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Junior High School Unit
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Student’s Activity Worksheet

Angelene Madrazo
Name of Student: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________
Grade and Section: 10-Einstein
____________________________________ Score: __________________


What I Am Aware Of
Instructions: Read and choose the best answer.
A 1. Which of the following supports the idea of structuralist/formalist?
A. It studies the text, without considering any external influence.
B. It focuses on cultural beliefs, without showcasing the importance of cultural diversity.
C. It serves as reminders, without empathizing with the various challenges in life.
D. It fosters a better relationship, without the real views of people.
C 2. Which of the following statements is following the moralistic view in critiquing a literary selection?
A. It is anchored on viewing the importance of factual events.
B. It is predetermined based on crafting possible problems to solutions.
C. It is focused on judging the value of literature according to moral lessons or ethical concerns.
D. It is centered on aligning basic literary concepts.
C 3. All these options support the Marxist‟s way of critiquing a literary text, except:
A. It discusses literary factual concerns.
B. It focuses on important practical issues.
C. It views literary works as reflections of the social institutions.
D. It assesses trivial matters.
A 4. When making a feminist approach in critiquing a literary selection, it is expected to:
A. expose various ways to reinforce or undermine the economic, political, social, psychological subjugation
of women.
B. focus on several ways to emphasize that women are more powerful than men.
C. argue on numerous accounts that women can do better in producing outputs.
D. contend more ideas that women should learn how to control their emotions.

C 5. Which of the following learning concepts differentiates Historical from the Reader- response points of
A. Historical criticism talks about culture, nevertheless Reader-response seems to dwell on sharing
B. Historical criticism recounts details, but Reader-response displays various sentiments.
C. Historical criticism involves beyond the literature at the wider historical and cultural events happening
during the text was written, while Reader-response is centered on readers‟ reactions to literature.
D. Historical criticism encompasses emotions, whereas Reader-response is focused on possible replies
taken from the reading selection.

1|S t u d e n t ’ s A c t i v i t y W o r k s h e e t i n E n g l i s h 1 0
Activity Sheet no. 1 Quarter 3 Week no. 3
Topic: Critique a literary selection based on the following approaches: structuralist/formalist,
moralist, Marxist, feminist, historical and reader-response

At the end of the lesson, YOU CAN critique a literary selection based on the following approaches:
structuralist/formalist, moralist, Marxist, feminist, historical and reader-response.


Checking for Understanding

Instructions: Summarize what you have read by completing the table below with what you have understood.


Example: This approach regards literature as A primary goal for formalist
Formalism/Structuralism “a unique form of human critics is to determine how
knowledge that needs to be elements of form (style, structure,
examined on its own terms.” tone, imagery etc.) work together
with the texts content to shape its
effects upon readers.
A moralistic approach aims to
This approach is a type of focus individuals, couples, families,
literary critique that judges the and professionals on a moralistic
value of the literature based on definition of relationship, life, and
Moralist Approach its moral lessons or ethical family processes that presumes a
teachings. moral ascendancy of one value
system over others.
This approach is both a critical The Marxist approach aims to explore
approach that wants to always question the ways in which the ruling influencers
the mainstream policy-driven of society can be said to oppress the
approaches to IR theory and a classical lower class in some shape or form, while
Marxist Approach approach via the philosophical and acting with their own interests. This
sociological tradition of its namesake, includes the act of commodification and
the philosopher Karl Marx. exploitation of the labour of the working
The primary goals of feminist critics
This approach takes as a central precept
that the patriarchal attitudes that have include analyzing how sexual identity
dominated western thought have resulted, influences the reader of a text, and
Feminist Approach consciously or unconsciously, in literature examining how the images of men and
“full of unexamined ‘male-produced’ women in imaginative literature reflect
assumptions.” It attempts to correct this or reject the social forces that have
imbalance by analyzing and combatting historically kept the sexes from
such attitudes. achieving total equality.
This approach seeks to
understand a literary work by A key goal for historical critics
investigating the social, is to understand the effect of
Historical Approach cultural, and intellectual context a literary work upon its
that produced it - a context that original readers.
necessarily includes the artist’s
biography and milieu.
This approach takes as a fundamental The aim of reader-response critics is to
tenet that literature exists not as an emphasize how religious, cultural, and social
artifact upon a printed page but as a values affect readings. This type of approach
Reader-Response transaction between the physical text also overlaps with gender criticism in exploring
how men and women read the same text with
Criticism and the mind of a reader. It attempts different assumptions. Though this approach
to describe what happens in the rejects the notion that a single "correct” reading
reader’s mind while interpreting a text exists for a literary work, it does not consider all
and reflects that reading, like writing, readings permissible. Each text creates limits to
its possible interpretations.
is a creative process.

