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The transmitted photons are

measured at a given location on the
film (pixel) and there are typically

Film digitizers vs. 2 048 pixels per line, 2 500 lines on a

film (8 xl0" up to
14 xI7"). The photons are detected

CCD scanners by a very efficient photomultiplier

tube (PMT) and the resulting output
voltage is conditioned by a log ampli-
fier. The log amplifier normalizes the
extremely high number of photons
Laser digitizers have a long history (high voltage) detected at low opti-
of use in medical applications such cal densities versus the relatively low
as teleradiology, image management, number of photons (lower voltages)
PACS, even computer-aided diagno- detected at high optical densities.
sis. A new-technology CCD-based Since the source is a laser, maintain-
film digitizer introduced at the 1995 ing very high signal/noise is straight-
RSNA now provides an alternative forward and the result is a scanning
worth considering. densitometer.

The basics Density precision

Let's examine the basics: how does The laser film digitizer converts
a digitizer convert film densities into each density measurement into a pixel
digital values? value which is 1000 x the optical den-
It is important to know that opti- sity at that point. Optical density
cal density (OD) is a log function 2=2000,3.2=3200, etc. To put it an-
which means that measuring higher other way, this means that there are
densities with meaningful precision is 1000 levels from 0 to 1 OD, 1000 lev-
not easy. At optical density 0,100% els from 1 to 2 00, and so on.
of the incident photons (the light go- As an example the Lumiscan 75
ing through the film) is transmitted; converts 2 048 pixels into digital den-
at 1.0 OD, only 10% make it through; sity values 115 times per second
at 2.0 OD, only 1% , and at3.0 00 which is over 235 000 12-bit meas-
only 0.1 %. urements per second. It digitizes a
14" x 17" film in less than 25 seconds.
Laser digitizers
The end result
The advantage of using a laser as a
light source is that a tremendous What does this really mean? It
number of photons are produced, all means that a radiologist can be confi-
the same wavelength, and the light is dent that almost every nuance in a
coherent, subject to less scatter. The film will be captured by a laser film
point is, with such a large supply of digitizer. A confident diagnosis can
photons, the laser film digitizer can almost always be made with a laser-
accurately measure optical density digitized film.
from 0.03 to 3.6 or even 4.1 OD with
0.001 OD precision.



Teleradiology and PACS
Important questions which need to be
addressed when considering these
• Is it DICOM 3.0 Compliant?
• Am I locked in to one supplier?
• What can the system grow into?
• Am I locked into one support
With Windows NT being specified as
the standard throughout the world,
you need a system that can grow with
your practise without being limited by
any of the above considerations.
IMED are distributors of Teleradiology,
PACS, Laser and CCD Scanners, of
which RadWorks and Lumisys have
been declared the GOLD STANDARD
for the industry. Point to point 2K
Teleradiology systems includin
scanner and
Filrn digitizers vs. CCD scanners


The various models of laser film density measurements are produced supposed to be related to the density
digitizers are designed to provide the over the dynamic range of the system: of the film at a given point.
end-user with the best system for spe- • 1000 levels from 0 to 1 00, At optical density a, maximum
cific applications. light passes through the film, so maxi-
• 1000 levels from 1 to 2 00,
mum voltage is produced by the CCD
NewCCD • 1000 levels from 2 to 3 00, element. This is typically calibrated
digitizer • 200 levels from 3 to 3.2 OD. to be 10volts. At optical density I,
Now let's consider a "new-technol- only 10% of the light transmitted at
ogy" CCD digitizer. "New" because Typical CCD optical density 0 will be detected (op-
some innovative technology is incor- scanner tical density is a log function). This
porated into a basic CCD design Now let's look at a typical CCD means the voltage output density 1 is
which results in a lower cost digitizer scanner. It should be recognized that 1.0 volt.
with acceptable clinical performance all those available on the market share If the CCD output is being digi-
- certainly much better than typical essentially the same performance tized into 12 bits or 4 096 density lev-
CCD scanners, for some easy to un- characteristics because the laws of els, then the number of density levels
derstand reasons. physics are equally applicable. between optical density 0 and optical
First, a proprietary solid-state il- A common claim is that spatial density 1 is 3 686. This is calculated
luminator is used rather than a light resolution is much better. This is be- knowing that the full range of the
bulb to produce more photons which cause all CCD chips (detectors) have CCD output is IO volts = 4 096 den-
are also of the same wavelength. Ad- a large number of elements (4000, =
sity levels and 9 volts 3 686 density
vantages: It doesn't burn out every 6000, even 8000), so in theory a line levels (90% of 4 096).
six months, there's less scatter, and of film can be digitized into a like This gets more interesting now.
more photons means higher signal/ number of pixels. In fact, two inher- From optical density 1 (l volt) to opti-
noise (more accurate density meas- ent characteristics of CCD chips are cal density 2 (0.1 volt), the output of
urements) at higher optical densities. electronic (dark current) noise and the CCD element is 0.9 volts which
Second, high quality optics are "crosstalk" (photons which should be equals 369 density levels (9% of 4 096).
used to focus the transmitted light detected by one element are detected From optical density 2 (0.1 volt)
onto the CCD chip. A more efficient by two or more elements). So most to optical density 3 (0.01), the out-
lens means more photons (higher sig- CCD scanners are practically limited put is 0.09 volt or 37 density levels.
nal/noise) and less optical noise. to 1000-2000 pixels per line (by av- From optical density 3 to optical
Third, an aerospace quality CCD eraging) to circumvent these prob- density 4, only 4 density levels are
chip is used to maximize signal/noise. lems. This is usually regarded as ac- possible, which is meaningless. In
The particular chip utilized has been ceptable since most radiologists do not other words,
selected for its low noise characteris- want to deal with larger image files • 3 686 levels from 0-1 00,
tics and to further reduce noise (cross- anyway.
• 369levels from 1-2 00,
talk), the detector elements are aver- The more relevant issue surrounds
aged so that 2 048 pixels are collected claims of optical density range. Note • 37 levels from 2-3 00,
over 14". that all manufacturers say they meas- • 4 levels from 3-4 OD.
ure optical densities up to 3.0 or 3.2 In fact, it is generally accepted that
Density or 3.5, but are unwilling to specify
resolution with what precision density is meas-
typical CCD scanners are limited to
a useful optical density range of 0 to
Because of all this attention to ured over that range. 2.3, maybe 2.5. Camcorders use
noise reduction, the output can be A CCD element is designed to CCD detectors to record images on
normalised by a log amplifier, just as produce voltage when it detects light video tape. When the light level is
it is in the laser film digitizer. This (photons). This voltage level is digi-
means once again that very precise tized and the resulting digital value is




