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A history of Attracting the World Partners at Leader Associate's Event

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Diponegoro, Jakarta, Indonesia

2-3 December, 2020

“ It’ s been a superbly organised and well assembled couple of days.

The mix of discussions from various points of view was well bal-
anced and contributed to many engaging conversations over the
coffee breaks ”
Mr. Abdulla Zayed
Teguh Widhi Harsono
Vice President, Corporate Finance
Vernon Sapalatua
General Manager, Head of Development
and Investment (Asia) of Masdar
SMBC, Japan
PT PLN Head of Strategy Management Masdar

“ A very interesting and worthwhile conference with very knowl-

edgeable and experienced speakers. ”
Cubico Sustainable Investments, UK
Mohammad Rasheed Salman Baray Hein Oomen David Cullerier
Director EBT Country Director, Indonesia Head of Engie Solar APAC President Director ENGIE Energy Indonesia

“ Congratulations for a very well organized event, I found it very

rich in terms of networking opportunities and arguments dis-
cussed.” I consider it a very good experience.”
Encavis, Germany
Jerome Baco Sunil Gupta Joost Van Acht Bjoern Heidrich
Chief Operating Officer Regional Head - SEA and South Asia Senior Investment Manager Country Director, Indonesia
Cleantech Solar Vena Energy Berkeley Energy BayWa r.e.

“ A very good event, with lots of participation from international

companies. Leader Associates team were very good at getting key
players to attend and put together a comprehensive group of
topics. ”
Societe Generale, France
Florian Kitt Geoffrey Tan Daniel Mallo Rakhi Anand
Energy Specialist, SEA Managing Director, Asia Pacific Head of Energy, Infrastructure First Vice President, Project Finance
ADB U.S. International Development and Metals & Mining, Asia Pacific SMBC
Finance Corporation (DFC) Societe Generale

“Thanks again for the very good organization of the conference, it

was useful for me to make this first step in new market and talk with
some of the people attending this event, we will very likely contin-
ue to investigate further the eventual opportunities in coming near
Mada Ayu Habsari
Managing Director
Andre Susanto
Dr. Marlistya Citraningrum
Program Manager Sustainable
Rico Syah Alam
Chief Executive Officer
PT Arya Watala Capital PT Inovasi Dinamika Pratama Energy Access
Institute for Essential Services Reform
EDF Renewables
M ar ket Ho r izon
2020 will be a starting year for Indonesia's renewable energy market re-boom

Project Factsheets Renewable Outlook and Future Targets

14000 ·Largest Population in ASEAN(260 Million)
Villages had not received electricity 2019 2025
·Largest Economy in ASEAN(1126 billion)
·Largest Energy Consumer in ASEAN
(38%) 0.1815GW 14.3GW
Wind power
installed capacity
0. 075 GW 1.8 GW
Sidrap: 75 MW Wind Farm, PT UPC
Palaan: 1.3 MW rooftop solar, Total Solar 2025 Target
23% Re Mix Solar power
installed capacity
0.0585 GW 6.5 GW
South Sumtara: 10MW solar power station, PT SESM

Microgrid installed capacity

Sumatera: 300 MW PV power plant, ENGIE 0.048 GW 6 GW

West Java: 145 MW floating PV, Masdar

Evolving Regulatory Framework for Growth Bases

With an expected energy consumption growth rate of 4.9%

over 2019-2028, the greatest challenges of Indonesia to MEMR No.
6.42% achieve universal electrification is their remote regions and is- Simplify rooftop licenses & processes
lands that currently heavily dependent to high-cost diesel fuel.
Therefore, renewable energy is a more affordable substitutes
Energy demand for people.
growth rate
MEMR No. Capacity and emergency energy charges
Targeting to reach 23% of renewables share in primary energy 16/2019 reduction on industry clients
mix by 2025 and 31% by 2050, Indonesia has to install a total-
ing of 6.5GW solar and 1.8GW of wind in the next 5 years. How-
ever,by the end of 2019, the total installed capacity of solar and
23% wind in the country only reached approximately 181 MV. With
Presidential Project<10MW: FiT program
its overall potential, government released relevant regulatory
Regulation Project>10MW: Direct selection
Renewable energy to stimulate the renewable market.
09:00~09:20 Keynote- Facilitating Foreign Direct Investment
for Indonesia's Green Future - Role of BKPM and
an u n i qu e a nd intensive way to cem ent bus in es s co nta c ts Supporting Policies
an d ex p l o re a pro m ising ren ewa bl e en ergy m a r k et in I n do -
n e s i a. Speaker : Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (Inviting)