2|S t u d e n t ’ s A c t i v i t y W o r k s h e e t i n E n g l i s h 1 0
Guided Practice
Instructions: Read the poem below and answer the question that follows.

Ode to Family Photographs

by Gary Soto

Mama was never good at pictures.

This is a statue of a famous general who lost an arm,
And this is me with my head fut off.
This a trash can chained to a gate,
This is my father with his eyes half-closed.
This a photograph of my sister
And a giraffe looking over her shoulder.
This is our car's front bumper.
This is a bird with a pretzel in its beak.
This is my brother Pedro standing on one leg on a rock.
With a smear of chocolate on his face.
Mama sneezed when she looked
Behind the camera: the snapshots are blurry,
The angles dizzy as a spin on a merry-go-round.
But we had fun when Mama picked up the camera.
How can I tell?
Each of us laughing hard.
Can you see: I have candy in my mouth

The Reader Response Perspective

Reread the poem with these questions in mind, and then answer the following questions:
• What family photos of your own come to mind as you read the poem?
• Who is your usual family photographer? Why?
• What might people be able to tell about your family from the photographs?
The Formalist Perspective
Reread the poem with these questions in mind, and then answer the following questions:
• What are some of the images that are conjured up as you read the poem?
• In what ways is this poem different from most poems you‟ve read?
• How would you describe the tone of the poem? Support your response with specific lines or
phrases from the poem.


Instructions: Read and understand the sample critique.
To begin studying the material, use the preliminary questions as a starting point.

My Hollywood
“It was a pleasure to work on your book, My Hollywood. As a reader I learned a great
deal about the impact of consumer culture on women and the empty feminine ideals it
promotes. And I learned much about you, a writer, thinker, and woman who has been brave
enough to pull all the stops and reflect on your upbringing and analyze the forces that have
influenced your life. The voice you write with is smart, wisecracking, and honest; a voice that
young women today can relate with. I think your book will speak to many women who
struggle with the same issues you once faced [...] in the process of becoming a Hollywood
desirable.” (“Sample Critique.” The Artful Editor. Accessed December 13, 2020.

3|S t u d e n t ’ s A c t i v i t y W o r k s h e e t i n E n g l i s h 1 0
1. What literary approach is used in this critique?
In this critique, the Formalistic/Structuralism approach was used.



2. Why do you think the writer used the said approach in critiquing the literary selection?
The writer used Formalistic/Structuralism approach in critiquing the literary selection because
the critique examines plot, characterization, dialogue, point of view, setting, and style to show
how these elements contribute to the theme or unity of the literary work. In addition, the meaning
and value of the literary work resides in the text itself, independent of the author's intent.

What I Have Learned

Let’s find out how much you have learned about our topic for this week!
Instructions: Analyze each text and identify whether it focuses on any of the following approaches in
critiquing a literary selection: A. Structuralist/Formalist, B. Moralist, C. Marxist, D. Feminist,Historical or F.
Reader-Response. Write your answer on the space provided before each number in CAPITAL LETTERS.

