. Essentially the symmetric treatment of be affected by service exchange. All stake-
trading partners means treating others the holders need to be part of the market dialog.
way you would want to be treated. It means For example, Starbucks promotes its commit-
removing barriers that are artificially created ment to fair trade and sustainable develop-
to give differential advantage to one partner ment in coffee-producing countries through
over others (contrary to the spirit of treating its partnership with the Earthwatch Institute
all ‘‘most favored nation’’ partners equally). and invites customers to join an environmen-
Asymmetry can be seen most often in the tal field research expedition in Costa Rica.
erection of non-tariff trade barriers and puni- Similarly, British Petroleum promotes its
tive, countervailing duties, which introduce commitment to alternative energy by invit-
noise into the system and discourage free and ing customers to use an interactive online
open markets. Globally, effective division of tool to assess and reduce their carbon ‘‘foot-
labor arises when all countries can focus and print.’’ Toyota promotes its investment in
capitalize on the competencies in which they employing and training thousands of Amer-
have specialized and differential advantage. ican workers in its U.S. production and
The establishment of trade barriers results in design facilities. All three of these global
losses in wealth creation for both individual firms are capitalizing on dialog and conver-
countries and the system as a whole. Recent sation with stakeholders.
This conversational model is becoming per. However, it also recognizes that ultimate
increasingly possible. Thus, marketing con- value is not created (or added) in the factory,
versation will (should) occur as an integral but rather co-created with the customer and
part of the marketplace—the market itself determined by the customer’s assessment of
will be part of the conversation. An illustra- value-in-use. Witness the earlier examples of
tion of this can be found in the youth fashion Nike and Starbucks.
market that is becoming increasingly global This idea that value is something deter-
in nature. The marketplace itself thus rein- mined by the customer implies that the firm
forces youth and vitality and further can only make an offer of value creation
encourages the more homogeneous look of through the application of its resources to
young people worldwide. some need of the customer—that is, through
In service-dominant logic, marketers are service. Thus, the firm can only make a value
encouraged to emphasize listening as much, proposition and then, if it is accepted, value
if not more than, talking. It suggests that is co-created in concert with the customer.
marketers should focus on hearing the voice Value-in exchange, as reflected in price paid,
of the market and the signals that arise from is just an indication of the customer’s per-
the market. In this regard, more and more ceived probability that at least some mini-
people who are not part of a direct economic mum desired value will result from
exchange are voicing their views about the acceptance of the value proposition.
economic exchanges of global entities. For
instance, the voicing of views about the prac-
Transactional to Relational
tices of firms or their suppliers in employing
child labor or the marketing practices that Whenever there is specialization and divi-
spread global brands that influence local sion of labor, specialists become interdepen-
cultures. The service-dominant logic enter- dent for well-being, if not survival. As
prise will not only listen to all of these voices, specialization increases, as it is presently
but will also participate in the conversations. on a global basis, so does this interdepen-
dence. As entities become more interdepen-
dent their potential for collective action
Value Added to Value
One way this collective action is fostered is
In the goods-dominant logic, value was through the development of relational, or
viewed as a property (utility) of a good that social, contracts. These relational contracts
was added in the manufacturing process, allow the entities (individually and collec-
equivalent to value-in-exchange. Thus, if a tively) to relate to the environment. Consider
customer paid a price for an offering, then the traditional agricultural economy, where
the exchange of money was assumed to farmers who specialize in growing foodstuffs
reflect the value in the transaction. This logic require access to a stream of production
implied that as firms accumulated costs in inputs and consumption goods throughout
manufacturing and distribution (they the year, while crops are harvested and
exchanged money for capital and labor), they income earned during a limited period. In
should set prices based on these added costs. such communities, the general store emerged,
Traders adopted a ‘‘cost-plus’’ mindset, which provided the products the farmer
believing that any cost could be pushed onto needed throughout the year and provided
the next party in the supply chain and even- credit outside the harvest season. Thus, the
tually onto consumers and society. farmer and general store became intricately
Service-dominant logic accepts the impor- involved in a relational contract. The farmer
tance of value-in-exchange, since it recog- needed the general store, and the general store
nizes that firms need to obtain cash (via needed the farmer; both were vital parts of a
marketplace exchange) to survive and pros- symbiotic and relational exchange system.
Marketing has been moving toward recap- involves dozens of entities from many coun-
turing and elaborating this relational (as tries, one begins to see the importance of
opposed to transactional) orientation for the global relational contracting. For example, a
last 25 years. This is not surprising; since, as shirt, at the minimum, involves the grower of
specialization and exchange increase over cotton, a weaver, a fashion designer, multiple
time, so do relationships. In fact, society in transportation firms, a cut and sew operation,
general, and the emergence of a global society a financial institution and a retail marketer. If
specifically, are relational phenomena. Ser- the retailer is a just-in-time firm, such as The
vice-dominant logic is inherently relational, Limited, then all participants in the supply
partly because it implies that parties co-create chain would benefit from some degree of
value. Firms guided by service-dominant relational contracting.
logic cannot be indifferent to customers or
M a x i m i z i n g P r o fi t s t o F i n a n c i a l
If exchange is fundamentally centered on
the exchange of service(s) for service(s) then
the marketer needs to step back and take a Profit maximization is not in the vocabu-
broader perspective on his or her role. The lary of service-dominant logic. Service-domi-