About the Project Matchmaking (Approval Basis) 09:20~09:40 Market Information- The State Of Renewable
Energy In Indonesia
Speaker: Open for speaker
Designed to expedite business partnerships between international stakeholder and
local community, the GEFI project matchmaing serves as a premium communication
channel to enable precise project match-making in terms of pre-stage development,
investment, preliminary design of EPC solutions, and close of the funding gap. Partici-
pants of the “GEFI trade mission” will firstly meet with local project owners for ongoing
09:40~12:10 Pipeline Fund
and pipeline projects on the market, followed a specially-arranged 1-1 meeting plat-
form to boost the partnrtship building. Project Type

• Rooftop Solar
This project matchmaking will be held on the first day of GEFI and consist of up to 15 • Ground-Mount Solar
companies from the local renewable energy sector to give a presentation to share the • Floating Solar
future project pipeline , so as to enhance further efficient contacts and one-on-one • Offshore Wind
meetings with international stakeholders. • Onshore Wind
• Mini-grid/microgrid

Who Should Attend ?

12:10~14:00 Lunch

Business owners, entrepreneurs and executives interested in developing partnership

networks and to discover collaboration and market opportunities are very welcome to
join the project matchmaing in GEFI. 14:00~19:00 1-1 Meeting International Investor &
Developer Records

M ar k et O ver view Pi pe l i ne Fu nd 1-1 M e e t i ng Pl at fo r m

GEFI honorably invite the Indo- Meet local project owners to Strengthen the connection
nesia Investment Coordinating discover the pre-stage develop- between industry stakeholders
Board to bring a closer picture of ing opportunity with more ongo- and build-up high quality local
regulation and policy direction. ing and pipeline projects partnership through our 1-1
Also overview the renewable meeting platform
energy market with authoritative
expert and consultants.
08:45 - 09:00 Keynote- An Overview of Indonesia's Renewable Energy Situation 14:00 - 14:50 Panel- 100% Electrification Ratio Boosted in Remote, Rural, Island
Regions - Experience and Perspectives
Speaker: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (Inviting) Moderator: Open for sponsor
•Akuo Energy- I Komang Adi Aswantara, Project Manager (Confirmed)
09:00 - 09:20 Keynote- The Role of PT PLN in Renewable Energy’s Future
•PT Arya Watala Capital- Mada Ayu Habsari, Managing Director (Confirmed)
•Electric Vine (Inviting)
Speaker: PT PLN- Darmawan Prasodjo, Deputy President Director •Canopy Power (Inviting)
•Rumah Energi (Inviting)
•PT Inovasi Dinamika Pratama- Andre Susanto, Founder (Confirmed)
09:20 - 09:40 Keynote-
Accelerating the Coal-to-Green Energy Transition in Indonesia
Speaker: PJB- Vernon Sapalatua, General Manager, Head of Strategy Management (Confirmed) 14:50 - 15:10 Market Information

