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SKILL: LISTENING Names: Marcia Gonzalez, Guido Poma,

Johnnatan Centeno, Adriana Salazar, Katherine

González, Adriana Lara, Marisol Guaman,
Estefania Suarez.
1.- AUDIO:

1. Based on what you heard in

the audio, write true T or
false F as appropriate.
(F) Engelbart was a chemical
engineering student. Course: 6G2
(T) Engelbart's proposed solution
was a device that remotely
controlled an on-screen cursor
called a "bug."
(F) Engelbart along with fellow
inventor Bill English, presented
something called a "mause" to a
crowd of 1,000,000 people in New
2. Who was the person who in
1960, had the idea to create
the mouse to increase the
efficiency of the computer
of the time?
A. Douglas Engelbart
B. Stephanie Kwolek
C. Steve Jobs
D. Bill English
3. Who created the pacemaker
by accident?
A. Steve Jobs
B. Wilson Greatbatch
C. Stephanie Kwolek,


1.- What do we have Thomas

Edison to thank for?
a) For inventing the first computer
b) For inventing the first solar panel
c) For inventing the first light
d) For inventing the first electric

2.- What experiment was

successful for Edison for the
combination of his light bulb?
a. copper
b. platinum
c. metal
d.the carbon

3.- What is the name of the inventor

who has developed more than 1000
inventions in addition to the light
bulb, electric battery and voting
A: Thomas Edison
B: Thomas Martinez
C: Thomas Stalin
D: Thomas Yeray

SKILL: READING Names: Jennifer Salazar, Beatriz Paz, Fernando

Taimal , Mayra Procel, Jomaira Llivisaca
Questions: Level: 6G2

1. Complete the following paragraph

according to the text presented
The first settlers did not…… machines or
precise mechanisms to precise mechanisms
to measure temperature. Usually
used……… hands to assess the temperature
of a person or object. or object. It was
unreliable and depending on what they had
to measure, it could be dangerous or not.
could be…….. or not.



2. Please the literal acording to each


a.- He is a great scientist who created the
-----Galileo Galiley
b.- One of them is headache, dizziness and
very hot.
-----Fever Sintoms
c.- It is a great invention that people used
to do in ancient times to check fever


3. Reply

Who did he call quickly to see if he could

check his temperature since he had a fever
and what did he take to check if he had a

He called his father and took the
thermometer to see if he had a fever

4. Read the following paragraph and

answer if the statements are true
or false as appropriate.
The first settlers did not have machines or
precise mechanisms to measure
temperature. They usually used their hands
to measure the temperature of a person or
object. It was unreliable and depending on
what they had to measure it could be
dangerous or not. Can you imagine
measuring the temperature of food in a fire?
You could get burned!
The first steps in creating thermometers date
back to the time of Galileo Galilei. This
brilliant scientist created the thermoscope. It
was a glass tube with an open end and a
closed sphere. The open part was introduced
into a solution of water mixed with alcohol.
When this mixture was heated. This went up
the glass tube.

a. They usually used their machine to

measure the temperature of a person
or object. ( )
b. The first steps in creating
thermometers date back to the time
of Galileo Galilei. ( )
c. It was very reliable and depending
on what they had to measure it could
be dangerous or not. ( )
d. It was a glass tube with an open end
and a closed sphere. ( )


a) False
b) True
c) False
d) True

GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY Names: Jesica Aguinda,

Look at the images... choose the word that best describes
each product.

1 2
Wacky Efficient
High-tech Low-tech

3 4

Low-tech Wacky

Answers: 1=(High-tech) 2=(Efficient) 3=(Low-tech)


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