one thing that most of us have in common is nant logic views marketing as an ongoing
that we go to the market to offer our applied stream of social and economic processes in
mental and physical competences in which firms continually generate and test
exchange (usually using money as an hypotheses. Firms learn from financial out-
exchange mechanism) for the applied mental comes as they attempt to better serve custo-
and physical competences (often embedded mers and obtain cash flows for the firm.
in tangible appliances) that we need. Market- Service-dominant logic embraces market
ers, however, have only positioned them- and customer orientation and a learning
selves as responsible for disposing of the orientation. Therefore, financial success is
output side of the firm. not just an end in itself, but an important
Should the marketer evaluate in which form of marketplace feedback about the ful-
skills the customer needs to specialize and fillment of value propositions.
which should be exchanged in the market— Thus, price paid, profits and cash flow are
that is, which services (intangible or pro- important signals (though not the only sig-
vided through goods) might be acquired to nals) to the firm regarding the extent to
leverage his or her own service provision which it is serving and meeting customer
and exchange processes? Should the market- needs. The ‘‘price’’ that firms receive for their
ing function become a customer-consulting offerings (value-in-exchange) is essentially a
function? Should the marketer become the co-produced signal. It represents supply
buying agent on a long-term, relational basis (seller) and demand (buyer) factors coming
to source, evaluate and purchase the skills together to agree upon the minimum poten-
that the customer needs, wants, or desires? tial value of resources in use. These prices are
As nations or regions become more specia- a much better signal or instruction on con-
lized, they become part of a growing global sumer wants and needs than those that are
web of interdependency. From these interde- mandated from top down by a government
pendencies evolve new global relations where or other planning organization.
relational exchange becomes more important.
This presents special challenges when one
trading partner may try to look out for its
own long-term best interests in ways the other
trading partner may not necessarily desire. If
one considers that a value-creation network Executing on service-dominant logic in
for an everyday item such as a shirt or blouse a globally hyper-competitive marketplace
will be challenging for many organizations. capabilities that are part of the organization’s
Old ways of doing things and entrenched culture. We all know cultures change slowly;
habits die slowly. When this involves not if your firm does not have these two meta-
only ways of doing things in the firm but competences you need to first work at
also across firms in today’s large global sup- improving these to provide a platform for
ply and value-creation networks, the chal- more successful service-dominant logic
lenge is even more daunting. implementation.
Don’t be surprised if your biggest barrier Once you think your organization has
or resistance comes from your marketing the base level of collaborative capability
staff. They are used to thinking of their job and absorptive capability, you should con-
as built around traditional concepts of pro- sider adopting service-dominant logic with a
duct, price, promotion and place (the magical prototype project to help you refine the
‘‘4 Ps’’ of marketing). In many respects, mar- model and identify resistances. What could
keting has failed in the past because market- be more exciting and bring more potential
ing actually had little control over these 4 Ps – competitive advantage than pursuing a new
even though they thought they did. Much of business opportunity or a major business
product development was housed in the problem with this new frame of reference?
engineering department, price and terms of Think about the exciting learning that occurs
trade was pretty much the responsibility of when a firm collaborates with employees,
the finance department, promotion was customers and partners of its entire supply
usually split between advertising, public and value network to co-create a service
relations and sales management but often offering and value proposition with conver-
not reporting through a singular chain of sation and dialog at the center.
command, and place was often controlled
by a transportation and logistics department
or the real estate department. This high divi-
sion of labor and specialization grew out of
the classic industrial organization where At least since the days of Adam Smith’s
specialists were separated and unified study of what contributes to national well-
through a centralized strategic and tactical being, we have been taught to think of the
plan. This simply won’t work in the future. value of resources in terms of their tangibi-
In a hyper-competitive global environment, lity and to view the economic world in terms
change is rapid, turbulent and surprising— of the exchange of tangible goods. But the
and thus a model of separation is giving economic world has changed, and market-
way to a model of interaction that S-D logic ing is no longer centrally concerned with
embraces. physical distribution; it is now more cen-
There are two meta-competences we trally concerned with the facilitation of
have found to be pivotal to adopting ser- all economic exchange, which increasingly
vice-dominant logic. Collaborative capability cannot be understood in terms of tangible
represents the ability of the organization to goods.
work with other parties in an open, truthful Service-dominant logic takes a broader,
and symmetric manner. To do so the orga- more comprehensive view of exchange. It
nization must also have internal specialized focuses on the intangible, often information
capabilities and knowledge because other- that can now be transmitted across national
wise no other organization would benefit boundaries instantly, as well as higher-
from working with the organization. Absorp- order skills that can be exported in addition
tive capability is the ability of the organization to, or increasingly in lieu of, tangible goods.
to absorb new information from the environ- Thus, it is a logic focused primarily on the
ment, including its collaborative partners. application of dynamic operant resources—
Importantly, both of these are organizational service. This logic points both firms and
nations toward policies and approaches to of these wellbeing and wealth relationships
the market that are somewhat contrary to is also true.
their existing prevailing logic. It implies
that just as individual and firm wellbeing
are tied to societal wellbeing, national
wealth is tied to global wealth. The inverse