Speaker: Open for sponsor

09:40 - 10:30 Panel-Building a Sustainable Future with FIT& Direct Selection,
and What is the Impact for Developers
15:10 - 16:00 Panel- Investing & Financing in Renewable Energy in Indonesia
Moderator: IESR- Dr. Marlistya Citraningrum, PM Sustainable Energy Acces (Confirmed)
Panelist Moderator: Open for sponsor
•ADB- Florian Kitt, Energy Specialist, SEA (Confirmed) Panelist
•PT SESNA- Rico Syah Alam Chief Executive Officer (Confirmed) •World Bank (Inviting)
•ENGIE- David Cullerier, Country Director Indonesia (Confirmed) •KFW (Inviting)
•UPC Renewables (Inviting) •PLN- Teguh Widhi Harsono, Vice President, Corporate Finance (Confirmed)
•SMBC- Rakhi Anand, First Vice President, Project Finance (Confirmed)
•Berkeley Energy- Joost Van Acht, Senior Investment Manager (Confirmed)
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break •ACWA- Salman Baray, Country Director, Indonesia (Confirmed)
•DFC- Geoffrey Tan Managing Director, Asia Pacific (Confirmed)

11:00 - 11:50 Panel- The Future Of Rooftop Solar In Indonesia-

Industry And Commerce 16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break
Moderator: the Asosiasi Energi Surya Indonesia (AESI) (Inviting)
Panelist 16:30 - 17:20 Panel- Investing In Utility-scale Wind Farm
16:00 - 16:30
•Cleantech Solar - Jerome Baco, Chief Operating Officer (Confirmed) Moderator: SL Engineers- Benoit Prim, Technical Director (Confirmed)
•BayWa r.e. - Bjoern Heidrich Country Director, Indonesia (Confirmed)
•ENGIE - Hein Oomen, Head of ENGIE solar APAC (Confirmed)
•AC energy (Inviting)
•Green fields (Inviting)
•Mainstream Renewable Power (Inviting)
•Nike (Inviting)
•PT Binatek Energi Terbarukan (Inviting)
•PT Indah Karya (Inviting)
•Vena energy- Sunil Gupta, Regional Head of Southeast Asia and South Asia (Confirmed)
11:50 - 12:40 Panel- Unlocking The Potential Of Floating Solar •Total Eren (Inviting)

Moderator: DNV GL (Inviting)

Panelist 17:20 - 18:10 Panel- How To Make Re Project Profitable- Barriers And Solutions
•Masdar - Abdulla Zayed, Head of Development & Investment, Asia (Confirmed) Moderator: Indonesian Renewable Energy Society (METI)-(Inviting)
•Akuo Energy- Refi Kunaefi, Country Director Indonesia (Confirmed)
•Marubeni Asian Power Singapore Pte Ltd- (Inviting)
•Adaro (Inviting)
•PT. Sumber Energi Sukses Makmur- Mohammad Hamza Al Rasheed, Director EBT (Confirmed)
•Sunseap Group (Inviting)
•Medco Power Indonesia (Inviting)
•Radiant Utama Interinsco tbk (Inviting)
12:40 - 14:00 Lunch •PJB Investasi (Inviting)
•Societe Generale- Daniel Mallo Head of Energy, Asia Pacific (Confirmed)
Premium sponsorship A whole-year fully integrated digital campaign with diversified channels
This option is for proactive companies to have a place to lead the market and grab market share. Sponsorship
packages are customized to meet your specific marketing goals, typically including high visibility speaking slots,
3rd party marketing Remarketing
moderation roles, a large prominent stand and facilitated meetings.
· Solo emails Jakarta, Indonesia
September 8, 2020
· Newsletter banners
· Web banners Event brochure
Co-host events
// // //

· List rental
Why not host the brand conference within one big event and make the best use of your time? You can enjoy the · Google display
privilege of private luncheons, 1-1 online meeting platform, cocktail reception, and discreet conference zone...
· Trade press/partners
Our team will work with you to produce the most relevant format.
Event website
Email awareness
Jakarta , Indonesia

Networking Opportunties September 8, 2020

There are over 300 seats available at the conference venue. There’s a variety of meeting and networking oppor- // // // //// // // //

tunties available. The earlier you reserve, the better you will seize the opportunties.
Jakarta, Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia
September 8, 2020
September 8, 2020

reasons why it is a great marketing opportunity

Expose your brand to over 300 industry stakeholders across the renewable energy sector in Indonesia Email nuture Direct bookings
Create and reinforce leadership in the day by day maturing market
Content marketing