C 1. Study The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. This book takes place in the
American South in the 19th century and follows a white boy, Huck, as he helps a black slave, Jim,
escape his situation. Here we've got quite a bit more detail. Instead of just two large classes, society
is divided into several smaller ones ( Accessed August 28, 2020).
D 2. Judith Little and Megan S. Lloyd argue that Alice is a “literally underground image of a
woman” battling the “system.” Still, they also view Alice‟s insistence, activity, and curiosity as
typically “Un-Victorian” traits that make her an example of a seditious woman. But for Lloyd, Alice
can also be considered as an ideal role model for any society simultanenously (Criticism of „Alice‟.
Accessed August 17, 2020).
B 3. Samuel Johnson once stressed in his novel entitled, The History of Rasselas, Prince of
Abissinia the following words: “I have here the world before me; I will review it at leisure: surely
happiness is somewhere to be found… Happiness must be something solid and permanent, without
fear and without uncertainty.” He simply recounts the story of a prince „who escapes from the valley
of happiness,‟ to search for perpetual bliss. However, he realizes that this kind of happiness does not
exist (“Moral - Examples and Definition of Moral.” Literary Devices, May 28, 2017).
A 4. Through Phoenix‟s strenuous journey in the wild country of Natchez Trace, Eudora Welty
uses her protagonist to symbolically show the struggle of African-Americans toward equality and
integration in the South after the Civil War (Writing a Formalist Literary Analysis. Accessed
September 1, 2020).
(Source: Columbres, Cristina G. Critique A Literary Selection Based on Some Approaches. Quarter 3 CapSLETs.ZCDO. 2020)

Instructions: Use the pool of ideas to match each literary approach to its corresponding explanation.
Structuralist/ Moralist Marxist Feminist Historical Reader-
Formalist response
5. A 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. F 10. E
Examining on how the literary Analyzing mores and human
elements create meaning behavior
Emphasizing a system of equal rights Defending personal reaction to a
among men and women text
Analyzing the capitalist system of the Exploring the events and forces
society that might affect the author’s
literary work

4|S t u d e n t ’ s A c t i v i t y W o r k s h e e t i n E n g l i s h 1 0
Guided Practice

The Reader Response Perspective

Reread the poem with these questions in mind, and then answer the following questions:

• What family photos of your own come to mind as you read the poem?

As I read the poem "Ode to Family Photographs" by Gary Soto, I think of the photo that my family and
I took at the beach when we were on vacation in Boracay. The poem also makes me think of that time
when my family and I took a picture of ourselves when we went to The City of Dreams in Manila. My
brother and I played lots of games there.

• Who is your usual family photographer? Why?

My mother is usually the family photographer because she is the one who knows all the good angles
to take all the good shots. She is also the one in our family that is very fond of taking photos.

• What might people be able to tell about your family from the photographs?

If people look at my family and I in a photograph, they might be able to tell that we are a traditional
Asian/Filipino family. Based from the way my family and I usually have our arms around each other in
a photo, people might also be able to tell that we are family-oriented individuals and love each other
very much.

The Formalist Perspective

Reread the poem with these questions in mind, and then answer the following questions:

• What are some of the images that are conjured up as you read the poem?

Some images that are conjured up as I read the poem are a statue of a famous general with no arm, a
trash can chained to a gate, an old man with his eyes half-closed, a teenage girl standing in front of a
giraffe, a bird with a pretzel in its beak, a young boy standing on one leg on a rock with a smear of
chocolate on his face, people spinning on a merry-go-round, and a whole family laughing together
with candy in their mouths.

• In what ways is this poem different from most poems you've read?

The poem "Ode to Family Photographs" by Gary Soto is different from most poems I have read since
this poem does not have rhyming syllables at the end of each line. Most poems I have read usually
have figures of speech and idioms while this poem does not. Each line in the poem has a simple and
direct description that I can picture in my head.

• How would you describe the tone of the poem? Support your response with specific lines or phrases
from the poem.

I would describe the tone of the poem "Ode to Family Photographs" by Gary Soto as carefree and
outgoing. In general, the tone of the poem is happy. This is because of the following lines in the poem:
"But we had fun when Mama picked up the camera. How can I tell? Each of us laughing hard."

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