The following books and articles provide Articles

additional perspective on the ideas central
Achrol, Ravi and Philip Kotler, ‘‘Marketing in
to a service-dominant logic of marketing and
the Network Economy,’’ Journal of Marketing,
1999, 63(Special Issue), 77–93; ‘‘Are You Being
Served?’’ The Economist 23 April 2005, 76–78;
Jena McGregor, ‘‘The World’s Most Innova-
Barabba, Vincent P., Meeting of the Minds: tive Companies,’’ BusinessWeek, 24 April
Creating a Market-Based Enterprise (Boston: 2006), 62–74; Prahalad, C. K. and Venkatram
Harvard Business School Press, 1995); Ramaswamy, ‘‘Co-opting Customer Compe-
Gronroos, Christian, Service Management tence,’’ Harvard Business Review, 2000, 78, 79–
and Marketing: A Customer Relationship Man- 87; Sawhney, Mohanbir, Sridhar Balasubra-
agement Approach (West Sussex, U.K.: John manian, and Vish Krishnan, ‘‘Creating
Wiley & Sons, 2000); Haeckel, Stephen H., Growth with Services,’’ MIT Sloan Manage-
Adaptive Enterprise: Creating and Leading ment Review, 2004, 45(Winter), 34–43; Shostack
Sense-and-Respond Organizations (Boston: G. Lynn, ‘‘Breaking Free from Product Mar-
Harvard Business School Press, 1999); keting,’’ Journal of Marketing, 1977, 42, 73–80;
Lusch, Robert F. and Stephen L. Vargo Vargo, Stephen L. and Robert F. Lusch. ‘‘Evol-
(Eds.), The Service-Dominant Logic of Market- ving to a New Dominant Logic for Market-
ing: Dialog, Debate and Directions (Armonk, ing,’’ Journal of Marketing, 2004, 68(January),
NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2006); Normann, Richard, 1–17; Vargo, Stephen and Robert Lusch, ‘‘The
Reframing Business: When the Map Changes Four Services Marketing Myths: Remnants
the Landscape (West Sussex, U.K.: John from a Manufacturing Model,’’ Journal of Ser-
Wiley and Sons, 2001); Pine, B. Joseph vice Research, 2004, 324–335; Webster, Freder-
and James H. Gilmore, The Experience Econ- ick E., Jr., Alan J. Malter, and Shankar
omy: Work is Theater and Every Business a Ganesan, ‘‘The Decline and Dispersion of
Stage (Boston: Harvard Business School Marketing Competence,’’ MIT Sloan Manage-
Press, 1999). ment Review, 2005, 46(Summer), 35–43.

Robert F. Lusch is marketing department head and the Lisle & Roslyn
Payne Professor of Marketing at the University of Arizona. His expertise
is in the areas of marketing strategy, retailing and distribution
systems. A prolific author, he is the author of over 150 publications
including seventeen books. He is a two-time recipient of the Harold H.
Maynard Award for contributions in marketing theory. Previously
he served as editor of the Journal of Marketing and as Chairperson
of the American Marketing Association (Tel.: +1 520 621 7480;

Stephen L. Vargo is associate professor of marketing at the University

of Hawaii. His expertise is in the areas of marketing theory and
consumers’ evaluative reference scales. He has published in the Journal

of Marketing, Journal of Service Research, and other marketing journals
and serves on the editorial review board of the Journal of Marketing,
Journal of Service Research, and the Australasian Marketing Journal. He has
been awarded the Harold H. Maynard Award for his contribution to
marketing theory (Tel.: +1 808 956 8506; e-mail:

Alan J. Malter is assistant professor of marketing at the University of

Arizona. His research examines the changing role of marketing, effects of
geographic proximity on learning and innovation, and tacit knowledge. He
has published in the Journal of Marketing, MIT Sloan Management Review,
International Journal of Research in Marketing, and Journal of Product
Innovation Management, among others. He has received the Robert D.
Buzzell Award for contributions to marketing practice and thought
(Tel.: +1 520 626 7353; e-mail:


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