Meet and partner with the utilities, policy makers, power producers, investors, developers, large energy
users, government bodies and key industry stakeholders in Indonesia
Launch new products, discuss new initiatives and reach new heights

Gain great market insights of both solar and wind at one time

Get access to valuable first-hand information and the latest developments

Establish partnerships and collaborations

Leverage on our extensive marketing campaign with company information spread widely
Your Vision is Our Mission
N E T WORK I NG WITH YOUR 200+ 1-1 Meetings Successfully Scheduled

FUT U RE PAR TNERS Start building business connections and partnerships by using Jublia 1-1 Meeting
Platfrom, our user-friendly event networking and matchmaking service.

Networking has a huge impact on business and professional

development, and we are pleased to creat the conditions
for you to make full use of your time at #GEFI 2020. How does it work
It is incredibly simple. An unique login link will be sent to delegates and exhibitors
two weeks before the event. All you need to do is just signing in the the system,
and then you can match other attendees based on your itention and meeting invi-
Cocktail Reception, Coffee Break & Daily Catering
Enjoy buffet lunches, refreshment breaks, and
cocktail reception with all delegates and exhibi-
tors. Expand connections, visit exhibits and dis-
Add your photo, simple introduction, social media
cuss business opportunities. links and more. Display what you want others to know!

1-1 Meetings
More than 200 1-1 meetings are expected to be Select time, send a meeting request, and wait to
arranged during the full-day event thourgh our receive a table number automaticaly.
1-1 meeting platform, and a discreet 1-1 meeting
area will be used for the private meetings.

Jublia offers you matches based on what you are look-

ing for and what you can offer. View attendees profiles
Exhibition Visit that are ranked in order of relevance to you.

Meet and connect with industry specialists, sup-

pliers and product manufacturers to learn about 1-1 meeting platform will be launched
two weeks before the conference
lead-edge technologies and innovations. Go to your schedule to manage your time availability
and meeting requests.
What is ready for you?

R e gi s t rat i o n Pr i c i n g
TICKET E A R LY B I R D ( BY AU G E S T 3 0 , 2 0 2 0 ) PRICE
Co n fe re n ce USD 715 USD 795
Join the GEFI 2020 Cocktail Reception and Project Matchmaking USD 760 USD 845
Take the stage to present your thought leader-
ship to key-position and executive audience.
enjoy networking with renewable profession-
Drill down further to finance, policy and
als in the Indonesian market, which could St a n d a rd Pa c k a g e USD 1199 USD 1640
technology development of Green Energy.
creat the giant possibility to build the partner-
ship with them.

Th re e Ways to R e gi s te r
Online: i n d o n e s i a . gre e n e n e rg y- f u t u re. co m
E-mail: zo e y. z h u @ l e a d e r- a s s o c i ate s. co m
Te l : + 8 6 2 1 6 4 1 9 9 8 7 0 E x t. 8 1 1 8
Pr i nt a b l e a n d Fi l l a b l e re gi s t rat i o n fo r m s at zo e y. z h u @ l e a d e r- a s s o c i ate s. co m
Get on board with a panel discussion to dive This is the time for you to express ideas to all the
deeply and to exchange ideas of the South attendees at conference room. Let them know
Korean renewable market. If you also have what is the valuable insights of challenge and
interest in showcasing your message to the oppotunities, as well as get in touch closely with
audience, please feel free to let me know. renewable professionals.

E a c h D e l e g ate Wi l l b e E nt i t l e d to
Full Access Pass: full- day conference pass, coffee breaks and exhibition
Slides and documentation used in presentations and discussions
Luncheons, Cocktail Reception as well as Wi-Fi access
Company logo shown on event website
Online Business Matchmak ing Ser vice and 1-1 Meeting Oppor tunities
Secure a private meeting to conduct deeper and
engage in more discussions onsite. We have Visit exhibition area in Green Energy Future
limited 1-1 meetings seats available, so book Indoneisa 2020 to learn the latest technology
early to ensure you could meet who you would and solution of Solar and Wind, as well as to size up
like to build potential partnership. a potential partner.


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