very low, the image becomes fuzzy, required for mammography films). If 2.4 to 2.5 OD, which is almost an or-
contrast is poor, and colour quality is you place a strip of scotch tape per- der of magnitude lower performance
significantly degraded. The same phe- pendicular to the density bars, you than the Lurniscan 20 (remember 00
nomena occur when scanning a dark will created a density differential of is a log function).
film with a typical CCD scanner - about 0.03 OD. The Lumiscan 75 will differenti-
there just aren't enough photons to The idea is to demonstrate per- ate the bars up to 3.6 00 and you
provide useful information. formance using known input: (a) can see the tape - without much noise
what is the dynamic range of the sys- - as expected. And the Lurniscan 85
Diagnostic tem (when do the density bars begin performs well up to 4.1 00, again per
quality to be difficult to differentiate), and specification.
Radiologists based many of their (b) what is the density precision of
diagnoses on very small changes in the system (at what density level can The final analysis
optical densities which they see on you no longer see the tape). It should In the final analysis, much of the
film and which they should want to be noted that comparisons of digi-, decision is economics. If patient vol-
see on digitized images. tized clinical images are not very ume/critical need justifies a laser film
meaningful because the density range digitizer, then it is absolutely the best
How to compare and the density differentials are not choice of all. The primary reason for
A very simple but telling test is to known. buying a CCD-based scanner is be-
digitize a calibrated step wedge with You will find that the Lumiscan cause price is more important than
densities ranging as high as you feel 20 will differentiate the bars up to quality as in low volume, convenience
appropriate to your particular appli- 3.200 and the tape is visible at the teleradiology, etc.
cation (for diagnostic teleradiology, 3.2 00 level, although the data is
This information was supplied by
0-3.6 is a good range; 0-3.2 is fine for noisy as would be expected. Most Imed.
convenience teleradiology; 0-4.1 is other CCD scanners will not exceed


Africa.The SeleCT SP CT scanners will South Africa. Evaluation and adjudica-

be situated in rural and urban sites serv- tion was unique in that all suppliers were
icing the +8 million population of the invited to an open adjudication of the
The Elseint
province. Hospitals recommended for tender submissions and were provided
SeleCT SP wins installation include: Ngwelazana Hos- opportunities to question comp tition
CT Spiral pital, Madadeni Hospital, R.K.Khan on various aspects of their systems.
Hospital, Ladysmith Hospital, Greys According to Elseint the SeleCT SP
KwaZulu Natal Hospital and Port Shepstone Hospital. is unique in its class, in that it utilizes
tender In addition, these sites will all be the premium technology of the Elseint
linked to Wentworth Hospital, Durban, CT Spiral family of systems. This spiral
The KwaZulu Natal Department of for diagnosis referral. The OmniPro scanner with its short geometry, low
Health and Welfare has announced system is to be used as the basis for voltage slip rings and solid state detec-
Elscint, South Africa, as the successful teleradiology using Telkom Digmet tors has the highest efficiency in respect
tenderer for the supply of CT spiral routers with 64kBaud/s transfer rates. of dose utilization. This translates into
scanners and teleradiology to the The tender was won on a perform- excellent image quality and significant
KwaZulu Natal province. Itis the larg- ance and cost basis with competition operating cost savings to the users. Fur-
est single CT order of its kind in South from all major CT manufacturers in thermore, it is capable of large patient


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